Big Girl's Blouse asks: Drug fuelled orgies ending in a pile of vomit? Accidental spillage of Chocolate Pudding looking like a dirty protest? Someone walking in on you doing something that isn't what it looks like?... Tell us about your Bedroom Disasters
( , Thu 23 Jun 2011, 15:14)
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Happy Midsummer Everyone :)
EDIT: Lol. 2 deleted relies already... MTFU ;o)
( , Fri 24 Jun 2011, 14:31, 31 replies)

I hope it takes after you : )
Edit: I thought it was a computer monitor and was going to make a joke accordingly.
( , Fri 24 Jun 2011, 14:34, closed)

These pics always look similar but so personal when it's your own. Congrats.
( , Fri 24 Jun 2011, 14:38, closed)

*golf clap*
You sicken me.
( , Fri 24 Jun 2011, 14:40, closed)

Aye... and no matter how hard I try to see it's genitals, I can't seem to find any.... :o(
( , Fri 24 Jun 2011, 14:41, closed)

Congratulations! :) I remember how excited I was when I first saw our little one (now three months old) and how real it made the upcoming upheaval in our lives! I hope all goes well for you and remember to stock up on your sleep....!
( , Fri 24 Jun 2011, 14:54, closed)

Humpty jnr is going to have a more carbon fibre toys to play with than Lewis Hamilton.
Oh and *click*.
( , Fri 24 Jun 2011, 15:19, closed)

... and unless we spot a monster-cock or a mini-maw on the next scan, we'll be bathing in ignorance - the only time where self-imposed ignorance is acceptable I reckon.
( , Fri 24 Jun 2011, 17:36, closed)

The ultrasound person pointed out somethingy and said "It's a girl".
Afterwards the missus broke out crying. "Whaaa.?" says I.
"She's going to get cancer."
(I should interject here - the missus was 2 years out from a (successful) mastectomy and we both have strong family histories of cancer.)EDIT: for me - it's where the chips may lie - I drink (a lot) & smoke very moderately (a pack a week - only while I'm drinking).
I carefully & politely pointed out that bub had just as much chance getting run over by an on-time bus as she had at getting breast cancer, all we have to do (as good parents) is make her aware of the risks.
Hope it's a girl - have fun teaching her how to change tap washers & car tyres.
( , Sat 25 Jun 2011, 8:17, closed)

We'r having one in five weeks time. She was the size of a bean in the first scan so we refer to her as 'heinz'
( , Fri 24 Jun 2011, 15:29, closed)

Spawn Of TitanLX is due in 5 weeks. it gets more and more exciting the closer to the due date.
( , Fri 24 Jun 2011, 15:32, closed)

well done on bringing another consumer in to this vitriolic cess pit of life that is reality
i vote this for youngest B3TA member
congrats though on getting it in the right one
i have two and they dont get any better than blowing all your hopes and dreams away with the first on set of lack of sleep etc
seriously tho well done
can you post the video of the birth so we can see her lady bits ? before the birth
( , Fri 24 Jun 2011, 15:48, closed)

... for my man-bits. There's a picture on Wikipedia. :o)
( , Fri 24 Jun 2011, 17:34, closed)

We're happy to babysit anytime, now that we know where you live :)
( , Sat 25 Jun 2011, 21:49, closed)

Also, I like the jungle motif of your hospital. Very Lion King.
( , Wed 29 Jun 2011, 19:35, closed)

It's just because it was taken on midsummer in Sweden.. flowers Y'see.. we show how much we appreciate nature by killing the flowers.
Someone thought it was a shrine of some sort... WTF? :D
( , Thu 30 Jun 2011, 13:10, closed)
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