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This is a question Bugs and feature requests

Found a problem on B3ta? Want other features that we don't currently offer? Type your ideas here with your finger-mouths. (We don't promise we'll act on any of it, but we will read it and your words could even prompt us into action.)

(, Wed 1 Nov 2006, 11:48)
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New Book
You've had the Sick Joke book - why not produce a QOTW book? You've got loads of material and there are so many good stories. If nothing else, it's a fascinating anthropological study of modern western civilisation, or something....

It'll need editing and proofing, but I'd buy it. Or I'd steal it.
(, Tue 27 Mar 2007, 10:17, Reply)
I think threads on the main board that get frontpaged should turn a different color or have some sort of star explosion to signify this earthshattering event.
That way the poster and all the other people on the main board would know that it got frontpaged automatically.
There could be a word for being frontpaged like being 'blued' (if the post turns blue) and competitions for acheiving the fastest 'blue'.
(, Mon 26 Mar 2007, 20:56, Reply)
Would it be possible
to add a feature to the QotW so that it's possible to edit/delete old answers? To maintain semi-confidential details you didn't really think people would mind about at the time, etc?
(, Fri 23 Mar 2007, 20:55, Reply)
Two things would be nice!
1. A who's online thing would be lovely.

2. when you click 'hide' it'd be nicer if just the images in that post hid themselves, or even that post, but not the answers to it that follow.

Of course, you could ignore me completely!
(, Fri 23 Mar 2007, 17:26, Reply)
i think B3ta is perfect the way it is
(, Thu 22 Mar 2007, 16:58, Reply)
QOTW sillyness
How about limiting people to a single post so they can't spam the board if they feel that particular weeks question is a bit shit?
(, Wed 21 Mar 2007, 9:10, Reply)
Let's get random!
Hows abouts a "Random" button on every page that opens a strictly random post/picture/link/competition etc.

I'm not sure why but I would most certainly click on a button labled "Random"!
(, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 16:14, Reply)
retrieval system for hosted images
When an image is hosted by b3ta (which is a fab service) it would be really handy if you could find your own previous images without trawling through all your old posts, either by a search or a link in your profile.

e.g. you've posted a wooyay image in praise of a pic and you'd like to use it again but don't want to waste space by rehosting it

edit : We now have it and braw it is too!
(, Sat 17 Mar 2007, 9:13, Reply)
like kittenwar, but you take pictures from old image challanges and pair them off. Use the results to order the listing of the images in the challenges. Would be a nice way to give old images a new viewing
(, Wed 14 Mar 2007, 11:57, Reply)
For the /talk page
Can their be a 'collapse thread' feature like board, so if someone doesn't like a thread, they can just collapse it so it doesn't get in the way of threads below it?

Also be useful when a thread has no interest, and you're trying to take part in a conversation a couple of threads below
and can't be arsed with opening loads of new tabs etc, or if there's a massive threadrush.
(, Mon 12 Mar 2007, 13:00, Reply)
How about a "links" button on the front page?
There's a message board button and a talk button but no links button. I am a newish regular on there and feel a bit left out!
(, Sat 10 Mar 2007, 17:25, Reply)
In addition to the "Ignore" button
how about a temporary feature (as in you can't post again for five minutes if you click this) called
"Right now you're a cock"

edit : even better if it says "Right now, 26 people think you're a cock"

I'm sure it would be popular.
(, Fri 9 Mar 2007, 0:34, Reply)
If you reply to any post with only the words "fuck off"
your reply should not be posted, but the person you're replying to should go in your ignore file.
(, Thu 8 Mar 2007, 14:37, Reply)
E-mail prank
You know how when you sign up for a new e-mail address or other username someone always allready has the cool names? It never fails, no matter how clever and original you may think you name is, someone has allways snagged it. So I thought why don't we pick on the privalaged few that have the cool usernames?

My Idea:
Make a website or blog that compiles e-mails written to these people, and their replies.

Like so:
To:[email protected]
Dear Batman,
Help Batman! The Joker is out again and he's poisoning the cities water suply with laughing gas! please help!
Commissioner Gordon

what do you think? Gaz me with your thoughts.
(, Sun 4 Mar 2007, 1:37, Reply)
I would like to be able to delete old answers i've written to QOTWs.
that's probably all.
(, Thu 1 Mar 2007, 19:57, Reply)
On /links, replace all occurences of the phrase GC or glasscock
with the phrase 'I need to get a fucking life'

To stop every other person on /links from denouncing something as GC, because they've seen it once before, 2 years ago.
(, Wed 21 Feb 2007, 12:53, Reply)
Feature request:
/talk to be replaced with an IRC channel for a month.

Would save on bandwidth and amuse me greatly.
(, Mon 19 Feb 2007, 22:20, Reply)
Here's my request, because I'm an attention-whore
(, Fri 16 Feb 2007, 10:24, Reply)
Can we have better lighting?
These energy saving bulbs give me a headache.
(, Fri 16 Feb 2007, 10:23, Reply)
I like this ...
... needs a "I like this so f**king much I mailed it to all my non b3ta reading so called mates"

Worth 5x I Like this ???
(, Fri 9 Feb 2007, 13:40, Reply)



THE B3TA Graphic/Written Novel IDEA

first off there are no set rules for any of the following, if anyone has a better way of doing this by all means suggest it - and let me be clear this is not my project, it is overseen and managed by everyone who contributes - (but we might need a quality control panel?)

I'm getting loads of feedback and good ideas on this - at the moment it's all in my inbox - so I thought the next step was to set up this place, as a way of letting everyone gather in a forum to discuss ideas:


This is for a B3ta Graphic/written novel where each of us submits 1 page each - even those B3tans who can't illustrate can just submit a page of text or dialogue - the only criteria is that each page creates a narrative flow from the one previous - 1 page could even consist of just 1 panel - much like in the spirit of the joke book.

The end result is a graphic/written book with completely unpredictable storyline illustrated and written by a wonderfully diverse group of creative individuals


I messaged Rob about this idea, to give him the rights over this project, which is only fair, but he said he had no problem, for anyone who's interested in doing this, to do it on our own even though we're using his site

the tricky part - I suggest we employ a queueing system - have a site/storage area where the pages are submitted. Here the last page submitted is picked up and a lock put on the pickup area until that person submits their continuation page and so on...

when the story reaches a certain number of pages (96?) we publish (lots of ways we can do this and i'm open to ideas and feedback). If we keep submitting pages we just simply run on into other volumes - maybe 4 per year?

I'm guessing from the responses I've had so far we will never be short of enthusiasm, talent or contributions.

Even if only B3tans and their friends/family/gimps buy the book it will still shift a fair amount of copies

even if we don't publish we could have a downloadable PDF version of each book volume, at the very least - guaranteed

If anyone has ideas on this or a better way of doing any of the above by all means let us know

Just for the fun of it

I doubt this will make any of us any money but as most of us are doing creative stuff on B3ta for free anyway, I doubt this will stop any of us from chipping in on the project .



first step is getting a storage site set up and the locking system in place
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 12:00, Reply)
yes please
put a logo next to any link on the links board that is a video so i know which to ignore
(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 8:29, Reply)
On /talk, would it be possible to nominate a series of posts as one whole for the popular page, so that a whole thread of bit of a thread appears?
It currently features of out-of-context stuff that makes no sense on its own, and doesn't really work very well.
(, Wed 7 Feb 2007, 2:01, Reply)
a little place on the main page
to fp things from /talk?
(, Mon 5 Feb 2007, 16:38, Reply)
A poll to find out if there are actually any users that are viewing the board on 56k.

i'd be interested to see what kind of spread of connection quality we get now.
(, Sun 4 Feb 2007, 18:01, Reply)
The ability to be able to select between the different /boards being displayed by either chronological order or last post order (e.g. a new post bumps to the top of the board).

i think this would be a good addition, but ofc some people wouldnt like it, so the option to have either would be good.

Also, an 'I have broadband' button. Maybe people could upload a rather large picture and the board will automatically resize it to comply with whatever maximum filesize you specify? Or is that too tricky to do...
(, Sun 4 Feb 2007, 17:57, Reply)
Opt in higher quality images.
I've been thinking about a way to do this for a while. I think for myself and many other broadband users, the 50Kb/250Kb guidelines for file sizes are becoming increasingly restrictive. I run a 12Mb connection, and it's no big deal for me to download a page full of images that're around a meg. So here's my suggestion. In the user options there is a "Show bigsize pictures" option. Also, on the board, the users have a new kind of image tag, that would look something like this:

<imgbig src="sauce" width="wide" height="high" alt="alt text" />

The board software will only convert the imgbig tag to an img tag when the user has the "show big" option on. Otherwise the imgbig tag could be replaced with an anchor link, perhaps using the imgbig's alt text as the link text, and something generic like "CFB" if no link alt is offered.

With this implemented, we could have, on an opt in bases, up to 150Kb for regular images and up to 800Kb for animations, without alienating the 56kers, if there are any still around.
(, Sun 4 Feb 2007, 17:55, Reply)
When you click a link, right
I want it to turn orange, dance around the screen three times then dissapear


then nothing for hours, for hours, you just wait in your bedroom and think nothing of it and switch off the computer 'cos evidently it's not working or something


then you hear a little knock on the door and BAZAMGAUCH! it's THE LINK and he's there and he's smiling and he whispers into your ear that he can take you to such magical places and you hop on his back and he shows you the world you can see it all you can see everything and it all works all of it meshes together and fits and-

and then he rapes you a few times for good measure


(, Sun 4 Feb 2007, 17:50, Reply)
Not sure if this is possible/desirable
But could we click on the text of our own posts to edit it on-screen? i.e. without going to the edit screen?
(, Thu 1 Feb 2007, 17:24, Reply)

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