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Found a problem on B3ta? Want other features that we don't currently offer? Type your ideas here with your finger-mouths. (We don't promise we'll act on any of it, but we will read it and your words could even prompt us into action.)

(, Wed 1 Nov 2006, 11:48)
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fix links option
could we have this option;
"Yes! All links should open in a new window"
(, Thu 1 Feb 2007, 17:20, Reply)
one button
to find the elusive but funny as hell picture you saw about three years ago on the board....

prolly already bindun somewhere, but I can't be arsed going thru all the pages of suggestions...

maybe it could be labelled the Lazy Bastard Button.
(, Wed 31 Jan 2007, 6:53, Reply)
A QoTW book!
QoTW is a goldmine of hilarious stories waiting to be used-- and you can even stick random (and amusing) I like this!'d comments from /talk to end off chapters. Braw!
(, Sun 28 Jan 2007, 10:33, Reply)
B3tan of the Year?
We all vote someone in so we can hurl abuse at them :D
(, Wed 24 Jan 2007, 10:12, Reply)
Have a comment option at the bottom
of the QOTW posts

so people can add opinions on th e post and also to stop the new threads created just to comment on previous posted stories

(, Tue 23 Jan 2007, 12:28, 1 reply, 17 years ago)
The "Question of the Week"
The "Question of the Week" text link at the top of the page links to collections still, not weird kid.

this post will be irrelevent soon.


Update : Told you
(, Sun 21 Jan 2007, 15:12, Reply)
Just the /links board.
Love it, best thing b3ta has done, and in fact my homepage. My account is relatively new, But pretty much been a member since day one under different names. And love to be here, and contribute to one of the best sites on the web.

But god, the /links board seems to be a funfair for anyone visiting youtube.
We all go there, and it's a real bore to see all these rubbish replies of 'GC', all the friggin time. It's like people are posting replies of 'GC', just to make themselves feel good!
But anyway, that's not my point.
My thought, is more to do with the same person posting several different clips and clogging the board with youtube.
So my idea is to perhaps limit posts to say, one hour between posts, that way we can actually see a board with more random links, instead of several in a row of youtube clips.

Grouping these would be so much better, as some of us only get the chance to see the board once a day, without having to click back to find older posts.

Mr Sausage
(, Sat 20 Jan 2007, 15:01, Reply)
with fricken lasers on their heads
(, Thu 18 Jan 2007, 17:21, Reply)
An "I like this Question" button
for past QOTWs. Rate them in order of popularity OR chronological order...or maybe just popularity.
(, Wed 17 Jan 2007, 21:42, Reply)
Feature suggestion:
If it's possible, could you do something like the little ap that plays MP3s on links that could play sound files on the main board and sync them with the starting point of a gif's loop?
(, Wed 17 Jan 2007, 8:47, Reply)
QOTW answers
hows about being able to reply to QOTW answers long after its closed, and storing them separately. and listing all a users answers on their profile?

oh, and probably having a limit of A's per Q, so stop people just writing drivel.

'm off to sleep again.
(, Mon 15 Jan 2007, 3:41, Reply)
blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
(, Mon 15 Jan 2007, 1:25, Reply)
Is there a public list
of swear filter rules (i.e. what's blocked/substituted) anywhere?
(, Sun 14 Jan 2007, 20:00, Reply)

When I go to the posts I liked via my profile, there's no way to see them in context - the 'page' icon at the top-left isn't there, and neither is the 'more' link. Some of these posts need the context
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 14:35, Reply)
The ability to click 'i like this'
on closed QOTWs, so that they go in your clicks section in your profile.
(, Thu 11 Jan 2007, 18:56, Reply)
Following on
from Spoonmeiser's suggestion, the "liked posts" should include a link to the whole thread, rather than just the single post, as a lot of the jokes only make sense in context
(, Wed 10 Jan 2007, 16:45, Reply)
I think there should be a nude b3ta
where you can go online naked and it's all right and nobody judges and shit
(, Wed 10 Jan 2007, 16:38, Reply)
How about a "parent post" button on individual post pages so that when someone links to a post you can go back to see what the context was?
(, Wed 10 Jan 2007, 16:35, Reply)
I'm on fire.
We've all got stuff we'd like to get rid of: and 50,000 people is a lot of stuff.
What about a 'classifieds' area where people can offer things for sale, or if not that a freecycle-type system whereby you can offer things free to a good home. "I've bought a shiny new 21" TFT, does anyone want my old 17" CRT?" for example, with the location: and if you're interested you can Gaz the poster.
(, Wed 10 Jan 2007, 14:17, Reply)
Here's another one...
Everyone knows what a veritable armpit of talented people b3ta is - and not just in the image-related arts.
Moreover, one of the odd things is how many people are here who are real grown-ups with real jobs and sometimes even minions.
How about a 'jobs' board where if someone knows of a job going (or has one to offer) they can post it?
(, Wed 10 Jan 2007, 14:12, Reply)
One of the things that causes ructions on the /talk board in particular
is the way that sometimes many threads will be posted in succession, and conversations that you're having disappear down the board. After all, you can't tell how many other people are typing a post at any time.

How about a system whereby you click 'post' as normal, but if another post has been entered in a certain time period (say one or two minutes) its appearance on the board is paused until the time has elapsed? I'd suggest a screen to come up notifying you that the post has been queued, maybe with a countdown as per the naughty step?
If applied to the image board it would also ensure that posts got at least 30 mins' exposure (if it's still 15 threads at a time). Bonus.
(, Tue 9 Jan 2007, 16:31, Reply)
Following endless repetitions of cunt being put on the /talk popular page
Can I request a button, in the same vein as 'I like this' which sends acid spraying out of someone's screen into their face? Obviously a higher trigger level would be required than for the popular page, but I feel it would be more than justified.
(, Tue 2 Jan 2007, 17:23, Reply)
Search the board by date?
I keep thinking "I saw this great picture yesterday, about 3pm" and then realising I have to click back through about ten pages of images and posts to get to it. Wouldn't it be great if you could call up parts of the board by date and time?
(, Tue 2 Jan 2007, 10:22, Reply)
The "Hide" button is great on /board
Is it coming to /talk at any time? I might well have missed something about this but I think it would be a great addition to /talk.

Also would it be plausible that edited posts could be highlighted the same way as (or preferably slightly differently from) new ones?
(, Sat 30 Dec 2006, 3:25, Reply)
How about a stalk button?
that give you the users address, telephone number and colour of underwear?
(, Thu 21 Dec 2006, 16:29, Reply)
I Like This!
How about once a QOTW has closed, the "I like this!" links stay active for a while.

I have had many a sleepless night worrying that the best EVER QOTW answer may have been posted minutes before the QOTW thread closed and nobody had a chance to click "I Like This!" before closing, causing a possibly world-changing annecdote to me missed by anyone who doesnt read through every single QOTW answer.

Dont make me get my ruby slippers!! I'll click the heels! I'm not joking!!!

p.s. click "I Like This!" if you fear missing out on a good tid-bit OR if you were born after 1912AD
(, Thu 21 Dec 2006, 12:05, Reply)
An option to choose the amount of threads being shown at one time
from 5 to dial up users to 30 for broadbanders.
(, Wed 20 Dec 2006, 21:31, Reply)
Can I have a pool table please?
(, Wed 20 Dec 2006, 19:22, Reply)
What about a search facility
So we can track down different users?

Or even a list (somewhere) of all the users?

Not that I have any evil plots underway you understand....
(, Tue 19 Dec 2006, 10:26, Reply)

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