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This is a question Bugs and feature requests

Found a problem on B3ta? Want other features that we don't currently offer? Type your ideas here with your finger-mouths. (We don't promise we'll act on any of it, but we will read it and your words could even prompt us into action.)

(, Wed 1 Nov 2006, 11:48)
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When the board software automatically creates a hyperlink
Why doesn't it automatically put in target="_blank" anymore?

This was a nice feature.
(, Fri 4 Jun 2010, 13:09, 3 replies, latest was 14 years ago)
i would quite like to have a button on the calendar that displays events i have signed up for
this would be helpful and handy and all sorts of lovely things.
(, Fri 4 Jun 2010, 8:38, 1 reply, 15 years ago)
warning when deleting a post that has replies
posts on /board are often deleted by n00bs because they didn't set the compo flag or perhaps they are getting flamed for filesize etc (different issue).

Perhaps the Deletion warning should include a mini-faq with advice about the Edit facility
(, Thu 3 Jun 2010, 14:13, 1 reply, 15 years ago)
repost option/warning
Seeing as some people get really annoyed by reposts in new threads (and it can make the board fly by on a Thursday) the next time someone is updating the post a new message/image hosting wizard how about you add a tick box labelled "is this a repost?" which takes them to the html to copy and paste and instructions of how to do it for those new kids who don't quite understand. Plus how to tag it as an image challenge entry.
(, Thu 3 Jun 2010, 10:52, Reply)
I'd like to request a search function for our gaz boxes. In particular for the archive so I can find old gazzes from certain people without wading through thousands of old ones.

(, Mon 31 May 2010, 16:35, Reply)
I'd like you to arrange an annual fight
between QOTW and Talk.

There should be only one rule: no shooters.
(, Sun 30 May 2010, 11:52, 3 replies, latest was 14 years ago)
Fix the page for new threads on /board please.
It doesn't redirect back to /board once you've posted. Some poor sod just posted the same picture three times. I'm not that stupid but it's annoying when I have a dinosaur to post and have to navigate my way back to the mainboard.

It might be browser specific I guess... I'm using firefox 3.6.3
(, Fri 28 May 2010, 21:59, 2 replies, latest was 15 years ago)
Different logic for the L-plates
How about the L-plates stay on until you've had a certain number of likes rather than the timer which won't get them if it's an unpopular QOTW and certainly won't for while people are still newish.
(, Thu 27 May 2010, 19:19, 1 reply, 15 years ago)
I know here's B3takit,
but I'd like to see a more comprehensive repository where people can upload source pics of popular bandwagons and memes.
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 14:40, Reply)
"Like" counter detail
I don't know how the database is organised out so not sure if this is a no-go for performance reasons, but it would be nice to be able to see who liked things if their likes are public.

Also, having access to the number would be nice too, although probably only on closed questions to prevent rigging.
(, Wed 19 May 2010, 2:06, Reply)
I'm fairly sure this has been mentioned before, but i can't be arsed trawlling the replies to find out.
anyway, can we not have a 'notification' area that tell/links us to any subsequent replies to our posts or posts we've commented on. (Prob wouldn't work on /talk due to the amount of replies they put on wanking each other off, but fuck them, or board/off topic/links for that matter, In fact, only QOTW, but that's the best one anyway, I'll get my coat now)
(, Sat 15 May 2010, 14:42, 4 replies, latest was 15 years ago)
I'd like to suggest two new buttons for QOTW.
"I believe this" and "I don't believe this".
(, Fri 14 May 2010, 13:25, 4 replies, latest was 15 years ago)
Search function is sort of borked
I can't accurately describe what's wrong, except that it appears to be completely fucked.
(, Fri 14 May 2010, 10:44, Reply)
I'd like to see a 'nigga please' button.

(, Wed 12 May 2010, 15:59, 1 reply, 15 years ago)
Why does the swear filter not work on /links?
I have it enabled for when I'm at work and when I'm on /board it's fine, but then I go over to /links for a bit of a browse and it's full of potty-mouths!

Sure it may muck up some URLs, but if a URL contains NSFW wordage then the end result is likely to follow suit.
(, Mon 10 May 2010, 14:25, Reply)
The links board is
full of youtube type links. Can there be a section for non-video links for those that are either on a slow connection or on mobile phones?
(, Sun 9 May 2010, 21:01, 1 reply, 15 years ago)
please could we have an upload box in "My Images"
it's annoying having to go through the "post a new message" route to upload stuff when you want to upload something for posting in a reply.

also it would help noobs post multiple images in 1 thread rather than lots of new ones
(, Sun 2 May 2010, 17:40, Reply)
Two requests...
A. Is it possible to delete images from your b3ta image store (the button is there but greyed out)?

B. Is it possible to show the score again the popular images?

C. Is a big blue wobble thing?
(, Thu 29 Apr 2010, 6:38, Reply)
A requests board.
Where you can ask shit like "I saw a video of a talking cat in the newsletter but can't find it" or "what's the best way to optimize gifs" or "vote for me in this shit poll no-one cares about."
(, Wed 28 Apr 2010, 18:57, 4 replies, latest was 15 years ago)
More Ignore powers
Like Ignore this post (For stupid long pointless posts)
Or Ignore for 1 hour / day / week

Would be cool
(, Fri 23 Apr 2010, 15:08, 4 replies, latest was 15 years ago)
More link
In my profile if I look at my replies to QOTW and I click More, I see my reply with any replies to that below. To see the full thread I have to click 'See full thread' and then I see the whole thread with my reply nicely highlighted.

If I do the same for a reply to something on the Links board, I see the whole thread straight away when I click More, but my reply is not highlighted.

I'd prefer More to take me to the full thread in both cases, and highlight all my replies.
(, Wed 14 Apr 2010, 13:58, 3 replies, latest was 15 years ago)
I'd wouldn't mind a weekly podcast
of the Ginger Fuhrer et al talking bollocks for a bit of a nature found on certain radio shows.
(, Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:36, Reply)
Can we get a "popular" button, a la the image challenge. It's a shame that you can only see one page of the best ones and then only after it has closed.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 23:33, 1 reply, 15 years ago)
can we get the logs and see if the IP addresses for the Daily Mail/Express marry up with any users and out them?
(, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 0:15, Reply)
there must be one or two celebrities who are posting on here. Can we put out a request that they gaz the mods, who can then publish a list of them, minus their usernames of course.

I don't know what purpose this may serve.
(, Wed 7 Apr 2010, 15:19, 7 replies, latest was 15 years ago)
Best of bug
I recently discovered that one can view all of their posts sorted by popularity e.g.:
This is a very useful feature, like it very much but it seems to miss some posts. I had a few clicks on one in a recent image challenge but can't see it even if I go down as far as the pages of stuff where nothing was clicked on.

Edit: subsequent investigation has revealed that the best of search doesn't include posts on the main board after some point in the last few weeks but does include older ones. Please fix this bug.

Edit: Edit: hmmmm no response. Try this link just for the main board, it doesn't show posts within the last few weeks:
(, Thu 1 Apr 2010, 19:17, Reply)
On QOTW...
I think a "Confirm I (you) like this" window similar to the "Confirm ignore" window would be helpful.

I keep accidentally hitting "I like this" instead of "Reply" and accidentally voting things I don't really like up the board.
(, Thu 1 Apr 2010, 6:33, 4 replies, latest was 15 years ago)

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