Freddy Woo writes, "My wife thinks calling the front room a lounge is common. Worse, a friend of hers recently admonished her daughter for calling a toilet, a toilet. Lavatory darling. It's lavatory."
My own mother refused to let me use the word 'oblong' instead of 'rectangle'. Which is just odd, to be honest.
What stuff do you think is common?
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 16:06)
This question is now closed.

and NOT thinking 'who the f*ck let these people breed?'
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 18:32, 2 replies)

Nevermind, as apparently I offended some with this one. I was ranting about a particular type of poseur we get here in Richmond, and apparently it didn't translate well.
EDIT: see this for clarification. Sorry for the confusion.
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 18:30, 5 replies)

obsess about showing their wealth.
I know several people who are into ostentatious shows of wealth.
E.g. multiple cars for two people, booking a £100 a head restaurant for your birthday dinner rather than all meeting up somewhere and having a laugh, or boasting that your shirt cost the best part of £300.
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 18:29, 1 reply)

A bus FFS.
There is a reason I have a car.
(crashed it though so it's in the garage)
I will have plenty of commons then.
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 18:28, 1 reply)

Common. But that's just my opinion.
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 18:28, 3 replies)

It was mildly funny the first time I saw it. It stopped being funny 1 second later.
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 18:25, 1 reply)

People who buy/borrow books about child abuse. I can tell you from my library days that 99 times out of 100, only chavs would ask for them - usually chavs with several hundredkids of their own. Why the hell the ONE thing chavs seem to read are books about child abuse I don't know. I mean there's a million different reasons probably. But yes, if you own a book called Lost, Abandoned, Ugly, Meanie, Kiddierape, No More Rainbows, or anything like that, you're a commoner and you should be set on fire.
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 18:23, 4 replies)

I mean, the average man can only produce 5cc at a go, so they must really be getting around.
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 18:22, 1 reply)

who gives a fuck if it's /skon/ or /skoan/ for scone, or barth and bAth, or southern fairies and northern monkeys. At least we're not French, and that's all that matters.
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 18:21, 6 replies)

I'm not your fucking mate. I dress, act and carry myself in such a way that it should repel the kinds of people who would call me "mate". So by calling me mate you are destroying all my hard work.
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 18:19, Reply)

(honest) wasn't allowed to watch ITV as a child.
Presumably her parents are unlikely to subscribe to Sky these days.
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 18:15, 3 replies)

Massive gold jewellery - especially massive hoop earrings and those really horrible necklaces, you know the ones with the massive gold clowns with the movable limbs. Also jewellery with things like "best mom" or "sister" written on them. And sovereigns I hate them to. Look in any cash converter window and I can guarantee see the whole range of cheap and nasty massive jewellery.
Chavs playing music on buses - why is it that I’m wearing headphones and I can still you playing really shit music on your tinny little phone speakers. Do you really think everyone on the bus/train wants to listen to n-dubz or whatever crap it is you think is cool.
People who call me “bab”
There’s loads of things this is just the tip of the iceberg!
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 18:14, Reply)

and they ask what her name is, I say "Nell"
and they always reply "Awwww, that's a nice name."
and I always say "Well to be honest, someone else had already beaten us to Tracey."
And from their reaction right then I can normally tell if that person has a sense of humour or is common as fuck.
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 18:10, 2 replies)

Say it with me.
There, that wasn't so hard, was it?
Fucking presidents.
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 18:09, 5 replies)

I think the most common thing I ever was the woman who, when booking her children in for eye tests, checked her tattoos for their dates of birth.
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 18:08, 3 replies)

This is because, despite otherwise speaking nearly received pronunciation, my Westcountry roots betray me to my university peers. Specifically, the following words: bath, grass, path and glass. You can actually see the snorts of derision forming as the words leave your larynx.
Of course they fail to realise that they are studying in Bristol, possibly the only place where the locals sound more Cornish than, well, the Cornish.
Bastards, coming over here, pronouncing our words correctly.
*Jokes on them, I'm actually an elitist little tosser.
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 18:08, 3 replies)

What is your problem? Do you need to keep your mouth moving to stop your brain becoming active?
Sorry but even though I say it I think that "front room" is a bit common. It implies that one only has two rooms downstairs. I prefer 'living room'.
Creole Earrings.
Sorry (prepares for flaming) Drunk women.
*edit* I have a personalised numberplate. Does that make me common?
I'm off to think of more.
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 18:04, 3 replies)

is it just purely people on the dole-type of people, or does it include other.
My mum is a nurse, my dad was an travel agent, am i working class or middle class?
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 18:02, 4 replies)

It means that:
a) Your parents are trying to sound posh, and TRYING to sound posh is common, or
b) They have commitment issues, and are probably sluts.
*EDIT* Ok, ok, European/American hyphenated surnames.
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 18:02, 4 replies)

but I was bought up by my Mother to refer to certains items by their "proper" names, so I often use the words cutlery, cruet, condiments etc. Though this is just to annoy others around me who I mock for being common.
However the worst is that I pronounce (pronounced correctly of course) the word "fancy" as "farncy" for no apparent reason. I sound like a posh gay twat when I say it, yet I can't seem to say it any other way.
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 18:01, Reply)

The word is "grass". How many "r"s do you see? One? Correct. One letter "r". Where is it? After the "g", before the "a". Is there an "r" *after* the "a"? No, there is not.
Bloody peasant, learn to speak English. Oh, and once you've done that, learn to speak at least one other European language. I bloody hate listening to you shouting very slowly at foreign tourists.
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 17:58, 11 replies)

If I were studying some pointless subject, say sociology, at a former polytechnic (see what I did there?), then this QOTW would be an absolutely perfect way of getting a shit load of raw data from thousands of people.
I mean, apart from stories about drinking, I can think of nothing that will send a load of Brits (due respect to our overseas readers) into an absolute frenzy of indignant posting more than a QOTW concerning what is essentially the Great British Class System.
*Goes off to have his tea on the settee in front of the telly*
( , Thu 16 Oct 2008, 17:50, Reply)
This question is now closed.