Janet Aylia asks, "Did you go all-out only to find you'd fallen for the age-old 'you're the only one who dressed up' gag? Did you wrap yourself in cotton wool and ketchup and offend the local vicar by dressing as a tampon?"
( , Thu 31 Oct 2013, 20:19)
This question is now closed.

( , Thu 7 Nov 2013, 9:50, Reply)

That was a fan-see dress fey Leia part, too.
( , Thu 7 Nov 2013, 9:15, 4 replies)

Everyone came as elvis, or gary glitter (this was still the 90s), etc. I rocked up dressed as the winter of discontent. (boiler suit with "crisis, what crisis" sprayed on the back, hat with candles, icicles on the glasses). Absolutely nobody got it, apart from the boss's brother who had come as a miner. We ended up sat in the corner talking about arthur scargill all night.
( , Wed 6 Nov 2013, 23:56, 1 reply)

Who might have the name of Rory, Amorous, Yeti, Spanky (great posts), badger, in fact all of you are just dressing up failures. (myself included)
Yes you!
( , Wed 6 Nov 2013, 23:22, 5 replies)

Black jeans/top.
6 green balloons stuck to front and back.
Dreadlocks in topknot a la stalk.
Piss taken by original imaginitive types dressed as carbon copies of movie characters.
The balloons lasted about five minutes, but the realisation that half of my friends were bell ends lasted a lifetime.
( , Wed 6 Nov 2013, 20:50, 5 replies)

Fancy address failure, geddit?!!
( , Wed 6 Nov 2013, 18:42, 6 replies)

wimmin as it was very incorrect, tantamount to black face in her opinion. She harassed me so much I had to promise to donate to the Genetic Alliance and to do some voluntary work.
( , Wed 6 Nov 2013, 17:06, 7 replies)

I went to a party dressed as both of the Twin Towers.
As it turned out, someone else there had decided to go as Hulk Hogan, and promptly beat the stuffing out of me. Needless to say, he won that particular competition.
( , Wed 6 Nov 2013, 16:35, 1 reply)

So I didn't bother going.
( , Wed 6 Nov 2013, 16:28, Reply)

when I was asked why I wasn't dressed up, I pulled out a VHS copy of Trainspotting and shouted "As advertised on Crimestoppers!"
No-one got the reference. Twats, didn't they ever rent a video in the 90s?
( , Wed 6 Nov 2013, 15:08, 2 replies)

turns out, the hosts had been to lazy to bother, and too lazy to spread the word thoroughly. They wanted to go out in town instead.
I was a panda, my sister dressed as an 80s chick (at least she could go out without too much comment) and her boyfriend was Max from where the wild things are. In a homemade costume, sewn from towels, with a crown, and even non-removable mittens. He could hardly hold a drink in those misstitched mitts, let alone eat or hygienically use the toilet.
I even took my own bamboo. I went home early.
( , Wed 6 Nov 2013, 14:40, 4 replies)

So I went dressed as Chell only to found it was a lie.
( , Wed 6 Nov 2013, 14:23, Reply)

to a fancy dress party in normal clothes with a condom stuck over my snout.
"Who have you come as", asked the host?
"Fuck nose", I replied.
( , Wed 6 Nov 2013, 13:17, Reply)

The hip kids of today now call it cosplay apparently.
( , Wed 6 Nov 2013, 11:54, 8 replies)

( , Wed 6 Nov 2013, 10:55, 6 replies)

( , Wed 6 Nov 2013, 9:15, 3 replies)

I turned up at a fancy dress party in just a pair of y-fronts
"What the fuck is this" shouted the hostess "It's supposed to be fancy dress"
I said "A premature ejaculation, I've come in my pants"
( , Wed 6 Nov 2013, 8:26, 1 reply)

Unfortunately she couldn't get the costume unzipped because the yellow fur had jammed the zipper.
So she pissed herself. I don't think any went in her mouth.
( , Wed 6 Nov 2013, 7:46, Reply)
This question is now closed.