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This is a question B3TA fixes the world

Moon Monkey says: Turn into Jeremy Clarkson for a moment, and tell us about the things that are so obviously wrong with the world, and how they should be fixed. Extra points for ludicrous over-simplification, blatant mis-representation, and humourous knob-gags.

(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:53)
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Oh, where to begin.
We'll begin in Britain.

National service to be re-instated for all immigrants yet to find employment and the unemployed. Not working?, then get off your arse and graffiti clean, litter pick, maintain hedges, do something. All unemployed/immigrants to have a top-up for their benefits. Scrotes work unpaid. note, this is service to the nation, not how to fire a gun.

Total separation of all religions from the state and education. You can worship/believe in what you want, but do it in your own time and at your own expense.

British troops back home. The money saved by not having them fighting in far off lands can go to equipping them properly. Those injured in the line of battle to be properly looked after, not hidden away.

Driving tests to made more realistic. Candidates must pass skid pan test, night time test and motorway test before being granted a full licence. Compulsory annual eyesight checks for all drivers.

Compulsory insurance for cyclists.

Reintroduction of cycling proficiency test and mandatory highway code test. Teaching of systems thinking in schools. Teaching of I.T skills, not just application use.

Mandatory open tender for all gubmint contracts with cost transparency. Move toward open systems with all costs justified.

Re-introduce the death penalty.

Legalise all drugs, but penalise those who steal to fund their habit or smuggle drugs in to the country. Grow/make it yourself?, fine. Sell to kiddies and you get shot in the head.

Trade in this country?, pay tax in this country.

Lower fuel duty rates and encourage more rail freight. Increase import duty on food flown in. Increase the cost of air traffic.

Restoration of the 11+

Cause neither harm nor deprivation to another through either action or inaction.


More social housing to be built. Pensioners to get a liveable pension.

Use waste heat from power stations and factories to provide free community heating projects. Works elsewhere, why not here?

Re-open the collieries and steel works and subsidise them to ensure our skills are not lost.

More allotments and all men over 40 to get a free shed.
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 9:46, 14 replies)
What about immigrants who currently have full-time jobs?

(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 10:04, closed)
Typo on line 1
More I missed a couple of words out. Since edited.
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 10:11, closed)
Awww you've made it even better.
IE: "Hayulp! Hayulp! The darkies are coming! Run for the hills!"
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 10:35, closed)

I do so like to see an idea that isn't an ill-thought-through, reationary, borderline racist, kneejerk brain-spasm.

Could you post one?
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 10:10, closed)
If I thought ^this any harder I'd be diamond-tipped tungsten.

(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 10:13, closed)
I only do poorly thought out, reactionary, ( considered to be ) borderline racist.
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 10:14, closed)
Oh, lordy. You've added more.
Reintroducing the death penalty? God help us. And recent evidence from Sweden counts against competitive tendering for government contracts: they introduced it 20 years ago, and it appears that the efficiency savings over the long term are pretty much nil.

Through gritted teeth, I'll admit that you're in the vicinity of being right about the legalisation of drugs, though.
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 10:24, closed)
Ungrit your teeth.
And smoke some weed. In my country, that's legal.
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 10:35, closed)
I think it should be legal, true...
but with two provisos. First, there should be a massive public health campaign so that drug abuse can be treated as the health problem that it is. Second, there should be an almost-as-massive campaign to remind people that, 93% of the time, the use of hitherto illegal drugs turns you into a massive bore.
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 10:38, closed)

massive bore fantastic dancer
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 10:46, closed)

(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 10:54, closed)
Can't find fault with that.
I think it should be legal, true...
but with two provisos. First, there should be a massive public health campaign so that drug abuse can be treated as the health problem that it is. Second, there should be an almost-as-massive campaign to remind people that, 93% of the time, the use of hitherto illegal drugs turns you into a massive bore.
If it was legal, hopefully the bores would shut up as what is there to brag about?. Ths alone may cut the consumption after the novelty spike has decayed.
Drug and alcohol education is currently woeful and mis-leading. The sense of danger it portrays must influence some to try to prove themselves to their peers.
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 10:49, closed)

"If it was legal, hopefully the bores would shut up as what is there to brag about?"

Ask someone on coke how their day has been.
Bragging about taking drugs will constitute about 1% of their reply.

The other 45 minutes will be a story about, I dunno, buying a pair of socks. The BEST pair of socks EVER.
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 11:07, closed)

Sorry, forgot about coke heads.
Smacking coke heads in the face when their ego gets on your nerves to be permitted.
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 11:19, closed)
Think about this.....if you can
For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.

H. L. Mencken
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 10:14, closed)
it's not even clear what the "problem" being solved here is. It's just a right-wing Christmas-list...
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 10:21, closed)
Mmmm. Compartmentalising.
Right wing/left wing/communist/fascist/racist/religious nutter/nutter.

Have a list. Feel free to add to it.
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 10:25, closed)
i think we can leave it at 'right wing'.
i feel we should add 'reactionary' though, for improved accuracy.
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 12:03, closed)
you missed
"right-wing nut-jobs to fuck off to America where their sub-Tea Party fantasies can be properly indulged"
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 10:25, closed)
Left wing nutjobs?
They must fuck off to a commune where their sort are tolerated.

Bleeding hearts and liberal nut jobs?
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 10:28, closed)
Probably just me
But I thought the list was OK - not amazing, but not racist or right wing.

At least you bothered to have a go...

Fair point re Govt tenders, I work in IT Sales; Govt Orgs are always a softer target when it comes to discounts etc
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 10:48, closed)
I'll be the one to take offence by subsidised heavy industry then..
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 12:14, closed)
I'm wondering what the point of the subsidy for heavy industry is.
From the OP, it looks as though the point would be to keep the skill alive. Skills that are needed for... erm... heavy industry and nothing else. So we'd be paying to keep an industry going wholly to ensure that people could work in that industry.
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 15:15, closed)
Not quite an endorsement
Given the reaction to my list (mainly from cyclists)but i quite like some of these.

I totally agree that we should bring British troops back home. Furthermore instead of arming and equipping all of them reduce their numbers and provide sufficient gear to that required to defend this country. The money saved should be used to retrain soldiers to useful trades, take care of injured soldiers and the rest injected back into helping the disadvantaged in society.

More social housing to be built. Yes provided there is no right for people to buy these properties. I find it shameful that in our enlightened society we still have people who don't have somewhere to live!

Drugs to be legalised. I dont do illegal drugs myself but i think this is a good idea. I don't think crime would disappear but the available money coming into organised gangs has to take a hit.
(, Tue 27 Sep 2011, 10:01, closed)

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