At home my other half has a broken piece of a piano. Just a single hammer from a broken piano. And yet this twisted bit of wood and metal is a piece from the piano that they flung in the TV series Northern Exposure. We've also got some gardening tools from the first series of Big Brother.
What wierd stuff do you own that has a history?
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 8:19)
This question is now closed.

I found a human skull sticking out of a cliff in Suffolk. I took it home and it's in my parents garage. I never told the police, because it was clearly very old.
There was an old monastry on the eroding cliff, and I think it might have been part of the graveyard.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 13:47, Reply)

I own a small piece of concrete from the Tricorn Centre, Portsmouth - the currently-being-demolished "ugliest building in Britain". It's on my window sill next to my piece of Cork and Kerry Mountain.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 13:47, Reply)

Not sure if anyone remembers an old rock club in derby called the not very original name of the rock house... Well anyway it was the last night before it shut and I managed to walk past about 5 bouncers in a completely drunken stupour carrying a stool from by the bar. My mate tried to nick a table but got caught... Oh yeah, I've still got the stool. its quite comfy actually!
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 13:35, Reply)

A friend of mine, errr John, half-inched Big Ben from Fred's weather map in Liverpool's Albert Dock and installed it in his front room.
During a later (unrelated) home visit from the local constabulary, one of the officers chuckled at it remarking it looked like something you might find on Fred's weather map.
Unless of course thieves had taken it first.
Light-hearted relief from the serious business of being arrested for drug-trafficking....
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 13:27, Reply)

The first gig I went to was Primal Scream in Cardiff Uni. I was 14 at the time and pretty small, so when they started playing 'Rocks' I got picked up and thrown around the room, finally coming to rest on the stage at Bobby Gillespie's feet. I wasn't too sure what to do, so I grabbed the nearest thing I could find and jumped off the stage.
When I got to safety I had a look at my prize and it turned out to be Bobby G's towel, which, as you can imagine was the dirtiest stinkiest thing ever.The man's sweat was propably 70% smack, 30% whiskey at that time, and it proper stained that towel.
10 years later, and I still have towel in a plastic bag. Everytime I open the drawer its in it still gives off a whiff. Now thats potent.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 13:26, Reply)

A plectrum from Winger (Winger?! Remember them?!)
Small pieces of both Mount Vesuvius and Mount Etna
A carrot from a David Devant gig (actually, I ate that when I got in from the gig because I had a post boozing snack attack)
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 13:24, Reply)

Pride of place on the shelf in my lounge, is a "Boddingtons" sign off an old hand pump.
Reminds me of the good old days, back "Up North" quaffing the medicinal water by the gallon on a friday night !
As the two scottish queers who "do" interiors would say, "It's a conversation piece "
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 13:23, Reply)

I have the transparencies used to make the packaging for the classic computer game, Elite. I have them framed in home-made lightboxes, and they look fab. Reminds me of being a teenager, sitting in the dark, staring at a TV and playing with my joystick... (insert wank joke here)
Anyway, you can see them here:
Also have a massive front-cover of Your Sinclair, as used in the Future Entertainment Show in 1992. It's about A1 size, and lives in my attic. Looks nice.
And I have a plectrum/pick/whatever off Chris Martin from Coldplay, pinched from his mic stand from the very last gig they did before that Glastonbury in 2000 (I think) and became huge.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 13:20, Reply)

I have 5 drum sticks, 9 assorted plectrums and a towel from rock band Deep Purple. My fave thing is the notes the drummer made for himself when the did a concerto at the Albert Hall in September 99. It's three pages long and says stuff like "Wait for boom boom crash then the twiddly, then come in" and stuff like that. Totally unique. Equally pointless ( but still nice) to own.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 13:06, Reply)

and knew more than the tour bloke about planes (quite a sad individual in childhood, not much has changed.) he gave me the tailplane from an army gazelle helicopter as a gift. it had been shot down somewhere.
i also used to have a live 27mm mauser cannon shell from a tornado fighter bomber on my shelf (always made me shudder when it regularly fell off my shelf). as well as various live bullets. also had an empty shell case form a 30mm cannon.
my mam threw them all in the bin over the years. i still have nightmares about my mauser round going off in a rubbish dump somewhere and blowing a foot-wide hole in a binman. or vapourising a seagull.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 12:50, Reply)

An episode of Spooks was filmed in our house before we lived here, but screened once we owned the place. Here's a screen grab. Our house is the one on the left. We took the stone cladding off this summer, but still have one piece in the garden as a memento. We also have the nasty red curtains that feature in the episode in the interior shots and use them on the floor when we are decorating. If anyone has Spooks Series 2 on DVD and can rip just Episode 2 to 3ivx or whatever, we'd love a copy. Email me at [email protected]. Cheers.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 12:46, Reply)

...or long since vanished but I did have the jacket worn by George the Bear in the Hoffmeister adverts. My grandad worked for them and knew the bloke who played him in the adverts so they let me borrow the whole George the Bear outfit for a school fancy dress (when I was about 12, far too young to drink!) and they let me keep the jacket afterwards.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 12:29, Reply)

I've got one the the registers they used as a prop in Grange Hill, from the days of Tucker. I had a photo taken with me in one of the old blazers as well . I think i burned the photo afterwards
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 12:27, Reply)

My mum fell off the windowledge and caight the side of her eye on the corner of a piano when she was little because she was watching the last Tram to leave liverpool
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 12:25, Reply)

I've got the crew jacket that the lead guy from Starship Troopers whore on set.
It's rubber with a pack of Mintos in the pocket.
Very very sad...
I'm ashamed to own it.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 12:05, Reply)

have a $10 bill given to me by Robert Anton Wilson (co-author of Illuminatus! and author of the Shrödinger's Cat books) after I spotted him a few quid for a taxi last time he was in London...
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 12:02, Reply)

when I was 13, the Children's Wish Foundation got me to meet the band "James". I went into the studio when they were recording an album, and when they found out I could play keyboards and sing, me, Tim Booth and Saul the guitarist recorded some songs. at one point, I forgot the words to one of the songs, so Tim wrote them down for me. god bless my bad memory.
I also took a picture of him lying down having a bit of a sleep backstage at a festival. he better not find out about that...
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 12:02, Reply)

that was thrown into the crowd by Glenn Danzig's guitarist. In 1991.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 11:54, Reply)

Got from one of his live stage shows in a pub in Putney. Gave me a splinter.
Plus a bit of paper he had written David Beckham on. I forget the joke it refers to.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 11:52, Reply)

I have a brick from an oven from the death camp in sachsenhausen that i stole on a school trip.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 11:50, Reply)

looking for parts to build and reanimate a human being, so I have Thora Hird's spleen.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 11:45, Reply)

november of 1998
not really to do with the question - but it is my lucky packet of crisps :)
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 11:43, Reply)

well this doesnt really have any historical significance, but i was staying with a host family while in Japan, and they gave me this doll of a girl dressed in a school uniform. and i was like "wow....this sort of stuff isn't reeeally my cuppa tea, but thanks" and after that, they would tell their friends that they bought me this doll and their friends would get this shocked look on their face, the kinda look you would give someone as if to say "wow, i didn't know you were...." and i was all like "oi seriously, can you guys NOT tell people that you gave me this doll. it's kinda making me look overtly homosexual" until i found out a couple of days later that it was one of only 50 made, and i now own one. hence all the shocked looks.
my retirement is going to be very fruitful indeed.
yay japanese school girl dolls!
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 11:43, Reply)

...at the bottom of a box I keep a small piece of concrete about three inches across which has obviously been chipped off a larger piece. It's still got some green spray paint on it from graffiti
It's a piece of the Berlin wall a distant cousin chipped off for me at reunification.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 11:43, Reply)

I have a piece of the suicide bomb that blew up the HSBC building in Istanbul on Nov 20, 2003. I found it after I had spent two days clearing all the glass up from my semi-destroyed dwelling in which my family came very close to death. It's a sharp and nasty piece of aluminium cooking pot the ammonium nitrate bombs were stored in and is digustingly deformed by the heat blast. I found it on my balcony as I live a stone's throw away from the blast site. May also have passed through someone, possibly the woman in the car whom I saw with half a head or the decapitated dead innocent civilian I passed while running frantically home from work.
Not really a collection but kept to remimd me of the fcuked upness of US foreign policy.
What with Bush being re-elected you never know I may be able to add to my collection. Twunt yanks.
/edit.. on a lighter note I have Bob the Fat Bastard's zippo lighter, Roadie (with a stomach like an arse) for the Macc Lads... if anyone remembers them. He dropped it and I half inched it at their concert in Buckley many moons ago...
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 11:37, Reply)

i found this the other day actually.
last night of the leeds festival 2002. just watched foo fighters play their hearts out. i thinks to myself, i need something to remember this by....
hows about a single section of the removable flooring. i seem to remember waking up hungover monday morning with it in my pack pocket?
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 11:31, Reply)

I have half a towel doused in sweat from Grant Nicholas from Feeder. It was thrown to the crowd at a gig in Bristol Fleece after my mate won tickets on shittey radio station GWR FM. My friend and I, extemely drunk decided to share it, hence us having half each. It fucking stinks.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 11:21, Reply)

I have rugby shirt signed by most of the 2001 British Lions team. My sister came with me and got her T-shirt she was wearing signed by most of the team including the likes of Jason Robinson, Lawrence Dalalialilalalalio, Johnny Wilkinson et al...
When it came for her to grab Martin Johnson (the team captain) she told him that he had to sign across her boobs as he was the most important one there. He went very embarrased and seemed to be very worried about onlookers and the press and everything. He ended up signing across her midriff. Neil Back pushed him out of the way signing in the space reserved in massive letter making sure to dot the i in Neil several times....
She's got that T-shirt framed now along with the photo I took of Martin Johnson apparently touching her up.
I've also got a footballl signed by the 1982 Ipswich Town Football team and an alledgedly original frame from The Life of Brian - from the Biggus Dickus scene
My son has also got a load of props and signed merchandise from the Tweenies as his Aunt - my sister-in-law works for the production company.
oooh oooh - and a friend of mine has the dead stag beetle used on the cover of an album by 90's brit-pop combo Sleeper
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 11:19, Reply)

Actually my partner Kate's cat, and the mouse is a toy. He gave it to her step-sister when she was working in the wardrobe department of a theatre. It found its way to her cat, who would proudly drag it in front of her grandma and proceed to shag it (the mouse, that is). "...is that cat doing what I think it is to that mouse?"
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 11:17, Reply)
This question is now closed.