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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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it feels like I've used up my quota of number of people that I can like and when I meet a new person, unless they are particularly awesome, I find myself focussing on their bad points until I can't stand them.
anyone else experience this?
( , Thu 23 Oct 2008, 12:53, 23 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I know, but if anyone would like to join me for a wee drinkie-poos next May in a tent full of Camra approved real ales, perrys, ciders and 'proper' lagers then see below
( , Thu 23 Oct 2008, 12:32, 2 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Last night I went to an unknown bands night in a local rock venue with the rest of my band (guitarist and drummer).
We weren't playing, but we're looking to get some gigs so we figured that we could make some useful contacts there.
As I wasn't driving, I proceeded to get rather hammered on whisky, and talked to just about every musician in the place.
I managed to get a lot of info about local venues, names and numbers of promoters, recording studios and other bands, so it was all good really.
Anyway, I went out for a well-deserved drunken cigarette, happy that I'd managed to get so much information, and that the night had been worthwhile.
There was a strange man out there, struggling to light his cigarette, so I offered him a light, and we got chatting.
This is where it gets blurry... The alcohol had hit hard by this point.
His name was Frank, and he was in his late fifties, by the look of it.
He was pretty well dressed, wearing a black suit and a dark red shirt, but there were a couple of odd things about him.
He had a massive scar across his forehead, he was quite short, he had a cane, and piercing blue eyes.
He said that he was a music promoter, and we started chatting about that, and I mentioned that my band are looking for gigs.
He asked if we had a demo, and I went to grab one from my drummer.
Frank followed me, and had a chat with my bandmates, took the CD and my contact details and said that he'd call me in the next two days.
I fully appreciate that he's likely some weirdo, but I can't shake the feeling that he's exactly how I imagine the devil to look, in human form.
Maybe I shouldn't have given my number to him...
( , Thu 23 Oct 2008, 11:05, 21 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Every day, I get a load of calls for papers for conferences, journals, books and so on. I ignore almost all of them. I especially tend to ignore those that try to link some aspect of popular culture with philosophy.
But this one caught my eye, if only for the subtitle:
( , Thu 23 Oct 2008, 10:16, 1 reply, 16 years ago)

I sent my boss my letter of resignation today. He msn'd me tonight and said he'd rather fire everyone else than lose me.
I feel quite special. Still wanna quit though. :/
Wait...he just messaged me again, and wants to have breakfast with me to "hash it out". Breakfast is an hour later than I normally go into the office. This is a good thing, I get to sleep in.
Oh, and backstory.....I went back to work last week after a 2 month leave of absence (not my choice) due to the company doing absolutely shit, and me being the only one who could afford the time off (thanks for dying, mum). So, not my choice. I go back and they managed perfectly well without me, hence my position (executive admin) surplus to requirements. I get moved into a "sales and marketing" role. Which a) I'm shit at, and b) I don't have any experience at and don't actually want to do. Oh, and my coworkers are all worried about their jobs and now that I'm back after sacrificing two months salary among other stuff above and beyond what I'm supposed to, they're all worried that now I'm back they're going to lose their jobs.
( , Thu 23 Oct 2008, 6:07, 2 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

*twiddles thumbs*
( , Thu 23 Oct 2008, 3:34, 307 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I would like to propose a new section for people to post messages who have drunk too much.
Maybe even a whole website.
So you'd get everyone ranting about subjects they know nothing about, without having to delete them or apologise the next day.
( , Wed 22 Oct 2008, 23:28, 5 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Does anyone know how to rig up a rudimentary life support machine using the following things I have in reach:
My phone
A lot of USB cables
An empty Pringles tube
A spare Samsung battery
A PS3 controller
A metal toothpick
A bongo drum
Any help would be most appreciated.
( , Wed 22 Oct 2008, 20:48, 20 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

a Spanish exam for Friday. One of the questions will be to translate from English into Spanish a short story that I have yet to write. However, I'm a bit concerned about my grammar (there are things Word can't correct)
( , Wed 22 Oct 2008, 20:22, 3 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I just had flowers and chocolates delivered at work by one of our clients welcoming me back :)
( , Wed 22 Oct 2008, 20:07, 4 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

as the old one is getting slow.

You love it.
( , Wed 22 Oct 2008, 15:04, 424 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Am I alone in believing that Wednesday is the worst day of the week? You've had to make it through a Monday, struggled through the ensuing Tuesday, and yet you still have a WHOLE 2 days left before the weekend.
Opinions anyone?
Urghh. Today is dragging.
( , Wed 22 Oct 2008, 14:41, 14 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I have a difficult decision to make.
I would like to go and see Hooverphonic in concert before the end of the year (and before the current singer leaves). However this will necessitate a trip to Belgium, as they never play in the UK any more.
However, when considering travel costs and accommodation, this is looking to become somewhat on the expensive side. Not to mention requiring me to be organised and make sure I've booked everything correctly.
And the same weekend that I might go out there, there is a beer festival within 30 minutes' walk of Ms Crow's flat.
What does OT think? Should I make the effort and take my last chance to see the current lineup of this group, or should I just go with the easier, cheaper option and go to a beer festival in my own country? I can't decide...
EDIT: I've decided. I've bought the tickets for Hooverphonic. (Assuming the Belgian woman on the phone actually understood my pitiful French and hasn't, in fact, put a large aubergine in the post for me...)
( , Wed 22 Oct 2008, 14:10, 7 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I was going to post this in the reply to my earlier thread about Hot-Eye problems, but I feel I should pay proper homage to our Lord Legless in his own separate thread.
He has worked through the night (our night, probably his day) and solved the mystery for me, I now have all my CDs converted to VLC-friendly files!!
In line with the fluffehness of this group, I'd like to go all soppy and say how overwhelming the responses I got from you all were, considering none of you have ever met me (well, knowingly!) and that there are people out there who are willing to help perfect strangers for nothing.
Fluffehness Summary:
Thank you to everyone who took time to help me out with this and special thanks to Lord Legless who cracked the code and made everything warm and fuzzy again!!
( , Wed 22 Oct 2008, 13:36, 7 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Before I start, I know this is a contentious subject, and I'm by no means racist. Just so you know.
In our small market town there's been a guy who sells The Big Issue outside the town supermarket for around a year. I bought it from him for the first few weeks because I thought I'd like to support someone who needed help.
He's of an ethnic persuasion, presentable and polite.
However, at times, he was replaced with an ethnic lady selling the mag. Then a few days later, a different ethnic guy. Then, again, the lady with a small child.
This got me thinking. Is this a homeless family? There's no hostel or anything in this town, no facilities within fifteen or twenty miles for homeless types. Did all four of them sleep rough in our small town?
Secondly... isn't selling The Big Issue supposed to be a path to getting housed, getting a 'normal job' as opposed to a long-term career?
I've always felt uneasy with this kind of guilt-inducing marketing so I stopped buying it. And the thing with the 'family' members selling too just didn't sit right with me.
Am I a bastard? Or does anyone else feel the same? Your thoughts please.
( , Wed 22 Oct 2008, 13:30, 6 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Last night I went to see Mirrors.
This film seems to have escaped a lot of publicity, and as such I turned up at the cinema knowing several things about it:
1) It had "that Keef O'Southerland from 24" in it.
2) It wasn't meant to be very good.
3) It was a re-make of a Japanese/Korean/Whatever horror film, which I hadn't seen.
4) It had something to do with shiny looking-glasses.
So, armed with this knowledge and a healthy set of zero-expectations, I sat down and watched it.
This film does some things right, and some things wrong.
Let's get this clear - I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it.
Good points included:
+ Some beautiful sets.
+ It was scary in parts. That bastard kind of "build the tension up, I know something's gonna happen... AARGH!" scary.
+ Some nicely gory bits.
So, onto the bad points... *cracks knuckles*...
- Keef... *shakes head*
All he can do is get angry about things. He's meant to be the "good guy", and he ended up whipping a gun out in every other scene, scaring children and kidnapping a nun at gun point.
Yes, you read that correctly. The "Hero" kidnaps a nun, and forces her to her death. She's not even an evil nun.
As fun as seeing Keef get angry is, it gets a bit repetitive. Just like 24.
- Weak characters.
The "estranged wife"... The "scared daughter"... The "possessed-by-evil-mirror-demons son".
Dammit, even Keef plays a "Cop who had to leave the force because he fucked up, but it wasn't his fault... And... And... And now he's working as a night security guard in a haunted Mental Asylum/Department Store".
So very generic, you'll feel like you know them well from every other damn Hollywood-Remake-Of-Asian-Horror-Film ever.
- The plot wasn't great.
Part supernatural investigation. That was a good part.
Part creepy stuff happening in mirrors. Also good.
Then Keef goes mad. And his family think he's crazy.
But wait! The mirror-demons come for them in their own home, and then guess who goes crying back to Keef to help them? Yeah...
Then the "Boss Fight".
That was fucking rubbish. So, so very rubbish.
The twist at the end wasn't bad though.
I say twist, in actual fact it was about a quarter of a rotation, as it was so damn predictable.
Right... So Mirrors gets a solid 5/10.
It's "ok".
And it was quite funny in places, although I seemed to be the only person in the cinema that was laughing.
( , Wed 22 Oct 2008, 12:43, 9 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Thirteen years I've been driving. Thirteen years. And last week, for the first time ever, I discovered that by lifting up the piece of petrol pump hose that is lowest to the floor, while still holding the dispensing part in place, you don't spill petrol or diesel down the car and you pull the hose out.
I can't believe I never worked this out before.
Seeing as it passed me by for so long, I thought I'd share it here, as I feel it's too obvious for Top Tips.
( , Wed 22 Oct 2008, 12:00, 5 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I'm sat here ready far too early to go for my interview and if I get any more nervous I might just poo.
How are you all?

( , Wed 22 Oct 2008, 8:10, 314 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

( , Tue 21 Oct 2008, 23:36, 4 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Yesterday was a very windy day in Stenungsund (near Gothenburg). I was cycling back to the office and suddenly I saw a small stork "wobbling" in the air.
It was going straight to some telephone cables. It hit one of the middle ones and was thrown back against another, trying desperately to fly free.
Finally, it fell in the floor, wings and head first. Shook its head, got up and stayed there, in the middle of the road, looking each side with a look of completely lost.
I regret now I didn't go and help it. A big truck went down the road a bit after, and I don't know what happened.
Sorry, it has nothing to do with the QOTW, but I was so shocked I had to tell you.
( , Tue 21 Oct 2008, 20:49, 7 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I've just updated the calendar to ask where people fancy going to the November bash. I thought it was going to be a small intimate affair, but it looks like our party has grown considerably...not that I'm complaining :)
Where do you lot fancy going?
*puts on small child hat*
it's my birthday*, so I get final say ,)
not technically true as it's the actual day earlier in the week
( , Tue 21 Oct 2008, 20:47, 9 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I had to get a bus today, a fucking bus.
Now I know why I have a car!

( , Tue 21 Oct 2008, 17:55, 219 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

One day a viking is about to set off on the long ship with his viking companions to loot, pillage and rape in jolly old England.
As he is on his way to the ship, his blind wife comes out of the longhouse and shouts to him "can you try and get me one of those Belfast sinks while you are over there? I'd love one of those"
The viking takes notice of this and heads off to the ship.
A couple of weeks later, after the vikings have had the fill of loot, pillage and rape (with a couple of sackings and burnings thrown in for good measure) they are heading back to the longship to begin the trip home.
As they near the ship, the viking's mate says to him "'ere, what about the sink that your blind wife wanted?"
"shit!" thinks the viking and says to his mate "I'll be right back" as he scurries off to a nearby building site.
His mates watch him as he runs up to a bricklayer, smacks him round the head with his axe, and takes his brick carrier, dumping the bricks en route back to the ship.
"What are you going to do with that?" his viking mates cry "your wife may be blind but she'll never fall for that!"
"Come on" says the viking "you know the old adage..."
(punchline in reply for added suspense)
( , Tue 21 Oct 2008, 17:37, 4 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Herein lies the story of Hammy the Horny Hamster.
A tragedy of eric [sic] proportions by sophocles*, translated by Boss Keloid and happylittletulip.
*not by sophocles. not even a little bit
( , Tue 21 Oct 2008, 16:58, 9 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
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