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Sunday morning is nearly over.

(, Sun 6 Apr 2014, 11:46, 7 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Alright prick lordlings?
Alt: not alright prick lordlings?
(, Sat 5 Apr 2014, 7:57, 44 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I may watch something on youtube, but I can't think what, any suggestions?
(, Fri 4 Apr 2014, 21:38, 48 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Fuck it, I've just seen a couople neckig inb thepub. Is that rather vrisly?

(, Fri 4 Apr 2014, 18:54, 9 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Well, this is "shit"
Power hour people.
When was the last time you showed true stamina.
Besides when climbing MM or reading MT

alt. If you were to be a new political leader, what would your promises be?

altalt. Mila Kunis or Charlize Theron
(, Fri 4 Apr 2014, 15:16, 200 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Wots yore favright episod o frients?
i lyke ther one weer russ dryncs fatt

alt: bigge baeng theary!!
(, Fri 4 Apr 2014, 14:31, 45 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
With it being the National tomorrow, a day when non gamblers gamble. Do you enjoy a flutter or like me have you never put a bet on (bets with friends expected)

Alt: do you have a tip for the race... ACROSS THE BAY is mine.

Altalt: I am quite a prick are you?
(, Fri 4 Apr 2014, 13:29, 121 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
* picture of Admiral Ackbar *

(, Fri 4 Apr 2014, 13:19, 33 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Essential holiday items
What can you not go on holiday without?

(, Fri 4 Apr 2014, 11:41, 154 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
(, Thu 3 Apr 2014, 16:46, 90 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Best/worst decisions

(, Thu 3 Apr 2014, 14:38, 147 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Fucking hell, over half an hour since anyone posted?
This isn't /Talk you know.

It seems to have been misty here since Sunday, what's the weather like where you are?

If you could go back to yourself at the start of your career, what advice would you give yourself with the benefit of hindsight, and would the younger you have listened to it?
(, Thu 3 Apr 2014, 13:16, 74 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I swapped the Mrs over onto her new phone last night. This took about 5 mins and it included all photos, music, etc. It even kept her Flappy Birds high score

When were you last impressed?
(, Thu 3 Apr 2014, 10:43, 112 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Watch any good films recently?

Alt: Following on from Battered's question, are you a better chef/cook that your OH?

AltAlt: I'm being sent on a 'social media' training course in a couple of weeks, any tips for not falling asleep?
(, Thu 3 Apr 2014, 8:56, 34 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Great news for Darth Foxtrot!

He can get fucked up, deep in the K-hole with his guyliner cyberbent mates at inFest, all on the NHS!

It's a wonderful time to be alive!
(, Thu 3 Apr 2014, 7:12, 3 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
On the whole are men better cooks than women?

(, Wed 2 Apr 2014, 20:57, 51 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
alright quimmoes and mongflids

(, Wed 2 Apr 2014, 18:08, 23 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
School reports
After a filling at the dentists I have to go to my daughter's school for her parent's evening.

What were you told in school? Were you never going to amount to much?
(, Wed 2 Apr 2014, 14:38, 120 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I'm bored!
Say something that would get you stepped/banned on Main talk or QOTW but not on OT where no-one cares.
(, Wed 2 Apr 2014, 13:12, 121 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I'm cleaning my carpets tonight (not a euphemism)
What are you up to this fine Wednesday?
What's your favourite euphemism?

Alt. What will be the media's next scare tactic? I've seen an influx of natural disasters and pollution. Paedos and terrorists have taken a back seat.

Altalt. Speaking of taking a back seat, what are them gays like eh? They win their gay marriage bollocks and now they are moaning about Sainsburys covering up Attitude and gay Times. Never happy.
What are you not happy about?

(, Wed 2 Apr 2014, 12:03, 176 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I have killed my laptop. Spilt coffee all over the keyboard. What make and model should I replace it with?
Alt: just for Darth, who would win in a queer off, him or Jason?
(, Wed 2 Apr 2014, 10:33, 178 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Good morning losers. I'm looking at holidays.
What are you looking at?

Alt: can you describe another b3tan in 3 words?

Altalt: Which cliches always turn out to be true?

Altaltalt: plans for the week end/weekend?
(, Wed 2 Apr 2014, 8:03, 114 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I'm going to watch football. Bent or what?

(, Tue 1 Apr 2014, 19:21, 187 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Yeah fuck that.
Can anyone please nutshell the gossip from the weekend, ta.
I've also resigned to giving up clubbing/ all nighters. When did you resign to being old?

Alt. Alright.
(, Tue 1 Apr 2014, 17:02, 45 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Sharing time
Ok lets try that again:

1) Share a genuine cooking tip, i.e. when doing any sauce based food (curries, bolognaise etc) I always add twice as much liquid and cook for longer I find you get a better flavour.
2) Share a genuine DIY/ helpful tip i.e. Forgot which wire goes where in a plug, Brown = BR = Bottom right... Blue = BL = Bottom left
3) share an infectious disease.
(, Tue 1 Apr 2014, 15:01, 164 replies, latest was 11 years ago)

(, Tue 1 Apr 2014, 14:34, 22 replies, latest was 11 years ago)

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