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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Red Dwarf coming back eh?

Morning folks.

(, Tue 27 Jan 2009, 8:28, 218 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I have three choices for an evening snack...
Cherry bakewells, key lime pie or vienetta. Which would you pick?
(, Mon 26 Jan 2009, 21:59, 9 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I'd just like to echo Friz's sentiments.
Hope you are all well...ell...ell...ell

(, Mon 26 Jan 2009, 17:47, 2 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Hello Off Topic
Hope you are all well
(, Mon 26 Jan 2009, 15:51, 17 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Afternoon All
I've just put down a deposit for a new flat in Salford Quays, so I'm now a very excited Kitty! Moving day is 21st February, bye bye horrible Blackburn, hello lovely Manchester!

Anyway, point of post: I am now ridiculously skint, quick cash making suggestions needed.

Pre-emptive FAQs: Yes, I can dance. No, not well.
(, Mon 26 Jan 2009, 15:16, 21 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
You would though wouldnt you

Definitely. Plus, that whole risk thing. Will she kill me afterwards?
(, Mon 26 Jan 2009, 13:16, 31 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Beware the B3TA Aryan brotherhood!
I was round at Pooflake's place yesterday when the eldest of the "Aryan Brotherhood" (I:E Pooflake's blonde, blue-eyed sons) said, while playing a computer game "Wow! Did you see that? I totally SPANGED him".

He's 6.

We're all doomed.
(, Mon 26 Jan 2009, 12:10, 2 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
so a married friend
just sent me an email saying "ooooh, 'he's just not that into you' is out on fri 6, we have to go and see it, we thought you might like to come with us?"

er. hello.

is the film called "we're smug marrieds and we're going to sit and hold hands in our popcorn whilst laughing at all the sad single people on the screen, ha ha ha" ?

i think NOT.

so... how do i tell her politely to stuff her cinema tickets up her arse with the finger wearing a wedding ring?!
(, Mon 26 Jan 2009, 12:01, 26 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
fake vegetable substitutes
Hi all, i'm thinking of giving up vegetables completely. Does anyone have any suggestions of suitable veggie substitutes that are completely made of meat. like quorn, but exactly opposite. Potatos made of chicken, mushies made of steak...you know that sort of thing.
(, Mon 26 Jan 2009, 11:49, 7 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Unpleasant discovery
I learned over the weekend that one of the treatments for c. difficile is the faecal transplant.

Basically, you take a stool sample from a healthy relative, and use it in an enema. It works by helping to restore the bowel's fauna to what they should be.

What unpleasant things have you discovered recently?
(, Mon 26 Jan 2009, 11:43, 12 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Cannabis goes back to class B today
What are your thoughts? A good move or a bad one?

Personally I think it will tie up police resources and time prosecuting people for something that is _largely_ harmless. Sensationalist headline-grabbing Daily Mail-satisfying policy making.

(, Mon 26 Jan 2009, 10:34, 51 replies, latest was 16 years ago)


someone recommended me the album City by Strapping Young Lad the other week so I picked up a copy on Sunday

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!111eleventy what an awesome album!

Anyone else had my luck with new bands recently?* (Yes yes City was released 12 years ago, im a bit slow
(, Mon 26 Jan 2009, 8:38, 12 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
If you had to fuck a cartoon character
which cartoon character would you fuck?
(, Mon 26 Jan 2009, 8:23, 34 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Monday's thread!
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

how're y'all going?
(, Mon 26 Jan 2009, 1:33, 170 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I've just joined.

What's it all about?

So far it just seems like a glorified version of Facebook's status thing. Mind you, Facebook has become a bit of a behemoth, so maybe Twittering is the way forward.

Anyway, what I'm after is suggestions of who to 'follow' - yes, I'd love to follow your mum.
(, Sun 25 Jan 2009, 23:15, 5 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
My housewarming party was quite a success. There's a ton of booze left, a ton of food, and I'm still drunk....but dreading when the hangover kicks in.......
(, Sun 25 Jan 2009, 19:14, 6 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Today's poll
It seems my polls yesterday didn't go down too well. Hopefully, this one should receive a better response.

Mini poll bar

(, Sun 25 Jan 2009, 12:53, 3 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Sunday's thread

(, Sun 25 Jan 2009, 11:30, 15 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Hey Guys and Gals
Does anyone know how to put a "This call will be recorded for security and training purposes" message on to my home phone?
(, Sun 25 Jan 2009, 9:47, 5 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I'm quite ashamed to admit this
But I think B3ta is corrupting me. Normally I'm a very polite, calm, sensible person.
I realised last night that that appears to be merely one facet of my personality.

I was at work last night - and me and another girl split the last of a bottle of red because there wasn't enough for a full glass for another customer.

My boss comes over - takes a look at the glass and says "What's this shit??"
and I've just blurted out:

"your mum's jizz"

Even now I can feel a giggle and a little blush of shame coming on.
(, Sun 25 Jan 2009, 6:04, 3 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
It's Saturday night and my housewarming party is due to kick off in an hour.
(, Sun 25 Jan 2009, 2:35, 3 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I realise that most of you are too cool for school (skool if you must)
but fuckit someone here must be a closest knitter!

I'm an ok knitter but not yet able to make my own patterns (I tried once and it was painful yet hilarious). My friends are having a baby girl in about 6 months time and they're doing up her nursery in superhero stuffs. So. Im trying to find a pattern for making something superheroey for the baby! I have a basic jumper pattern, I just would quite like it if someone had any idea where I could find somewhere that would tell me exactly what I needed to do to knit in a superhero logo or picture or whatever.

Gogo geek team!
(, Sat 24 Jan 2009, 23:28, 8 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
its saturday night and im full of snot and cold.

However I have youtube and a 4pack of guinness original, so ladies and gentlemen, tell me some music videos to watch during a long sneezy night please

(last 5, feddie la grande the creeps, poppies def con one, destination unknown by thingummyjig, praga khan injected with a poison Prodigy one love:):):):):):):))
(, Sat 24 Jan 2009, 20:47, 18 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Do we want rules, guidelines or neither on QOTW/QOTWOT
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
(, Sat 24 Jan 2009, 20:25, 13 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
/open dialogue
Hello. I'm new here.

Is this a forum where everyone hates each other?

/await response
(, Sat 24 Jan 2009, 16:43, 13 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

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