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what are you looking forward to this week (or not)?
I have a week of nothingness - unless things go wrong and - have to fix them

Alt q - Rick Wakeman? Prog-rock genius or a stupid twat in a cape playing the organ?
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 8:23, 129 replies, latest was 14 years ago)
I'm looking forward
to someone posing effectively the same question as mine about three minutes later.

OK, that's happened already, now what?

Alt: both. As a raconteur and an all-round chap he's fucking great. However, he's never made a record that I'm aware of that isn't Fucking Shit. He also played the Mellotron on 'Space Oddity' by that man and must therefore be made to suffer.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 8:25, Reply)
Sobering up, mainly
I'm still drunk, not good.

Alt: No opinion of the man, aside from him being funny on NMTB.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 8:39, Reply)
I'm thinking about a week off the booze this week.
The weekend gone was pretty major and I don't feel at all well as a result.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 8:57, Reply)
It's fucking shit when that happens.

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 8:59, Reply)
My goal this week is to actually stick to the plan for a change
and just have a glass of wine or a bottle of beer with dinner AND NO MORE until the weekend. Past performance suggests I'm unlikely to make it to Friday.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:26, Reply)
This weekend is going to be brilliant.
Going to London for the weekend to do the big demo. This, I would look forward to enough, but it also means I get to meet up with loads of people *AND* see BB three weeks earlier than I thought I was going to.

Alt: I loathe prog music.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 8:58, Reply)
Demo? What about this time?

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 8:59, Reply)
It's a march against the cuts
But this one has a main TUC march with lots of feeder marches as well as other direct action. It's going to be huge.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:03, Reply)
So, shall we expect chaos again?

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:04, Reply)
I certainly hope so :D
I'm doing one of the feeders and then the UKUncut action on Oxford St.

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:06, Reply)
Don't you think that massive public spending cuts are both necessary and hugely overdue?

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:06, Reply)
Only if they are only against the rich

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:06, Reply)
I agree that some public spending cuts are necessary
However, the way that the deficit is being reduced by harming the poorest in society is both unnecessary and unfair, and could be handled in an entirely different manner. For example, allowing public schools to have 'charitable' status means that we lose out on approximately £130 million in taxes per year.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:09, Reply)
Do you believe that causing London to grind to a halt,
inconveniencing millions and costing the nation hundreds of thousands of pounds in policing bills and in lost productivity at a time when the country hasn't got any fucking money is
a) going to produce any results whatsoever and
b) isn't actually making a bad situation worse by squandering resources?
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:14, Reply)
/\ This

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:17, Reply)

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:17, Reply)
I see your argument.
You're completely right, nobody should ever protest if it's going to inconvenience someone. Sorry about that, I'll just stay here and accept the ideological assault on the poor and disadvantaged.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:17, Reply)
The unions
(massive, wealthy organisations who pay their staff enormous salaries - very 'up the workers' I'm sure you agree) will of course be paying for the required police cover, won't they?
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:21, Reply)
As much as the palace is paying for the police cover of the Royal fucking circus next month
Which is going to cost between £20-40 million, I might add, and will also harm productivity and shut down London. Even more so because of the insistence on a bank holiday.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:22, Reply)
And has been costed out to provide upto £620m to the economy
That's what I would call a good investment personally
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:24, Reply)
that the majority of people in this country want.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:26, Reply)
*waves tea-towel*

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:27, Reply)
How so?
The £20-40 million figure I gave was for policing and security alone. I'm fairly sure lost productivity on the bank holiday and the preceeding weekend will inflate the sum much, much higher. Along with all the clever people's insistence on taking three days holiday afterwards.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:29, Reply)
Why should people not take advantage of getting 10-11 days off in a row for the cost of 3 days holiday?

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:32, Reply)
I'm not saying they shouldn't
But that level of absenteeism all at once will surely also harm productivity, no? So according to Monty's argument, people shouldn't do it.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:39, Reply)
I couldn't care less
I'm off to Centreparcs!

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:41, Reply)
Think is, people going to the wedding will spend money, protesters won't (as much)
I'm totally on the fence and could argue for both sides as although no one is right, no one is wrong.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:03, Reply)
Perfect well done
Why not have some sort of cyber protest, you could all meet up in WoW and totally get in the way of the Goblin Express and the castle of Grayskull
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:21, Reply)
Also, do you not think that fucking up the lives of people in this country for years to come
just so your mates in business and the banks can make even more cash at a time when the country hasn't got any fucking money is

a) not going to produce any results whatsoever,
b) actually making a bad situation worse by squandering resources and
c) actually incredibly cuntish behaviour?
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:21, Reply)
Have you ever wonder if the poor are poor because they are
a: lazy
b: feckless
c: stupid
d:all of the above

So why prop up a failing area of society, it's anti Darwinism
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:23, Reply)
Sorry, by 'poor' I meant
Not leeching off society by being either:

a) born obscenely rich (and having your family avoid tax to make sure you don't lose a single penny),
b) a banker (and avoiding tax WHILST getting taxpayer funded bailouts when you fuck up) or
c) a business magnate (who conveniently actually lives in a post box somewhere in the middle of the Indian Ocean)
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:27, Reply)
And how precisely
is holding central London to ransom whilst a load of inflammatory tosspots with megaphones chant tedious rhetoric going to make the slightest bit of difference to the taxation and banking situations in this country?

I put it to you that you will achieve nothing whatsoever other than massive wastage of public money - unless you count fucking up struggling retail businesses that are already having a bad time (the FAT CAT BASTARDS) and generally pissing off innocent citizens.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:32, Reply)
Struggling more than the people who are about to be made redundant for no good reason?
Or more than the disabled people who are having their benefits fucked about with and removed for no good reason?

Or the children who will struggle in the future because their education was so fucked up, for no good reason?

Or the people who won't be treated properly because the NHS has been fucked about with so much, for no good reason?
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:37, Reply)
I still don't see how shouting about it and walking through the streets of London
will help? Unless it works as well as the student protests!

Oh, wait.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:39, Reply)
What will happen
is the banks will say 'hey - we're really sorry! Here's loads of our salaries to spend on flids! Now we've seen people vandalising shops we realise the errors of our ways!'

That's is what will definitely happen.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:44, Reply)
Slippers should be tax-free.

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:46, Reply)
The previous government had one policy
Throe money at a problem. When questioned in the commons why the NHS was failing in an area, or scholls were failing children their response was, "Well we've increase investment by £Xbn".

Brilliant, but if those billions made no difference to the lavels of care etc availible then they were wasted. Money is not the answer, efficiecny, quality and itleeligent running of services is the answer, this will never happed whilst budgets continue to rise.

If my boss questioned me on why a project had failed and I said, "yes it failed, but I pumped shit loads of extra money into it" I'd be fired, and rightly so.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:42, Reply)
I'm not saying that was right.
My argument is that shafting the 'little people' while your mates make off with obscene amounts of cash and you lie and tell them that the cuts are necessary is fucking morally abhorrent.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:44, Reply)
Wasting ten years of growth by borrowing huge amounts of money
to pay for jobs that aren't required to employ people who will then vote for you is morally abhorrent.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:47, Reply)
So, in your eyes, all public sector jobs are a waste of money and effectively non-jobs?

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:51, Reply)
No, not at all
But the Labour governemnt propped up growth with borrowing during a time of global growth when the country should have been saving (Not selling all of our gold at a historically low price).

Save in the good times, so that you are prepared for the bad times. The recession would have happned either way, but we would have been in a better postion to ride it out and less cuts would have been necessary.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:57, Reply)
I don't disagree with you wholly, especially not about the gold. However, my point was originally that there are alternatives to the wholesale 'slash and burn the public sector then piss on it' approach of this government.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:01, Reply)
Whoever is in government, this will still happen

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:48, Reply)
You're missing out a large area of the population in the middle
I don't consider that i earn a huge amount of money, but when my baby is born in August guess waht the governemnt will give me to help out...that's right absolutely nothing which is all I've ever been eligable for and all I would ever take as I have some pride.

And yet I pay almost £1000 a month in direct income tax and NI, a big chunk of which pays for pikey fucking twats to breed little shits up and down this fetid Isle.

My point is the people you are moaning about are a tiny minority, and your ideals filter down and fuck up the lives of the hard working, high tax paying middle classes, so just leave it out, alwight!
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:35, Reply)
Now, now just because you are affluent, it doesn't mean you have avoided tax and fucked over the little guy
Tgere are people who have gambled and grafted at the right times in their life.

And those people generally help many on their way.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:39, Reply)
I'm sorry, but to me
acting like a selfish cunt simply because you believe someone else is acting like a selfish cunt is incredibly cuntish behaviour.

There's a brilliant way of making sure your opinions are heard. They're known as 'elections'.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:25, Reply)
A good point, well made

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:28, Reply)
Once every five years?
And with a system that doesn't favour the majority? Yeah, stellar choice that.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:29, Reply)
There's a referendum on that very system coming up.
Sorry if the democratic process doesn't favour your minority opinions because they are...y'know...minority.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:34, Reply)
I vote Labour, and broadly agree with their stance on most things.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:38, Reply)
So you support the very party whose idiocy and 'end to boom and bust' have necessitated the public cuts in the first instance
Bravo, why not do everyone a favour and stay at home rolling around on the floor or whatever it is that you usually do
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:43, Reply)
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:46, Reply)
Oh, hello.
Now, whilst I commend your ability to learn and repeat a trite phrase, I think you'll find that the public cuts have been necessitated due to the failings of a global financial market which rewarded idiocy with taxpayer money. Do run along now, wouldn't want you to get a headache by thinking too hard.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:47, Reply)
I've got a headache by drinking too hard.

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:47, Reply)
I like the sig!

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:49, Reply)
Yes, the World has caused the cuts, not Labours continued unwillingness to properly regulate the financial markets
Especially as the tax receipts were lubbly jubbly. Hey look at us we're continuing to fuck more money up the wall year on year with the nhs. VOTE FOR US !!11! You may have noticed this if you hadn't been so busy rolling round on the floor.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:52, Reply)
Hm. Yawn.
So exactly what are the government now doing if not making it worse?
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:56, Reply)
They're dealing with what is a staggering national deficit by spending less, it's a fairly understandable concept really
No amount of mannequin theft or drinking diamond white on a day out in London is going to prevent it. I just wish all you pikeys would go to somewhere like Bradford and fuck that place up as opposed to annoying me in London.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:01, Reply)
Do I need to point out that after WWII there was a larger national debt
And not only did we manage to pay it off with relatively little fuss, we also managed to set up a welfare state in the years after it?
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:03, Reply)
The WWII bill was only paid off a few years ago.
And that was on favourable terms, not the commercial terms we are borrowing on now.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:08, Reply)
You seem to have as much a grasp on the situation as a child with downs syndrome
Hopefully you get kicked in the cunt by a charging police horse, when it all inevitably gets 'out of hand'
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:09, Reply)
Sorry, I read this as:
"I don't actually have an argument, so I'll just engage in extreme fuckwittitude".
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:12, Reply)
I don't think there's anything to apologise for.

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:14, Reply)
Are you seriously saying the protesters have no valid points at all?
Think about it, agmonst the great unwashed are plenty of people who seem to know what they're talking about... Doctors and stuff, not just wanky people who are doing qthier damndest to avoid doing what their parents did; get a job and contribute to society.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:14, Reply)
Based on the Belladonna brush I can't see what these protestors are after
Other than an easy ticket, and a day out on the piss in that London boring people with their commie opinions. They can fuck right off.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:21, Reply)
They're paying off the massive debts run up by your lot.

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:02, Reply)
Coming from a man who refuses to take part in elections
that's a fairly stupid argument.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:46, Reply)
How was the Fatherland?

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:02, Reply)
It was excellent. Though a lot of it was covered in scaffolding
and you can't go into the Reichstag anymore unless you register a week in advance. But it was still good fun.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:07, Reply)
I've never been to Germany.
This is wrong.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:09, Reply)
I'd recommend it
though they are not as efficiant as national stereotypes would have us believe. In some cafes we waited for over five minutes to get a coffee.

They did all speak english though, which was useful as my German isn't great, but also a bit annoying as I was trying to improve my german and they kept answering in either really fast german which I couldn't understand, or slow english, like I was slightly retarded.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:12, Reply)

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:18, Reply)

like as
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:19, Reply)
My privately-held opinions
won't cost the taxpayer vast sums to police.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:04, Reply)
I guess I could email my MP and start up a No10 petition and they will change their minds if I word it right.
I'm all for the cuts, but only if they still need the money after Tescos and their ilk pay what they morally should
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:33, Reply)
If you fuck up my weekend
I will firebomb your stupid parade.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:15, Reply)
Yesterday I did DIY, gardening and then made roast pork for dinner...
I think I've turned into my parents
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:06, Reply)
You're a crossdressing alcoholic with a secret penchant for donkey porn?

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:10, Reply)
If that's true, he's MY parents...

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:14, Reply)
*points with finger on nose*

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:18, Reply)
My weekend was interesting for a change.
I even got chatted up. Ok he was about four foot tall, three foot wide and from Bolton but hey! He liked me : )
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:10, Reply)
It's the personality that.... urgh, Bolton? Never mind.
Has anything happened with that guy you were talking about the other day? The online one that wanted women that lived nearer but you were going to snare him anyway?
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:12, Reply)
I'm not going to throw myself at him and be rebuffed.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:14, Reply)
So, distance perving?
What makes you think you'll be rebuffed?
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:18, Reply)
I've already let on I like him.
The rest is up to him.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:19, Reply)
Is this from a "I don't want to say too much because I don't want him to reject me" POV,
or a "men should do the asking" POV?
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:24, Reply)
The first one : )

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:25, Reply)
I didn't want to have to get all 'righteous feminist' on you.

HOWEVER - surely you could bite the bullet and do some asking? You don't want to be sat wondering what might have been because he had the same POV too, right?
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:31, Reply)
You couldn't get any more righteous feminist than me missy : )
I'm made it plain that I'm interested so I can't see what more I can do than wait for him to decide to go for it or not.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:36, Reply)

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:42, Reply)
I like the way you think : )
But the police are on to me from the last incident.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:44, Reply)
And there'd inevitably be lots of DNA evidence.

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:48, Reply)
They're Bolton, they're barmy....
Which one was it?

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:25, Reply)
It could have been any of them. Guys from Bolton all look the same, apart from whatsisface off the telly.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:27, Reply)
Who is whatshisface?

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:29, Reply)
The fat one or the teeth one?

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:29, Reply)
I'll guess Dave Spikey.

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:30, Reply)
The young tall guy who does Family Fortunes now.
Vernon Kay.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:33, Reply)
Teeth guy

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:34, Reply)
I have a week of various work items to complete
Most of it is very tedious. I am actually so far past tired I'm coming out the other side now. My son decided 4am and 5am were acceptable times to wake up On Saturday and Sunday and daughter decided to join in last night. I have had 8 hours sleep since Thursday.

If there is even a dip in coffee supply today I will shutdown.

Shite music, seems OK though. I go for the "no-cape" rule in music

Actually, I have a statement. John Taylor - excellent bass player
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:27, Reply)
kids do the funniest things /ac

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:29, Reply)
It was HIL-AR-I-OUS, I can tell you
I laughed and laughed and laughed

due to sleep deprivation
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:30, Reply)

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:34, Reply)
Good for you!
Mrs Cow has refused permission for 7pm whisky tots
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:35, Reply)
For you or the kids?

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:36, Reply)
The kids
I dont like whisky
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:37, Reply)
I believe some children's medicines may have a sedative affect : P
Nothing more need be said.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:40, Reply)
Good idea about the coffee
*in search of another cup*
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:40, Reply)

cup barrel
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:42, Reply)

barrel Nebuchadezzar
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:45, Reply)

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:45, Reply)
Morning mate
I take it you saw the Duran Duran thing yesterday as well then. Calmed down about that penalty yet?
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:47, Reply)
A bit of it
They did some cracking tunes. John Taylor seems to hold them all together though, great bass play.

Aye, we were never going to win yesterday with 1 striker and 2 injuries in 20 mins. I didn't even watch the second half as it was a nice day so went out to play football in the street with the kids.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:53, Reply)
Good work. Start them off early
If Liam shows any promise in front of goal we could use him
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:54, Reply)
Elizabeth is getting quite good!
Liam showing early promise!
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:55, Reply)
I'll trade you your firstborn for a Duran Duran ticket

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:00, Reply)
Are you a witch?
Nah mate, she is trouble that one
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:01, Reply)
Can you get Liam up to or above the Adebola Standard before the end of the season?

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:03, Reply)
I think he surpassed Dele
about 6 months ago, as did my dog - which is dead
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:05, Reply)
He goes straight into the starting lineup for the first game after the international break, alongside our current best striker, a penguin.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:09, Reply)
I like this

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:10, Reply)
Is he a Sunderland fan?

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:53, Reply)
Be nice

(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:54, Reply)
Is who a Sunderland fan?
I am, but I'm not sure John Taylor is. Probably Villa
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 9:54, Reply)
You, I mean.
As you may well be aware, I'm a Liverpool fan, but I'll hold my hands up ad admit, that wasn't a penalty.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:08, Reply)
I'm not even sure it was a foul TBH. Doesn't matter though, we would have still got beat and will also get tonked off Man City next
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:10, Reply)
It was a foul, I'm sure of that
And I don't blame the linesman for giving it, it was close.
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:10, Reply)
How old is Spearing?
He looks about 50
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:14, Reply)
Suarez' goal was ludicrous
I damn near texted you to say so. Lucky escape there
(, Mon 21 Mar 2011, 10:10, Reply)

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