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Tonight I will be appearing on Tellyboxes in a piece of hard-hitting Investigative Journalism.
When have you been on the TV?

Alt: Don't you know who I am?
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:14, 159 replies, latest was 13 years ago)
I heard there was some hardcore flouncing being perperpertrated by emvee.
Where the fuck is it?
I need entertainment dammit.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:17, Reply)
I've no idea I'm afraid.
If it's entertainment you're after, how about a game of Twister? Offline, of course, internet twister is a) not real and b) grooming.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:20, Reply)
Frankly, you make internet twister sound more appealing.

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:24, Reply)
It's because I'm all trustworthy, being off the telly and that.

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:26, Reply)
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:20, Reply)
in my reply on QOTW

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:23, Reply)

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:24, Reply)
Can you link me?
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:24, Reply)

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:26, Reply)

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:29, Reply)
Very good

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:37, Reply)

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:43, Reply)
Why, what are you in?
I've been in the background on news reports before, but never on TV. I have, however, been heard in cinemas around the country, and been recorded onto DVD (same night).

Alt: Yes, you're the guy that killed his wife, and buried her under the patio.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:19, Reply)
A piece of hard-hitting Investigative Journalism, I told you.
In it I play a fraud man who is fraudulently frauding people. I'm very convincing.

ALSO: Flim is totally alive, and not in a "Weekend at Bernie's" kind of way.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:22, Reply)

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:27, Reply)

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:29, Reply)
And it's on tonight?
The only one I can see is DIY SOS
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:30, Reply)
As if I would work with Nick Knowles.
My contract specifically states:

"Mr. Tights will not work with a) cunts or b) men his mum fancies. In the case of Nick Knowles, both a and b apply."
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:32, Reply)
In that case, I have no idea

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:54, Reply)
It's got to be Newsround.

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:33, Reply)
Not since John Craven left it.
It is now just puff, the tabloid of Children's Journalism. At least Craven gave it gravitas, and nice jumpers.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:34, Reply)
I was on the Weakest link,
I won money, but lost my dignity.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:20, Reply)
You WON?
I bet Anne noshed you right off after, the winker.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:22, Reply)
I covered my cock with Gin

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:22, Reply)

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:23, Reply)
It's funny because she's an alcoholic.

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:25, Reply)
How much did you win?
And is she really an obnoxious bitch?
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:23, Reply)
I didn't really go on the weakest link
Famous offtopic poster Darth Foxtrot did, I was pretending to be him... ducky
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:25, Reply)
You've shattered my illusions.
You scamp you.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:27, Reply)
what are you on?

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:24, Reply)
The BBC.
I don't go to light entertainment channels, not with my background of hard-hitting investigative journalism.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:25, Reply)
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:53, Reply)
Woah, chill out. I don't need a stalker at this early stage of my career.
BBC London News man. Please don't do a Dando on me.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:59, Reply)
I shall attempt to tune in at 6:30
as I now have acccess to London Television.

(I shall almost certainly forget, though).
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:08, Reply)
I hope he says "your mum".

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:25, Reply)
Or 'fuck off Bert'

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:41, Reply)
Your Mum.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:26, Reply)
agh, prick

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:52, Reply)
I hope he says "Listen, buster, I'm not some kind of performing monkey here for your entertainment."

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:30, Reply)
Listen, buster, I'm not some kind of performing monkey here for your entertainment.

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:33, Reply)
I hope he says "the road to nowhere"

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:32, Reply)
this would have been good

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:02, Reply)
I'm guessing Ye Massive Drugges

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:38, Reply)
When John Major was king of England
he came to my Primary school. It was at this young age I realised that every school/hospital/etc visit they do is a photo op and nothing more. Cnuts. Anyway I was on the news in my PE kit
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:45, Reply)
PE kit?
Sounds a bit pervy.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:50, Reply)
football joke:
john terry's taking his kid to her sportsday tomorrow, he's not taking part but he's taking his PE kit jsut in case she wins so he can lift her trophy
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:52, Reply)
What's small, grey, and smells of curry?
John Major's cock.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:53, Reply)
whats small, curry and smells of curry?

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:56, Reply)
Is it a small portion of curry?

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:59, Reply)
ah close, it was madras

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:00, Reply)
I'd have guessed at Dopiaza
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:01, Reply)
what a mug

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:02, Reply)
I'm so ashamed Q

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:20, Reply)
delete battered's account and kill yourself

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:27, Reply)
It's what Mrs Battered would have wanted

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:32, Reply)
At least you hadn't forgotten your kit that day, or you'd have been in pants and vest.

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:58, Reply)
Piss stains on view

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:58, Reply)
jeremy vine's latest BBC project etc...

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:05, Reply)
I was interviewed on Spanish tv at Live 8
because every other dickhead was sprinting to the front when they opened the gates and I was the only person ambling at a pace slow enough for them to stop me and ask me stuff.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:45, Reply)
"Hethethetheth, Chris Waddle"

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:57, Reply)

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:58, Reply)
buttros, buttros galli

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 14:58, Reply)

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:04, Reply)
I appeared on Match of the Day for 1.5 seconds in the crowd
after a Chris Brunt shot narrowly missed the goal.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:05, Reply)
I'm sure over the years I will have been on numerous times on MOTD
I was filmed at a Celtic - Sunderland pre-season game where my mates were watching in the pub and rang me to tell me off for wearing a bright yellow t-shirt
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:08, Reply)
that's shocking fucking lies
Every Chris Brunt shot I've ever seen has ended up going for a throw or in row Z.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:47, Reply)
What a charmer, eh?

Needs pictures.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:09, Reply)
The moral of this story is don't get in the way of a woman just before her wedding

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:19, Reply)
i have never been on the television
true fact
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:21, Reply)
You live on top of yours, don't you?

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:26, Reply)
it's big enough
although I'd have to move my internal aerial
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:27, Reply)
fnaar fnaar

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:29, Reply)
I'll move your internal aerial in a minute

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:31, Reply)
I was once on a fight to Ibiza and Jordan came on with her entorage and film crew
they asked if anybody specifically didn't want to be on film. I was the only person to put my hand up.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:28, Reply)
you marked yourself out as a criminal on a busy plane
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:29, Reply)

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:31, Reply)
I marked myself out as a not wanting to in any way involved with that hideous witch

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:32, Reply)
You could have told Harvey he was on a bus and to push the button to get off

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:33, Reply)

mong lols,click.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:34, Reply)
How was Aliens?

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:34, Reply)
but if you were in a group of people
and a tv crew turned up, but only one person said they didn't want to take part the rest of the group would immediately assume something was up
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:44, Reply)
I picked my day to return to b3ta phenomenally well
I was on TV last year on a quiz show. I think I mentioned it at the time.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:32, Reply)
I don't recall, no

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:32, Reply)
You never LISTEN to me!
You're lying in the wet patch tonight!
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:35, Reply)
I do wish you'd stop pissing yourself during climax

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:36, Reply)
If you'd just let me fuck you sober it wouldn't happen
I've got control of my giggle reflex now
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:37, Reply)
That sounds like an excellent threat

I'll fuck you sober, pet!
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:39, Reply)
What kind of pet?
If it's a gerbil I suggest wrapping it in clingfilm first. They split.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:45, Reply)
Thanks Richard Gere

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:51, Reply)
All those butthole things in your ears and gay waistcoat really suited you

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:33, Reply)
I never saw it :(

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:35, Reply)
I won

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:43, Reply)
Are you trying to chat him up Rory?

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:35, Reply)
I'm so flattered that you watched it sweetie

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:35, Reply)
well it's not like you didn't go on and on and on and on and on about it as the defining moment of your life
and then on and on and on and on and on about the amazing winnings and how you were going to spend it all on vimto and combichrist action figurines
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:40, Reply)
I've missed you. You're so cute.
Excellent work flaming Emvee by the way, good to see you haven't lost your touch
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:42, Reply)

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:43, Reply)
Up there ^
Nutshell; Rory starts on Emvee based on embarrassing photo, Personality Horse weighs in, Emvee flids out big style
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:44, Reply)
tl: read half

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:51, Reply)
The best bit is where Emvee says hi to Quentin all friendly like in the hope that he'll agree with his assesment of Rory
Motherfucker having no luck at all with his friend requests
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:56, Reply)
You can't keep someone like emvee down, you have to admire that in a nerd

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:44, Reply)
Holy shit you've changed your sig
What's 49?
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:45, Reply)
there are forty nine very upset people on the internet ignoring me
how cool is that !?!?!!!!!
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:48, Reply)
You can actually find that out?
I assumed that was part of the wind-up
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:49, Reply)
Manolith was spilling the beans on talk

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:50, Reply)
I'm partly intrigued
and then I remember that I'm not interesting enough to be ignored
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:54, Reply)
did someone say something?

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:57, Reply)
You so want me

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:59, Reply)
like the desert needs the rain, baby

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:05, Reply)
But the desert copes perfectly well without the rain...
...oh I see what you did there
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:10, Reply)
*subtle zing*

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:23, Reply)
Hot lottery tip
You wait and see.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:49, Reply)
I have to say that even by the standards of this place
it's a fucking magnum opus. I particularly like how he pretends to have ph on ignore and demands photos of him before accidentally a) replying directly to him and b) calling him a fat bald prick, which pretty much shows he knows what he looks like anyway.

I mean, I'm pretty meh about this kind of shit over there, it seems a bit like shooting massively oversized autistic fish in a small barrel using a bazooka, but sometimes you have to doff your cap to a truly epic piece of work. Well played sir, well played indeed.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:51, Reply)

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:53, Reply)
Don't I know it.

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:54, Reply)
It's not as easy as it looks

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:00, Reply)
I bet you have to go days without wanking before a really good flame

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:02, Reply)
It still surprises me that people rise to it.
Especially somebody like Emvee who's been on the internet, and this website, long enough to know better.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:06, Reply)

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:06, Reply)
He's been on b3ta for longer than a week
Yes he has.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:31, Reply)

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:34, Reply)
Best up your ignored number
to 13, BITCH
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:40, Reply)
It's made for a rather pleasant way to pass the afternoon, I must admit.
I can't believe it's still going on.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 17:07, Reply)
Alright Cumshot?

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:34, Reply)
Not bad clagstain
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:36, Reply)
Very well thank you.

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:38, Reply)
I was once on local news
when we all had to dress up as victorians at school
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 15:47, Reply)

is that when your love for cosplay and larping started?
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:08, Reply)
i'm no cosplayer!

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:23, Reply)

What's the difference?
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:24, Reply)

Cosplayers just dress up like anime characters - BORING
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:25, Reply)

Ah so they don't go as far as to roll the dice etc? fair enough. I never found an axe I liked by the way.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:29, Reply)
Wait, so you are a LARPer, Anime dressy up people are cosplayers.
So what are all those people dressed as Batman, Superman, The Joker etc?

('Losers' is too easy to be an acceptable comedy answer).
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:37, Reply)
They are the Fathers for Justice.

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:40, Reply)
See, that is a good comedy answer.

No motherfucker going to tell me I don't know how to do italics.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:41, Reply)
I'm allowed one good post a day.
The rest are dross.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:43, Reply)

I believe they are also called cosplayers. But that would mean B3th was wrong and I don't know how to cope with a world where B3th isn't the go to person for advice on LARPing and Cosplay. :(
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:47, Reply)
Eh? what?
What have I done now?
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 17:48, Reply)
that didn't help :)
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 17:48, Reply)
did you just get me mixed up with b3th?
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 17:48, Reply)
He's probably pissed.

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 17:50, Reply)
I now have a meeting until 6:30
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:57, Reply)
I finished at 12.30 and have just arrived at the pub

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 16:58, Reply)
I'm going to the pub tomorrow evening.
Eat that shit, fact fans.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 17:06, Reply)
I'm off to see OZRIC TENTACLES in an hour or so.
Scoff that dump, fact supporters.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 17:14, Reply)
I mis-read that as Aztec Testicles

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 17:15, Reply)
Great new name, Bat Turd.

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 17:24, Reply)
Says Monty Gummage.

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 17:29, Reply)
Mounty Boys
What a gay.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 17:50, Reply)
I was interviewed on 5 News about eBay, back when everyone started getting into eBay.
I looked and sounded like a complete twat.
Then last year I recorded a voxpop for someone who was getting 'honoured' on Noel's Christmas Presents. My bit got cut.

Alt: Yes. Yes, i do. I've heard you have a stunning missus too.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 17:47, Reply)

If I squint that looks like "my tit got out". Which is enough for me.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 17:57, Reply)
sweaty internet sex pest.

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 17:59, Reply)

That would be a great username.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 18:00, Reply)

username description on CV
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 18:03, Reply)

Well they are supposed to be factual.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 18:05, Reply)
That's some pretty determined squinting there Bobby

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 18:08, Reply)

Hang on TD... just... a few... more... seconds.
(, Wed 23 May 2012, 18:09, Reply)
Turning Japanese.

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 18:13, Reply)

(, Wed 23 May 2012, 17:57, Reply)

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