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Our Xmas lights are going on on Friday.
The Wanted, Misha B and a video message from David Hasselhoff. What crap Crimbo stuff have you seen so far?
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:01, 187 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Your stupid face?

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:02, Reply)
So far today three threads about it.
We're going to be spent come December.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:02, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:03, Reply)
I am aware of Mr. Hasslehoff's work, but not the others
where abouts are you?
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:03, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:04, Reply)
Hustle dwarf*

*batterd in rush
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:06, Reply)
I hadn't heard of the other 2 either.
Boy band and someone from the X Factor.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:06, Reply)
Couple of houses round our way lit up like Santa's grotto since last month
one doesn't even take them down at all.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:05, Reply)
That's Roy Wood's house.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:06, Reply)
That would explain the dancing baby

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:09, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:07, Reply)
it's always pikeys who put up all those ghastly decorations, must cost them a fortune in electricty

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:10, Reply)
Fix the meter innit

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:12, Reply)
They've all go flat screen tellys too
the government buys them with your taxes.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:12, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:23, Reply)
He's off.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:26, Reply)
If you look closely there's usually a wire running into the road up to a street light.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:12, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:18, Reply)
Porn with the women dressed up as santa

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:11, Reply)
With beards?

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:13, Reply)
and large sacks

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:14, Reply)
And candy canes licked seductivly.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:14, Reply)
Photos please.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:21, Reply)
You could use one like a toung scrapper in their vaginas.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:22, Reply)
Oh Gonz. Really?
Has it come to this?
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:23, Reply)
I think so =((((((
My kitchen is looking well pucka at the moment, they're putting the doors'n'stuff on it today.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:27, Reply)
how long has it taken them to build it?

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:28, Reply)
I'm not sure exactly because there are times where we've been waiting for deliveries or for specialests (such as gas man) to come thorugh.
But if I remember correctly, it got ripped out 3 mondays ago.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:33, Reply)
I almost wept with joy when I cooked my first jacket potato at home in five years, yesterday.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:28, Reply)
did you frying pan bake it?

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:31, Reply)
I got very inventive over the years.
You can cook a pizza in a combination of frying pan and grill, you know. I first saw it on Jamie's 30 minute meals.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:33, Reply)
so you boiled it?

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:36, Reply)
It's very healthy that way.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:39, Reply)
do the drawers have those little things that make them close quietly no matter how hard you try and slam them?

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:37, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:45, Reply)
one year i got clothes from my grandparents
The clothes I'd left at their house over the summer
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:25, Reply)
Hahahah se'sly?

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:26, Reply)
You should have recycled the turkey all over their selfish faces.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:27, Reply)
You ungrateful wretch.
It's the thought that counts, you know.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:28, Reply)
What did you buy them?

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:28, Reply)
Their own false teeth out of the glasses by their beds.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:29, Reply)
A voucher for a trial stay at "Shady Oaks"

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:31, Reply)
A packet of condoms.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:32, Reply)
A second-hand poo

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:33, Reply)
A bible with all the bits about not being a whore underlined

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:35, Reply)
Last of the Summer Wine boxset
and a petrol engined vibrator with five forward gears.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:35, Reply)
His'n'hers 'God hates fags' tattoos

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:36, Reply)
A fake "pussy"
and an emery board.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:36, Reply)
A tedious list of "funny" ideas printed off from a shit website.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:37, Reply)
They got one of those last year.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:38, Reply)
a cuddly toy

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:37, Reply)
A smack in the mouth for the uppity newslink poster.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:37, Reply)
The Best of Dick Emery on vhs

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:38, Reply)
You are awful!

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:39, Reply)
But I like you!

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:40, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:43, Reply)
Thanks buddy.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:43, Reply)
Hey, no problem pal.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:44, Reply)
A 30 min sex with Gonz voucher

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:39, Reply)
A packet of Werthers Originals and a dead cat

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:39, Reply)
a rag on a stick.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:40, Reply)
A dog turd rolled in glitter.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:42, Reply)
A complete set of Nat West pigs money boxes.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:42, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:43, Reply)
A signed photo of Monty

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:43, Reply)
I covered that two posts up.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:44, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:48, Reply)
1, 2, 3, 4 get with the wicked by richard blackwood on tape.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:44, Reply)
He's the UK's Will Smith!

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:45, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:46, Reply)
A poor man's Sinbad.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:48, Reply)
a picture of kristine bitch punching a deer to death.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:47, Reply)
A lifesize model of fiona bruce's feet made from gold flecked marble

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:48, Reply)
Psst, Nakers - over there ->

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:49, Reply)
I thought it looked wrong...

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:50, Reply)
The first words little Nakers heard when he was born.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:51, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:01, Reply)
sounds awesome.
I wanted to be in a The Example tribute band with gonz but he said no :(
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:40, Reply)
oh man, you could have been called E.G. cup

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:41, Reply)
gonz is such a ruiner :(

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:42, Reply)
my team just took me out for a birthday lunch
and gave me pink vodka and some very fancy chocolates as a present. fuck christmas, it's all about the birthday shizzle.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:48, Reply)
happy birthday swipey! 28 again?

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:48, Reply)
oh it's not today
we just had the lunch today because everyone was around

but thanks

26 actually
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:52, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:55, Reply)
i meant 25

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:56, Reply)
Alright SirJimmeh

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:00, Reply)
click click
clickety click
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:01, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:03, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:49, Reply)
Happy bidet, arsewipe.
So how was your slap-up Gregg's lunch? Pick up any men?
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:49, Reply)
well, your mum was busy doing your gf, so...

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:52, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:53, Reply)
it's ok
they were watching that video of you doing stunned at the same time
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:56, Reply)
That's alright th...sorry, what?

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:57, Reply)
i thought you were stunned.

oh well.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:59, Reply)

ed ing

Sho' nuff.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:02, Reply)
well naturally darling

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:03, Reply)
I'm harder than the guardian cryptic crossword right now

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:56, Reply)
Want a birthday fingering?

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:49, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:50, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:51, Reply)
another year where you didn't die of toxic shock syndrome.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:50, Reply)
I'm gonna order this from moon pig right now
pig cup
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:51, Reply)
the thick of it
"you fucking human mooncup".

best. insult. ever.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:53, Reply)
If malcom has really gone, can it go on?

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:54, Reply)
It is finished.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:55, Reply)
It's also nowhere near as good as it thinks it is
and I am quite the fan of Armando Iannucci.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:55, Reply)
i like it it makes me lol
for me that's enough, no need to get over excited either way. it does have some great lines though.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:57, Reply)
The laboured lolswearing becomes hugely tiresome after a while.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:58, Reply)
The inquiry epsiode was very very good and didn't rely on lolswears at all.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:00, Reply)
It was good, for sure.
Just not quite the 'wank material' people seem to think it is. I mean it's no 'The Two Ronnies' is it?
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:01, Reply)
TV comedy has been on a downward spiral since the death of Dustin Gee.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:02, Reply)
When Gee died, British comedy also died.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:03, Reply)
Sometimes it feels so close to what the truth might be it's scarey

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:03, Reply)
Yes but you think the same about 'Dr Who', Nakers.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:03, Reply)
you know as well as I do that i don't fall into the sci-fi/gaming/warhammer fraternity on here

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:04, Reply)
pasty fat-faced sweaties stroking their joysticks?
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:05, Reply)
That just makes my insult all the more offensive.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:05, Reply)
i thought the only real gamers on here were kroney and psycho
kroney has an excuse because he works in IT

are there any others?
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:08, Reply)
Whilst I like "games" I don't think I play enough to make me a "gamer"
But then again, you like "Gays" and you do enough for that to make you a "gaymer"
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:10, Reply)
gay guys are generally
well-dressed, well-scented, charming, funny and good-looking. gamers are... the exact opposite of all of the above.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:11, Reply)
Gaymers however are applely

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:13, Reply)
Sorry RS but wearing a Greggs hat in no way renders one 'well-dressed'

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:14, Reply)
it is harder and harder to tell you and stunned poster apart!

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:19, Reply)
Well I can't change my name back until some joker gives it back to me,
so until then, 'soz'.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:21, Reply)
it's not genius
but it has some truly LOL moments
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:59, Reply)
have a nice chilled birthday song
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:54, Reply)
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:56, Reply)
i am all of teh confused right now

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:57, Reply)
i think he might be a little overexcited

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:58, Reply)
Not my words, but the words of Top Gear Magazine.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 14:59, Reply)
When it was guest edited by Paul Ross

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:03, Reply)
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:00, Reply)
Can you believe this guy?

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:00, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:04, Reply)
About time too.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:04, Reply)
Once again I am utterly hypnotised by this.

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:08, Reply)
What's that all about?

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:10, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:11, Reply)
i hope that was canned

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:14, Reply)
*slaps bass*

(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 15:16, Reply)

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