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Advice: watching the original version of The Wicker Man can lead to some very strange dreams.
What advice do you have for others?

Alt: I have to go to Leeds today. What's the worst I should expect? What's the worst thing you're expecting today? (Apart from anything to do with my mother of course).
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:00, 158 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Advice: When in a really shitty Horror B flick movie, Never I mean Nevah split up.
Worst you can expect is bumping into PD, worst I’m expecting is snow around 10am
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:14, Reply)
Worst:looks like a fuckton of rain this afternoon
however today I will be lunching Sportscow stylee...Peroni ftw.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:21, Reply)
You mean drinking loads at 12pm?

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:22, Reply)

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:23, Reply)
I’m jealous :\

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:25, Reply)
Work xmas lunch
moved jobs closer to home earlier this year so can get home by bus now, instead of expensive taxi or angry missus taxi.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:30, Reply)
On a Thurs?
They do realise that tomorrow will not be a productive day.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:33, Reply)
Meh, it'll be fine.
Am out of practice at drinking so will probably be well hammered by tea time, stagger home, pint of water and two ibuprofen, sleep it off and be fine in the morning.
(the best laid plans and all that. ..)
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:38, Reply)
I hope it's at windypig's place
I think he's expecting you.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:42, Reply)
Sadly not
could have been fun :)
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:44, Reply)
That film is so fucking good.
If only it had 'Nic' Cage in it, though. He'd make it so much better than Ee-wah-woo-wah.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:23, Reply)
Morning Monts has your mood recovered yet?
Look at this some twat in Bristol has been watching to much Man Vs Food
£25 it both looks and sounds nasty
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:32, Reply)
I really, really love chillies but that whole 'hardman eating' shit is fucking pathetic.
I'm slightly shitting myself today: I've just given the OK for a pretty stern legal letter to go off to my ex: the next level has begun and I feel rather sick.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:46, Reply)
You have nothing to lose.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:47, Reply)
True enough - and I consider it my bounden duty to fight for more access anyway.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:49, Reply)
and your right to party

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:51, Reply)
...but fear itself

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:07, Reply)
and bankruptcy
...Oh, wait.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:55, Reply)
have you requested THUNDERDOME?

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:40, Reply)
It is a seriously fucking bizarre film, I'll give you that.
Very good though.

Alt: People from Leeds. Today I have to deal with a nightmare customer, this should be fun(!)
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:31, Reply)
AA's customer?
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:35, Reply)
He'd be easier to deal with.
On the upside, this has just made me laugh -

What do Sarah Palin and Iron Man have in common?
They've both had a downy Jr. inside them.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:43, Reply)
Hahah that's good.
PS morning
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:47, Reply)
Did you look at the above link?
I bet you have his album
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:55, Reply)
I don't actually but knobbish name aside, 'old school hip hop and b-boy grooves' sound OK to me.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:07, Reply)
Worth a listen trust me

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:08, Reply)
Thanks a lot

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:38, Reply)

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:03, Reply)
Hello Battered.
I don't really have any pertinent advice. Sox.
Today should be a good day, pub is pretty much all booked out, b
ut its a buffet, so it should be a piece of piss. Actually, worst thing is going to be all the shot faced office party folk, bound to be at least one serious wanker in the group.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:36, Reply)
see above?
don't do shots, though.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:40, Reply)
I dunno,
One lady on Saturday got really angry because I don't stock alcopops, archers or sours and apparently, that is all she can drink.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:47, Reply)
Classy laydeh.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:48, Reply)
she settled on white wine, with lemonade and lime cordial. in a pint glass.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:50, Reply)
Oh dear.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:54, Reply)
I can advise that the soundtrack for The Wicker Man is excellent.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:38, Reply)
The whole thing is excellent.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:45, Reply)
I nearly bought that a few years ago but thought (I think rightly) that I'd never play it.
The Warriors soundtrack, however, gets played every few months.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:47, Reply)
warriors is awesome. Last Halloween a group of us went as the baseball furies.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:48, Reply)
Good day sir.
I love that film with a passion. Top five I reckon.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:50, Reply)
So you sent the letter? Good work.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:51, Reply)
It goes in the post this evening. I am afeared.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:54, Reply)
She's brought it on herself though.
Wouldn't have been necessary if she'd been even half reasonable.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:00, Reply)
It has got to be pretty scary,
but like local said, its her own fault.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:06, Reply)
This is so.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:10, Reply)
Good luck with it Monters
Also: morning.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:15, Reply)
Good morning, young Reverendo.
PS ta
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:18, Reply)
I can't abide people who use kids to get at exes
kids should come first, or what kind of parent are you?
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:21, Reply)
Jeremy Kyle fodder.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:30, Reply)
She makes out that this what she's doing
and I think in her deranged mind she is. The problem is that she is deranged.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:35, Reply)
I can't believe there are no images of google of a baseball wolf mascot suit
so just pretend I called you a furry
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:42, Reply)
Does your love of psych extend to include psych folk?
If not, then you were probably right not to get it.
I don't know The Warriors soundtrack, but will look it up.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:03, Reply)
To an extent,
but your Incredible String Band etc isn't really my bag if I'm honest, I'm more of a 'brain-melting psych' man, I prefer a tougher sound.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:06, Reply)
I've had that film on my 'To Watch' list for far too fucking long.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:04, Reply)
Cult movie

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:05, Reply)

l n movie
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:08, Reply)
Bit harsh, Double H. AA's alright!

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:08, Reply)
Admit it, you were all thinking it

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:12, Reply)
Woo hoo

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:24, Reply)
Don't listen to HH - he's the real wanker here.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:35, Reply)
I like Leeds
But I doubt Battered will go for a beer in Nation of Shopkeepers or go clothes shopping in Chimp.

If you have the time though, go exploring the arcades off Briggate and get the wife something nice.

The Hop and The Brewery Tap are good watering holes as well.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:49, Reply)
I am there for work with a load of the Poland lot, so limited opportunity for anything else, apart from a curry this evening.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:54, Reply)
shame, it's a great city for shopping and drinking.
Can't suggest a curry place though, sorry. But the Brewery Tap is right outside the station and they do some great beers.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:57, Reply)
I wasn't asking you for a recommendation.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:58, Reply)
I realise that, but if I could have recommended somewhere then I would have anyway.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:59, Reply)
Is this the point at which you start recommending whiskies?

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:01, Reply)
Lets hope not.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:01, Reply)
Is this the point at which you have a cocaine-induced fatal heart attack?

Let's hope so.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:05, Reply)
I say, steady on.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:09, Reply)
He's becoming a terrible bullying masochist is PD.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:18, Reply)
His mission to be roundly mocked on every single part of b3ta is nearing completion
Just FAQs to go!
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:20, Reply)
A Scotsman living in York……..
Nothing at all masochistic about that
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:23, Reply)
Does that mean
we can shoot him on the city walls with a longbow at midnight and it's legal?
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:27, Reply)
On new years eve with a crossbow I think?

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:28, Reply)
Only 4 weeks off then.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:30, Reply)
3 Weeks 4 Days 25min and 21 seconds
Not that I'm counting like
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:34, Reply)
Sadly iirc that law only applied in Chester
and refers to the Welsh not Scots.

ah, just googled and got loads of different answers, but one suggests it's true but only for those born within the city walls.

So, anyone born in York?
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:42, Reply)
did your Google search also tell you that it's never been found in any statute books?
And that even if it was, modern laws supersede it?

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:44, Reply)
Tell it to /talk.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:45, Reply)
go stuff your cock up your arsehole
But you can't though can you? As your mother found out to her chagrin.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:47, Reply)
Aren't you a delight today?

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:48, Reply)
I've got a fuckton of diy renovation lolz to get through today.
Just getting geared up for it.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:49, Reply)
ohhhh dear
Are you going? well Bye then.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:52, Reply)
I am yeah, you have fun with your whole Salacious Crumb schtick, yeah?

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:53, Reply)
lol starwars

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:56, Reply)
^^^ THIS ^^^

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:46, Reply)
that's a myth soz
Also, superseded by modern laws regarding trivialities such as assault with a deadly weapon, GBH, murder etc. Soz to be the bearer.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:37, Reply)
ALWAYS watch the original Die Hard at christmas. It's awesome.
The worst would be a slightly smelly man with no sense of personal space sitting too close to you on the train.

The worst thing that's happened today was having to admit defeat and give my phone to the repairmen to get it fixed after three failed factory restores. On the plus side, new free phone as they have no loaners available...
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 8:56, Reply)
I tend to watch that while the Turkey is cooking.
You can usually get through the first two.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:42, Reply)
I advise you to watch when making toast
otherwise you too will end up with roof tiles with peanut butter

I was going to Dumfries again today but fuck that - too much snow over the A69
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:19, Reply)
I've got a solution to peanut butter on the roof tiles
You pop your bread in the toaster, right, and you get your jar of peanut butter, and then you chuck it in the bin and curse yourself for buying the vile shit in the first place, and then you get some raspberry jam out instead.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:24, Reply)
Almost correct, it's Marmite you should get out, you screaming bender.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:25, Reply)
False advertising, Marmite
I sort of quite like it. Have no strong feelings either way. The adverts are bollocks.

Also; red jam vs Marmite in a euphemism stand-off makes you the bender
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:28, Reply)
I had toast and Marmite this morning TRUSTORY

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:36, Reply)
Livin' on the edge there Harters old boy.
Steven Tyler would be proud. And a massive-gobbed bellend.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:39, Reply)
I'm street aint I

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:40, Reply)
His mouth has to be that big to eat the rich.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:40, Reply)
Makes sense
How does he excuse being an irritating twat and frontman of a shite band?
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:46, Reply)
No idea, ask Chad Kroeger

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:48, Reply)
I've had especially vivid dreams every night since I've been on these pills
Last night it was about Brian Clough dying. There was this whole tribute thing going on in my head. I woke up depressed, even more so when I remembered that he actually is dead. Which sort of defeats the object of taking them doesn't it.

Alt: Dozer.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:22, Reply)
BELL BOY!!!!!!

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:22, Reply)
Can you give me a rough estimate of how long this supremely poor new meme will last please?
I need to know how big a stockpile of sympathetic replies I'll need to buy from Moonpig.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:26, Reply)
Til you're off the pills, you fucking mod.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:34, Reply)
Very good dear.
You could at least accuse me of being a cheesy quaver. Something from my lifetime, rather than yours.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:38, Reply)
The mod revival of the late 70s/early 80s was truly pathetic.
'Modernist' revival? Eh? Stupid cunts.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:41, Reply)
Don't recall
but if you're having a dig at Paul Weller then I'm all in
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:43, Reply)
I sure am.
He guested on my mate's album and kept asking if he could do the song live with them. They refused. LOL.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:02, Reply)
I'm just appalled that your "mate's band" would let him anywhere near them
You're not friends with... DODGY, are you?
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:20, Reply)
Nope. Death in Vegas.
They did an album full of guests like Iggy Pop and Liam Gallagher. And Weller. Incredibly, it wasn't very good.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:27, Reply)
With a stellar line-up like that?
How could this be?
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:30, Reply)
I know!
Actually the Liam Gallagher one was the best one on there, bizarrely. It was basically a cover of Status Quo's Pictures of Matchstick Men.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:36, Reply)
I have the week off actually
Leeds is safe. Avoid York.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:35, Reply)
York is fucking lovely
I'll just engage my DozerDar to ensure I can avoid you at all points.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:40, Reply)
oh Darth :'(
York is great to visit but expensive and dull to live in.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:42, Reply)
Advice: Spending all day trying to figure out how to optimise a database query
can lead to dreams about optimising database queries. Fucking hell.

Alt: Dunno, haven't been to Leeds for 23 years.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:53, Reply)
I hate it when work pops up in dreams
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:55, Reply)
Don't touch anyone's pint, and don't look at anyone's bird.
The worst thing I'm expecting today is being harpooned.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:56, Reply)
Mr b3ths doctor visit was a success then?

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:58, Reply)
They're mostly a technicality these days. Go in, say you're feeling okay, agree to come back in six months, go home again.
At least for the next few years, anyway.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:00, Reply)
My dad has those, he calls them an MOT.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:02, Reply)
I was reading a delightful story in the paper this morning
about a woman who beat her 7 year old son to death 'like a dog' and then set his body alight, because he couldn't recite the Koran very well.

What a heartwarming - and sexy - tale.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:07, Reply)
The Koran is excellent, whens it coming out in 2-ply?

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:09, Reply)

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:11, Reply)
Ironically he Propheted by it
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:16, Reply)
The actual story shows that she repeatedly beat him for many reasons and no reason.
She was a vicious cunt. The fact he was reading the Koran when she beat him to death is only relavant to people who think that being a vicious cunt and being a muslim are related; for example every newspaper.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:10, Reply)
and Monty

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:12, Reply)
The story I read
was that this boy was being put forward to be some kind of scholar but he couldn't memorise the texts so she beat him to death. True or not, that was the story.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:12, Reply)
Father beat child to death while reading Bowies autobiography doesn't have the same ring.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:13, Reply)
Monty is unlikely to read Bowie's autobiography

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:13, Reply)
Read it? I fucking wrote it, son.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:15, Reply)
Oh great. The Guardian is here.
Ho hum.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:13, Reply)
And another thing, what's the deal with Isreal?
Am I right!?
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:14, Reply)
*double bass*

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:16, Reply)
Hey Chompy

In your opinion, does this look like a reasonable deal for a basic workstation machine. It'll be used for writing reports, doing some simple spreadsheet stuff and maybe doing a bit of basic CAD work.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:13, Reply)
Doesn't say much about the graphics card but looks good to me

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:16, Reply)
Intergrated on the proc with i3's

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:19, Reply)
I have a Zoostorm desktop at home
about 5 years old, so far totally reliable.

That one looks fine if not for high-end gaming.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:16, Reply)
Yeah, but since I said it would be used for a basic workstation machine I'm unlikley to be doing high end gaming on it am I?
For fucks sake, I wish people would read the questions before responding.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:20, Reply)
I think 'high-end gaming' is a euphemism for 'homosexual prostitution'.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:20, Reply)
Yep, depending on the level of CAD you need you might want to chuck in a graphics card
but that'll do for most things.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:19, Reply)
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:20, Reply)
Yes but what about high-end gaming?????

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:21, Reply)
I might put it on a filing cabinet and then play yahtzee near it
Is that close enough?
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:22, Reply)
Sounds extremely high end to me.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:25, Reply)
Depends if it's under a window or not

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:26, Reply)
Doesn't have a HDMI-out
How are you going to stream porn to your TV?
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:19, Reply)
I'll just get the girls in the office to act it out live instead.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:20, Reply)
Morning Kroney

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:25, Reply)
Call that journalism,
I was reading about Joey Barton being a queer. Now that, is news.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:11, Reply)
Knowing who Joey Barton is would be news to me, sadly.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:12, Reply)
He's a queer. And a footballer.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:14, Reply)
Sounds like my kinda guy!

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:17, Reply)
You're reading the Daily Heil?

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:13, Reply)
i was.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:14, Reply)
That would explain a fuck of a lot of the anger issues, certainly

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:27, Reply)
There's a really shit new thread if anyone cares :o(

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:36, Reply)
They don't.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 10:39, Reply)

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