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hey, so yeah, i guess most of you won't be here now till after Christmas,
You know, nice long winter break. I'll keep the forum nice and warm for when you get back.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:32, 140 replies, latest was 12 years ago)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:39, Reply)
I'm at work Tomorrow and Monday

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:40, Reply)
Off until New Years Eve morning
3.5 hours work then pub
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:41, Reply)
WT actual F is that?!

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:40, Reply)
flickr is a cunt.
Stupid link.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:43, Reply)
It is some kind of pink car

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:44, Reply)
its not supposed to be.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:45, Reply)
fucking flickr phone cunt.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:45, Reply)
supposed to be a little bit of an article i was reading that made me chuckle. but now its ruined.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:51, Reply)

Her back doors LOLZ

*Sporto paste it in to the browser*
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:52, Reply)
lol indeed HH, lol indeed.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:55, Reply)
I got it Windy even if all the others couldn't be bothered to copy and paste it to the browser.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:56, Reply)
I'll be popping in and out mate.
I'm working Xmas eve morning anyway.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:42, Reply)
you doing Monday are you?
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:44, Reply)
Cos I work for a 'son of Abraham'

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:54, Reply)
When are you back to work after chrimbleybimblo?
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:55, Reply)
NYE for the morning only
Again, pointless.

I'd be in 27th and 28th but I booked them off
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:59, Reply)
I haven’t accrued enough holidays
so I’m in tomorrow and Monday, sorting out my new office furniture, and fucking around on the internet.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:46, Reply)
sounds alright.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:49, Reply)
It fucking will be
I may even use public transport and have a few beers.
Just me in \0/
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:54, Reply)
Merry Xmas all. I am outta here.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:42, Reply)
Have a good one Stunned

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:43, Reply)
have a wonderful christmas time.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:44, Reply)
And you, chaps.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:46, Reply)
Please do not post here again.

Thank you.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:54, Reply)
Stick your goose up your arse
have a good Christmas.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:55, Reply)
I'm in the pub
That's me until 2nd Jan.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:46, Reply)
I'm a sad housewhale
so I'll be here over most of the holidays.

But happy yuletide to all of those with families and lives etc.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:57, Reply)
We'll be here b3th, keeping it warm.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:00, Reply)
I think we should move the furniture and redecorate.
Then when this lot come back, they'll be all like 'where did the pool table go?'
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:01, Reply)
we're keeping the fucking pool table.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:11, Reply)
Our last-but-two pub landlords
got caught shagging on the pool table after hours, full on BDSM style.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:17, Reply)
Number 8 black, rear pocket

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:19, Reply)
I'm in Monday.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:58, Reply)
How does Monday feel about this?

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:58, Reply)
Afternoon you shower of shits.
I'm trying to transfer my phone contacts to a new phone.

It's fucking me off.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:58, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:00, Reply)

f s
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:00, Reply)
That would have required a Siemens phone.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:03, Reply)
You're not with Vodafone then?

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:00, Reply)
To be fair, if I took 5 minutes to read some instructions it wouldn't take long to get sorted. But I haven't. And I won't.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:02, Reply)
+5 man points

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:06, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:10, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:11, Reply)
Read the fucking manual.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:12, Reply)
Rim that fermenting minge?

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:12, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:13, Reply)
Faint Praise today

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:15, Reply)
You mean everything everywhere?

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:11, Reply)
Is that what it's suppsoed to stand for?
I thought it was 'Ee, what a shower of cunts'
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:29, Reply)
I am having a lovely pint of lager right now.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:59, Reply)
There is no such thing.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:00, Reply)
There is here.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:01, Reply)
Course there is you flid

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:02, Reply)
Okocim. Yum yum.
*gulps more*
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:04, Reply)
Lager is for pussies.
Real men drink beer.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:06, Reply)
I drink all non-gay drinks: beer has its place. So does lager.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:08, Reply)
No one wants a warm pint of stout on a hot summer day
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:10, Reply)
Apart from Jamaicans

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:11, Reply)
And Nigerians.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:13, Reply)
Second biggest market for guiness in east africa
Except their version is 8% and not exactly "smooth"
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:13, Reply)
And Nigerians. They drink more Guinness per capita than anywhere else apart from Ireland. Trufax

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:13, Reply)
I shall ask mr b3th about that.
he spent a lot of time working in Nigeria in the 70s and 80s.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:14, Reply)
Really? I had no idea!

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:15, Reply)
Sod off.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:16, Reply)
Pilsner is a form of beer you fuckwit West Country inbred.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:08, Reply)
Are you suggesting mr b3th is actually her father?
That would explain the age difference
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:11, Reply)
He's not from the West Country either.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:12, Reply)
I'm a SCOTTISH inbred.

Wait, hang on...
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:11, Reply)
Who fancies some 'WHISKY CHAT'?
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:07, Reply)
on the train to catch another train to petersfield, then gin and supper

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:09, Reply)
Say hello to Hampshire for me.
Massive flooding down towards the Solent I understand, from Pompey round to the New Forest.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:12, Reply)
Fingers crossed Portsmouth floats away eh?

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:13, Reply)
Fuck yes. And Southampton.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:14, Reply)
I do like it down there. I have found an excellent French bistro in Romsey; La Parisien. They get some of their food flown in to Southampton airport. Best cheese you can get in the UK.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:15, Reply)
Romsey is excellent

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:18, Reply)
I cannot recommend this bistro enough. Best escargot outside of France. Superb steak tartare. Cheval steak (when available). AWESOME.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:22, Reply)
I walked past it once.
I saw the sign and though 'Ahhh...bistro'
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:41, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:41, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:43, Reply)
I'll be in from time to time I imagine
but I'm off work in 15 minutes
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:16, Reply)
Hey CQ Wassup?
Are you having an alternative. Hrimblemas?
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:18, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:33, Reply)
Having a pre-christmas weekend with the boy
then christmas with me mum
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 20:04, Reply)
IN YOUR FACE Samsung and HTC.

With no help whatsoever, I've done stuff with my new phone.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:29, Reply)
Well done you.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:31, Reply)
Fuck yeah!
I'll have a beer later to celebrate.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:34, Reply)
I'm having one for you right now.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:34, Reply)
What is it?

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:35, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:39, Reply)
Bless you

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:40, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:43, Reply)
*sods off*

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:44, Reply)
Have a good Christmas.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:47, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:58, Reply)
You're worse than herpes

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:01, Reply)
Fucking hell I've just checked out my haul
I've hit the jackpot
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:55, Reply)
what did you get?

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:06, Reply)
Well The MD and I went to visit some of our clients yesterday
and give them various drinks Etc. I rang him this morning and said that I think theres still a few bits left in the boot “Keep em” says he they are a TAX right off.
19 bottles of various spirits and 5 boxes of Cuban cigars, the cigars are 3x El Ray Del Mundo’s tres petit corona’a (25’s) and 2x Montecristo No.4 (10’s) I never realised how expensive they are.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:14, Reply)
Sort me out bruv

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:16, Reply)
With which?

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:16, Reply)
a bottle ideally but the smokes would be good too
We've always been pals right?
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:19, Reply)
You would turn a £200+ box of Cigars into blunts
The White Spirits can get to fuck I don't drink em
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:21, Reply)
i fucking do

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:22, Reply)
Then come and collect which ever you like
White spirits consist of
x2 Smirnoff
x1 Gordens
x2 Bacardi
x1 Beefeater
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:25, Reply)
If it's easier I am driving to Edinburgh from London on Sunday and will happily do a detour to collect any gin you don't want.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:23, Reply)
The Gordons and Beefeaters are all yours if you want them

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:25, Reply)
I'd be delighted.
EDIT: well I was until you gazzed me your location.

Fucking Isle of Man for a couple of bottles of booze? Nah. I'll leave it for MB, I'm sure he'll hitch hike there to get it.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:26, Reply)
No I said
I love man
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:45, Reply)
This is not a surprise. Homo.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:47, Reply)
I will gaz you my address. Can you deliver tomorrow between 2pm & 4pm?

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:16, Reply)
Almost a grands worth of Cigars WTF

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:17, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:21, Reply)
I'm here this evening digesting the biggest 'salad' ever
then tomorrow London, then Russia

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:21, Reply)
Biggest salad?

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:27, Reply)
it was a few salad leaves and beetroot bits covered in most of a duck and a pile of bacon lardons, sauted potatoes and massive croutons. So very very delicious, but not the slightly lighter than everything else meal I had expected.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:29, Reply)
It's a pizza really.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:29, Reply)
kind of
but imagine the base is lettuce and the topping is meat
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:30, Reply)
One good thing about Poland, the meat is excellent this evening I will be having a 14oz fillet steak with a green peppercorn sauce

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:34, Reply)
Much bang to Pound
VS the Zsloty?
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:41, Reply)
A lot of stuff is considerably cheaper. Decent restaurant food isn't, but fuck it, I'm on expenses. *orders expensive bottle of red wine*.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:44, Reply)
Right I'm fucking off to the Pub

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:46, Reply)
Them Foam knives and forks will teach em no doubt

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:43, Reply)
I've done all our Christmas food shopping.
I managed not to kill anybody either. Stupid fucking morons with their shopping trolleys blocking aisles.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 18:48, Reply)

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