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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Tread's dead baby, thread's Dead
What do you think the next QOTW will be?

My money would be on : " Disappointment. Tell us tales of having your hopes and expectations cruelly dashed by utter shitness." as it's shit and predictable and probably been done before.

Alt: what should the next QOTW be?

ALTAlt:kittums or cayke?
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:45, 166 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I've suggested for ages that the question should just be "what the fuck is wrong with you people?"

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:49, Reply)
Suggest it again now.
I'm pretty sure they just stick the top four in the vote.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:50, Reply)
vote for meeeeee
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:51, Reply)
I voted.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:53, Reply)
voted for it.
Good luck.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:58, Reply)
CombiChrist's unused alternative title for...
Oh wait. They actually did call their third album that. Those crazy Norrs!
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:51, Reply)
I haven't heard combichrist in years.
I stopped going to the goth night in Oxford about 3 years ago, when goth decided to become dance music for fat chicks in corsets with glow sticks, and pale boys with wool dread locks.
If I asked for fields of the nephilim the dj looked at me funny.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:55, Reply)
That sums it up pretty nicely
Although I gravitated towards the scene because of all the bleepy bleepy. The best way to cope with the hideously overweight girls in PVC catsuits (who makes PVC in sizes above 14? If you MAKE size 24 PVC, someone will WEAR size 24 PVC! And we'll have to SEE them wear it!) is to imagine them with a white patch painted on their stomach and yell "JUMP, WILLY, JUMP!" as they waddle past.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:00, Reply)
I don't think I've ever been to a goth night.
No fat chicks.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:03, Reply)
didn't you do Swipe?
or is this a recent rule?
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:05, Reply)
cos she's ginger it's a double negative
don't do gingers + don't do fatties = do ginger fatties
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:07, Reply)
i've met you.
your mode of dress was far closer to the 'pale boys with wool dread locks' contingent than it was to what I'd call goth.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:04, Reply)
This is true
And with good reason
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:05, Reply)
which is?

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:06, Reply)
Although I've eschewed the wool dreadlocks
the traditional goth look is fucking dull
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:10, Reply)
gotcha, somehow I read your "towards" as "away from" in a previous post
we'll just agree to disagree then.

actually it's not that I disagree your thing is valid or even good, just I'd not call it goth because it has little in common, in just the same way as modern R'n'B has fuck all to do with Rhythm & Blues
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:13, Reply)
No question
It's really not goth. Too interesting.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:23, Reply)
curses! we agree again
except I'm not a fan of that bleepy shit music
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:24, Reply)
That "bleepy shit music" is what brought us together, old boy

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:26, Reply)
Only because you came to London (centre of the universe) to listen to it
you'd still have come if you liked better music, we might even have gone to the same gig.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:31, Reply)
Excellent opportunities for getting to know you chat at gigs
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:34, Reply)
anytime you fancy a proper drinky, rather than, a quick pint before a gig, let me know
if I'm ever in norwich I'll look you up but the chances are slim.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:41, Reply)
^ Grooming alert ^

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:44, Reply)
Course I will mate
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:52, Reply)
it's a big scene still, and I'm cool with that,
But I prefer trad goth really. As dull as that can be.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:20, Reply)
Windy Where the fuck is the vote box?

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:21, Reply)
I dunno harters. I don't know.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:29, Reply)
I want to vote for Chompy's QOTW
But I can't find the vote thingy :(
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:31, Reply)
The mods have got you on 2.0

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:33, Reply)
Does that mean I can type things about sheds, dog fingering, and alcoholics getting kicked out by
there wifes.

Edit and not get stepped
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:34, Reply)
You should post this on every board.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:35, Reply)
Can you answer my edit
this is important
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:35, Reply)

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:38, Reply)
Along with some eel porn.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:35, Reply)
I would vote for this.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:56, Reply)
Go on then
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:57, Reply)
purple link.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:59, Reply)
I'm not sure how this is any better than the thread where everyone just said their name.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:53, Reply)
It isn't.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:53, Reply)
I'm posting in it.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:53, Reply)
Show your worth with a decent threadjack question.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:54, Reply)
Why are estate agents all cunts?

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:55, Reply)
I'm not sure if they are ALL cunts
Just a disproportionate amount of them.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:58, Reply)
They're ALL cunts

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:00, Reply)
Free money innit?
Actually the one we are dealing with at the moment are rather excellent
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:04, Reply)
I can delete it.
if you like.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:56, Reply)
Yes please.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:57, Reply)
nah, it's all up to Tangles here

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:57, Reply)
Ooh power.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:58, Reply)
Hang on, I can't decide...

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:58, Reply)
All on you hippy.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:59, Reply)
Go on, tell CQ to delete the thread.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:59, Reply)
But isn't thread deletion worse than fingering kids?

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:06, Reply)
Nope. Not in this case.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:07, Reply)
according to some yes
I maintain it's OK when it's funny.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:08, Reply)
Alright CQ,
I think the next qotw should be "where it all went wrong".
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 11:56, Reply)
nah, it'll be full of people winging about trolls
which is the only thing duller than most terolls
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:07, Reply)
What's the best thing you can cook in the microwave?

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:02, Reply)

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:03, Reply)
i do jacket potatoes in mine
warm them on a medium/high heat for 8-10 minutes (12 for two potatoes), then five in the oven

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:06, Reply)
You're not really cooking them in the microwave fully then, you fucking cheat.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:07, Reply)
I use heston bloomingtile's entire kitchen, every utentsel he has, every gadget he has. Then I put it in the micrwaove and take it out again.... so really it's a microwave meal.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:08, Reply)
but if i did they'd just be sweaty and horrible
you've gotta crisp up the outside, yo
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:09, Reply)
200 degrees for an hour and a half.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:10, Reply)
i do do that sometimes
bit of rock salt, rolled in foil, but ain't nobody got time for dat
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:11, Reply)

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:11, Reply)
I pity the foil

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:13, Reply)
This deserves a response as it is rather good
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:20, Reply)
thanks sportscow
but it's not that good
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:24, Reply)
Foiled again.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:25, Reply)
Exactly, thats why you can't microwave a GOOD baked potato. Nothing worth admitting anyway.
Unless maybe you perhaps do half a dozen in the oven and the re-heat them in the micorwave as a second meal. maybe. think that counts as you're prepiaring them in the oven and cooking them as an entirely seporate meal in the microwave.

The trick is to get a bread knife and tap/scrape it until you got lots of surface area. then microwave to get them going. Then sea-salt and oil and in the oven.

Then prized open and smothered with a proper moldy blue cheese and butter.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:26, Reply)
+ Then shitting it out in to a pringles tube a few hours later.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:28, Reply)
it's just a potato, gonz

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:32, Reply)

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:07, Reply)
Poached egg and aspagous on a buttery muffin.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:08, Reply)
I've not microwaved poached eggs before
Do they work?
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:10, Reply)
i've had them but not made them
they were alright
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:10, Reply)
fucking miracles.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:11, Reply)
I make mine in a frying pan with water and vinegar

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:12, Reply)
Yup, it's a game of chance though, they can explode.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:26, Reply)
I'm not sure there is a best thing you can cook in one.
They are handy for reheating things.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:11, Reply)

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:12, Reply)
No thanks.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:13, Reply)

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:06, Reply)
Alt: would you rather pick your bum hole and sniff your finger or have Quentin spit in your mouth?
Altalt, compact discs.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:13, Reply)

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:15, Reply)
oh man
A thread that CQ has banned me from :'(

I endorse the 'no fat chicks' rule, and the bleepy goth shit. The way I see it, unless it's Atari Teenage Riot, any electronic stuff that sounds shit while on ecstasy is utterly pointless and should be put down.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:19, Reply)
Like a dishwasher?

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:26, Reply)
Alright Bob? What's happening?

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:27, Reply)
Has he 2.0'd you.
Wise man that CQ.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:27, Reply)
Where the fuck is the QOTW vote button?

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:29, Reply)
The delicate little flower has me on 2.0.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:31, Reply)
He's started a trend we all should follow.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:35, Reply)
I have you on 2.0, as well as all your sockpuppets.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:40, Reply)
No you don't. You fancy me too much for you to do that.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:44, Reply)
Plumdozer is moaning about you ignoring him.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:32, Reply)

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:32, Reply)
Are you blind or something?

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:33, Reply)
He's WTN.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:34, Reply)
the mods have Harters on 2.0

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:37, Reply)

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:38, Reply)
Even the MOD's are bullying me :(

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:44, Reply)
rob put me on ignore this morning
what the bloody hell is that all about?
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:44, Reply)
D'you think he might not have liked what you said to him?

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:45, Reply)
i thought it was an in-joke and he'd have been all
'oh lol, quentin. how very drole!' and then we'd have been best buds forever
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:47, Reply)
What did you say to upset him?

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:45, Reply)
i just said that he was a kid fingering cunt :(
i wanted to be like the cool kids
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:46, Reply)
I lolled
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:46, Reply)
We should team up and fuck them up

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:46, Reply)

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:48, Reply)
I don't know
Let's ask Nakers
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:50, Reply)

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:51, Reply)

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:52, Reply)

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:52, Reply)
There's not a vote yet.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:40, Reply)

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:43, Reply)

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:44, Reply)
good, good
this is a bonus. tell him to gaz me if he's that bothered.

edit: can someone explain how he can post in this thread if he cannot see it? of am I misunderstanding 2.0?
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:40, Reply)
tell the prozac-addled absent father to put my balls in his mouth and suck on them.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:45, Reply)

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:49, Reply)
if you log in and click reply you can still post
it's a bit of a faff to keep going in and out though
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:46, Reply)
ah, right
well, if I'm managing to annoy him as well as not having to read his puerile bullshit this can only be seen as a bonus.

I'd say tell the scotch midget to get fucked but as he's no doubt reading this you can save your self the bother.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:52, Reply)
thanks quixote
PS what did cavy's flaps smell like?
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:54, Reply)

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:55, Reply)
that's fairly generic, what kind of guano?

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:57, Reply)

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 13:01, Reply)
i imagine that's quite fruity and a bit acidic
like a natural yogurt
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 13:04, Reply)
you'll have to find out for yourself q

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:56, Reply)
did bobby have to lift up four flaps of flab before he could find his cock and poke her from the other end?

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:58, Reply)
You urgently need a mental health assessment.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:59, Reply)
all i need is details

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 13:03, Reply)
sex, and drugs and rock and roll, tell us your stories of when you acted like a muthafuckin rock star cage fighter!
alt: kittumcaykecrack
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:48, Reply)
Anybody here ever bought a house at auction?

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:52, Reply)
no but i once rented a flat in chiswick

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:53, Reply)
it was gunnersbury wasn't it?

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:54, Reply)
sadly not
i was just making a joke because auction looks a bit like acton
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 13:00, Reply)
No, but I once told a horse to fuck off

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:53, Reply)
No, but I've been swung by the tits a few times.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:54, Reply)

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:55, Reply)
Well, I mean, there's bound to be someone.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:55, Reply)
no there isn't

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:56, Reply)
Maybe a lurker has?
This could be their big opportunity to start posting and then Kroney would be all like 'This new guy is really cool' and that.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:57, Reply)
Good chat, guys.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 13:00, Reply)
it doesn't take much to rile CQ
Anyway, as a gesture of peace I have started a new thread. A positivity thread, so please leave all prickery at the door and treat other posters as you would like them to treat you.

I love you all equally, my children.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:56, Reply)
Go fuck yourself up the ringer with a piece of sharp lead.
You cunt.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:57, Reply)
I don't think you can sharpen lead tbh

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 13:00, Reply)
You can cut sharp edges using tin snips.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 13:00, Reply)
I don't think you can read tbh

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 13:01, Reply)
Ok CQ, I've made up my mind.
You should delete the thread.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 12:59, Reply)

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 13:00, Reply)
ARe you sure?

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 13:01, Reply)
Do it. Do it. Do it.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 13:02, Reply)
As soon as Tangles confirms

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 13:02, Reply)
He has told you already.

(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 13:03, Reply)
and I've asked him if he's sure
but as you're so insistent.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 13:05, Reply)
OK, have just 2.0ed Tangles and battered to see if this makes them think the thread is deleted.
I bet it doesn't, but what the hell.

off to buy some lunch, back inna bit.
(, Thu 31 Jan 2013, 13:07, Reply)

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