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what the fuck is wrong with tangledupinblue?
What's wrong with you?
Name other b3tans problems
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 16:28, 58 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Obesity and halitosis.

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 16:28, Reply)
if you never leave the basement you don't need fresh breath

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 16:30, Reply)
Monty had to drop out of ballet
I think you all know why
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 16:29, Reply)
Apart from missing an l, there is nothing wrong here.
In fact I'm going home now.
Other b3tans problems include, but are not limited to, still being at work for the next hour or so.
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 16:29, Reply)

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 17:13, Reply)
I think my finger is going to fall off

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 16:30, Reply)
It can't be that bad?

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 16:32, Reply)
it smells, and is turning green

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 16:33, Reply)
Maybe it’s pretending to be a cucumber?

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 16:34, Reply)
i hope not or your mum'll be round here in a shot

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 16:36, Reply)
You're going to die.
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 16:39, Reply)
If I do die, you can have my ethernet cable

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 16:41, Reply)
What do I get?
Come on man, you need to sort out the bequeathing now
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 17:04, Reply)
Custody of the brain cell

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 17:09, Reply)
YOu can have the finger if it falls off

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 17:10, Reply)
I'll just put it up my bottom
I hope you know that
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 17:10, Reply)
Some girls can make themselves do that.

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 17:15, Reply)
that's why you've got to get in good and early with the bike seat sniffing once they've got off

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 17:16, Reply)
Did your team win the superbowl?

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 16:35, Reply)
No they got knocked out in the conference championship match.
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 16:44, Reply)
bad times, you should sack your manager

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 16:48, Reply)
Nah, I reckon he was on the right track.
We have a good team, they have some improvements to make with the defence, but I reckon they're in with a decent shot next season.

Look at me talking like I know what I'm saying when I had never watched a game three months ago.
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 16:49, Reply)
i have never watched a game, it look silly

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 16:52, Reply)
No idea
Hope this helps
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 16:48, Reply)
If anything the only problem you all have is that you're too perfect

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 16:49, Reply)
did you know that if you shake an invisible salt shaker on your tongue you can actually taste salt! Go ahead try it.

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 17:13, Reply)
EXCELLENT trick for making idiots look like pricks.
I like it.

Consider that 5 points back from the 50 you owe me from the Amazon/Woman clusterfuck.
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 17:16, Reply)
Haha, if they don't get it, ask them to try it with a splenda packet.

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 17:19, Reply)
I have no problems today

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 17:35, Reply)
+ but dog hair will walk with a limp, for the rest of his life

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 17:41, Reply)

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 17:43, Reply)
Eve's Cap
Hows things with you?
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 17:44, Reply)
not bad
half term next week - gonna sort out the darkroom I think

how 'bout you?
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 17:46, Reply)
Cool as a cucumber
But not as smelly as Naker's finger
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 17:48, Reply)
like everyone keeps saying
he's got to get his finger out of his ass
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 17:50, Reply)
That only happens when he tries to pick his nose

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 17:52, Reply)
so many choices of nose
just makes his fingers weird
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 18:12, Reply)
I heard his fingers are innies

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 17:50, Reply)

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 17:52, Reply)
another from the animal name
club (since I can't join the adjective animal club, I am trying to rename it so I can)
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 18:11, Reply)
Track down some hitherto unknown predatory animal in the welsh hill’s
And name it cavy then you’ll be like part of the gang
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 18:16, Reply)
a cavy is an animal, silly

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 18:23, Reply)
I did not know this
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 18:25, Reply)


guinea pigs!
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 18:30, Reply)
guinea pigs are not real
everyone knows this
and your link don't work, so there!
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 18:31, Reply)
just look for videos on youtube of guinea pigss (or cavies) popcorning. It's proper sweet, baby ones just get so happy they jump in the air. Mine still do it sometimes, but they are a bit fat to get much air on their jumps
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 18:38, Reply)
Ohhhh that reminds me is your house warm?

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 18:40, Reply)
right now, yes
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 18:41, Reply)
The new Green Deal
are you aware of it?
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 18:41, Reply)
but I am applying for a thing what means I can have wall insulation for free (or as someone at work said 'getting my cavities filled' fnar fnar) is it that? Or am I missing a brilliant set up for a joke
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 18:45, Reply)
If they knew you called yourself Cavy that would be LOLZ
but no this:


You pay it back over 25 years and the bill stays with the tenant of the property.
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 18:47, Reply)
New thread you lot

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 18:49, Reply)
might be cool
but I'm working on getting free things. Turns out there are a few grants round here
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 18:50, Reply)
Stalking men called Grant now are you?

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 18:51, Reply)
i have poorly disguised rage issues, so i kick off people's wing mirrors
i made the mistake of having a beautiful child with a total cunt

i am a neckless greasy kebab salesman

i am an irish leprechaun, whist, begorrah

i live in congleton

i think that people care about my tragic life of homebrew and strippers

i have two houses (first world problem, this one)

i have to travel to poland and i shout about people being fat to take attention away from my own gunt

will that do?
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 18:49, Reply)
You left me out Swipey :(

(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 18:51, Reply)
don't ask
she'll character assassinate you
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 18:51, Reply)
I have no character
(, Wed 6 Feb 2013, 18:52, Reply)

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