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Good morning you bunch of vacuous cum-gargling wankers.
Attempt to be pleasant today eh? Pay a backhanded compliment to another B3tan.

Alt: What social class are you? www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-22000973
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:25, 168 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I did this before work
I came out as Established Middle Class which only proves that the calculator is bollocks.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:30, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:32, Reply)
You're quite tall for an infant
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:30, Reply)
Good morning Cumshot. You're sometimes quite hetero for a homo.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:31, Reply)
Your spelling is also not too shameful
for an infant
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:32, Reply)
My sig spelling was based upon how the word was pronounced in the film.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:55, Reply)
I meant hetro (sic)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:55, Reply)
I think your eyes were deceiving you old chap.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:57, Reply)
I'm elite, which should be liquid landed gentry
this is pretty unlikely
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:32, Reply)
You own a lake?

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:33, Reply)
more of a stagnant pond

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:39, Reply)
It says I'm elite as well. Which is bollocks & possibly linked to going to the theatre & enjoying classical music.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:33, Reply)
I scored highly on theatre and classical music
but low Cornwall wages dropped me out of the elite
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:37, Reply)
dunno I suppose so, surely the weighting should be on asset value and savings. Any cunt can go down the local theatre

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:41, Reply)
I put my savings as zero
and my house is worth less than 250k and I still made Established Middle Class
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:42, Reply)
it's yet another crock of shit bbc quiz thing, I'm like shocked

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:44, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:45, Reply)
Typical elite class looking down their noses at the BBC.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:58, Reply)
And profession.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:42, Reply)
Rent boy scores higher than I expected

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:43, Reply)
that field was pretty narrow I thought
there's plenty of doctors, solicitors and accountants who scrape by on the average wage
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:45, Reply)
My wife for example
Who earns less than me
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:46, Reply)
there's a false impression about a number of professions re financial rewards, when working down the carphone warehouse could be more financially rewarding.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:51, Reply)
My wife is the general manager where she works and an accountant.
I earn more than her as a systems developer at the uni.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:54, Reply)
fuck yeah, fuck accountants

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:57, Reply)
Darth's eyeliner didn't make him look any more gay than we already thought he was

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:38, Reply)
Alt: what utter tosh.
I'm 'technical middle class' which is apparently a 'new' class that some prick has made up. The questions were bollocks.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:41, Reply)
I dunno, we are all obviously posher than you so maybe there's something in it after all

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:43, Reply)
Course you are, Ginster.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:44, Reply)
Only Meths or better for me! I bet you'd go as low as paint stripper

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:45, Reply)
I dream of paint stripper.
I drink the perfume testers in Boots until they throw me out :o(
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:48, Reply)
That'll teach them to spray you as you walk past. ..

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:49, Reply)
Tell you what, I'll send you some if I find any when I tidy my new shed that I never talk about!

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:50, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:43, Reply)
I'm not sure you downloading Gonz's spellcheck app was such a good idea after all.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:45, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:55, Reply)
Fascinating. Now spell 'povvo'.
Or are you implying that I am in the IRA?
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:13, Reply)
Perhaps have overlooked poshos behaving like an urban yout'

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:47, Reply)
Alt: Established middle class, apparently.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:46, Reply)
I don't want to be Established Middle Class anymore

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:46, Reply)
get yourself down to DFS for a white learther sofa, stet!

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:48, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:51, Reply)
Haha, you and me = peas in a pod

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:48, Reply)
You just can't stop with the vegetarian food references can you?

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:52, Reply)
I'll convert all of you eventually.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:55, Reply)
They have yet to add the "yurt classes"

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:47, Reply)
I'm sure it is my cultural life that keeps me above those technical middle class types, like Boyce.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:49, Reply)
cultural as in 'pertaining to yoghurt', right?

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:50, Reply)
I grow it between my toes.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:51, Reply)
I think mine drags me down, I'ma bit of a luddite really

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:51, Reply)
In spite of your expensive education, you think the term Luddite refers to whether you go to the theatre or not.
Are you much of a disappointment to your parents, or is one of your siblings even worse?
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:54, Reply)
Actually i know it doesn't but it's early, I've been up since 5:30 and I couldn't be bothered to think of the correct term :p

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:57, Reply)
'Philistine', you oaf.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:02, Reply)
Nakers' place is so assured he doesn't really need to use any of his education.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:04, Reply)
class is about attitude
it's about knowing in your bones that you are better than someone else, regardless of all evidence to the contrary.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:06, Reply)
*self-delusion fives*

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:11, Reply)
There was a ghastly boy in my brother's year who was precisely that.
He would sit in class paying no attention whatsoever, reading fucking yacht prospectuses and genuinely had no need of any qualifications whatsoever. He could have done with some self-defence classes as he was beaten round the head almost daily with heavy books.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:09, Reply)
poor phillijoe zzzzzzzzzzzzz

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:09, Reply)
He now earns several times what you earn.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:10, Reply)
there are pigeons that earn several times what monty does

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:11, Reply)
Pesky birds gang up and chase him off the best scavenging spots.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:14, Reply)
He owns a television production company which his father bankrolls.
It loses money all day long but that doesn't matter. I think he got a fucking Ferrari or some repulsive vehicle for his 21st. The oik.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:12, Reply)
that's the one!

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:05, Reply)
Member of Slade, more like.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:47, Reply)
More like Dando Shaft these days...

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:50, Reply)
Ooh I might listen to them now, actually.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:56, Reply)
I like their lead singer, Barry Bulsara.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:58, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:59, Reply)
Bloody hell!
Haven't heard of Dando Shaft in ages! You'll be listening to teh New modern idiot grunt band next!
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:16, Reply)
Another of Cov's finest.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:26, Reply)
Are they still going?
On another note (see what I did there?) did you manage to get to the McCarthy gig at the Dog?
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:32, Reply)
Nope - Kevin Dempsey is still about and one of the others runs ArtSpace on Lower Holyhead road.
I did see Martin Carthy.
It was very strange to be back in the Dog after all these years - spent pretty much every Friday night in there from age 15-19.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:34, Reply)
Dunno why I called him McCarthy! Was it a good gig?
As you are somewhat younger than me I don't suppose you remember a Cov folk scene regular from the late 70's/early 80's called John Shanahan? I only ask because I recently found him on FB and he sent me a copy of his album (remember those) called 'Dance of flies' - really good stuff lyrically and musically.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:38, Reply)
Yeah, he was on good form and played two sets.
Don't know Shanahan, but I am considerably younger than you ;)
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:45, Reply)
Good morning Battered I really think a long fringe would suit you.
Bit busy in here today aint it?
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:47, Reply)
He'll look like cousin it

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:48, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:50, Reply)
Kroney is the nicest turd freezing French sex pest that I know.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:49, Reply)
I'm elite apparently
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:51, Reply)
* elite fives *

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:57, Reply)
this is my problem with it... you!

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:13, Reply)
This quiz is flawed, it didn't ask how big my shed is

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:52, Reply)
'Do you have a second home?'

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:56, Reply)
He has one broken home

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:57, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:57, Reply)
Nicely done.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:58, Reply)
I'm on a bit of cruel streak this week

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:59, Reply)
It won't work
we are having a good week this week
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:19, Reply)
The shed is his first home

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 8:57, Reply)
Emergent service workers
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:00, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:01, Reply)
It's because I rent.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:02, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:03, Reply)
I thought that was police, firemen or paramedics?

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:01, Reply)
That's what I thought at first.
I need coffee.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:03, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:03, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:02, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:03, Reply)
haha, me too.
I have NO idea what it means though. but I don't like the sound of it.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:03, Reply)
There are three classes in Australia, Abos, convicts and British.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:05, Reply)
I fit none of those Nakers and you know it.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:07, Reply)
Beach Bum

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:08, Reply)
Internet pervert alarm!

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:09, Reply)
There's also snake wrangler.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:11, Reply)
yeah not that one either.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:11, Reply)
Temporary bar worker?

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:47, Reply)
nor that one.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:11, Reply)
It means you're young living in a relativley inexpensive area with a decent cultural life.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:05, Reply)
This says I'm an emergent service worker.
Fucked if that's true.

Far out I'm so hungry.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:03, Reply)
It's ok, we don't need no fucking toffs telling us who we are.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:03, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:03, Reply)
Established middle class???
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:07, Reply)
hahaha! that's definitely wrong.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:08, Reply)
Very true

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:09, Reply)
I imagine you to live in a bungalow with mock leaded windows and porcelain King Charles Spaniels above the electric faux-coal heater in your lounge

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:11, Reply)
Doilies on every surface.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:12, Reply)
Stay about from my crochet

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:17, Reply)
You can't move for couches and serviettes chez Hare

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:35, Reply)
Antimacassar on every chair

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:40, Reply)
In Nottingham?
Doesn't seem likely.
Or are you a mill owner?
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:09, Reply)
I own a pepper mill, does that count?

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:10, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:33, Reply)
Here's a picture of my TV you losers.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:10, Reply)
and no, I'm not going to rotate it.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:10, Reply)
Ha ha. You watch Eastenders. Ha ha.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:12, Reply)
It's Game of Thrones actually.
You wouldn't have liked it, there was a giant in it.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:13, Reply)

giant above average height person

Edit: ninja
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:23, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:24, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:39, Reply)
Looks shit
why is the picture so blue?
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:20, Reply)
They were getting into some sort of castle, it was blue and there were a lot of bodies.
Shut up.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:22, Reply)
Worst TV I've ever seen

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:23, Reply)
My girlfriend said
"oh shall I stand next to it for scale" and I said no, people would only be mean about her owl T shirt.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:23, Reply)
I can't believe that Nakers hasn't commented on your curtains yet.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:27, Reply)
They came with the flat.
Not only are they shit, they're paper thin. They're another thing we need to replace.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:27, Reply)
There not like his oak curtains eh

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:28, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:35, Reply)
So I've had some whinging Mary make a complaint to HR about me.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:22, Reply)
Offended by the smell of garlic and cheese?

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:23, Reply)
I think it's because he's fucking his way round the office.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:24, Reply)
Steady on, I'm a perfect gentleman.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:29, Reply)
Putting numbered postit notes on womens desks when they're at lunch I bet.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:29, Reply)
Haha, when they pick it up and look quizzically around the office
I give them the double guns and point at my crotch.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:33, Reply)
Not long to wait now number 14

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:33, Reply)
Nah, I haven't even slept my way out of the Marketing department yet.
The lads in Finance are starting to look a bit uncomfortable, though.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:35, Reply)
Darth works at your place?

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:38, Reply)

his way round the office French
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:29, Reply)

Predatory sexual conduct or general incompetence?
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:24, Reply)
I'm going for 'general attitude to other members of staff'

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:25, Reply)
"Claiming the female toilets as your private office is unacceptable"

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:28, Reply)
I'm going for 'General De Gaulle'

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:27, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:41, Reply)
They're claiming incompetence, because I didn't set up an account quickly enough for them.
It's all cool. My boss called the person "fucking out of order".

Ah well, another day, another HR complaint.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:28, Reply)
That isn't a HR issue, it's a matter for your boss.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:31, Reply)
I had the request for a matter of a few hours
and I was on my own supporting 2000 people on payroll day yesterday, so my boss reckons I did just fine. She's just being a Mary.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:34, Reply)
bloody wimmin all the same, bet she was 'perioding'

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:35, Reply)
The preferred term is "blobbing", Rory.
I should have mentioned it to my boss.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:36, Reply)
don't worry mate, that's exactly what he's thinking

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:37, Reply)
All the birds in the building will be synchronised.
Along with swipe yesterday.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:37, Reply)
Users are cunts. Users managers doubly so.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:36, Reply)
Play the race card, you'll be fine

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:24, Reply)
Ha ha

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:29, Reply)
Hmm, established middle class
Who knew?

I'd like to say you are all looking smashing today
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:43, Reply)
Good morning Sporty!
I must say, I wish I cared as little as you about fashion.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:47, Reply)
What makes you say that?
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:47, Reply)
Technical Middle Class or Emergent Service Worker
depending on whether I say I own or rent. I'm fucking trying to own, just not having much success at the moment...
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:45, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:46, Reply)
Emergent Service Workers find it hard to join us Established Middle Class on the property ladder

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 9:48, Reply)

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