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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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So what's all this about piston shitting in rachelswipe's cunt so bert could fuck her and pretend it was his brother?

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:31, 129 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
That's the censored version of the story.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:32, Reply)
this post needs more pictures
You not wrestling today?
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:34, Reply)
No point flouting the non existent rules if b3th isn't here to not mod.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:40, Reply)
wow you're so anarchic you're like 'Rick' from 'The Young Ones' or something

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:46, Reply)
You heard it right, bro.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:39, Reply)
There's no use making up stories about bert, the truth is stranger than fiction.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:40, Reply)
Why I never screengrabbed his dating profile I shall never know.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:43, Reply)
Too busy masturbating?

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:43, Reply)
I'm sure this is very interesting.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:39, Reply)
I could post a picture if you like.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:41, Reply)
I think this thread can survive with or without me.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:46, Reply)
I've gone completely spastic in the last one if this one's not doing it for you.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:48, Reply)
I saw, I find the inovation that's going into consumer electronics and in particular the new interface methods facinating.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:50, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:51, Reply)
There is no export ban on trout.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:52, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:58, Reply)
That's an export restriction, not a ban.
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:00, Reply)
woah, back the fuck up, who ever claim there was a ban?

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:01, Reply)
Your post says forbids the export of trout.
You need to change it to "imposes some restrictions to the export of trout" or else you'll look fucking thick.
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:02, Reply)
well no, that's my sig and who honestly gives a fuck what I forbid, ok then I forbid you from posting again

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:02, Reply)
Who gives a fuck if I misspell innovation?

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:03, Reply)
Who gives a fuck if correct your spelling?

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:04, Reply)
"If I"

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:06, Reply)
see what I mean?

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:07, Reply)
I got lost 5 replies ago

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:09, Reply)
just kiss me you fool

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:10, Reply)
I'm exactly the same!!!
I heard that Rumbelows own brand freezers MIGHT have a voice-activated ice cube tray in them!!!!! I'm mean at the moment it's just what people 'in the know' are talking about but who knows!!! Also I heard Marks and Spencers are possibly looking at changing their carrier bags BUT YOU DIDN'T HEAR IT FROM ME, OK?!!!
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:54, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:56, Reply)
I have my new TV now. I use it to watch Game of Thrones.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:58, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:40, Reply)
alright frank, how's your bumhole?

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:41, Reply)
I just did a VERY healthy and satisfying plop, thanks for asking

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:42, Reply)
woah, check out my squishy post

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:43, Reply)
woah check 'em

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:59, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:43, Reply)
have you had any really good bowel movements lately?

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:44, Reply)
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 13:55, Reply)
Frankly this is the worst dating site I have ever been on.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:01, Reply)
want me to do stuff on webcam?

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:02, Reply)
Would this require me to 'check them'?

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:04, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:05, Reply)
Jesus you really are tempting fate today
It’s like standing in front of a mirror saying “Candyman” 3 times

I reckon if you slip one more time today, Cavy and her madge vadge will turn up on your doorstep
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:03, Reply)
She ain't been on here for a while hh, think she might've been et by a grue
poor lass :(
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:05, Reply)
Surely if something is fated, the temptation or otherwise is irrelevant?

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:05, Reply)
Does anyone listen to "Band of Horses"?

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:04, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:04, Reply)
Not me, son.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:04, Reply)
I overheard a couple of sheep once

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:06, Reply)
I was given bad DIY advice by a gang of hens once

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:07, Reply)
well i can see that this question has revitalised the thread...

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:06, Reply)
Not as much this (stolen from /talk0

I'd buy that for my brother if I had the money.
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:08, Reply)
..the fuck......
who's teeth are they?
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:10, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:10, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:11, Reply)
you could shit in your own pants for a week without taking them off
then unload over the paper before sitting in it and squidging around for a bit, like a dog with an itchy bumoley.

it would still be better than that piece of blue shit.
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:15, Reply)
alright 'Brian Sewell' that'll do

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:20, Reply)
He would love it
but I don't think he has a lot of wall space - Lemmy is still propped up next to the stairs!
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 16:41, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:05, Reply)
My vegan flat mate did.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:08, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:08, Reply)
No wait, no.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:09, Reply)
I thought they were a bit whinny.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:09, Reply)
haha, imagine a horse trying to play a guitar haha just imagine
crazy crazy shit right there
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:11, Reply)
Personality Horse hahah!!!!!

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:12, Reply)
aaaaaaaahahaa comedy gold right there

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:14, Reply)
i have one of their songs on my ipod
which i like. but it came up as something itunes recommended to me, never heard anything else.
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:14, Reply)
haha, that's a boring answer

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:15, Reply)
they're a pretty boring group

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:16, Reply)
soz, fell asleep reading that post

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:21, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:15, Reply)
my son the doveston introduced them to me actually

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:15, Reply)
wow, he knows them? haha, like introduced you to them like hello this is my friend Ed, Ed this is some band no one listens to get it

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:24, Reply)
haha no i didnt mean like that haha haha yeh

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:27, Reply)
haha, we have a right laugh here don't we

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:30, Reply)
haha yeh

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:31, Reply)
I'm listening to the Archers.
They're not moving to canada or something. His ribs hurt as well.
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:12, Reply)
I don't listen to it until the omnibus, I had no idea Chris and Alice had decided not to go
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:13, Reply)
Someone isn't having sex now.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:13, Reply)
Bet it's Lillian
I hope her affair with Paul gets discovered bloody soon, even though Matt's a snake in the grass, he don't deserve this
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:15, Reply)
Sex on the radio is weird.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:15, Reply)
Archers is the worst thing on the radio

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:13, Reply)
Only because you're banned from calling into TalkSport now.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:14, Reply)
I love the Archers, it's comforting and soothing, nothing really ever happens so the biggest drama comes from things like 'Pip didn't check the lambs properly'
Lovely stuff
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:15, Reply)
You've clearly never listened to Quote Unquote.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:15, Reply)
Or the Now Show

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:17, Reply)
Or Moneybox Live

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:17, Reply)
i got one at home i can listen too

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:19, Reply)
yeah i have, it's pretty shit, but has it's small moments

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:18, Reply)
I don't get why the unfunny singing guy gets two slots.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:19, Reply)
It really doesn't
Oh great another champagne socialist rant from Marcus fucking Brigstock
Hey Punt and Dennis are going to do some jokes about Polish builders, cool
MAN SWEET I love musical comedy from an unfunny tit with a guitar, that's the best

I listened to about a minute of it last week, bled out my ears
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:20, Reply)
Brigstock can be quite funny I reckon

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:25, Reply)
He's got a face that almost demands you push a pudgy fist into it at high speed

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:26, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:18, Reply)
you're so 2012

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:14, Reply)
alright rachelswipe

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:14, Reply)
alright gilgafrank
that moth on the pop page is actually bigger than momo.

shit just got real.
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:16, Reply)
Momo's been climbing the blinds again
he wants to go outside and make friends with the magpies

so yeah, that'd be a runaway success
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:21, Reply)
does he ever go outside, like on a long lead?

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:22, Reply)
also: no
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:24, Reply)
poor momo
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:25, Reply)
useless twat would starve to death in half an hour
anyway he'd miss his toy froggy
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:26, Reply)

froggy the sex toy
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:45, Reply)
Froggy's had lumps chewed off his arms and legs
give it a month and he'll be quadriplegic
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:49, Reply)
poor froggy
momo is clearly not a gentle lover.

must have been taking tips from here.
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:59, Reply)
to be fair
lots of his relatives make a good living in london, there's bloody hundreds of them

not with magpies though, thieving little cunts
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:32, Reply)
OK, so here's the story.
In about 2008, swipe first meets piston_broke. Obviously, when the internet's biggest sex-pest and the world's hottest man meet up, there was only ever going to be fireworks. After the sort of degrading sex usually only reserved for an EL James "novel", piston dumps her. Rumours are that she formed some basis for his later, award-winning stand-up routine.

Clearly swipe is devastated. Fate, however, had not finished with these star-crossed case studies for perversion. Around Feb/May 2011, they once again crossed paths and once again filled each others various orifices with oddly shaped root vegetables.

This time the break-up so destroyed swipe (and who can blame her, piston is all things to all men) that she ended up falling into a bad situation with a Gregg's hat wearing homosexual.
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:29, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:30, Reply)
how can you type so much
with only one hand
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:32, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:38, Reply)
he's got it saved in a text file

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:39, Reply)
he keeps clingfilm on his monitor for just this kind of thing

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:45, Reply)
I've just had to change my pants, my trousers, my socks and my shoes.
I went off like Old Faithful.
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:46, Reply)
He's using four head dobbers

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:44, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:56, Reply)
This thread has gone exactly as well as I thought it would.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:42, Reply)
start a new onee with a picture of something in your house

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:44, Reply)
Shut up it will be yet another BBC news link thread

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:46, Reply)
Like this?

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:51, Reply)
How did you predict that this thread would do better than one about petrol prices?

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:45, Reply)
It's not. post count is pointless, posts per minute is what counts DUH

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:46, Reply)
Sounds to me like the sort of spin
used to make a bad stat look like a good one. Have you thought about a career in politics?
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:47, Reply)
Weren't you going to be an MEP for a while, Chompy?

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:48, Reply)
I'll be getting on that gravy train soon Tangles

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:49, Reply)
Before or after you make your millions in landfill reprocessing?

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:50, Reply)
I'll use my my MEP position to make the contacts needed.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:51, Reply)
A sound strategy.

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:51, Reply)
2.2 posts per minute in my thread, ~1 post per minute in this one.
I'm more than twice as good at the interent.
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:49, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:54, Reply)
Can you add a picture to this post.
(, Fri 5 Apr 2013, 14:45, Reply)

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