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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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My post lunch shit at work was just interrupted by the fire alarm going off.
When were you last interrupted during something pleasurable?
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:45, 139 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I had my weekend interrupted by the working week.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:46, Reply)
When Gonz interrupted your wife wanking me off while teabagging me.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:46, Reply)
His wife teabagged you?
Either his wife has testicles, which the existence of micro would seem to discredit, or you don't know what teabagging is.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:49, Reply)
She had my balls in her mouth.
There was teabagging involved, let's not split hairs.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:50, Reply)
Splitting hairs is disagreeing over minor points
not the entire definition of the term. It seems you don't know what splitting hairs means, either.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:52, Reply)
He's splitting teabags here.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:53, Reply)
alright Monts
Wevvers mix with some rockabilly in:


Couldn't find any pure rockabilly ones, but he's a bit of a musical magpie anyroad.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:55, Reply)
cheers for that

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:56, Reply)
np m8

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:57, Reply)
Nono, Battered's wife was doing the teabagging
do keep up, Monty, there's a lamb
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:55, Reply)
I'm so confused!
I was going to toddle off and make myself a cup of tea but somehow I've gone off the idea.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:58, Reply)
Get PJ's mother in law to make it.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:59, Reply)
I know what splitting hairs means and yeah, I meant to say while I was teabagging her.
This is just an internet messageboard, not an academic forum.

Extra lols from the man who used the term 'stirling effort' the other day.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:53, Reply)
Haha you really are a prick.
No wonder you're so popular.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:55, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:55, Reply)
wow yeah, unpopular with a minority of the posters on an internet forum.
Breaks my heart that does.

Stirling insults, here.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:56, Reply)
Lack of self-awareness too, if you think it's a minority.
But you are right, I made a spelling mistake. I tend to do that when I'm typing quickly. Most of the time I correct them, sometimes I miss a couple.

That is indeed entirely equal to a fundamental misunderstanding of the meaning behind two commonly used phrases that you've defended by saying "just a message board, innit".

Well done on bringing me down to your level. Congratulations are in order.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:59, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:01, Reply)
This is just a messageboard though, innit?
Clearly teabagging involves the mouth and the scrotum, I'm just pissing about on here while doing something else (as most of us are) and got the teabagger/ teabagee thing the wrong way round, which is clearly the sign of a cretin. I found the er/ee thing to be a minor point, because I'm not really fussed what a pompous IT drone thinks of me, so yeah, splitting hairs was the right phrase to use. What's next?

I dunno, crucify me, I enjoy cocking about online.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:04, Reply)
I really wish I could.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:05, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:05, Reply)
No, teabagging is just lowering your bollocks onto someone/something, usually in the face though.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:19, Reply)
No, a cursory google search shows that it may also involve licking and sucking the bollockbag.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:24, Reply)
this is possibly the most autistic conversation I've read on here.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:29, Reply)
Sadly enough, I agree.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:30, Reply)
Get thee to the popular page.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:04, Reply)
Nail and head
Have a click
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:57, Reply)
I have two kids and no lock on the bathroom door
I can't remember the last time I had an uninterrupted shit.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:49, Reply)
Put a look on the door.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:51, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:51, Reply)
One day you're putting locks on internal doors in the house, the next you're living in a flat on your own.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:58, Reply)
Ha ha

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:58, Reply)
this sounds a bit saville

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:53, Reply)
Pretty sure my kids have never interrupted him on the loo.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:57, Reply)
That's not what your son Youssou told me.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:59, Reply)
We allow him to roam free about the commune now he is seven.
Maybe he has wandered into the wrong yurt occasionally, but it is all life experience for him.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:02, Reply)
You think that the act of love is natural and nothing to be ashamed of
so you make him watch whilst you slap one up his mum, meanwhile your other kid keeps time on a bodhran.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:05, Reply)
Is that not what everybody does?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:07, Reply)
I prefer the kettle drum, myself
makes me feel like a man.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:07, Reply)
Yossou N'O'locko N'door?
From the Irish O'locko N'doors?

Big fan of his, me.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:02, Reply)
the very same

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:03, Reply)
I liked that song he did

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:04, Reply)
In spite of my reputation, I'm not sure I've ever heard any of his songs.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:07, Reply)
I have heard one of his songs.
That Neneh Cherry one.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:08, Reply)
I prefer her dad.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:09, Reply)
Absolutely, good old Don.
Her daughter is one of the worst people to ever have blighted the planet.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:10, Reply)
After his son, that is.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:11, Reply)
Who, 'Japs-eye' or whatever his name is?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:13, Reply)
That's the prick

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:14, Reply)
Gonz is a bit of a fan of that one song he did.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:16, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:15, Reply)
I think this is worthy of a click.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:04, Reply)
I was having a wank downstairs and forgot my mother in law was down and she walked in

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:49, Reply)
Did she finish you off?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:51, Reply)
She made him a cup of tea.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:51, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:52, Reply)
Can I follow up the lie I just told with another one?
If so, yes she got down on her knees and said, I'm the older more experienced version and noshed me off an gave me a finger in the bum.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:52, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:53, Reply)
Good stuff.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:55, Reply)
Thing is, this is fairly believable round your way.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:03, Reply)
did you emergency abort and suck it all back in for another time?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:53, Reply)
Nah, cargo doors were well and truly open. Couldn't smell smoke so took the time to have a satisfactory wipe as well.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:55, Reply)
Good to know. Thanks for posting this.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 12:59, Reply)
He's nothing if not thorough, is he?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:00, Reply)
Says the bloke that was threatening to text me pictures of their diarrhea not that long ago...

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:03, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:04, Reply)
Not according to Google I didn't.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:08, Reply)
US spelling innit

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:09, Reply)
Oh well. Never mind.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:10, Reply)
I'm man enough to let a minor error pass.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:11, Reply)
But not man enough to leave the argument
in its original context. If you want to have a pop at me, the thing to do would be to do it to my face and leave other people out of it.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:22, Reply)
You've made it to the popular page.
Just sayin'
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:23, Reply)
Oh, that scampish minority of posters.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:26, Reply)
Often considered far worse than merely mispelling a word.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:10, Reply)
But as Monty is so keen on mentioning at times like this, American English is often closer to older forms of English, for instance 'pants' is from 'pantaloons'.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:14, Reply)
Sounds a bit French to me.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:15, Reply)
I have nothing but respect for the French.
They are a fine people.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:16, Reply)
Dictionary.reference.com reckons there's an o in it.

Whatevs though.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:10, Reply)
There is, on this side of the Atlantic.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:11, Reply)
Sometimes I wonder whether Battered is 'all there'.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:11, Reply)
None of this detracts from the point that you were threatening to sending me pictures of your runny turds.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:13, Reply)
I could still do that at any time I so wish.
So no backchat from you or else.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:15, Reply)
I can also do this you know.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:17, Reply)
This is the worst case of oneupmanship I ever saw.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:18, Reply)
I think it's moving towards brinkmanship. Neither wants to see the other's poo.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:18, Reply)
I'd say it's a cold war, but we don't want any more space docking references, do we?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:19, Reply)
You'd better enter it in the log.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:20, Reply)
Entry number two.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:21, Reply)
someone on links has died again ! Blimey when will they ever stop dying !

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:36, Reply)
I see you've been your usual charming self when replying to the news.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:39, Reply)
they're always a bit touchy when another one of em dies

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:43, Reply)
I wonder if they'll video the funeral & post it. That would be just in the spirit of /links.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:44, Reply)
Heartfelt reply there Rory.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:46, Reply)
Awww, I missed it, it's been modded

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 14:35, Reply)
It would need a an "epic fail" in the middle

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:47, Reply)
I was teabagger you're mom and dun a diarrear in her hare :s

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:37, Reply)
alright Jean-Claude

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:39, Reply)
I think I want to learn to make satay sauce, but I can't be bothered to pound up peanuts and using peanut butter feels wrong
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:41, Reply)
I have no solution to this.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:41, Reply)
it's a conumdrum alright

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:44, Reply)
Ribbed for her pleasure

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:41, Reply)
Satay is foul.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:41, Reply)
oh is it? I'd better not make it or ever eat it again then
thank you for saving me.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:42, Reply)
You're welcome.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:44, Reply)
Mash up a load of satay and dog toffee, then custard pie Battered with it.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:44, Reply)
fingers crossed he has a peanut allegy eh?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:45, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:45, Reply)
Coming from Off Topic's second most despised poster, this is gold.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:47, Reply)
who is the most despised?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:48, Reply)
me apparently :'(

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:50, Reply)
What about Al?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:50, Reply)
Al goes without saying, obvs.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:52, Reply)
well he IS a cunt.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:52, Reply)
Ooh, I must say, you're much better looking than I expected.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:43, Reply)
awful photo that, I do not photograph well at all.
but it was the best i could find.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:46, Reply)
I'll be having one off the wrist to it later on.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:48, Reply)
glad I could be of service

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:49, Reply)
I still can't decide which photo from my extensive portfolio to use.
I might get a fresh set done.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:51, Reply)
just stick up the "shit" one

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:52, Reply)
I'm not sure that's wise.
One of our IT drones used a picture of himself wearing conical party hats on his ears. I had to have a word with him about the value of visual identity to his brand.

He's changed it.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:55, Reply)
I assume you're talking about Linkedin

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 14:00, Reply)
I can't confirm either way.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 14:01, Reply)
Why are you gazzing pics of yourself to Dozer?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:49, Reply)
ent no gazzing goin' on yo

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:50, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:51, Reply)
He should be.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:52, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 14:02, Reply)
If you really want, I'll gaz you the pic.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 14:03, Reply)
It's not the same if it doesn't come from him.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 14:05, Reply)
I've just been reading an interview with your mate Bozzwell.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 14:07, Reply)
He's a top bloke a v talented too.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 14:15, Reply)
Yeah, I didn't know he'd been in The All Seeing I.
Seems to be a pretty solid DJ & producer.
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 14:17, Reply)
something something cockgaz

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 14:17, Reply)

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 14:17, Reply)
Has anyone replied "ym", can't be bothered to check.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:45, Reply)
alright Pooksie Bear?

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:47, Reply)
Alright Dozer.

(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:50, Reply)
Alright yer.
Been up to much?
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:51, Reply)
Ctrl +f 'wank'
Was not disappointed
(, Tue 7 May 2013, 13:59, Reply)

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