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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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*Ctrl+F, Channel.... nope*
There's loads of people up in arms, wobbling about Channel 4 showing the call to prayer. Proper geninunely thick people.

I don't get their side of the story at all, they seem geniunly really upset by it. It's on at 3 in the morning for 5 minutes or whatever.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 16:41, 140 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 16:43, Reply)
Because The Sun FP'd it and therefore people feel they must be annoyed about it because they were told to be.
Yes, that's the 'noble workers' so beloved of our student politics chums. Those guys. The mong-browed fucking serfs who are allowed to vote despite being thick as pigshit, ill-informed, mob-mentality wankers who'd torch a paediatrician sooner than read a fucking book. The salt of the earth stouthearted yeomanry. The ones loathed throughout the civilised world.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 16:50, Reply)
Oiks, plebs, commoners, peasants, scum, beasts of the field - you know, 'the public'.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 16:56, Reply)
the tory fanbase, basically

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 16:59, Reply)
wait im so out of touch its ukip now innit

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 17:00, Reply)
That Nigel Planer's got the right ideas to get Britain back on track.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 17:01, Reply)
my understanding is that the best he's done for society recently
is be the only redeeming feature of the charlie and the chocolate factory musical
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 17:20, Reply)
I'm bored to fucking tears SSG
Help me
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 17:35, Reply)
i hardly think i am the man for the job now am i

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:10, Reply)
what she said

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 16:56, Reply)
I:m going to set fire to a pedalo.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 16:56, Reply)
Ahhh, didn't realise the sun FP'd it. That'll explain it.
I want one of these until the apple one comes out: b3ta.com/search/talk?q=SONGS+OF+PRAISE+ALLAH
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 16:57, Reply)
man you sure hate a lot of people x

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 16:59, Reply)
It's exhausting work.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 17:02, Reply)
I found the fact it was fp'ed under the subject 'RAMADAN-A-DING-DONG'
More of an issue than ch4 broadcasting a call to prayer when I'm either asleep or too monged to care.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 17:01, Reply)
alright Gormo

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 17:07, Reply)

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 17:09, Reply)
I am so, so gutted that Smiley Culture is dead.
He seemed well alright. Mate of mine made a TV programme with him about ten years ago and said as much. RIP you lyrical wizard.

Inquest news:
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 17:40, Reply)
if this is you trying to persuade us you aren't a massive racist well you got another thing coming

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:12, Reply)
I never understood how the skinhead movement went from ska loving Jamaicaphiles to racists.
I don't think they can have been desperately bright.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:15, Reply)
I saw a full on skinhead last week. Swastika tattoos, NF on his forehead, the lot. He was about 22 and looked a fucking prick.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:20, Reply)
Talk about late to the party

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:21, Reply)
Lets hope it's not coming back in to 'fashion'. Wouldn't surprise me given the EDL etc over the last couple of years.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:23, Reply)
The good thing about racists is they are 99% of the time complete idiots
Boyce being a prime example
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:25, Reply)
Knowing Boyce IRL I can say I've never heard him mutter a single racist comment offline.
Seen him spit on a few Muslims though.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:26, Reply)
I'm not in team vilify monty
I'm in team naked ape! Go team baked ape \o/
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:30, Reply)
I founded team vilify Monty. The fucking long haired twat

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:31, Reply)
Did you persuad his ex to throat punch him?

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:38, Reply)
I offered to pay her, but she wanted to do it for free.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:41, Reply)
Poor purpledoris

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:43, Reply)
Clickin this for 'baked ape'

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:37, Reply)
Oh piss

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:38, Reply)
Haha. Spastic.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:41, Reply)
and me
love it

you should so change your name to baked ape
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:43, Reply)
i think that music was peaking at the same time racism was so they joined up in the middle

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:21, Reply)

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:24, Reply)
i mean realistically i have no idea but that sounded vaguely plausible i guess

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:36, Reply)
I wasn't aware he was dead. Police Officer is an excellent record.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:16, Reply)
as is Cockney Translation

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:17, Reply)
I will investigate.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:21, Reply)
his first hit.
Both b sides are brilliant too
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:26, Reply)
Thanks for the up to date and relevant to all news

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:17, Reply)
inquest info released today, you popped collar Fogleprick

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:23, Reply)
Pink gingham shirt today

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:42, Reply)
two of them?

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:42, Reply)
Are you going line dancing with Geordie Jay later?

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:46, Reply)
Ha ha

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:47, Reply)
The Sun is like a newspaper version of the EDL.
I can't wait for folk to realise this.
They're going to have a field day when that soldier has his funeral.

The family have had to wait a while for that mind.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:21, Reply)
Is he still not buried?
I mean it must have been pretty tough to work out what killed him, but still
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:23, Reply)
I expect they'll bury him in private & announce it afterwards, so the EDL & BNP can't use it as an excuse for a protest / recruitment drive.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:24, Reply)
God hates fags!

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:27, Reply)
No, but it's coming up.
The EDL have been banned from picketing in Woolwich against Islam or some shite... I see no difference between them and the Westboro Baptist Church.

The WBC have parodied a One Direction song now, calling them fag enablers. Which I agree with but to unleash Jesus on them is a bit much.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:25, Reply)
fag enablers is the funniest phrase I've heard in yonks.
Cheers GJ
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:27, Reply)
Don't thank me, thank the WBC!
The God bothering deluded sin washers
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:30, Reply)
The Louis Theroux documentary on the WBC is one of the most troubling things I have ever seen in TV.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:28, Reply)
I watched that the other night
None of them would let him speak to the younger ones alone. Obviously they weren't brainwashed enough.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:29, Reply)
I think he did a follow up a couple of years later which featured one of the kids that had seen sense and left.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:32, Reply)
That was the one.
She seemed sad but her home looked better. Not a doily in sight.

The parents had just erased her from their lives completely. Not an ounce of remorse. Surely if there were a God, that wouldn't be the way he practises family.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:34, Reply)
Protesting funerals is just sick. Regardless of whatever beliefs you hold. Have you seen the stuff online about the house opposite that gay campaigners have bought and painted rainbow colours? Brilliant.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:43, Reply)
I did!
Imagine living with them in your neighbourhood? I'm surprised there's not more uproar. Like that Red State film but with less John Goodman.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:51, Reply)
they have an alarming degree of political power
whomever they say to vote for, people DO.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:43, Reply)
The ABC1 demographic profile of their readership is worryingly high (had clients who used to advertise in the tabloids so we got that sort of info from the media planners)

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:44, Reply)

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:46, Reply)

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:53, Reply)
Looks like McEnroe is about to play in a seniors game at Wimbledon.
They cannot be serious.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:58, Reply)
This post needs much more recognition.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:09, Reply)
What nothing? Really? FFS.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:22, Reply)
We must live in a country full of unemployed and builders!!

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:52, Reply)
Nah, they hedge their bets and back the likely winners
The average Sun reader ignores the politics and skips to the sports pages.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:20, Reply)
I'm bored.
Car chat?
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:55, Reply)
Still not found a classic you like yet?

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:55, Reply)
Tickford Capri to your liking?

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:56, Reply)
I might be tempted with a Capri
I'm not a massive fan of them, though.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:06, Reply)
Worth buying a car you don't want.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:06, Reply)
I'm trying to work out what to buy if I give my wife the Volvo. Needs to be practical and safe for when I have micro, but I'd like something a bit sportier.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:10, Reply)
Do you need another estate?

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:11, Reply)
No. I'm fairly confident that if I needed an estate on the odd occasion then the ex would swap for the day. Need a good size boot though for the buggy etc.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:14, Reply)
rover 600

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:16, Reply)
I'd like something made in the last 3 years.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:18, Reply)
Get a Nissan MICRO!
^ see what I did there?
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:19, Reply)
Yes. Unfortunately I did. Thanks FRIEND.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:20, Reply)
It's a car with the same name as the one you call your daughter.
I thought it was quite clever.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:20, Reply)
Yeah nice attempt to recover. Didn't work though you turnip basher.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:22, Reply)
i like the new scirocco
although, i haven;t looked in the boot of one, but it drives nice.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:34, Reply)
A Golf would be a safe bet.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:18, Reply)
I'd prefer something bigger. Maybe an Alfa Romero Brera.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:19, Reply)

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:56, Reply)

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:04, Reply)
what happened with that car that was supposed to be yours, but then it was put on ebay, but then you were going to speak to them, but then what?

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:05, Reply)
Oh, I didn't bother with it, in the end.
I decided it wasn't worth a falling out.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:06, Reply)
Just buy something else from them when they next list on ebay and leave negative feedback.
That'll show 'em.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:07, Reply)
you evil bastard

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:14, Reply)
Is that some sort of Indian dish?

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:59, Reply)
Made with the Nissan Bluebird
And costing whatever they think they can get away with. Especially when you're drunk and you can't remember where you live.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:59, Reply)
it's becuase they are idiots gonzo.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:56, Reply)
Alright Winders? What have you decided to retrain as?

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 18:58, Reply)
initially i'm just doing a basic city and guilds domestic electrical install and testing course,
and then, depending on finances, do a specialist course in something, or get a job in a company leading toward a more specialised field.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:02, Reply)
A good friend of mine is a Gas Safe approved central heating engineer. He might be worth you meeting as he knows a lot of people who might be able to put some work your way
Let me know if you'd like me to arrange meeting for a pint.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:07, Reply)
He's in Oxford.
Forgot that bit.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:08, Reply)
oh yeah?
That sounds good. I've not decided if i can afford to go self employed, but if its cash in hand bits and pieces i'm well in.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:11, Reply)
Go self employed
Write the cost of tools off against tax. Fold company.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:12, Reply)
This. Plus register for VAT & reclaim it on all the tools before winding up.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:13, Reply)
is this a thing?
I'm pretty ignorant of tax stuff
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:15, Reply)
It certainly is a thing. A very worthwhile thing.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:16, Reply)
i would like to know more,
is there a website or blog you can point me to that explains how it works, or even just explain it yourself?
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:19, Reply)
Take too long to explain online. Look for an accountant in your area. Most do initial free meetings if they think you're going to become a client.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:21, Reply)
oh, right, i'm being stupid, i have an accountant friend who can probably help.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:27, Reply)
You're not stupid, just unexperienced.

You may want to print & frame this post. It's about as nice as I ever get on the Internet.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:29, Reply)
thanks man,
i'm taking a week off before the course to do this sort of research and stuff, so that if i pass, i'm ready to get straight in to it.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:32, Reply)
Good idea.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:33, Reply)
Have a look at this
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:23, Reply)
Won't tell you all the loopholes though, just the allowances

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:28, Reply)
True, but one Windy had read that, I was going to suggest he goes here for more info
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:30, Reply)

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:32, Reply)
Remind me when you've finished the course and we'll sort something out. He's a top chap.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:12, Reply)
^ Close friends get to call him TC

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:14, Reply)
gaz me
i know an awful lot of oxford thanks to generations of family.
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:14, Reply)
He's from Balham. Only moved there about 3 years ago so I doubt your fa moly would know him.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:16, Reply)
fair enough.
is he taller than you?
(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:16, Reply)

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:16, Reply)

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:17, Reply)

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:18, Reply)

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:27, Reply)
Fuck off.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:28, Reply)
I think he has!

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:34, Reply)

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:35, Reply)
Not a result for you, Short Round.

(, Tue 2 Jul 2013, 19:40, Reply)

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