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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Is anyone else about yet this morning?

( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 7:30, 186 replies, latest was 17 years ago)

I'm here quickly before I head into town to do things.
I saw you were asking where I was last night. Any reason?
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 8:04, Reply)

Just got in to work. I'm going to catch up on last night's chat for a minute just in case I missed anything of note (which I doubt!).
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 8:12, Reply)

I'm off to the bike shop. Should reappear later, as it's raining muchly outside, which shall make cycling fun.
Don't think you missed anything of note at the end of last night.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 8:20, Reply)

Other than now having visions of b3tards sleeping in the buff and Al on rachelswipe's balcony, curled up in his basket!
See you later, PoD.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 8:24, Reply)

how are you doing?
I'm knackered as usual.
k2k6, while you are about, do you have any thoughts on delay pedals?
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 8:39, Reply)

Sorry for the delay. Pfft.
Actually, I don't know much about guitar effects. A mate of mine has a Line 6 Pod and it's pretty good, but it's a multi effects box/amp simulator, and not a stomp box. I'd guess that if it's just a delay pedal you're after, you can't go far wrong with Boss gear. It's made by Roland and is pretty reliable and hard wearing.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 8:50, Reply)

Just popping in to say congratulations to Becky. I've got some work to do and then will pop back later.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 8:50, Reply)

I don't know much about effects either, other than that generally Boss = good.
I will continue my research
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 8:56, Reply)

Becky's been accepted to a good vet nursing course, and her company's going to pay, which is a double bonus. Hence BGB's congrats.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 9:00, Reply)

Oh, excellent!
Won't be on here much today, lots of work on and then straight to Sheffield to see Converge! Should be good, but may get slightly injured.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 9:05, Reply)

I found out that there might be a fuck-up with my Johnny Truant tickets, so may not be able to go.
*shakes fist*
I'll have to throw myself down some stairs instead for that "morning-after" feeling.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 9:12, Reply)

That's a bugger about Johnny Truant.
My stomach muscles are all bollixed from too much drunk Wii last night so won't be chucking myself about too much.
I may have no option though at a Converge gig!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 9:18, Reply)

I woke up this morning with 'God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen' in my head.
I sort of wish it was Christmas.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 9:48, Reply)

to sing/think songs that honour our lord and saviour....
almost managed that with a straight face
I woke up after a long detailed dream about shopping for pot in Amsterdam...
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 9:55, Reply)

It's the next time I'll be given stuff, for free.
As long as I'm a good boy. And I'm mostly good.
How's the no-smoking going, boss?
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 9:55, Reply)

I was naughty last night cos I was drinking and had a few, so I'm finding it difficult today, but none so far:)
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 9:59, Reply)

Which is a fucking con, as I wasn't drinking last night.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:01, Reply)

@Kaol - I get that sometimes. It is the most soul destroying feeling in the world. Get yourself a bacon sarnie, that'll sort you right out!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:05, Reply)

I work on an industrial estate :(
On the plus side I have some oranges, and a knife with which to menacingly peel them.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:07, Reply)

serving out bacon butties and other cholesterol laden goodies?
It's political correctness gone mad, I tells ya!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:13, Reply)

New question day. I wonder what it'll be. And when it will change? This one seems to have run out of steam.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:14, Reply)

I think it'll be 'How did you stop worrying and learn to love the Bomb'.
Actually, that's silly.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:19, Reply)

it's a hap-hap-happeeee day!
I brought sunshine!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:20, Reply)

*photographs with zoom lens*
*makes room for Edmund*
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:22, Reply)

Thanks D_I_T!
(Note: crUtch, not crotch)
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:23, Reply)

and has been hobbling around the office today trying to convince the world that instead of being called Dr Ed should be called Dr House (cf, the crutch).
Sodding potholes.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:34, Reply)

Congratulations Becky, good news... Not RVC by any chance is it? I ask because I used to date someone who's there - who may/may not have been the subject of one or two of amusing QOTW posts *shudders*
Anyway, I'm still sat at my desk in my biking gear waiting for the background radiation in the karzy to drop so that I can get cleaned up and changed. Bah.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:36, Reply)

Perhaps you ought to leave an anonymous note in the loos gently suggesting that the mystery shitter might like to (a) shit at home, (b) spray some air-freshener, or (c) change their diet...
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:39, Reply)

Finished my work.
HLT - God, I'd sell my soul for a cheese and onion pie right now.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:41, Reply)

I have one right here...
I'll sell it for your soul, and one square foot of your skin.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:43, Reply)

I had to work for a bit there. Damn those real people who want my time and attention.
Was that a Mr Kipling advert song I heard a while back?
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:43, Reply)

You can have one square foot of skin if you take some fat off me to go with it.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:45, Reply)

As much fat as can be packaged into a square foot of skin.
*grabs broken bottle*
Let's do this.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:46, Reply)

We used to have an unknown guy here who ate his lunch in the toilet cubicle. Every day we'd find empty sandwich wrappers, juice bottles and a copy of the Sun.
After a while I put up a notice on the back of the door reading "To whom it may concern: Please do not eat your lunch in this cubicle, as other people have to shit here"
He never came back.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:47, Reply)

That made me giggle.
@Kaol - Just cut around my midriff, nowhere else though. Oh! a slice off my bingo wings would be ok also.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:49, Reply)

What I hate, what I really hate, is when you're in the loo, and there is someone in there having a conversation on their mobile.
It's grim.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:50, Reply)

1 square foot of skin, if cut carefully so it can be folded into a sphere, would be able to contain 0.094 cu ft of fat. That's about 2.66 litres, in metric measurements.
Weight wise, you'd lose 2.4kg, or 5.3lbs.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:53, Reply)

i was miserable, but HLT's rendition of that funny song has cheered me up.
how is everyone?
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 10:57, Reply)

you can have one for free my dear. I require neither soul nor skin from you. it's far too much responsibility.
i like to sing happyhappyhappycakey songs!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 11:00, Reply)

That's freaky because that's about the right amount I need to lose.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 11:01, Reply)

You need to lose 5lbs? That's not a lot... I'd say forget about it an eat cake instead.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 11:05, Reply)

5lbs off your midriff is actually quite a lot. And you'd be left with an odd-shaped scar too!
@HLT - are you high on paint fumes, or just naturally in a good mood this morning?
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 11:08, Reply)

Well I actually need to lose half a stone and then I'll be fine. It's all about having jeans that fit comfortably and not some daft idea that men will fall at my feet if I'm thinner.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 11:08, Reply)

It's worth it for comfier jeans.
Remember that all men will fall at your feet if you knee them hard enough in the groin.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 11:12, Reply)

Why would you want to remove BGB's skin with a broken bottle? I would have thought that such a connoisseur of knives as yourself would insist on such procedures being carried out properly.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 11:21, Reply)

I've just been asked if I can do a site visit in Berwick this afternoon. That's a 120-mile round trip.
Fucksocks. Still, nearly £50 in expenses I suppose. But I really can't be arsed with it.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 11:27, Reply)

and a flick of the eyes is all it takes sometimes...
@k2k6 - I'm not high on paint fumes, I'm high on life - can't you tell?
quite surprising really. went for an early bed as was cream crackered after painting. then was wide awake, so decided to take full advantage, then just as everything was getting interesting the *&^!£ing pipe band started up in the town centre (10 seconds from my flat, so no escape), which almost put us off, but it was alright, except then there were fireworks until midnight. stupid civic week.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 11:29, Reply)

how i would go about fixing my toilet? it flushed this morning but then wouldn't fill up in the tank wotsit. i'm told it's something to do with my ballcock...however i am a woman and this is not the type of cock (or ball) i am familiar with.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 11:34, Reply)

Making sure that the doodad is adjusted so that the glimbart doesn't stop the oojamaflip for working?
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 11:40, Reply)

Ah, that explains it. You are happy because of getting
@baby_k - It's probably not the ballcock. Almost certainly it's the flap that initiates the siphon which is knackered. Is it a modern cistern, or an old one? If it's an old one, it's a case of replacing the flap (it has a proper name, but I don't know what it is). If it's a newer one, you tend to have to replace the whole innards of the cistern, as it comes as one plastic piece.
Edit - I'm talking ballcocks. Sorry. Didn't read your post properly. If it's not filling up, then it's either a leaky ballcock or a stuck/blocked valve
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 11:40, Reply)

I always find that if you wiggle something or poke around like you know what your doing then it fixes itself.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 11:41, Reply)

When you flushed the toilet, did the ball valve (the big float-operated valve with the ball on the end) go down? If it didn't, it may be stuck, and that will mean the cistern won't refill. Try wiggling it about a bit.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 11:42, Reply)

The ballcock is probably fine. Take the top off the cistern, and the ballcock should be connected to some sort of cam which controls the flow of water back in to the cistern. My toilet used to not fill up because the arm of the ballcock had come out of the cam, making it think it was full all the time.
That probably won't help. But I hope it does!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 11:45, Reply)

it is in the right place....as in the floaty bit is down so the water can come out of the tube thingy. it seems like it wants to be filling up with water but its just making little sqeaking noises like there is some air in it.
and before you start, i'm not planning on sucking the ballcock to get the air (or anything else) out of it.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 11:47, Reply)

reminds me of a story I heard (allegedly true).
Every time the pipe major announced a tune they were going to play, the bass drummer would ask, "How does that one go?"
The pipe major would 'diddle' the tune to him, and he'd be OK, and off they'd go.
Well, this happened a few times and the pipe major was getting a bit fed up. "Listen", he said to the bass drummer, "As far as you're concerned, it's just Boom, Boom, fucking Boom!"
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 11:48, Reply)

yup, that sounds about right.
why do people like them? they're too loud, they sound like a heap of cats on fire, and all the tunes sound the same!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 11:52, Reply)

"they sound like a heap of cats on fire"
That's the best description of bagpipes I've heard so far. I recon they're the worst instrument you want your next-door neighbour to be practicing.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 12:00, Reply)

That depends.
If you're lucky enough to have thick walls, bagpipes aren't too bad.
Loud bass guitar, however, will penetrate the thickest of walls, and repetitively annoy you.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 12:01, Reply)

is not a musical instrument. It's a weapon of war, which was used to scare the living shit out of the enemy (most often the English). The fact that it is possible to play tunes on it seems almost incidental.
That said, to be fair, a good pipe band isn't bad. At a suitable distance. And the tunes do sound indivudual you know them. It's like any genre of music - if you're not into it, it all sounds the same.
I wouldn't fancy having them outside my window at 10.30 though. Especially if I was shagging at the time.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 12:03, Reply)

tell me about it. And I'm wearing a fucking cream linen suit as well.
But the location is just round the corner from my sister, so if I get time I'll call in for coffee!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 12:04, Reply)

You, sir, are a sartorial GOD.
Re: Bagpipes - for my step-grandparents 50th wedding anniversary they hired out the village hall and invited the whole family. We thought we were going to a disco.
What we got was two guys on bagpipes. For four. Fucking. Hours.
I have seen hell.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 12:09, Reply)

still looking for ball valve advice? If you're feeling brave, you could turn the water off (v imp!) and dismantle the valve; it has a very small hole at the top and sometimes this can get blocked. Unfold a paper clip and have a poke around.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 12:14, Reply)

is that when written down in musical notation, it has some extremely short notes.
Bass guitars may be louder, but at least they don't sound like live feline combustion.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 12:15, Reply)

they weren't allowed to say 'ballcock' anymore - it had to be 'float-operated valve'.
Anyway, yes, get someone manly around and see what you think but you could save some money if you can fix it yourself!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 12:19, Reply)

however i fear that me 'fixing' it would flood the house with pissy water. ah well.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 12:22, Reply)

to turn the water off before commencing any pokery!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 12:24, Reply)

that the tank is already empty. If not, might be a good idea to empty it out!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 12:28, Reply)

with all this encouragement i may just do something about it. this is what is bothering me. i have bad experience with DIY. and most things house related. i used to use my hamster to dust down the side of the stairs for Christ sake (QOTW answer on my profile wotsit). This is NOT going to end well.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 12:29, Reply)

Yeah, exactly.
I wasn't dropping a terrible innuendo, honest...
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 12:30, Reply)

(Slightly) alternative version:
You may well hve seen before
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 12:33, Reply)

Bagpipe music does contain some very short notes indeed. Part of the reason for this is that the pipes emit one long continuous note, and going from one note to the next is achieved by means of grace notes stuck in between.
It's especially noticeable with repeated notes - the only way to articulate this is to have some sort of 'blip' between them. That's what gives bagpipe music its characteristic sound.
Well, that and the 120 decibel spl.
Edit @ Fireflier - the Chilli Pipers are pretty good. There's only so much you can do with only 9 notes, and these guys make the most of it.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 12:37, Reply)

threaten your toilet with 4 hours of bagpipe music unless it behaves itself.
that'll sort it.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 12:44, Reply)

This method works suprisingly well. Not only have I fixed a broken toilet this way, but also a broken laptop.
Once when I moved into a new flat, I looked at the toilet and assumed that it was one of those toilets with a flap at the bottom that opens when flushing (a bit like the ones they have on trains in parts of continental Europe). It was only once the estate-agent had gone that I realised the flusher was broken and the dark thing at the bottom was not a flap but the result of an unclean toilet.
I had to go back to the office so decided to leave it until later. Things weren't helped by the fact that that night, I went out for beers and a curry with my workmates. The following morning (a Saturday), It still hadn't been fixed and I had woken up with last night's curry wanting to escape. Fortunately, the office was nearby so I quickly dressed and popped in there to use the loos.
When I got back, a bit of juggery-pokery sorted things out (I was able to flush the toilet by messing around with the insides and somehow managed to make it flushable from the outside).
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 12:44, Reply)

i should just get some bagpipes and fix one bit to the tap on the sink and use it as an oddly shaped funnel for tank refilling purposes. i could put little filter wotsits on the end of the pipes and have nice pure bagpipe flushy bum bum water.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 12:49, Reply)

The duct I needed to access was closed, and I couldn't get my tool inside it.
In the end I'd tried lubrication, brute force and gentle pressure.
Nothing seemed to work.
I gave up, dejectedly, putting my tool away.
That was the first and only time I tried necrophillia.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 12:55, Reply)

I went to fuck a corpse once, but the rotten cunt split on me.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 12:57, Reply)

...or even better, automate is so that you've got hot and cold water rinses, a drying off tube, and still have something to play you a tune. We've got some engineers in here, I'm sure they'll lend a hand.
Something like them fancy Japanese electric toilets!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:05, Reply)

Not 100% and a bit hungover, but definitely more up for the gig than I was yesterday.
I may even be up to a *flex*
There we go!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:10, Reply)

is the best idea i've heard all week. If anyone could come up with a clever drawing of this i would like it very much and show it to a plumber to see what could be rigged up. excellent work.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:11, Reply)

That took all my energy.
I think I need a lie down now.
*fans self*
*wants cigarette*
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:14, Reply)

might actually go down well with those Americans who (claim to) have Scottish ancestry!
Sounds like a fun idea.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:15, Reply)

*does a procession*
*wears robes*
*formally approaches k2k6*
I have decided to return your hat, sir.
*prompts cushion-bearing kittens on which hat is placed*
Receive this thy hat and wear it well!
*more fanfares*
The End.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:21, Reply)

From an American:
"My Grandmother was Irish, did you know her?"
"Yes... But then everybody did..."
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:22, Reply)

*relieved sigh*
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:27, Reply)

From the conversation, surely K's should have been piped in by burly Scotsmen.
@DiT - awesome. I do like Dylan Moran.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:29, Reply)

*approaches kitten-borne hat carriage*
*dons hat*
*is no longer naked as bald spot is now covered*
That's better. I feel like striking up the band now. How does that Mr Kipling song go again?
*tunes up band*
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:29, Reply)

but i've nothing to fiddle about with now.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:32, Reply)

I have confetti in my hair.
I'm not even getting married!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:34, Reply)

yay ancrenne!
oh, confetti!
did someone just get married?
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:35, Reply)

No, get it off, get it off!
*wedding flashbacks*
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:35, Reply)

I need to go to the shops later to buy humungous amounts of sugar. I picked 3kg of blackcurrents in the garden last night (off one bush!), and I are going to make jam!
I've never made jam before, I'm sure it's all going to end up in a big sticky mess...
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:37, Reply)

in a few months, it'll be sparkly pants-shaped confetti, to celebrate ancrenne's business success.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:39, Reply)

is great fun. The trick is to boil it for just long enough to get it to set.
Blackcurrants make good jam usually, and don't require extra pectin to induce setting. Unlike strawberries, which sometimes make a runny concoction.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:40, Reply)

where's that song, k2k6? i thought you were tuning the band?
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:41, Reply)

Throw our pants, HLT?
But... But then what will the boys wear under our trousers? What about zip-related incidents?
This sounds dangerous.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:43, Reply)

You can borrow some of mine. I've got spare ones.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:44, Reply)

Pants shaped confetti? How about pants made out of confetti.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:45, Reply)

what was all that about?
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:54, Reply)

Seeing as you want to be one of my groupies, you are more than welcome to throw your pants at me.
Now where was I? Yes, tuning the band when someone came to see me in my office.
*taps conductor's baton*
*band plays*
It's a hap-hap-happy day...
*10 minute improvised sax solo*
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 13:56, Reply)

These are the sort you could keep licking until they disappear and then continue with the licking.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:05, Reply)

*steals everyones pants*
*throws pants at k2k6*
*runs about giggling*
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:08, Reply)

Heh heh! Although the flavour would change a bit, once you'd licked all the jam off.
A bit like those boiled sweets which start off nice and sweet but then you get a nippy bit in the next layer.
Not that fannies taste of citric acid, of course. I'm just using that as an analogy!
Edit *looks out from under pile of pants*
Ooh - pantless people!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:09, Reply)

Why, have my trousers fallen down?
No, they're up. I can see they're up.
OH, I see your point.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:11, Reply)

Why, have my trousers fallen down?
No, they're up. I can see they're up.
OH, I see your point.
*ad infinitum*
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:12, Reply)

The toast would be kept in the oven.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:24, Reply)

Right! Enough of all this! I have sooooooooooooooooooo much work to do that I am going to leave my office for a while and go shopping on Oxford Street.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:26, Reply)

No, honestly!
I thought it was really funny.
Don't cry!
*rocks til stops crying*
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:32, Reply)

And then realised I'm not bothered about getting first post.
I'd rather wait until I've thought of a good reply or two...and then decide which persona to use today.....
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:44, Reply)

Just seen the new QOTW.
I think I'll probably be giving it a miss unless I can think of an interesting anecdote relating to a film. I suspect it's going to be a week of LOTR FTW! And similar.
Even if I did study film for a bit...I can't think of a recommendation that will be anything more than just that...a recommendation.
Handy if your name is Halliwell I suppose.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:52, Reply)

Worship me.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:52, Reply)

I believe you only know me as Chickenlady and not as my other 'incarnations' - yes I'm big in flowers too ;)
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:53, Reply)

but by and large Chickenlady is fairly consistent.
I think.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:59, Reply)

*enjoys hug from BK*
*pretends to cry a bit more to prolong hug*
I thought it was really lame!
was in middle of writing this then colleague with baby arrived. so it probably doesn't make sense now.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 15:03, Reply)

I had to hold it against the wall with my head.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 15:09, Reply)

That sounds about right, if it's a big goat your shoulder has to go just behind their front leg to keep them against the wall.
I miss my goats. :(
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 15:11, Reply)

was the grumpiest thing I've have ever encountered. And I think I was doing something along those lines. It also knew just when I'd finished, and would place a well timed kick at the bucket.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 15:14, Reply)

Called, imaginatively, Goat.
It was evil incarnate, but cool. So I suspect it was Satan.
Bum. This QOTW isn't going to be very interesting, I don't think. *wracks brains for an interesting story*
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 15:23, Reply)

is the last one before I set off on my tour of b3tans. I was hoping it would encourage us to reveal more about ourselves.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 15:28, Reply)

and not just because it's crap generally, it's also personally crap for me as I rarely watch films.
Might dredge up some sort of story, but I'll have to think hard.
Why's everyone putting their pants on again? It was better before.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 15:36, Reply)

So I've got the best of both worlds.
That's science.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 15:40, Reply)

because I need to visit a room other than the lab.
But that's not science. It's probably too much information.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 15:44, Reply)

@DiT: That's a very innovative solution. However, it's Naked Thursday today and pants round the ankles does not count as true nakedness.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 15:49, Reply)

*flings pants off*
*stands here, resplendent in my own nakidity*
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 15:59, Reply)

Shooting a film that I've written in two weeks time.
So I like this QOTW.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 15:59, Reply)

you know, as you do.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 16:00, Reply)

I went to the loo, but upon pulling down my fly and fumbling about for a bit, was having trouble extracting my willy from its pant-y confines.
Turns out that when I was getting dressed after swimming at lunchtime I had put my boxers on back to front.
I am worrily approaching the stereotype of the absent minded academic.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 16:04, Reply)

Unless it's a snuff film, in which case I'm booked.
Good luck with it!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 16:10, Reply)

didn't they feel a bit wrong every time you sat down?
I have that problem with my jimjams. you know, putting them back on in the dark, when you're all sweaty and dizzy.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 16:11, Reply)

It's not a snuff film, but we're cool for actors thanks, strictly amateur stuff.
It's got me in it, haha!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 16:12, Reply)

Actually, no. They just felt normal. I suppose the opening bit coincided with my bum crack, so extra seamage there wouldn't be noticed.
And why do you bother putting your jammies on again? Surely it's easier just to fart*, turn over and fall asleep in the buff.
*optional for girls
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 16:17, Reply)

but am sure the label would tickle your front bits!
I like being toasty warm in my jammies! I don't like sleeping in the buff. I also don't like wind tunnels, or leaky duvets.
edit: I'll skip the farting if it's all the same to you, thanks...
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 16:20, Reply)

Sounds good, that. Hope it goes well.
Right folks, I am gigwise. Laters folks
*hugs and shit*
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 16:29, Reply)

Have a good one.
@HLT - Methinks you need to go to the tropics. There you pretty much need to sleep in the buff with no covering at all because it's so toasty warm.
And there's less risk of pipebandus interruptus too.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 16:40, Reply)

*questions own decision to live in Scotland*
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 16:43, Reply)

your daily commute to the theatre would be that wee bit longer!
Edit - that's all folks! I'm off home. See you tonight.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 16:45, Reply)

back from the shops and remembering it's time for the Quiet Shift.
Anyone here?
How dull the QOTW will be, while everyone raves pretentiously about films they think most other people won't have heard of, and slate others simply because they're popular.
*slopes off to spot film snobbery*
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 17:06, Reply)

I think it's gone quiet because everyone's having a rant about this week's QOTW.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 17:14, Reply)

you are in the theatre, right?
In which region of the country/continent/world is this theatre? And what sort of productions does it show?
Edit: @Spak - it's not that I hate it, or anything, but I just prefer ones that let people tell stories. These lists are like dreams - everyone likes telling their own but not hearing others.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 17:15, Reply)

I agree. Perhaps if the QOTW title had been changed to "This film changed my life", it would encourage more stories.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 17:19, Reply)

aye, in the theatre, in the Borders! and it shows, ooh, all sorts of things.
I have just agreed to drive into Edinburgh after I finish work at 10.30 tomorrow night to pick up milordtulip from a night on the toon. I'll be tired and hungry and we probably won't get home till beyond midnight. How stupid am i?
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 17:29, Reply)

It's been all go at work today... I'm off for a pint!
See you later on, maybe!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 17:32, Reply)

However, his sanity has to be questioned - electing to be collected by a tired, hungry Tulip. Let's hope his drunken good humour is kept in check whilst you drive him home!
Edit: Bye, O Tighted One!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 17:32, Reply)

well, he has promised to make it worth my while. I don't mind really.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 17:43, Reply)

So nice.
*only has gay flatmate and cat waiting at home - both refuse to provide assistance from station*
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 18:03, Reply)

aww, you nice boy you.
@ clendrix. sack your flatmate and get new pets!
i have no problem at all with milordtulip going out on the pish. i just wish it wasn't so damn far!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 18:06, Reply)

Except that flatmate has a tendency to be outrageous and therefore entertaining, and cat is beautiful. They're both nice to look at, but not much use to a drunken lass on her way home.
Talking of home, off there now!
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 18:09, Reply)
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