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here is a new thread that will be ignored as it asks a boring question
With the Home Secretary wanting to increase the "terror" laws and successive governments wanting to be able to snoop on emails, is it just a coincidence that the report into the security services and the Lee Rigby killing have pretty much said the security services where great but they were hindered by the mean tech firms?

Alt: Best bitcoin exchange
altalt: silkroad 2?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:36, 169 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
or is it all a ploy to keep us domesticated? Scare tactics and the like?
Spy on what the fuck they like AND SEND EM ALL HOME.
How come all these "terror cells" and people even suspected to be in one aren't just shipped off black home?
Gypsy paedo immigrants.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:38, Reply)
The answer is due process in law
The guys that did the old chop suey on Lee Rigby were both british so they were home.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:44, Reply)
I don't get their issue with "The West" and that.
If they want to do sand dances and beheadings in the desert, go do that.
Plenty of room in the world for us all.
T'ra, see ya later, don;t send a post card.

America: Stay out of it.
Britain: Stop being a brown nose.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:47, Reply)
Geordiejay for PM!

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:47, Reply)
Problem is religion innit
a few fuckwits decide that by misinterpreting a bit of old book they have the right to kill in the name of god.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:48, Reply)
People are dumb.
Let's live by rules set thousands of years ago in an undeveloped world!
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:51, Reply)
People want to be led

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:54, Reply)
by a coarse hemp rope around the cock and balls

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:00, Reply)
* spent *

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:19, Reply)

religion communism
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:51, Reply)

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:54, Reply)

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:40, Reply)
Mr Loverman

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:42, Reply)

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:43, Reply)

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:43, Reply)
best of all the biscuits

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:44, Reply)

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:44, Reply)
i don't like cake
but i love jaffa cakes.

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:44, Reply)
I'm glad you're coming to terms with being wrong about everything

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:45, Reply)
aren't you dead yet?

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:54, Reply)
that won't stop you being thick
there'll just be one fewer voice reminding you that you're thick
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:57, Reply)
I am sure you could rustle up a script that would post that every so often anyway

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:59, Reply)
it's the very least I could do

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:00, Reply)
let's try it
he hangs himself, maybe some kind of error with the rope knotting makes the death a bit more slow and agonising than it ought to be, and then we'll test the script
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:00, Reply)
WOAH mind blown

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:46, Reply)
Please remove your head from behind the bins

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:52, Reply)
Fucken cake innit says so right there on the fucken packet self-fucken-evident innit.

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:54, Reply)
They had to prove it was a cake rather than a biscuit
so they didn't have to pay tax on it
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:56, Reply)
Broken Britain

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:59, Reply)

Britain Biscuits
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:00, Reply)

broken soggy
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:04, Reply)
it was something to do with cakes going hard and biscuits going soft

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:01, Reply)

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:14, Reply)
Dunno to all as usual
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:41, Reply)
Thnx bbz

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:43, Reply)
I got confused by the use of the word 'where' soz

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:44, Reply)
soz bbz
that typo thing kills it...
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:47, Reply)
I was going along quite happily then that bit hurt my brayn so I couldn't answer

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:48, Reply)
The OP is definitely a bit of a fucking 'tard
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:51, Reply)
Disappointing as I love to get involved with the current affairs and political chat

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:53, Reply)
and bitcoin
and drug marketplaces on darkweb
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:54, Reply)
I don't understand Bitcoin, my brother in law does that 'mining' for them but I don't get it at all

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:56, Reply)
would you like to talk about kittens instead?

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:59, Reply)
No I'm quite happy just moaning and being sarcastic and condescending thanks

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:59, Reply)

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:00, Reply)
Getting money for clicking on ads or something isn't it?
Bit like clubcard points. But on the internet.
I used to do "paid" surveys until I got bored and bombarded by emails.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:00, Reply)
It appears I know a little more about it than you jasin

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:01, Reply)
using a machine dedicated to figuring out algorithms to create coins from nothing and getting coin in return for your electricity

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:15, Reply)
how much is a bitcoin worth?
edit: thanks for a simple explanation
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:15, Reply)
at the current rate around £300

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:19, Reply)
I want one for Xmas please

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:21, Reply)
You betcha babydoll

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:22, Reply)
Bout £240

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:22, Reply)
I bow down to your more recent information

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:23, Reply)

This much at the moment
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:21, Reply)
Aw man, I had more than that in dollars, I could have spent those dollars on bitcoins

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:24, Reply)
I have a huge amount of time on the country's largest supercompuer.
I have thought about using it for bitcoin mining - no one would know. Unless they did find out and I'd probably go to prison.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:24, Reply)
You can buy a decent asic miner for about £1000-£2000, then if you get into a good pool you can make profit, but new better machines are coming out all the time
you need to be ahead of the game with technology, and quite frankly I know fuck all about it. I know people were moaning about the cost of running the machine so hard for so long. Was screwing them on electric. So, being in solar power, I thought about rigging up an off grid mining unit...eco coin mining if you will. In the end I couldn't be fucked
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:28, Reply)
It's the free market, and they get harder to make as time goes on.
I think you have to really know what you're doing now to make anything, and even then I think the margins are tiny.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:40, Reply)
Good job I can't be fucked then

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:52, Reply)
Yeah, it's basically like Green Shield stamps.
You click on enough adverts and eventually you get given a kettle you spastic.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:12, Reply)

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:14, Reply)
I've not looked into it really.
So get fucked. You fucking nerd.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:17, Reply)
Guilty as charged, yer honour.
Though I don't have the first idea how they work, either.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:22, Reply)
When did 'not being a fucking idiot' become 'nerd'?

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:27, Reply)
at around 17 minutes past 3

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:31, Reply)
when they let fucking idiots onto the internet

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:31, Reply)
alt: I use localbitcoins.com

altalt: silkroad6ownowfk.onion
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:43, Reply)
Do you keep a hard wallet too?
seems stupid but I was advised when I bought a couple donkeys back to keep a hard copy
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:45, Reply)
I never have enough coinc to worry about it. I buy them when I need them, and only the amount I need, then I spend them

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:11, Reply)
I only bought 2
about 3 years ago when they were £25 ish a pop and sold them back at £50 ish, obviously I wasn't kicking myself at all when they topped a grand
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:16, Reply)
Feel better by reading about that poor fucker looking for an old computer in one of the country's biggest landfills.

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:21, Reply)
haha yer, threw away like 4 million quid. unlucky

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:23, Reply)
Certainly did

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:23, Reply)
i feel sorry for anyone who wanted to snoop on my emails
blah blah law blah blah night out blah blah more law blah blah family shizzle blah blah
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:44, Reply)
if you really felt sorry for them you'd do them a favour by having a less dull life

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:48, Reply)
because i'm going to admit to what i get up to
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:53, Reply)
Same can be said for B3ta posts then.

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:48, Reply)
nobody reads them

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:49, Reply)
Could be coincidence, could
be apophenia. I watched a you tube vid that claimed that Brian dying in Family Guy was a message from the Illuminati warning that Paulk Walker was going to die. Because his characters name in Too fast too furious is Brian.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:46, Reply)
this seems legit

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:47, Reply)
The video is called
Robin Williams "Last Victim of Illuminati" Celebrity Sacrifice Chain - Who's Next?

Apparently Angelina Jolie is next because of an article about breast cancer that included the number 6.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:48, Reply)
yeah ... soz ... didn't mean to suggest that I give a shit about whatever witless conspiracy wank you watch

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:50, Reply)
The comment threads
are full of fundamentalist Christians saying offensive things then getting alternately reamed then reasoned with by enraged atheists.
That's where the fun is.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:54, Reply)
that's not what the word "fun" means

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:58, Reply)
Fundamentalist starts with fun!
We all have
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:00, Reply)

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:47, Reply)
the expert on dark web use is baggenfock
#pthc #despairingsemen
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:51, Reply)
I have got a fucking massive cable-knit cardy on
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:53, Reply)
Because the building facilities management hate you

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:54, Reply)
Imma kick him right in the man-cunt

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:55, Reply)
Have you tried not being a massive bender?

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:55, Reply)
I'm not being a bender, it's fucking freezing.
Sure the air's not all that cold at first, but I'm sat under it for seven and a half hours. It gets to you. YOU DONT KNOW, MAN, YOU WERENT THERE, MAN, YOU WERENT THERE
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:01, Reply)
No offence mate, it may be fucking freezing,
the air may not be all that cold at first but when you're sat under it for seven and a half hours it may get to you. I DON'T KNOW, MAN, I'M NOT THERE, MAN, I'M NOT THERE

But you are being a bender.

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:05, Reply)
I tell you want, Meaters, after I have to cut off my own fingers, blackened and dead from frostbite
with a pair of fucken nut-crackers, Ranulph Fiennes style, I'll come over your gaff and slip 'em into your chilli con carne.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:07, Reply)
Would save on garlic I suppose

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:07, Reply)
Also, thanks for 'telling me want'
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:08, Reply)
I wish Dozer was here, he'd love all the mistakes in this thread!!!

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:09, Reply)
I don't really, I hope he is dead.

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:10, Reply)

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:10, Reply)
Sad times bro

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:18, Reply)
Put another layer of clothing on then
There's a reason why people don't walk to the North pole in t-shirts you know.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:08, Reply)
I deliberately turn the aircon to Siberian whenever I'm in a meeting
have you considered not being a soft southern jessy?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:56, Reply)
Imma kick you in the fucken man-cunt an' all.

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:01, Reply)
yeah ... if you don't trip over your cardigan and fluffy slippers, you great soft poof

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:06, Reply)
I totally have a pair of fluffy slippers. Fact.

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:07, Reply)
I have three pairs of slippers distributed across two countries
I also own cardigans.

But I am ignoring these so-called "facts" for the purposes of calling you a great flimsy jessica
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:24, Reply)
^ menopausal ^

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:01, Reply)
Have you thought about moving your desk?

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:02, Reply)
or getting an adult to do it for you??

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:02, Reply)
Look, I don't know how your whacky, trendy call centre handles seating arrangements.
Maybe you're all sat around on bean bags with chunky Fisherprice My First Office furniture but some of us have dirty great big wooden cunts with drawers and shit all fixed together in fours.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:04, Reply)

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:05, Reply)

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:07, Reply)
You'd best be strapping a cricket box on, son, 'cos I'm about twenty minutes away
from Godforsakennowheresville, The North, with man-cunt kicking in my eyes.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:09, Reply)
Midge Ure's later work tended to ramble on a bit....

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:12, Reply)
give me a shout when you get there
I'm in Cambridge
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:27, Reply)
where is sportscow?
he really is TBOH
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:54, Reply)
Tigers ate his shoes

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:55, Reply)

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:55, Reply)
god you deaf or sutin
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 14:58, Reply)
what are you blithering about, you poor fool?

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:01, Reply)
and they were delicious too

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:02, Reply)
What? Tigers are never at it and all now, are they?
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:02, Reply)
ALL big cats are shoe eaters
Its just easier for a Siberian Tiger to get to Newcastle than it is for a lion
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:18, Reply)
Oh right. Well now you spell it out it makes sense, yeah.
Silly of me.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:18, Reply)
Simple walk to Norway then a ferry straight across the North Sea,
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:21, Reply)
fuckin rough crossing it is tho

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:24, Reply)
Make sure you aim downwind when you vomit next time

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:26, Reply)
I was *just* thinking this!!

4EVA in R Harts
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:01, Reply)
His Twitter has been quiet since the 12th too. Hope he's ok.

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:07, Reply)
He's Viprossed me on facebook and all :(

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:20, Reply)
What the..?
Me too, the prick.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:21, Reply)
There's more to this than meets the eye, you mark my words...

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:23, Reply)
Clearing out the Uggos from his account no doubt
Oh Hang on the below proves that theory wrong
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:24, Reply)
i am definitely hawter than YOU
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:26, Reply)
I have perkier tits though

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:27, Reply)
how very dare you
mine make wonderful knee cushions
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:36, Reply)
the term is shoe polishers

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:39, Reply)
Give it a few more years

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:40, Reply)
something something sportobot

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:26, Reply)
he still loves me
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:23, Reply)
and me

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:23, Reply)
I'm going on a man cunt kicking marathon.

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:24, Reply)
He appears to have kept the female b3tans
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:26, Reply)
if he deleted you
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:36, Reply)
Moving house or something, isn't he?
I expect he's just sans internet.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:20, Reply)
Nah he did that ages ago
he was just flogging his spare house.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:21, Reply)
Well, I've been de-friended on Facebook, which is about the highest insult the internet can issue.
If his apology is anything less than a Christmas hamper stuffed full of nice whisky, he can do one.
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:23, Reply)
Auto-erotic asphyxiation accident.
Read about it in the Metro
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:16, Reply)
Probably not.

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:16, Reply)
I Declare this thread to be the best thread of the day

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:56, Reply)
I declare you to be prematurely gay.

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:57, Reply)
I agree, I thought this a few minutes ago but couldn't reconcile it with the fact you done it

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:57, Reply)
Bit of a shocker and no mistake
I will be back to utter gobshite soon though and the world will be back in balance
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:59, Reply)
I have enjoyed this thread nonetheless

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 16:00, Reply)
I did me best, mate.

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:58, Reply)
I feel we should be proud of what has been achieved

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:59, Reply)
The day isn't over yet

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 16:00, Reply)
Is it darkening outside?

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 16:01, Reply)
Dunno the window is behind me

(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 16:02, Reply)
Ah shit
we will never know then
(, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 16:05, Reply)

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