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Fuck dat middle aged skater prick shit.
Planes have been getting a bad rap in the media lately.
what's the worst thing to happen to you when in transport?

alt. Good week/ Bad week? Mine's been bus but mediocre.
altalt. Weekend plans/food
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 11:40, 107 replies, latest was 10 years ago)

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 11:40, Reply)

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 11:42, Reply)
I am now heading to london tonight.
Week is ok.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 11:42, Reply)

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 11:42, Reply)
I sat next to a massively fat prick on a helicopter and over the course of the short trip he sweated through his suit until I was wearing his sweat patches on my sleeve
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 11:46, Reply)
Terrible bullying of Ernest Borgnine

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 11:49, Reply)

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 11:51, Reply)

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 11:52, Reply)
Someone needs to check their privalage.
Just because you're in some la-de-dah helecopter, it doesn't mean other people can suddenly stop having the body-mass of aquatic based mammels.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 11:51, Reply)
I like fat pricks, helicopters and sweat.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 11:52, Reply)
So does Our Jayce

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 11:55, Reply)
and my Wheeled Warriors?

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:14, Reply)
** confused **
I meant 'cus Quinch was like fat pricks as in, idiots - and you like.... oh god, can we forget I ever commented?
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:15, Reply)
Calm down dear.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:31, Reply)
Ahh, I donno that one, never heard of that.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:40, Reply)
bit gay

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:09, Reply)
fuck him? urrrrrrrgh not even with yours, mate
the tube. this is why i get taxis to most places. because people.

alt: horrifically busy but will be worth it next week when both massive cases come off at once.

altalt: my dad is coming down, so taking him to see the elvis exhibition and then to hawksmoor for cocktails and steaks.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 11:52, Reply)
Im really not too bothered about public transport.
Headphones in: world out.
One of the good things about being hard of hearing is I can turn peoples bullshit chatter off and on when I please.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:15, Reply)
If only that were possible on here.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:17, Reply)

You're welcome
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:20, Reply)
You could always just hop off somewhere else?

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:32, Reply)
I once got a train to Dundee.....
I fell asleep once on a bus going from Manchester to Sunderland. I woke up in Leeds bus station covered in my own drool

meh week. Good in that got moneys for extension sorted, bad in busy as fuck

Saturday upgrade. Sunday upgrade.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 11:52, Reply)
Bus wanker

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:04, Reply)

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:15, Reply)
Bit harsh mate, I was referring to your week
" Mine's been bus but mediocre"

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:18, Reply)
I don't know why he keeps bullying you all the time
I've reported him to the mods
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:19, Reply)
Thanks for your support, TRUFREND

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:20, Reply)
Apologies Frog. Im a highly strung homosexual. prone to knee jerk reactions and bloo bloo activities

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:33, Reply)

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:33, Reply)
it's okay m8, i also spend a lot of my time being upset on the web.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:37, Reply)
I'm suicidal.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:41, Reply)
don't worry mate i'm sure it will be your turn to be chained to a radiator by boy george soon

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:45, Reply)
Do you really want to hurt me?

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:58, Reply)
I know all there is to know about the crying game

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:58, Reply)
When alighting from a hackney carriage once my batman had neglected to fully open my umbrella
and some rain drops fell on my wife's good stole.

We were horrified.

Alt: alright.

Altalt: going to see some in-laws, and, as usual, temporarily block out the misery of existence with the warm black oblivion of drunkenness.

Oh I am so dark. So dark.

Should be fun - they live near Twickers, and there's some nice pubs around there.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:06, Reply)
your batman?
Obviously this is something hilarious.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:16, Reply)
look up the word "batman" in a military sense

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:20, Reply)
That's not easy if you don't own a military sense to look it up in.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:22, Reply)
"Up with which I will not put."

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:23, Reply)
True enough.
Or indeed have any sense.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:23, Reply)
Ive had a lot of "Military" in my time, I'll have you know.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:34, Reply)
^rear admiral

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:38, Reply)
^ gunner's mate

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:42, Reply)

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:44, Reply)

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:46, Reply)
dictionary bashing prick

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:29, Reply)
Surely that's more like an Alfred.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:35, Reply)
altalt: might buy Andy Weatherall's beard

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:13, Reply)
Did I see it was up to ten grand or something silly now?

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:19, Reply)
12 last time I looked

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:21, Reply)
He's no Rocky and Diesel.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:22, Reply)
strikethrough Bullwinkle lols

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:29, Reply)
When I saw him doing ALFOS a while back, he looked like Eugene Terreblanche

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:23, Reply)
he totally does

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:33, Reply)
ALFOS: cold step reppin' the dominance of the white man at a chuggy BPM yo

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:45, Reply)
What would you rather fight, if you had to?
1 horse sized duck, or 100 duck sized horses?

I reckon i could take 100 duck sized horses, but would get distroyed by 1 horsed sized duck.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:25, Reply)
Do I get to eat them at the end?

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:28, Reply)
Yah', good response - I think that on that basis, i'm not sure what one i'd preffer.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:39, Reply)
a horse-sized duck would have a 50kg liver
Imagine. Go on. IMAGINE!
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:55, Reply)

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:57, Reply)
I see what you did there.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:43, Reply)
I've never had duck liver, but being a yid, I'm a big fan of chicken liver; and fois gras is just devine

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:19, Reply)
what are duck sized horses going to do?

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:34, Reply)
probably roast like a saddle of hare

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:38, Reply)
That's what I thought when I copied the question. 100 duck sized rams would be quite nasty though.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:39, Reply)
100 is quite a lot.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:43, Reply)

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:45, Reply)
where's a flame thrower when you need one?

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:59, Reply)
that guy in the car is gonna grease them up and hang them in his window.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:00, Reply)
I put my arm in some poo with a wasp on it, so I got a pooey wasp sting

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:41, Reply)
smelly old wasp

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:43, Reply)
omg that would make SUCH a good band name!

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:44, Reply)

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:45, Reply)
bands are shit and for pricks

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:50, Reply)
^ An accountant

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:52, Reply)
^ an unfunny know it all private school wanker, smugly convinced of his own hilarity

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:54, Reply)
^ upset

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:57, Reply)
not at all upset, merely stating an objective point of fact

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:00, Reply)
There there.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:16, Reply)


(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:01, Reply)
well done for grasping the very nub of my gist

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:05, Reply)
I wouldn't touch your nub with his

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:06, Reply)
you desperate tubbo poof

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:09, Reply)
Your life is empty without a small rodent in it.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:11, Reply)

life arse
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:13, Reply)
I think the original WASP are getting to the age where that actually applies.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:00, Reply)
alt: It was very dull. it's still very dull except I've now seen 6 dead bodies.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:43, Reply)
Hospitals are FUN!

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:45, Reply)
it smelt horrific as well. had to wear masks full of peppermint.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:46, Reply)
now you know what your friends and family have to go through smelly pig.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:53, Reply)
I was only a kid, and we went on a long train journey
There was loads of shouty men in dark suits at the station and lots of them had barking dogs. We had to stand all the way, and it was really cold. Some people fell over and didn't get up again. I had to go weewee in a bucket. When we arrived, we had to go along the platform right into this big building which had a glow over it that lit up the sky. There was lots of shouting for ages. When it was over, Brentford had lost to Hull, again.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:44, Reply)
always about kids with you aint it?

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:01, Reply)
I have a massively painful spot on my neck
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:57, Reply)
that's your face!!!!

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 12:59, Reply)
oh ho!

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:01, Reply)
when did you last have selective memory?
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:14, Reply)
I CAN'T REMEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:16, Reply)
I bet it turns out to be another youtube prank gone wrong

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:22, Reply)
if he had that bad a medical condition, should he have even been driving?
and was the crash heard in the woods, when there was nobody around but a butterfly, flapping its wings and causing a tsunami?
(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:35, Reply)

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:41, Reply)
You didn't read it, did you Jase?

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:42, Reply)
Not really. Im going now. Bye.

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:50, Reply)
he can't read

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:50, Reply)
the whole week has been one big wet fart

(, Thu 5 Feb 2015, 13:31, Reply)

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