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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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For those with nothing else to live for.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 17:16, 181 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Me! Me!! I'm stuck at work until 11pm, and I missed all the gayness on the daytime thread...
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 17:17, Reply)

It was a veritable feast of excess, deviance, gayness, violence and complete bollocks on there today. Just like normal, though with added gayness, it has to be said.
How's you?
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 17:21, Reply)

Sorry about that - it seemed the most convenient way to get you here safely.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 17:23, Reply)

ta...Still got grapefruit under me armpits, but the sneezles are disappearing! Damn, yesterday I missed boob-talk, and today I missed deviance and gayness
Damn you, work!!
*shakes fist limply*
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 17:28, Reply)

Haven't been on one of these in a while.
*gets comfy*
Right then. Let's talk bollocks!
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 17:31, Reply)

By the time you make it onto the day thread, we'll be talking about knitting and pies. Mind you, the evening thread brings about its own treats, usually.
I'm gonna leave this place and be taken to another place* where I shall shop until I am dead.
Then I'm gonna go home and make a reappearance here later, I expect.
Be good while I'm gone, kiddiwinkles. That includes you, Bill.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 17:33, Reply)

I can probably talk bollocks about pies...not sure about the knitting - I'm not THAT old yet!
Pies..leads to a tenuous link about food! Tonight, I are mostly eating some M&S ricotta cannelloni things. What's everyone else having for tea?
(Oh, and it's minus 5 outside here on the outskirts of Cambridge...Gah)
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 17:41, Reply)

made of meat tonight
gourmet style though, and made of turkey
after I go swimming
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 17:55, Reply)

Loaf of meat sounds yummy... I think I need a bib. I have tomato sauce on my white shirt, and cheese sauce on my tie. I'm not fit to be allowed out unsupervised
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 17:56, Reply)

My choices are:
1. Beef stew and dumplings with a green vegetable medley.
2. Chicken Tikka Makhani served on a bed of Potato Sauté with onion and bacon.
3. Takeout Pizza.
Arranged in order of descending nutritional value AND descending difficulty.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 18:01, Reply)

I went to bed last night off my meds and haven't taken them today as they make me very sleepy.
It's properly terrifying to realise that less than 24 hours off a cycle I'm getting both physiological and psychological symptoms.
In addition to being terrifying in another way it's actually quite exciting (from a purely academic perspective).
I'll be taking them tonight but if I offend someone in the meantime, I apologise.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 18:25, Reply)

I hope that works out for you. Are you coming off the meds on Doctors advice, or going it solo?
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 18:28, Reply)

I'm not off them, just forgot to take them last night before going to bed with the dog (note: "the dog" isn't a euphemism).
I'll be back on my 225mg of venlafaxine again before bed tonight but I've been on them for so long (i.e., years rather than months) it's scary the impact of not taking them.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 18:31, Reply)

I see!
Going to bed with the dog? Mine would probably steal all the duvet, so he doesn't get the option!
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 18:33, Reply)

Only gets to jump up on the bed when I'm nice and cozy so that he doesn't steal it all - he's tried that before!
What sort of dog(s) do you have?
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 18:34, Reply)

young male springer spaniels... The little one is coming up for 2, and the big one is nearly 4. I have been wading through duck ponds in my waders with Frodo (little) as he has a gammy paw, so is having a spot of home-made hydrotherapy. Which is particularly pleasant in this minus 6 weather!
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 18:39, Reply)

I have nothing else to live for. woo!
Bean stew for dinner. I was going to go to the chippy but I'm saving that treat for the weekend....because lets face it I have to have something to live for at the weekend.
Btw - I did 70 sit ups today. I will be getting a six pack but you just wont be able to see it under my big belly : )
Getting off meds is bloody hard work. It got to the point where I was cutting up tablets into quarters to take each day because even missing a tiny bit of medication still gave me dizzy spells.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 18:45, Reply)

Yup. I could do that. I could...
Might take me a week, with a few fagbreaks, but I could do it
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 18:52, Reply)

Hope everyone's had a good day!
I've had a very productive day so I'm happy:)
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 18:54, Reply)

and I did have a rest now and then....but I did sit up 70 times.
Yay beekers. *hugs*
Catch you later, I'm off to make my dinner.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 18:55, Reply)

And the press up thing... I am hopefully joining the TA this year (before I get officially too old), and the fitness requirements are slightly more impressive than my current abilities - a half hour ramble, and one and a half press ups. My biggest problem is that I still think I am 21, and therefore naturally able to do all of these things. In reality, I am pushing 40, and smoke, and haven't really exercised in years! This could be tricky
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 18:59, Reply)

the fucking bastard guitar we ordered for SJ that turned out to have a whacking great chip out of it wasn't delivered by Amazon. Now the company it came via are being utter cunts about taking the fucker back as they reckon we only had 7 days from delivery to return it.
Seven fucking days. At Christmas! And yes, I've checked various consumer advice sites about the return of faulty goods and there doesn't seem to be a legal statutory period, so they can do what they cunting well like.
My commitment to being on the wagon through the week is taking a severe bastard bruising here...
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 19:17, Reply)

Don't worry bentalls, you didn't break the thread. I had to go do some of the w-word ("work", for those of you with filthy minds).
I'm cooking a fish pie at the moment (or rather, have lobbed it into the oven). Muttley has decided that he wants to do fish pie, for some, wholly odd, reason.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 19:19, Reply)

7 days is the normal length of time you are given if you don't want an item...However, given that said item is fucked, and also Christmas shite postal system, they haven't a leg to stand on! It's bust. It was bust when you got it. They need to take it on the chin and sort it out. Slippery bastards
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 19:21, Reply)

insane in da membrane
(insane in da brain)
insane in da membrane
(insane in da brain)
insane in da membrane
(insane got no brain)
insane in da membrane
(insane in da brain)
I wonder if I could get away with playing that at work over my computer speakers today?
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 19:23, Reply)

Mmmmm... I'm bloody starving! The pasta thing I had earlier seems to have served no purpose other than as decoration on my uniform. Chippy on the way home, me thinks
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 19:23, Reply)

We're trying. It was delivered to Tourette's parents on the basis that they're in most of the time through the week, and we're not. It arrived but they were both really ill so we left it until the 23rd.
Wish we'd checked it earlier tbh. And we only rang them tonight after finding out the return had to be via them and not Amazon (who we ordered it through). The reason we waited this long was because we've both been on leave and thought we would have to print a returns label - and we don't have a printer here, so were waiting to go back to work.
Turns out we don't need a label, and they've been exceptionally arsey about "why the hell it's taken us to now to get round to arranging a return" (quote). They've condescended to take it back, but only if we arrange and pay for the courier.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 19:26, Reply)

sounds obscene, revolting and uncomfortably like a euphemism for something I'd rather not think about.
Stargazy pie, on the other hand, is all of that and worse because it's real.
You lot eat horrid things sometimes.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 19:28, Reply)

You've got a sick, sick mind.
It's one of the things I like about you!
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 19:32, Reply)

Chicken Saag Masala served on a bed of egg, bacon & onion potato sauté.
Delicious. And filling!
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 19:34, Reply)

sounds delightful...Stargazy pie, however...Bleurgh!
@DG What a rude bunch of utter cuntwipes! Aside from postal issues at this time of year, most places Customer Service (snort) departments have also been closed for the holidays. They are at fault, they should be sorting it. How fucking rude
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 19:47, Reply)

In my curries, in my sandwiches, in my seasonal winter vegetables... It's tasty and good for you.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 19:52, Reply)

It's ace, and packed full of iron.
My second favourite veggie, after broccoli.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 19:54, Reply)

Stargazy pie is something that came from over there, and apparently is a dish traditionally eaten on St. Swiffer's Day or some such. When I first heard of it I felt ill for days, as the combination of fish, potatoes and clotted cream sounds like some unholy discharge from the nether regions of Beelzebub's concubines.
But you also have haggis and black sausage and blood pudding, so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 19:55, Reply)

Many years ago my then gf advised me to use spinach leaves instead of lettuce - it's 5 times as nutritious and with much more flavour.
I love a garlic sausage and spinach sandwich.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 19:56, Reply)

Yes! One of the best foodstuffs ever to come out of my homeland!
(Note: not to be confused with deep-fried Mars bars. Bleurgh.).
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 19:57, Reply)

blood sausage is black pudding, if that's what you mean.
And black pudding is fantastic in a full english breakfast.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 19:58, Reply)

I am originally from Haggis land, and I can't abide the stuff...Black pudding leaves me cold too. My dad used to eat tongue and brains, I'm really rather glad I didn't inherit his tastebuds!
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 19:59, Reply)

If ya know what I mean.
I have spinach in salads instead of lettuce. It tastes ok when it's raw. Even my 8 year old nephew will eat it.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:01, Reply)

is essentially a highly seasoned and fried scab, from what I can tell. I'll pass.
And for the record, I've never had a deep fried candy bar. There are damned few things that I can stomach that are deep fried- although I may be living in the south, my dietary habits are not those of the people in this area. Thank god.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:08, Reply)

if people didn't know what went into it they'd love the taste I'm sure!
my turkey, bacon, leek and herb de province loaf has just entered the oven.
15 minutes till I get to taste its glory!
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:15, Reply)

it's YOU who has issues with artichokes! I think they're great!
Best of all: roll out some dough flat, put down a layer of tomato sauce, add a layer of chopped up marinated artichokes, top that with mozzarella and a little Parmesan, roll it onto a loaf and bake for a half hour...
Damn, might have to make a loaf of that one night soon!
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:24, Reply)

I made Mac Cheese with extra cheese and a side of cheese.
It was cheesy.
The phones were off at work today so I doodled a new Home Sweet Home image. Might get it up tomorrow. *fnarr*
Edit: Loon - that sounds awesome. That's going on the list.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:25, Reply)

I could go some haggis right now. Stupid revision fair takes it out of you. And for that reason I have decided to stop. I feel it is tres sensible.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:26, Reply)

Not that everyone here isn't as good.. it's just that you're not as good.
Black pudding is yummy!
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:32, Reply)

in fried breakfast in my book.
I was lifelong vegetarian til four years ago :)
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:33, Reply)

I have a bottle of 1996 Faustino Rioja Gran Reserva I sitting in the wine rack that I got for Christmas, along with a pair of Eisch breathable glasses.
Should I open it? Or give my kidneys the night off?
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:33, Reply)

Customers who viewed that item also viewed
glass glass glass glass glass battery jump starter.
made me giggle....
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:35, Reply)

It tastes better the longer it's open.
Well, it goes: okay, better, better, great, fantastic, am I just drunk or is this the best stuff I've ever drunk, uh-oh, catpiss.
The fancy glass technology means you can open the bottle, pour a glass and immediately be at great, at least, maybe even fantastic.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:41, Reply)

did I see you were maybe thinking of coming to my most awesome birthday bash where I will get to stroke your beard? *glees*
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:43, Reply)

but I'm afraid I've never 'got' the whole red wine thing. It all tastes almost the same to me.
I guess I just don't really like the stuff.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:43, Reply)

Once again I'm procrastinating but I am watching Frasier so I'm smiling.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:48, Reply)

Sounds like it could be fun.
I was a bitter drinker for years, but I've gradually moved to red wine as a cheaper, more healthy and less beer-gutty way to get off my tits. You do gradually start to be able to differentiate the tastes. I was well chuffed the first time I took a sip, said "gosh, this really has a bit of a taste of prunes" and then found prunes mentioned in the tasting notes on the back of the bottle.
James May and Oz Clarke had a great series a few years back where Oz turned James into a wine ponce.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:48, Reply)

No proper TV for me since a week before christmas. I thought I'd really enjoy it but I'm gasping for some televisual entertainment right now :)
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:49, Reply)

Of course the biscuit. *grins*
I did have the other type of ginger nut once but let's not go there shall we.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:50, Reply)

It really does smell, and taste, a little like leather...
*thinks about it a bit*
*sips some more*
... in a good way.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:54, Reply)

I hadn't realised just how addictive this was! I now have to rush off and catch up on all the work I haven't been doing, before my relief comes in!
I said relief!
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:55, Reply)

I ain't knocking it - I'm more of a beer and cider man but I have a taste for Rose and I can taste the difference between a good and bad bottle :)
I saw that Oz and James series - it was fantastic. I just caught a very fuzzy glimpse of their new UK-based version which looked good, if terribly snowy.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:56, Reply)

Argh! I had no idea they were making a new series and I've *just* missed it!
Oh well, I'll check the torrents tomorrow morning.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 20:58, Reply)

so if you liked the wine one, you'll like this :)
All this talk of booze is making me cravy - I'm trying to drastically cut back on my alcohol intake, although I'm considering waiting til after the York bash so I've got a chance of staying upright past ten o'clock!
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 21:02, Reply)

I had a bottle of cheapish South African Pinotage Shiraz last night. But last year I quite often had 2 bottles of an evening. So technically this is cutting down.
Also I don't plan on finishing the Rioja tonight but saving half for tomorrow. And scientists say a glass or two of red wine every night is good for you. Except for those scientists who say it's bad for you.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 21:08, Reply)

one of my contact lenses just poinged out. Now everything is weird and half blurry
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 21:14, Reply)

That's not good. That happened to my ex a few times and she got terrible headaches very quickly.
I hope you don't go blind!
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 21:18, Reply)

The scientists who say it's bad for you aren't proper scientists.
They're killjoys!
A little of what you fancy does you good as my nanna used to say and she knew a great deal more than those silly scientist buggers.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 21:18, Reply)

I'll go blind V. I may go upstairs remove the other one and put my glasses on though.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 21:21, Reply)

The Old Rubbish About Chaps Never Making Passes At Girls Who Wear Glasses!
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 21:23, Reply)

Glasses are awesome after all.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 21:26, Reply)

ftw, they're ace.
I like them.
(also:I don't like the idea of sticking my finger in my eye...euch).
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 21:29, Reply)

@TGB You're now in my diary. I think I might visit Warwick castle on the Sunday to make up for my previous attempt...
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 21:38, Reply)

for the term "sexy librarian". Lotsa hotness in glasses out there.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 21:42, Reply)

Although not with Edmund because that would be rude : )
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 21:48, Reply)

Not just THAT lady, but ladies in general.
In glasses
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 21:48, Reply)

Was seeing if I had any half decent pics of me in glasses. The answer is no, just lots of very very very drunken pictures.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 21:52, Reply)

Yes, there is something about a lady in glasses. I find intellect appealing I think.
How's your evening TGB?
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 21:53, Reply)

That's the story of my life.
:edit: I'd love to hear what you consider dirty talk PJM =p
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 21:53, Reply)

Lets just say I like my ladies to put the rude into erudite hahahaha.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 21:55, Reply)

I feel I should be doing something constructive rather than playing dumb internet games.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 21:57, Reply)

I originally posted her, but the one I found was flippin' HUGE. Here's a smaller version...
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 21:58, Reply)

Got a linky?
I'm chilling out not watching TV, thanks to the dearth of anything worth watching.
What's new that I might have missed since this morning?
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:00, Reply)

*not so quietly anymore*
Excuse me for a minute...
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:00, Reply)

...over "overtly sexual and pneumatic" look if I'm honest.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:03, Reply)

Quite apart from the fact I'd be old enough to be her dad.
*edit* I was referring to the lipglossed librarian, NOT Supernanny, who is in fact three years older than I.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:07, Reply)

I was playing Mario 63
It's quite addictive but annoying you can't turn the music off :(
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:08, Reply)

I wondered if anyone would click that. Women with glasses tend to push the right buttons. Also for reasons I have yet to understand, Kirsty Allsop and Victoria Stilwell. The ones from "Relocation Relocation" and "It's Me or the Dog" respectively.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:11, Reply)

I found a website featuring classic Spectrum games in Java.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:11, Reply)

...may well be property speculating Tory scum but if I wasn't already consorting with a very lovely academic lady in expensive frames, I possibly would.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:13, Reply)

she's looking at a phone with a rather... hungry expression.
Just sayin'.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:16, Reply)

Or Supernanny? I adblocked the huge picture, couldn't see the ruddy thread.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:18, Reply)

the Amazing Ty then she wouldn't be eating it, I assure you.
Take my advice: do NOT search for the Amazing Ty.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:19, Reply)

She of the double fisting? Was it her with the american football?
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:20, Reply)

And that's the tame stuff.
I looked through her site once, and that was enough to cause more damage than goatse, tubgirl and lemonparty combined.
EDIT: dammit, PJM, I told you not to search for that!
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:22, Reply)

Don't worry, I won't!
We seem to have descended into gutter level. Just as I rocked up in fact.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:25, Reply)

*ring ring ring banana phone*
oh god now I am listening to it *cries*
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:26, Reply)

Surely you know that if you tell somebody not to google something the first thing they'll do is go and google it.
Or maybe that's just me.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:27, Reply)

However, this is by far the worst I have seen. Click at your peril.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:27, Reply)

I think I love you.*
*I may or may not like that website more than is healthy.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:29, Reply)

in the thread above this one. The first two were so lovely *cries*
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:29, Reply)

if I tell people not to search for something, they invariably come back screaming about the horrors they just witnessed.
i once goatse'd an entire board that way.
Sorry, PJM. I thought you knew me well enough to know that if I say not to search for something like that, you'd know that I was serious that you don't want to see it.
It's one of those things that was sent to me by a friend, and I had to retaliate with some scat porn.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:29, Reply)

In other news, I'm having a tussle with my conscience.
Do I buy this?
I think I'm in love.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:32, Reply)

You're a weirdo. But this is quite horrific by anyone's standards:
This one just makes me giggle uncontrollably for some reason:
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:32, Reply)

An antidote for you. And don't worry, it's worksafe and has nothing to do with horses.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:32, Reply)

That link is worse than anything else in this thread *cries*
@PB Now I'm watching chocolate rain.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:35, Reply)

Should I splash out (no pun intended) or what?
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:38, Reply)

I'd say buy it but I like buying things so I would say that
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:39, Reply)

You know the first thing that I thought when I saw the goat licking the electric fence?
"Maybe he's getting a buzz from it."
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:43, Reply)

My nipple is still playing up. I'm getting fed up with it now. If it doesn't stop being all tender soon I'll just cut it off.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:45, Reply)

Oh deary me. The times I wish I had a frying pan.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:48, Reply)

I once posted 10 puns on /talk that I thought were rather witty. Did any of them end up on the popular page? No pun in 10 did.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:51, Reply)

...is five this year.
She's also outclassed by more modern bikes that descend faster and weigh less.
Having said that she's still a thing of beauty.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:52, Reply)

on the rear suspension like the new one. And erm.. isn't as light? *pretends to know something about anything*
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:52, Reply)

I'd never do it justice in a million years, but dammit I want it in my lounge.
Or should I spend the money on Chickenlady?
Who I also like in my lounge!
*edit* Piston, go and sit in the corner! *points*
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:54, Reply)

it's cold outside. *starts plan to sneakily start smoking inside*
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:58, Reply)

You can't mount Chickenlady on a stand and admire her 24/7...
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 22:59, Reply)

That genuinely was my very first thought. I've been hanging round QOTW too long.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 23:02, Reply)

Crunchy Nut Bites?
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 23:02, Reply)

I know she'd actually encourage me to do it. But I'd feel....
However, I could use the bits from my old bike to put on chickenlady's - not the frame however as it's too large for her.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 23:03, Reply)

Crunchy Nut Cornflakes are delicious but I can't eat them cos they make me very hungry.
But those Bites! With the caramel? They look divine. How on earth can I resist?
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 23:12, Reply)

I was going to disown you :p
Have you seen the advert for compare the meerkat/market? I just looked at www.comparethemeerkat.com it's hilarious.
simple things
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 23:13, Reply)

That's fantastic marketing. I'm not normally keen on marketing folks getting paid big monies but I hope the guy(s) behind that have lots of beer tokens.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 23:19, Reply)

Especially my medium-sized darts player from Miami Beach :)
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 23:20, Reply)

better than most of the crap on nowadays.
I like the raver one from Weston Super Mare hehe
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 23:22, Reply)

"This meerkat enjoys story-speaking of London taxi man particularly the one about when he had whole cast of 'Kats' in the back of his cab. It was filthy afterwards."
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 23:42, Reply)

And may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 23:49, Reply)

And just when I'm up late as well.
*puts slippers in microwave*
*annoys cat*
*considers having another cup of tea*
( , Wed 7 Jan 2009, 0:05, Reply)
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