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Time for a new one I think...

(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:05, 179 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Just to keep the theme going...
What is the next bash you're all attending?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:07, Reply)
I've never been to one. Not that it matters...I'm too dull for b3ta.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:10, Reply)
Bye bye Lusty bash, I think.
Although I'm sure more will crop up before then.

Evening all, I'm still at work but seeing as I'm now unsupervised and it's all flexi hours anyway, I may as well start with the slacking.

How are things?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:11, Reply)
Very cute Kristine
What brings you away from /talk then? There is a qotw bash at the end of January. Problem being, it's in York.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:12, Reply)
Never been to one either
so *shrugs*
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:14, Reply)
Yea...it's a bit late to be planning for bashage in January.
I'm planning on later in the year though. Maybe. Perhaps.
I like the anonymity of the internet.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:16, Reply)
I'm coming to York.
I'm a bash virgin.
Mell... adventure... see profile :)
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:17, Reply)
I highly suggest you visit Whitby No3l. A brilliant little town. That, and Staithes, Robin Hood's Bay, and Flamborough Head. I might join you for a few drinks in Whitby :P

As for the York Bash, I'm heading there too. What's stopping you going to bashes then Mel?

Anyways, if you will excuse me, I'm off to cook my dinner- whatever I can rustle up...
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:19, Reply)
That's awesome No3L
I hope you have a good time. Plus if you get stuck around the south Wales area let me know :)

PB - I haven't been before as I don't talk to many people on here so would feel odd about going.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:22, Reply)
Just tell everyone you're too busy and important to go to teh b4$hz0rz

(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:25, Reply)
pb - I planned that stretch yesterday - they're all on my list! I'll put you on my contact list and will definitely give you a shout when I'm passing by.

Mell... I've made brief plans for South Wales - where abouts are you? Gaz me if you like :)

And hey! Mrs B.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:26, Reply)
Give us Leamingtonians a shout when you're traversing the coast of Warwickshire
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:32, Reply)
Hello everyone.
Not only am I not a bash virgin, I have actually held a bash in my house. Twas a small affair and very sophisticated.

Well OK Pooflake and Captain Placid were there but me and Chickenlady did our best to crank up the sophistication as much as possible.

Ooo! of course Beekers, I've had two. How could I forget : )
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:34, Reply)
Evening Folks
How's it going!

Yay for York Bash!

*edit* @ Blouse
And a small one at your local!
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:35, Reply)
Did you wear monacles? If you didn't I'll be disappointed...
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:36, Reply)
Evening All
I'm back on my meds and feeling gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood :D
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:38, Reply)
Warwickshire has a coastline?
News to me :)
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:38, Reply)
The maps lie
Warwickshire is God's own county.

It has a coastline so wonderous that the cartographers kept it hidden as their own little secret.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:40, Reply)
As with Slartibartfast, does it have fjords, for which he won awards?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:41, Reply)
No monocles, but I kept my clothes on all night which for me is very classy.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:41, Reply)
@Mellicious / BGB
...erm, monocles? wtf?!
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:44, Reply)
monocles are the ultimate of sophistication though...
But kudos to you for staying dressed :)
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:52, Reply)
Well I did get undressed at the end of the night.
But that was because I was going to bed : )

If the Resident Loon comes to visit again this year I may have another bash.

They are rather fun.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:54, Reply)
dear lady blouse
if you do, can I come?

I'll bring my poshest pyjamas anna chockerlut cake and everyfink.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 18:58, Reply)
@ Blouse
Oooh, it was such fun!

I can sleep in the pub again!
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:00, Reply)
You shall be first on my bestest people what can come to my party list.

I don't let any old B3ta rifraf in you know : )

@BK - next time we'll take a blanket for you when we go the the pub.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:00, Reply)
I wonder
if international darts players know how gay their flash entrances make them look?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:03, Reply)
I'll do my best to get there.
It all depends on work, of course- if I can get hired full time so I get things like health insurance and vacation time it'll be nice- and yes, I'd happily invest a chunk of my vacation time in coming over there.

Still no word over here on whether or not they are going to make me full-time, of course. Bastards.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:03, Reply)
If I promise to be on very bestest behaviours, can I come?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:04, Reply)
Can I count meeting
Duckie later a bash? If so that's my next one :p
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:04, Reply)

How are you, deary?

I would call that a Bash!
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:05, Reply)
*hugs* I'm good thanks, how's you?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:06, Reply)
@ Badger
I've been off the fags three days now, and I don't feel well today.

All the toxins are coming out:(
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:08, Reply)
Are you coughing up a lot of gunk?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:08, Reply)
Grats on three days BK!
First one's the hardest.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:09, Reply)
You may attend but the dog has to stay home as I have two cats.

(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:12, Reply)
Cheers No3l!
I'm not doing too bad, cravings wise.

I'm starting to cough a bit, yeah. I just feel really achy, more fluey really.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:12, Reply)
for the pleasure of meeting fellow b3tans I'm sure that his Henry-ness can have a night with friends!
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:12, Reply)
I hope this doesn't happen to me in a couple of weeks!

(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:13, Reply)
Hey V
Poor fella!

Bet it was cold too:S
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:15, Reply)
Oh dear God... I might pass that to my cousin. He's off to Whistler in Canada this week.

Oh yes. BK, the venue of the stand-up has changed. A little placed called the Sela Bar. Rather annoying, granted, I hope their steak and chips are as good as the Adelphi's. Incidentally, Ivan Brackenbury is on Monday 26th, fancy popping to see him?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:16, Reply)
Hey BK
Well done with your non smoking so far =]

I think I'm going to go turn in for the night. I'm exhausted.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:17, Reply)
@ Blousie

*squeals with excitement*


*does a happy happy happy dance*
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:17, Reply)
To everyone attempting to give up ciggies.
Keep going!

I listen to my sister coughing her guts up in the winter and thank the Lord that I gave up when I did.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:17, Reply)
Cheers V
Think I'll have an early one as well to be honest.

So tired.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:18, Reply)
Why not
just buy new lungs?
I'm sure you can get them from somewhere...
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:19, Reply)
Did I hear house bash?? Count me in!!
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:20, Reply)
you can get them in Mexico
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:20, Reply)
now you coughing peoples can be better again! :)
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:26, Reply)
G'evening my wonderful minions
Did anyone miss me today?


Oh... Well, anyway, I'm here tonight. It's comic night, so... Yay!
Also, if anyone missed it yesterday, I did a crap picture of a Monkey-Cat.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:27, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:28, Reply)
Yes, we can get better
It is true!

/cracks open beer and proceeds on a pleasant road to drunkenness.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:28, Reply)
That is
amazingly cute Kaol :)
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:30, Reply)
Hey Kaol!
Ooh, comic night. I think I've missed the last few episodes:s
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:30, Reply)
House bash
Is this:
(a) a bash in someones house
(b) a bash where we all watch DVDs of Hugh Laurie being a limping misanthrope?

I'd love to host a house bash (of either sort) - if anyone's within striking distance of London do please let me know!
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:30, Reply)
Monkey-kitten was cool :)
I spent most of the evening trying to graft a monkey's face onto a headshot of Michael Caine.

I still have no idea how the /boarders get such brilliant layer blends. If I could blend to transparency, or learn how to use layer masks properly, I'm sure I could do it.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:31, Reply)
I dunno PB.
Are you house trained?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:31, Reply)
I've hosted a house bash before
We got horribly drunk, ate Chinese and watched Dr Who. It was tremendous fun, mind!

And yes, BGB, I am. I will consider this if you are in reasonable travel distance of Wakefield. That 3 hours on the train, max.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:32, Reply)
My last attempt at animal-modification went slightly wrong.
Osok asked me to do a "chicken-faced-huge-dong-vampire-monkey.
It still haunts my dreams...
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:32, Reply)
This was my last attempt at blending
I think I did rather well...

(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:34, Reply)
*turns off the internet*

(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:35, Reply)
I live in West Yorkshire on the Yorkshire/Lancashire border.

And I do a mean buffet.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:36, Reply)
I'm sure this has been posted all ready but it made me laugh.

(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:36, Reply)
Already posted I'm afraid Mrs Bin

(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:36, Reply)
Ah Well
I thought it would have been.

I seem to have spent all day working to achieve nothing.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:38, Reply)
How did you get a picture of my ex-wife?!
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:38, Reply)
My life in a nutshell.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:38, Reply)
Ah Edmund
The things I see through my massive...

(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:40, Reply)
Is that not just a photo of an ostritch?

Mrs Bin... how're the kids?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:40, Reply)
I just found out that
There's a creature called the "brownsnout spookfish". And it has mirrors for eyes.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:43, Reply)
Nah, it's crying
If you look carefully you'll find the tear.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:44, Reply)
Then there's eelpouts...
Take a look. Google for images of them.

I've heard tell of grown men almost jumping out of boats in a panic when they've landed one of these things.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:48, Reply)
"Bottom dwelling"
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:50, Reply)
Since we're having a fish-off...
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:50, Reply)
Right I'm off.
Tomb raider is on the telly and I'm going to sit and admire Angelina Jolie's all action fighting skills in a non-lezzie way.

(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:51, Reply)
I saw that too Kaol, very cool
I didn't actually teach today.
One day a week I don't have to teach, I just do the planning and the like for the next week.

I am planning on cunting them all soundly in the fuck.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:51, Reply)
Ah I see it
I'd have drawn that on a new layer and slightly adjusted the opacity of the layer.

Is it animated? /operaminifail
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:52, Reply)
@ blousie

I'm as straight as it gets but I'd rip Angelina's nightie off and no mistake. phwoar.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:52, Reply)
Not animated.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:52, Reply)
Whilst we're at it

He looks rather pensive if you ask me...
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:54, Reply)
Here's today's Moment of Zen.
If this isn't the most surreal thing ever, then we've become too jaded for words.

I'm starting to really like this guy.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:55, Reply)
I was talking to pb
Also... where did you get a picture of my ex etc etc?

Is this a new comic or a continuation of the last one? I lost track.

Edit: *bandwagons*

(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:55, Reply)
Not animated N03l
And that's what I did. I just didn't turn it down far too much.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:57, Reply)
I know you were talking to PB!
But his image wasn't animated :p

The comic I'm doing tonight is a continuation from this.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 19:58, Reply)
Time, too much, hands on

evening all!
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 20:11, Reply)
Evening all
I hate revision. A lot. Cheer me up please minions.

Also, I dug my old electric guitar out of the cupboard. I love it.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 20:14, Reply)
sock monkey's ever.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 20:14, Reply)
it's been ages!

*snogs hard*

(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 20:21, Reply)
My dear tulip

It has indeed been ages. How are things in the world of theatre and the east coast?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 20:25, Reply)
I'm sure I've missed the boat
what with real life getting in the way, but...


Edit: NEVER google lolfish
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 20:28, Reply)
all is well thank you PoD
How goes it in the land of study and electric guitars and toasties?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 20:29, Reply)
Evening all
How is everyone?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 20:30, Reply)
Studying is making me sad and tired
Which probably isn't the best advert for my course. It's true though.

My wrists are both still ruined, so guitar playing is minimal, and I haven't had a toastie in ages, as the toastie machine is in my flat in Glasgow. Hmm. This doesn't make my life sound great just now.

You have a good festive period?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 20:31, Reply)
*pops head in*
Evening all... how goes it?

I just ate lots of sausages to make up for my sister being a miserable vegetarian cunt. Nom nom.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 20:33, Reply)
Sounds rubbish.
You've got three options...

1) Robot wrists
2) Laser toastie-making eye-beams
3) Jump off a motorway bridge.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 20:34, Reply)
it was fairly festive
and my brother brought a fucktonne of fireworks home so we had an hour of sparkly bangy things on christmas day, which was fun.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 20:34, Reply)
I haven't had any fireworks for ages!
I was even busy on bonfire night this year...

Really want to do my pyro license, stuff got in the way a bit last year :(

(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 20:35, Reply)
Sounds awesome tulip
The first two may be useful Kaol. I see no advantage to myself to the third point though. Apart from a bit of fun.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 20:35, Reply)
Your sister is a vegetarian?
Then you know what you must do, don't you?

Burn her at the stake.

I expect pictures.

(/Jehovah voice)
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 20:40, Reply)
Lo LvP!
Long time, no same thread! How're you? And how goes the newish job?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 20:43, Reply)
Hello no3l!
I know, I haven't been around for ages!
The job is going well thank you, I have been paid which is all that matters really.

How are you? Anything new to report?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 20:44, Reply)
See profile :)
Life is full of work and planning right now. And musicy stuff, which is new!

I'm probably about thirty points away from True Happiness right now.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 20:48, Reply)
30points eh?
How long will they take to collect?

It's only a flying visit but I'm off now. My dad has just had an operation and needs looking after so gotta dash.

Take care all!
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 20:50, Reply)
Later miss
Thirty points eh... five for a successful Adventure, up to five for some fantastic sex, ten for good, stable female company, two for Sky+, five for a happy daughter and a few spare for those things life likes to throw at you...

...twelve months, I reckon :)

/new me

Edit: *dons Threadkiller hat*

Not surprised with that post!

*puts head down*

(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 21:01, Reply)
*pats no3l on the head*
It's okay

I has hot chocolate, would anyone else like some? :)

*decides to make uber hot chocolate with cocolate orange liqueur and squirty cream*
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 21:29, Reply)
hot chocolate.. hmmm
Would it make a good mixer for cheap scotch? If so I'm game.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 21:34, Reply)
is a good mixer for cheap scotch
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 21:35, Reply)
The best mixer for cheap Scotch
Is more cheap Scotch.

Hmm... I wish I'd not quit drinking now.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 21:36, Reply)
New Scrubs on t'internets!
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 21:38, Reply)
But you don't want
to start drinking again.
Think of all the money you'll save and what you can spend it on instead of alcohol.
You might be able to afford that robotic arm.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 21:48, Reply)
I will be starting drinking again
But not for at least a week.
Or I lose my bet.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 21:56, Reply)
Stay off it..
..if you can. Just a few weeks off the booze does wonders for the liver. Then you can get back on it again..

I've run out of Pepsi Max (best cola there is in the UK, fact) so it might have to be neat whisky. Fine if it's single malt, but this stuff is cheap and a bit dirty.. perhaps an early night beckons.

Not sure I want all the milk in hot chocolate - milk gives me adult acne for some reason. Perhaps a very strong coffee brewed with a percolater is in order but can I be arsed?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 21:57, Reply)
Watching Waterloo Road with teachers is like watching Casualty with my Mum- who is a qualified nurse.

"Pfshaw... that would never happen!!"

Or yelling the correct treatment options at the screen. Last I heard, TV drama wasn't a participatory sport.

I mean, it's not like I yell out plot holes or inaccuracies when watching something involving the British Army. I mean, that would be incredibly annoying. Does anyone else experience this?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:00, Reply)
I'm not allowed to watch adverts.
The ones with "science bits" in them.
Like shampoo.

Or dumbed-down nature programmes.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:02, Reply)
Oh that's all bullshit
As any fule 'no. The ad monkeys think up good copy and get the scientists to make it work.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:04, Reply)
shampoo adverts are one of the reasons..
..I've hardly watched TV in 3 years. My feelings become decidedly turbulent when faced with that sort of brainwashing valium-TV crap.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:05, Reply)
Although I tend to yell at the TV news. Hence not watching it.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:07, Reply)
evening folks
how are we?

had the first listen to all the tracks we recorded in the studio a little while ago this evening. unmixed, but sound good none the less!

(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:07, Reply)
The scientists don't get it to work.
Because half of it's bollocks.

It's all about misleading people.
I mean, look at the ingredients on shampoo.
"95% Aqua"?
If it's got water in it, fucking write "WATER".
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:08, Reply)
Waterloo Road
I'm gonna have to work with kids like those crazy ones with guns :\
Luckily the kids I have at the moment only try to damage you with furniture! woo...

Edit- Kaol, scientists are supposed to sound clever, if they use words like 'water' people won't hire them.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:13, Reply)
That'd be why I've not got a science-job then :p
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:20, Reply)
@ PB
I have the same thing with any opinion on 'Loose Women'.

Having a vagina doesn't make them an expert on every. fucking. thing.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:21, Reply)
sounds like quite a lot of new first time mothers
just because you've had a kid doesn't mean you know everything!

Disclaimer: not applicable to all

edit: I'd say I'm a dog startler with a hint of smug bastard
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:28, Reply)
I'm a "Grizzly Adams Wedding Day"
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:29, Reply)
Oh dear...
I'm straying into "Disney Villain"...
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:31, Reply)
Too much chit chat
not enough action.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:32, Reply)
could be worse
some disney villains have great beards

*molests Clendrix*

how's that?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:34, Reply)
Hello Clendrix!

(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:34, Reply)
*gets a gun and starts running around Bruce Willis stylee*
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:34, Reply)
Molestations? Flexes?
Better. Much better.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:35, Reply)
you watching Die Hard too?

"why don't you wake up and smell what you are shovelling!?"
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:36, Reply)
*bolts on robot-arm*
*punches a cow in half*
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:36, Reply)
No :(
But no-one does action better than Bruce *dreams*
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:36, Reply)

Would you like tea, clenders? I have tea!
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:37, Reply)
I'd bloody love a tea, ta.

My day has been one that needed to end in tea.
Tossers. Why must they pester me so?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:38, Reply)
an interesting coincidence then
as it is on Sky 1

*dons vest and gets dirty*
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:39, Reply)
If I'd've known I was pestering you, I'd not have turned up for a smoke earlier :p
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:39, Reply)
*pours tea for clenders*
I've had a stressful day too.

Way too fucking busy at work and too many thick cunts!

And I feel all shit from 3 days without fags:S
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:41, Reply)
Yes you would.
You wouldn't have cared.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:41, Reply)
You mean it wasn't good to see me?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:42, Reply)
Did we see each other?
Oh wait...I seem to remember a cold park, a bench...
Yeh, it was good to see you.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:46, Reply)
I enjoyed your company, even if mine was less than memorable :p
I also enjoyed smoking.
The new comic is making me want a cigarette.
Firey goodness :D
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:47, Reply)

*refuses to admit crying for an hour after you'd gone*
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:49, Reply)
Thanks Vipros!
*puts on sky 1*
*laughs at people getting shot*
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:51, Reply)
Only an hour this time?
I'm obviously not having as much of an effect as I used to :p

I don't have Sky. So no Die Hard for me.
*carries on with comic*
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:56, Reply)
Good evening everyone
Bloody freezing!


How is everyone beating the cold tonight?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:56, Reply)
I'm curled up on my sofa under a duvet with Die Hard on tv
and a laptop warming me

it's the shit

going outside for a number in a minute though...

I'm trying to decide what guitar amp to get next and it's causing me issues...
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:57, Reply)
That's right.
I don't even bother with waterproof mascara anymore.

I don't even know what guitar to get, Vipros, but I'm shopping for one soon. Yay!
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:59, Reply)
Flip a coin.
That's how I make all my important decisions if I don't get swept up in my usual impulsiveness.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:59, Reply)
there are too many choices
unless you have a coin with a lot of faces...

trouble is, I know exactly what I want/need and can't find it
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:59, Reply)
That just sounds like you need to look harder.
It's Tails, by the way.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:01, Reply)
Decisions, decisions...
Why can't you find it? Is it rare or long out of production?

*knows fuck all about amps, but is offering to assist with search*
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:02, Reply)
yeah you are right
hopefully I will get the guys to buy me one from band profits. that way this isn't shopping for a purchase that won't come for 2 years

PJM: if only it were that simple. I don't know much about amps, but I know what I want.

An all-tube amp around 20-30W with at least 2 channels that I can get a bluesy sound out of but a hard rock one too.

Fender do something ideal, but it would be way too loud for my purposes.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:02, Reply)
I'm tone deaf
I wish I knew. I guess speaking to other guitarists is the way to go, hopefully they'll point you in the right direction.

I'll email a guitar playing mate and see if he has any suggestions.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:06, Reply)
Make a question thread,
I did that about my bass, and people were really helpful.
There're a lot of musical folk who lurk on OT, but post helpful stuff :)
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:08, Reply)
Good plan
At the risk of hijacking the thread, does anyone here know why a diesel engine wouldn't start? Not mine for once, chickenlady's.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:12, Reply)
Do you think I should do that for my guitar?
What shall I ask?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:13, Reply)
Well, it's really cold.
Might be something to do with the Glow Plugs not being as quick to heat up?
Was it totally out of the blue?
And what noise did it make?
Need more info!

EDIT: Nah Clendrix, you should just take me with you :D
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:14, Reply)
Sam-I-am was pretty helpful
exeter has one of the best guitar shops in the country so I'm going to ask them at the weekend.

what was the car doing? Was the engine turning over, or just not doing anything?

Clendrix: I know a reasonable amount about guitars. Feel free to ask me.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:14, Reply)
Thanks Kaol
Just a clicking noise as the ignition is turned. The starter motor doesn't even turn over. Solenoid?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:16, Reply)
Kaol, I am!
But you're a bass player and whilst I value your opinion more than anybody's, I wondered if I should get more input.

But no, I shall put my faith in you :)
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:16, Reply)
Sounds like dead battery.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:16, Reply)
I'll check the charge at the weekend
Wouldn't be surprised if it is the battery, that's the preferred option as it's easiest to replace.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:18, Reply)
Sounds like the battery's dead.
Same thing on my brother's car this morning.
Cold is bad for batteries.

EDIT: Oh... Too slow!
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:19, Reply)
Very true
The cold is killing the batteries in my MP3 player and phone!

Is there anything I should know before attempting to resurrect a diesel Lazarus car? Can a diesel be push started?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:21, Reply)
Try jump starting it first.
And remember that diesel engines need longer to warm up than petrol ones, especially in this weather.

Lazarus? Haha! Call a priest?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:23, Reply)
Evening people, it's cloudy today, so no beach for me. So i'm going shpping instead.

I also really need a poo.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:28, Reply)
The car is sound, just doesn't like starting. In this weather I know the fucking feeling.

I'll get my hands oily this weekend.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:28, Reply)
Happy tropical evacuation Al!
It's farking cold here. Colder than Alistair Darling's bedroom.

How is your holiday going? Are you having a terribly ghastly time?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:29, Reply)
*winks at PJM*
Oily, eh?

It's alright for some!

Oh, hi Al! Having fun in Oz-land? Sodomised many marsupials?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:29, Reply)
Yes it's dreadful
they all have funny voices, and nobody can make a cup of tea properly.

On the plus side, they have this big orange ball that hangs in the sky and makes things warm. I don't know why we dont' get one of them in england.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:31, Reply)
Must be the upgrade from the pale yellow one we've got that hides behind clouds.
Apart from when I'm driving.
I hate you, Mr. Sun. I hate you, so, so much.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:33, Reply)
I have one piece of advice about guitars..
..get a Dipinto. A lot of bang for the buck. Good, serious basses too.

The expenditure should go on an old school valve amp. Something pre-1963 that's made in the US or the UK.. take a gamble on Ebay.

Otherwise, hire me.. I have cheap equipment but it makes a racket. I have a good ear for droney drone drone drone like what with Spacemen 3 and that. Pip pip!
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:34, Reply)
And Mr Sun hates you too. I know because he told me by using sporadic cloud cover to communicate in morse code. He said "You know what Captain V you wonderful pirate man you. That Kaol fella, I hope you're not friends with him cause you know what, you know what Captain V?"

At this point I used semaphore to ask "What Mr Sun"

And he replied "I don't like him"
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:39, Reply)
I don't trust anything that I couldn't destroy with a nuclear missile.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:40, Reply)
just caught a bit of a tv show called UK Border Force
they had a guy who had exceeded his allowance of tobacco import

"you are allowed 200 cigarettes, you've brought 18 thousand..."

"I'm clearly apologising"

(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:43, Reply)
Well, that's me done
I'm off to bed... nissed as a pewt, which was kind of the intention. And on that note, sleep well b3ta.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:44, Reply)
18,000 is pretty impressive
Evening all. I have decided to stop doing anything for the night, which is quite nice. I have, however, not left the house at all today, and don't know if I will be tomorrow either :(
(, Wed 7 Jan 2009, 23:57, Reply)
Just go outside
for a second, then go back in again.
That will solve your problem!
(, Thu 8 Jan 2009, 0:10, Reply)

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