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I can feel the anger building
it started off with me being mildly irritable earlier, but enough stuff has annoyed me that I'm getting close to a rage.

What has or does piss you off? How angry are you right now?
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 11:27, 44 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
1 - the Government
2 - very. Grrr...
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 11:29, Reply)
What really pisses me off is....
I've had a lovely holiday in America and come back to the same old shit.

Nothing ever changes.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 11:33, Reply)
you know I think that
reading your replies to rswipe's post on the QOTW helped contribute to me being angry.

We need to get rid of that shower of cunts immediately and get in someone who, while probably shit, can't possibly be as shit as labour have been/are being.

No one would've voted for that twat when he took over from Blair, and no one will vote for him now, so he shouldn't fucking well be there!
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 11:34, Reply)
I don't like the way he breathes in during speeches.

(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 11:42, Reply)
Someone has broken
my pet project many miles away.

I'm relatively pissed off as I've got no way of fixing the bloody thing without being there.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 11:36, Reply)
I'm simmering at the moment,
but building up to a rolling boil.

Bastard colleague is tapping his feet and drumming fingers, it's driving me fucking loopy. It's not even in tune.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 11:44, Reply)
Fucking livid
In my capacity as a sad old alcoholic I walked out of the pub last night after my second pint because my only two friends round here were being total cunts, as is their frequent wont.

So I have no friends, unless I apologise, which is stupid - better to try and find better friends, not these arrogant pricks I fell in with too long ago. Friends are supposed to give a shit - these guys don't.

I'm going to kill people in this town at some point. I'm just going to snap. Fuck the consequences. Any nice people in the Droitwich area please get in contact before I get myself arrested.

I'm off to steal some money and catch the train into Birmingham. Anywhere away from here.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 11:47, Reply)
The equation I'm using to convert between two different types of humidity
is giving me silly numbers. And I don't know why.

Don't know if it's making me particularly angry...I'm just a bit fed up with it.

Re: Broon. Trouble is, if we get rid of him democratically then we'll end up with those old-Eton-bum-chum muppets "Dave and Boris" running the whole ship I-mean-golly-gosh-what-a-privelige-ooh-um-we'd-better-get-some-policies-hadn't-we-goodness-me-none-of-these-kids-speak-latin.

We need a revolution. I propose deposing Gordon the Bruce before violating him with "Your Mate Dave" Cameron's severed head and putting PJM in charge. It's time we had an angry PM.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 11:48, Reply)
Completely Irrational Anger
I begin my day by getting extremely irritated and it's totally unjustified as well. I'm usually the first person in the office, so the postman has taken to waiting inside his van until I've gone in, then buzzing the door to get let in. Now irritation factor 1 is the amount of time he holds the buzzer down for. At least 10 seconds. This is a little unnecessary I feel. Irritation factor 2 is that when I pick up the handset he always says "post!" in the most vacant mongoloid manner possible. He then comes into my office and dumps the post bag before scanning the recorded delivery barcodes into his little PDA thing. This he can never operate properly and he always makes a big show of it being the machine's fault and nothing to do with the fact that he can't operate a simple scanner. He has a standard stock of phrases for this ritual, such as "D'you know..." and "this thing again..." and "when I get back to the depot....". This is irritation factor 3.

On special days he leaves something behind, like his FUCKING VAN KEYS and we go through irritation factor 1 and 2 again, which is obviously now irritation factor 5, which equates at about 8 on my Irritation Richter Scale. I always feel mildly guilty though because he's a nice guy, he's just fucking stupid.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 11:50, Reply)
wasn't expecting quite so many angry people!
I feel like I'm among good company.

Ethel: what's the project?

OITP: destroy him

Elvis: that sucks, mates aren't supposed to be cunts, even temporarily. I'd take a bullet for most of mine and am certain they would reciprocate. Find some new ones!

Crow: I quite like Boris, because he doesn't seem to give a shit what people think of him, and doesn't just do reactionary things for that reason. That's what I want in a politician.

Kitty: I hate stupid people like that. I recommend you destroy him.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 11:57, Reply)
@ Vippy
It is a big IT project which has been working well for a few weeks (after a lot of teething issues) and now someone has done something.

But finding out what is broken is like being held down and your eyes gouged out piece by piece with a pin.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 12:00, Reply)
I'm quite happy today
The sun is shining, I'm enjoying writing my FAQ for idiots at work...

And I just had a phone call saying my wedding ring has arrived.

I am all of the woo.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 12:06, Reply)
people doing things is annoying
as you aren't there do you have to ask people questions to find out what is wrong?

I hate that

I'm reviewing a report for a colleague, mostly on my area of expertise, and it's good, no glaring errors or anything, but they have written it like they work for one of our competition consultants who are overly formal and technical and verbose.

No need!
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 12:07, Reply)
Re Boris: I'm not sure how true that is
Certainly, he's thick-skinned. But the whole thing about bringing back routemasters and scrapping the bendy buses? Smells to me of someone trying to rouse a popular vote based on nostalgia. (Personally, I think scrapping a more efficient form of public transport in favour of a slightly prettier but ultimately quite inefficient method of transport is a twattish thing to do.)

And the whole drinking-on-public-transport campaign? Drinking on the toobs was never a problem. The problem was people who were already pissed getting on the tube or bus home and causing trouble. I was gobsmacked when, after that rather bizarre last-night-of-drinking-on-the-underground party a couple of "incidents" occurred, he claimed that this totally vindicated his point. No it fucking didn't.

If I'm honest, I've yet to see anything which will make me take him seriously as a politician. He's obviously clever, as he's worked out that playing the dopey Eton fop and drawing attention to his clown antics makes him popular. I'm just waiting for him to do something clever in his capacity as mayor of this depressing turd-barrel of a city.

Oh, and my shoes are still wet. Grrr.

@Davros: congratulations! Good to know someone's having a good day today.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 12:08, Reply)
Keane fans
that is all.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 12:14, Reply)
Well, bendy busses ARE shit
I tried cycling round one the other day. They work well on wider continental streets, but not here.

While the government is all of the shit, life otherwise is good -

Congratulations to DG on getting his wedding ring. Will it have a suitably sweary inscription?

I also bought me one of these the other day:


It's last year's model - the only difference is that it's pearlescent white, not black and is a whopping £600 cheaper.



It is one hell of a bike... Very plush, soaks up impacts and climbs extremely well without bobbing up and down as you pedal.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 12:19, Reply)
Crow: fair points!
PJM: that's a hell of a bike!
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 12:22, Reply)
I started off happy today and am now getting cross
I am busy trying to organise the site map for a music festival and loads of cunts keep coming in and requiring me to do the job I'm allegedly paid to do. The majority of their problems are filed under PEBKAC (I even have a folder in Outlook for it). Why can't they just leave me alone?

Re. Boris Johnson, the man is a chinless public school prick. If he was in a position of no power I might find him funny, but it's too serious for that...

He spends more time feeding the Boris Johnson publicity machine than he does being mayor. I don't really have the words to describe how much of a cunt I think he is.

That's a well nice bike PJM! Does the rear suspension not sap too much of your energy then? Not seen a design like that before, looks good. Not as cool as mine though :P
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 12:28, Reply)
Ah, that's funny. I could describe most of my computing students that way. Thank you, Sam, you've just brightened up my morning.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 12:33, Reply)
*geek mode hijack alart*
The rear suspension is attached using two linkages, which means the swingarm moves diagonally backwards and up. The chain tension when you pedal ensures the back end is kept in check and any power sappage is kept to a minimum. The shock is valved to cancel out low frequency bobbing motions too. Hit the pedals hard and it accelerates like a hardtail.

/end of geek mode
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 12:35, Reply)
We bandy it about like a technical term, nobody's asked what it means yet!

Edit: @ PJM, sounds quality! Never been a fan of rear suspension for exactly those reasons (although it is nice when you're bombing downhill), sounds like a good solution.

Don't have anything that advanced on my bikes though, I'm a one gear and 20" wheels boy!
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 12:35, Reply)
I've worked in IT for ten years and never heard that one, it will be getting used an awful lot now.......

I usually use some kind of blue language.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 12:59, Reply)
whistling in public. Makes me wanna rip their fucking head off and pull their lungs out through the hole.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 13:00, Reply)
Also the B3ta version. CUNT: Can't Use New Technology.
I also refer to these as Wetware Problems.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 13:03, Reply)
In general - specifically...the fact that they call 15 times a day when they think you might make them money, and then won't return your call/email when it turns out that you didn't get the job - not even confirming that you haven't gotten the bloody job.
Also, they haven't a clue, for the most part, as to what they are recruiting for and read job specs like they are pronouncing Mongolian phonetically. Aragh
/end rant am just sick of the oh I tried to call you, my colleague left a message on your phone. Man up you lying fuckwit YOU DID NOT!!!
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 13:32, Reply)
Yes, recruiters
Cunts of the highest order, almost up there with letting agents, estate agents and the Labour Party.

While I'm at it, the fucking Labour Party can go and do one in opposition for the next twenty years. If only it were someone else other than the fucking Tories up for government next time round...
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 13:47, Reply)
On a rolling boil now
Tip tap tip tap tip fuckity tap - I've had it for most of the day now.
The foot tapping is also in conjunction with a fucking running commentary on every single action he performs on the computer screen.

If the cunt does it one more time, I'm nailing his feet to the floor, it's driving me loopy.

I've tried typing this by punching every single fucking key really fucking hard and he still doesn't get the message.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 13:48, Reply)
1) Goverment Websites - for student loans and such
2) Vaugely needless Jobcentre interveiw
3)PGCE application site has locked me out again and lost my data AGAIN
4) It's raining. Again
5) Psychotic emotional leech ex trying to contact me - again
6) Laptop playing up with random slowness and other such things

In conclusion, I've been a damn sight less angry
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 14:05, Reply)
recruiters/whistling cunts ...
And my fucking boss. I will be looking for a new gig after my vacation.

My soon-to-be ex-husband, who is constantly hassling me for money, and is taking his sweet time signing divorce papers. And yes, who is paying lawyer fees? Yours truly. Waited for him outside his job last night and sorted him.


Bullies - category of both cunts above. Would redo this post but am on fucking bus in shitty storm. Will be late to office. Do I give a fuck? Nah.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 14:06, Reply)
It would appear that
The Wednesday Stress Relief (4 O'Clock Wank) is definitley in order.
*Joins disorderly queue to ensure early place*
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 14:49, Reply)
people who mark EVERY email they send as important, even when it's some irrelevant bullshit sent to the whole company that I have no interest in. Who the fuck do they think they are?

I have just set up Outlook rules for the worst offenders, 'if message is from **** and marked high importance, move it to deleted items'

Should calm the rage a bit.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 15:00, Reply)
no emails are urgent or important
if something is important then pick up the fucking phone.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 15:25, Reply)
Bringing up the rantage a bit
Rail companies. In the era of greater demand for public transport the cunts up fees and slash services while actually shortening trains to ensure commuters have as miserable experience as possible for their money.

Why aren't rail company bosses being tortured in the Tower of London? Someone please explain this to me...
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 15:42, Reply)

Why the fuck did Southwest Trains decide that last weekend was a great time to close the line between Clapham Junction and Barnes, the very same weekend that TFL gave advance warning it was closing the District Line? Anybody want to get to Wandsworth or Putney that weekend? Tough shit, we're not going to let you.

And while I'm here: First Great Western. How in the name of jolly-rogering-fuck do you justify charging me £20 for a day return from London to Reading? I can get all the way from London to fucking Southampton and back ON DIFFERENT DAYS for the same price. You are cocks.

EDIT: Actually, I'm going to carry on. Back to SWT - tell me, why Surbiton is technically in Zone 6, even though it's closer to London than a large proportion of zone 5 and, I daresay, a few parts of zone 4? I'll tell you why: you spotted a commuter-town-cash-cow and decided you'd shift the boundaries so that you could milk anybody travelling into London from Surbiton. You arrogant kitten-raping, vomit-gurgling fuckbags. Did you honestly think we wouldn't notice?

(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 16:02, Reply)
RE: 4 O'Clock wank
I feel a bit better now but the anger is returning like a tsunami.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 16:09, Reply)
@Supreme Crow
*rapt applause*

You must send this to Transport for London and Soutwest Trains, without changing a word.

That is the most heartfelt and justified rant at people who enjoy making life just that little bit more miserable just because that I have ever read.

When I'm running the country, a lot of people responsible for transport in Britain will be spending a long and agonizing time in the Tower of London, along with the BBC bosses who keep putting "Celebrity Come Dancing" on television.

I'm going to put that in my mannifesto.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 16:21, Reply)
The rail companies don't actualy give a toss ever. They will continue to fuck with the service they provide as they have a captive audience - who have to pay to "travel" with them. They can also afford to run the company into the ground at the expense of the consumer, employees and the taxpayer as they know that there is no way on earth any country can possibly afford to let a rail network collapse or go to the wall, goverment buyouts will save any collapsing company from actualy going to the wall, and all those with any real say in how the company is run are in no real danger of losing out in the same way as their employees. This has also been seen in the current banking crisis. The demand is for a sort of falsified free market fuck everyone who aint on the top during the more economicaly benificial times and goverment bailouts and socialism extended to companies during the poor times - companies whose directors grunt like the fat little piggies they are at any whiff of anything socialist, or any state intervention that may benifit the poor, or move the country more in the direction of an egalitarian state. Anyway.... rant over
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 16:27, Reply)
addendum, straight from my desk
recruiters, part II

actually had a meeting with three of these charmers yesterday. was a total surprise - evil boss put this on our schedule for the wrong day. thanks, bitch.

it was all I could do not to throw them right out and hide my inner hilarity/disgust while listening to their ridiculous pitch.

'human capital management'

speaking this phrase should result in instant annihilation. greedy, useless, robotic motherfuckers.

(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 16:34, Reply)
Spot on.

The rail companies need big hints about "windfall taxes" and the threat of directors being outed to the press, together with a binding review of fees and services from a government that actually gives a shit.

Socialism only works when the socialists we've elected care a jot. If they don't we're left with National Socialism, which is tantamount to what we have now.

The only good news is that Labour is falling down the polls and an unpopular government does tend to act in the public's interests in order to preserve their fat pension schemes. The best place for this government is teetering on the brink of a landslide defeat, that way they might actually do something useful.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 16:35, Reply)
Socialism, to work requires two things: The state to care for those it is given charge of, and also the state to be awnserable to those it is given charge of. If both of those requirements are met, then great! And yes, bring on the windfall taxes. If they're making even more of a profit at the expense of both the consumer and the worker then they can damn well pay for some of the damage they've caused. I'm also all for the directors being forced into the public eye, especialy if that comes in the form of someone giving me the adress of the directors of Southeastern Rail.....
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 16:40, Reply)
@PJM / Fredz
Of course, the drawback to Labour falling down in the polls is the increased likelihood of the Tories getting back in.

The Tories, who thought it was a good idea to break up and privatise the railways in first place.

And they still gave John Fucking Major a fucking knighthood...

All for outing these arsewipe train directors though. Is it time to mount a revolution?
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 16:49, Reply)
To be honest
New Labour have gone so far down the bullshit 3rd way route I don't have much optimism that they're going to bring in any social policy that works. Mind you, if the tories do get in there is always violent revolution.....
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 16:51, Reply)
I dislike both intently
We need a third party, with a popularist agenda who listens to the electorate, rather than telling the electorate what they want. We also need our politicians to stand to lose something valuable if they are unable to deliver as promised in manifestos. I'm all for holding those in power in abject fear, that way they might work for us for a change.

Scrutinise them, criticise them, challenge them, but above all do not let anything they do go unquestioned.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 17:15, Reply)
Mood swings
I started taking St. John's wort, all is nice and fluffeh. The complete tosspottery of politicians and business over the past few years has me rather concerned that we are about to land splat into the biggest pile of shit mankind has ever seen.

other than that, I'm tip-top
(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 4:36, Reply)

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