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Is sponsored by the number 4 and the word cunt

( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 17:30, 126 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

However, the word cunt is all good.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 17:38, Reply)

It's better than 3 - fucking pretender of a number. How are ye all?
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 17:46, Reply)

it sounds like 'kant'.
When I say it though, it's poetry.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 17:47, Reply)

Did you drive your tractor home at top speed, or something?
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 18:03, Reply)

Actually, no.
I stopped for cider and cigarettes.
But I'm so cool that I went straight on the computer.
V... I'm from Essex. And I'm fuckin' awesome. So shut ya maaf.
EDIT: Yooo fackin' kaaant.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 18:06, Reply)

I am.
I actually told Wilkins to stop the Rolls so I could pop into the Luxury Emporium and purchase some cigars and champers.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 18:14, Reply)

...a certain lady friend asked me at the weekend "do you realise you're better spoken than all of your friends?"
I blame my mother. She speaks with a home counties accent, despite being born within range of Bow Bells. She always made sure I pronounced my words properly.
While the home counties have all gone al estuary, I've gone the other way.
That's "Essex" pronounced "Ess-ecs" not "Iss-ix"
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 18:31, Reply)

fackin Essex rocks innit.
fackhin khants the lot of ya
ps. how do you do
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 18:36, Reply)

I see a profile-badge coming on...
But I'm too lazy, sorry.
I think DiT is an Essex Boy too.
Fuck knows how we've all turned out so well.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 18:38, Reply)

On one side we have dog racing, neon-lit seaside carbuncles, jellied eels and estuary accents.
On the other we have farmland, Constable country, village cricket and conservative clubs.
Unfortunately the distinction between the two has begun to blur somewhat.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 18:40, Reply)

The residents of SAAAAAAAAAAAAAFFFFend perhaps.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 18:43, Reply)

Brian Harvey
Chanelle Hayes
Darren Day
Speaks for itself really
Edit - and I don't own a snuffling blunt faced Staffordshire Bull Terrier either.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 18:43, Reply)

is rather posh and swanky, so is the dollop above London.
Most of the inbetween is shite.
Chelmsford is an interesting combination of the 2
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 18:46, Reply)

That seems like a perfectly good summary.
Perhaps you'd like to work for Google Earth.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 18:49, Reply)

Ning cock/muffmunchers*
* delete as is oppositely applicable
I have cheap Waitrose cider and a cheeky grin.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 18:50, Reply)

...I'm off to the gym. My cardiovascular fitness is apalling of late and I've bought a new mountain bike I need to be fit enough to ride properly. I need to work out at least four times a week to get my fitness anywhere near where it was this time last year.
Enjoy your evening everyone!
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 18:53, Reply)

Have fun...
I'm gonna sit on my arse and draw a comic about a strange man who likes to burn things.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 18:54, Reply)

Secretly quite a sweet boy-ography?
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 19:08, Reply)

"Michael Elphick".
Damn you old people.
Now I'm going to peel potatoes.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 19:12, Reply)

I was much happier BEFORE I'd seen a picture of him :(
*goes off to peel*
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 19:16, Reply)

I've always been a Branston Pickle man, although I'll do mayonnaise occasionally. Today I bought some Dijonnaise to see what it was like.
Quite interesting. Not sure if I like it yet.
What do you all have on your sarnies?
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 19:41, Reply)

but right now I'm scooping ricotta out of a tub with salt and vinegar crisps. Om nom nom.
Ooh actually, tomorrow I will be having ricotta and Roysters on my sarnies. Assuming I can find my Roysters, I seem to have misplaced them.
Ning all.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 20:06, Reply)

I'm from Essex as well. Although I do thank god everyday that I don't live there anymore.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 20:06, Reply)

You have crisps ON your sandwich rather than as a side-dish? Strange...
EDIT: Also evening Becky, didn't mean to be rude - I'm not from Essex, after all.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 20:16, Reply)

Today's sandwich was cambozola and bacon. No crisps inside, cheese and onion hula-hoops on the side.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 20:19, Reply)

That's like camembert and gorgonzola in some unholy union, right?
I don't do blue cheese, it's freaky.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 20:21, Reply)

Casu Marzu - the worlds most dangerous cheese.
"One final note of caution, some people wear eye protection when eating Casu Marzu: the maggots are known to jump as high as six inches and straight toward the eyeballs with exact precision. At a minimum, make a maggot sandwich and shield your eyes with your hand as you take a bite."
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 20:28, Reply)

To all of you fine people.
I am from the land where we speak proper English, and another language that we cannot even understand ourselves.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 20:31, Reply)

bacon, preferably smoked, cooked in a pan not a grill, on crusty white bread, butter and tomato sauce.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 20:32, Reply)

I can't honestly believe even the most advanced maggot in the history of life on earth could leap with anything other than a distinct lack of precision.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 20:34, Reply)

But sometimes I just get a craving for cottage cheese and salt and vinegar crisp ones, and today I got lucky and found two tubs of ricotta in the reduced to clear section which is even better than cottage cheese.
I have already made the sandwich with the ricotta and I will apply the crisps (luffly bubbly Roysters) tomorrow just before I eat it, so they retain the crunch.
And now I have delivered today's lecture in how to get the best from a crisp sammich I must depart.
Nice to be here for the few minutes it lasted though... I think next time I have a day off work I shall hang around here all day like I did in the good old days when I was unemployed... I miss it :( Night all...
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 20:35, Reply)

My introduction to OT was a day off. It is quite fun.
Halfy: I never got the fascination with bacon sandwiches (particularly among vegetarians). They're alright, but give me a sausage sandwich any day.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 20:38, Reply)

sausages are good though.
One of my old faves was a toasted breakfast sanwich consisting of.
Bacon, sausage, potato waffle, fried egg, maybe some normal melted not rancid rotting shit cheese crammed between two slices of toast
edit: well that killed that thread. hurrah!
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 20:48, Reply)

Badger, is it you.
Evening, I made my children practice lining up and walking around the school today, for half an hour!
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 21:09, Reply)

A skill that will no doubt serve them well in later life.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 21:30, Reply)

join the army or go to prison, it will.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 21:33, Reply)

Ah... The children are our future...
Can't you just poison 'em?
Get a faulty heater and carbon monoxide 'em to death.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 21:35, Reply)

Kick some discipline into the little shits!
Amusingly enough folks here are far more well spoken than folks in England, in english all round. I hear english here now and then. And then when I visit my parents I spend the whole time cringing and thinking 'what the hell are you people doing?? Speak ENGLISH.' Did you guys know that the world's impression of a british accent is no longer posh upperclass, bowler hat and a pipe. But is infact that god awful london dialect that sounds like somebody got buttfucked so badly their anus is hanging in their mouth impeding their ability to speak?
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 21:36, Reply)

but about 5 of them are really bad.
This means that I can't teach them anything because they just wont sit still or shut up for long enough.
The whole practising lining up means that they are more liking to listen in maths.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 21:38, Reply)

"Cunt" did not use to be a rude word. Its derivation is anglo-celtic agey-oldie yee english, and it meant "woman."
Its use, along with a lot of other anglo-celtic agey-oldie yee english words, were frowned upon by the newly comquering Roman-Saxony-Edwardian Empire types. Subsequently, its eytiology (sp) changed from meaning woman, to harlot, to whore, to 'a lady's woo-woo', to an horrible person.
It is also the word for the hem of a nun's habit. Although I've never personally confirmed this with a nun.
I don't kno nuffin about the number 4.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 21:47, Reply)

"the Jack of Clubs in the B3ta deck"
Please explain.
Love and kisses,
K xxxxx
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 22:05, Reply)

that, that's your dad that is.
Curse you, Random Article function!
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 22:05, Reply)

I'm hoping to start a trend.
Pick a card!
EDIT: I had a whole thread planned 'cos I was really bored at work but then I came home and had a nap and never got round to it.
EDIT 2: And with hindsight it's kind of pants.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 22:06, Reply)

See, don't say I never give you anything.
Apart from the Bad AIDS, obviously.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 22:11, Reply)

It was only half full of the white stuff though.
Fuckin' disappointment :(
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 22:22, Reply)

It was entirely full of the white stuff.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 22:22, Reply)

Sounds familiar.
(Could be a response to either of you, I suppose.)
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 22:22, Reply)

As an aside, the best milkshake EVER is Walnut Whip and Maple Syrup.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 22:24, Reply)

the best cum ever is in your mouth and up your bum at the same time.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 22:25, Reply)

That it goes in your arse and you can taste it?
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 22:28, Reply)

I am still working. But plan to fuck off soon, and have a beer with one of my dearest friends. Ahhhh.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 22:34, Reply)

How's my favourite internet weirdo tonight?
Also, what's your preferred flavour of soup?
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 22:37, Reply)

that cackers favours black pudding and tripe soup.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 22:44, Reply)

soup: potato and leek.
How I am: trying to hang onto to my job in what was once a truly great place but is now run by a lunatic. I do this because of the other inmates, some of whom are my dearest friends. They don't want me to bail. So I try to deal. Will sort it out after my vacation. Cackers is set to invade Blighty with her little brother, who has never left Amerika. This must be corrected!
Weirdo Me
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 22:55, Reply)

and a yankee doodle dandy girl at that?
Whatever will they think of next.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 22:57, Reply)

I'll buy you a drink.
What's your tipple of choice?
Copier Toner?
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 23:00, Reply)

It's been quite pleasurable.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 23:01, Reply)

Sweet dreams everyone.
Remember to live your life like it's a french movie.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 23:05, Reply)

decent Indian food?
have been to London a few times, but think the opines of B3tans would be helpful. I prefer to avoid crowds/tourist scenes.
any Paris suggestions are also welcome. know Paris a bit better than London, but could still always use new information.
thanks, lads.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 23:05, Reply)

I'm such filth, I am going to send myself to bed.
Nighty night!
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 23:05, Reply)

I think I'll leave the toner here on this side of the puddle.
Prefers: Whisky/Beer. Red wine as well. Guinness on occasion.
I'm out of here at last. Cheers gang.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 23:08, Reply)

Proper beer it shall be.
I'll stick with the Diesel myself.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 23:08, Reply)

How are we?
is everyone being fluffeh or are we a bunch of bollox talking cunts tonight?
Love, from - the Vampyrecat who is neither a vampyre nor a cat.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 23:47, Reply)

watch me wobble breastily..
at this time of night one should really put "bearforce 1" into youtube.. a suggestion for y'all!
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 23:52, Reply)

it's only early in the mornign here - not even midday yet!!
Bearforce 1? I'm almost a little afraid to do so.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 23:54, Reply)

How goes it?
What you up to in "Normal Daytime"?
It's midnight here. And everyone else is asleep, it seems. Silly old folks.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 23:58, Reply)

At the moment I've got a sexy whore rubbing my body with baby oil and...
oh wait you want the truth. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!
(but i'll tells ya anyways. I'm waiting to get a lift into town for an hour so I can pay off some laybuys before I come back home to seek shelter from the disgusting heat. it's worse then yesterday. its 39 degrees and only 11 am!!)
How about your fine self Kaol?
( , Thu 29 Jan 2009, 0:00, Reply)

It's awesome.
Sounds a fairly exciting day for you... :p
Apart from the whore bit, obviously.
( , Thu 29 Jan 2009, 0:02, Reply)

I love comics!!! I wanna see it when it's done!
And I forgot to mention I have to work tonight.
I don't want to work tonight. It's too hot. And I won't be allowed any of the ice cold AWESOMENESS of the double shot G&T's.
( , Thu 29 Jan 2009, 0:04, Reply)

Er... Go on my profile.
There's little numbers to click on :)
( , Thu 29 Jan 2009, 0:06, Reply)

I'll be all on my own.
Stupid English people needing their sleep.
*shakes fist*
( , Thu 29 Jan 2009, 0:13, Reply)

poor Kaol
OK I won't relurk
By the way - I like your comic. :D
EDIT : I'll be back soon - my lift just arrived and I gotta go pay those laybuys.
( , Thu 29 Jan 2009, 0:14, Reply)

Lots of people seem to like it, which is cool, I only started doing it to keep myself out of mischief on a Wednesday night.
This is last week's, not put it in my profile yet.
The follow up to that will be done in about twenty minutes, I'm just doing the text. Drawing's all done :)
EDIT: Ok, bye!
( , Thu 29 Jan 2009, 0:19, Reply)

I may or may not be drunk.
I'd say the safest bet is I am drunk.
( , Thu 29 Jan 2009, 0:28, Reply)

being drunk is official ok, actually..
..for I am too, rather undeniably
( , Thu 29 Jan 2009, 0:30, Reply)

..I'm fucking dreading 9am and find the booze helps keep my mind off it..
I'd roll you a cig if you were within reach!
( , Thu 29 Jan 2009, 0:33, Reply)

That's a fair point...
I'll be all non-hungover in the morning.
I've got my own smokes thanks, just gotta go outside when I've finished this comic!
( , Thu 29 Jan 2009, 0:35, Reply)

being all drunk with a lovely b3tan. Though I fear I did the typical wanderlust thing and got all ranty :( I should really stop doing that, it's not very ladylike.
( , Thu 29 Jan 2009, 0:35, Reply)

I'm just doing the last few comic bits, should be online in ten minutes or so :)
( , Thu 29 Jan 2009, 0:40, Reply)

I can has beer! And as I'm on leave may well have some more - This said, I do have to deal with cunty pensioners in the morning when I do the big shop ........ It's not like any other fucker is about when I plan to do the shopping.
( , Thu 29 Jan 2009, 0:52, Reply)

And here was me thinking myself lucky to have a stupid fruit smoothie.
Now you've all got me wanting to be drunk and silly-like.
( , Thu 29 Jan 2009, 1:51, Reply)
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