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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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for those who are not too badly hungover from last night's b3ta bash - and for all those who missed out.

Howdy y'all.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 8:39, 105 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

just watching charlie and lola on cbeebies with 2ndmrsblaireau and babyblaireau, steaming mug of coffee balanced precariously on the arm of the sofa, girding my loins for the final(ish) push on the rewiring of a place i've been renovating for the last 2 years...
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 8:53, Reply)

for horrendous hangovers.
I think I broke myself.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 8:57, Reply)

Sounds like a good morning your way.
No3l, what've you done to yourself this time silly man? :P Tell me all about it.
/hands no3l a mug of tea.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:01, Reply)

not even the faintest trace of hangover, brain firing on all cylinders, the sun is shining and the archers omnibus starts in less than an hour ;-)
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:06, Reply)

the Archers omnibus??
I'm guessing something very british? I don't have a clue what you mean by that. :P
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:07, Reply)

we're having pork with redcurrant and smoked paprika glaze for dinner!!
luvving teh spicey meat!!
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:08, Reply)

:P Lols.
You want spicy meat? There are so many bad puns I can say here but I will attempt to refrain from saying them.
Get your butt into the restaurant I work. Braised pork belly spiced with chilli. Pan seared Blue Eye fish with Salt Chilli crust.
you'd like it. a lot.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:11, Reply)

is a daily 15 minute radio soap that's been on the go for about a million years. in fact i think it started an infinite number of eternities before the dawn of time itself...
but seriously...started in the 1940's i think, best described as ordinary tales of country folk. much misunderstood by non-listeners. it's about as bbc as it's possible to get...
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:12, Reply)

I'd probably love it then. I love BBC stuff but we don't get a lot here.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:14, Reply)

will be poached (yeah!) very gently for 2-3hrs with cinnamon, star annise, fennel seeds, celeriac, allspice, carrot, onion and garlic. allowed to cool a wee bit then trim off most of the fat, spike all over with cloves and pour over the glaze (redcurrant jelly melted with a dash of red-wine vinager and a nice big spoon of smoked paprika).
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:18, Reply)

in the hospitality industry as a chef?
You sound exactly like my boss (a chef - I'm a waitress)
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:19, Reply)

before jacking it in and getting a degree in building surveying...
now i cook for teh lurve of teh fud!!
it's easy to lose the passion when you do it for a living!!
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:21, Reply)

interest in hospitality as a waitress. I do not like putting up with greasy yobbos thinking that is okay to pat my bum when I serve their food.
but sounds like you enjoyed it while you did it. And I love food.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:25, Reply)

How many episodes have there been? Episode 13,546 was broadcast on 17 March 2001.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:26, Reply)

I also is hungover. 1 glass short of 2 bottles of wine will do that.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:30, Reply)

and i learnt all sorts of shizzle.
but in the end it just wasn't taking me anywhere any more so now i fix old buildings for a living!
and yeah, the way people (blokes!) treat female waiting staff has always pissed me off. more than once i asked guys if they would be happy for THEIR daughters to be treated that way...generally got the point across! LOL especially if they were in female company haha!!
edit: yeah, loads of episodes, 6/week for 58 years...
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:31, Reply)

/hands LiC mug of strong tea.
Sounds like you had a good time then :p
blair - no one does that here. I just have to smile politely and back away fast.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:36, Reply)

but that's a near certain way to get fired. I need the money to go to the UK next year.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:39, Reply)

Ahhhhhh... That's better.
Now to determine the Sunday Special - I always eat out on a Sunday, either a Full English Breakfast at the transport café, a pub lunch at the Bulls Head, or an evening curry.
Whenever I have a hangover I tend to go for the breakfast but today I'm leaning towards the curry. Haven't had a curry in a while.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:45, Reply)

*waxes sledge*
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:45, Reply)

2-way switching beckons so i really must be off...
enjoy the rest of the day, forecast says there'll be snow before nightfall!!!!
and to all those with hangovers, take it easy X
edit: ^^^^^NO3L you beat me to it xxx
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:45, Reply)

but that's cos I'm not big on curry. Chilli I have officially converted to though.
And whose sledge are you waxing no3l? :p
EDIT: bye blair - nice to meet you.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:46, Reply)

quite the sledge-waxer, I'm told.
/waggles eyebrows suggestively
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:48, Reply)

I work for a taxi company. If the drivers decide it's too snowy to work, I get to spend the day hurtling down the local hills on a press-moulded plastic sled. Woo!
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 9:52, Reply)

I've cleaned up the remains of last nights mess already and made a start to breakfast too.
Hangovers are for quitters.
All to the soundtrack of 'Traced In Air' by Cynic - I just got it. It's an exciting prog metal record if rhythmically a tad one-dimensional.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:11, Reply)

and you call this early? that's cos you're in the past.
but well done on the cleanup job. :P and the breakfast.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:12, Reply)

Just a quick visit before I hit the gym.
Don't let that statement fool you, though. Far from being buff, I'm a short, fat slob! Honest! :O)
How are we today?
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:13, Reply)

Pics would help :)-
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:14, Reply)

I slept for about 11 hours. Either my sleep debt was bigger than I thought or I'm coming down with something.
I dreamt weird dreams too.
And now I shall indulge in the simple pleasure of breakfast in my own bed.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:18, Reply)

I'm a very small person in all respects.... I can fill out what I wear up top but my jeans always feel like they're falling down unless I wear a belt.
and NO you're not having pics.
not unless you pay me $50
EDIT: Hi Stig. feel loved. I said hi. I forgot to do that yesterday :p
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:19, Reply)

I mean Australian 50 dollars.
And I take cheques only.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:22, Reply)

can't use Euro's here mate.
Save it for when I'm in the UK. :P
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:24, Reply)

At people are showing you love! Everyone else ignores me! Maybe I should change my deodrant?
Also, I've got to stop calling you "VC". Because "C" is very close to "D" on the keyboard......we wouldn't want a typo to embarrass you, would we?
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:24, Reply)

Just call me vamp if you want.
I think it's cos they know they can't have me that makes them want me more. A) i'm a big ghey. B) i'm only barely above jailbait age
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:33, Reply)

I have two suggestions to stop people ignoring you:
1: Become a teenage girl
2: Stop going on about people ignoring you. It puts people off.
And in other news I'm getting up now. Slater :)
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:33, Reply)

I know you're a big ghey, but maybe they think they can "cure" you? :O)
I'm only joking with the "nobody likes me" schtick. Hey, that's acting like a teenager! Now I have to work on my gender.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:37, Reply)

I know one b3tan who is trying to confuse me and is thus far succeeding a little.
and it's not a disease. there is no such thing as a "cure"
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:40, Reply)

Hence the inverted commas around the word "cure".
It is an odd concept...
"She's ghey, you know...?"
"Really? She just hasn't met the right bloke, yet. And that bloke is me.....!"
It's a form of arrogance, one suspects....
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:43, Reply)

such is life - but it still brings a smile to my face to see people try.
note that the smile is usually one where I'm trying not to hurt their feelings, but find the idea of me and *whoever* in bed so ridiculous that it gives me the giggles.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:45, Reply)

it would be like, double* win.
*hangs head in shame*
*triple if you include statutory.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:46, Reply)

I'm 17 next saturday. I'm legal.
you still can't get in to my pants though. Sorry. :p
These pants are reserved for Emily Browning.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:47, Reply)

What could POSSIBLY go wrong?
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:47, Reply)

So you don't find ANY bloke attractive, at all?
I'm just thinking, you're a lesbian and Australian.....how tough are you?! You'd probably beat the hell out most blokes, you meet! :O)
Who's Miss Emily Browning?
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:48, Reply)

Like, after a night of drinking and rohypnol, I would want to wear your underwear.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:49, Reply)

last night at work I saw a guy who treated my friend at the hospital when she got something in her eye.
And I thought to myself "oooooo he looks fairly nice...... still....nah."
So I do find them nice to look at sometimes. I'm just a 95% women, 5% men kind of girl.
EDIT: Stig: go look her up on Google.
Baz. Only if you pay.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:50, Reply)

That's a 1 in 20 chance!
Lads! We still have a chance!!!!! Form a queue!
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:52, Reply)

I'm just nipping down the caff for a sausage and egg sandwich.
Anybody else want anything?
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:55, Reply)

Emily Browning - if you can get her.
otherwise some alcohol would be nice.
and Hi Fredz.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:55, Reply)

it looked busy on here for this time on a sunday. then i saw you were talking about teenage lesbianism! morning all.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:56, Reply)

I found this link the other day
I promise you, this is entirely real! I don't swear, myself, but even I want to shout obscenities at this pious tool.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:57, Reply)

what else are we going to talk about on a sunday?
There's no pubs open this time of night here. :(
well. Not ones I can sneak in to . ...
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:59, Reply)

That looks really bloody interesting?
Do you think I'm too fucking old to join their sodding club?
EDIT: Right, off to get some hot meat inside me. Laterz!
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:59, Reply)

Ummm..... A new laptop? Do cafe's sell laptops now? If not, I'm sure some MI5 agent's probably left one around somewhere
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 10:59, Reply)

I've read your stories and looked forward to saying "Hello" to you :O)
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 11:05, Reply)

been lovely chatting with you but I have to get up at 6 tomorrow for school.
I don't want to go back.
If you want to talk - gaz me :)
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 11:09, Reply)

Vamp disappears and it all goes quiet.
After a massive bacon sandwich and a pint of ice-cold water, I feel ready to face today's Scrapheap Challenge marathon.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 11:20, Reply)

I succumbed and had a medium brekky:
2 Sausages, 2 bacon, fried egg, beans, tomatoes and 2 toast. I didn't have the tomatoes 'cos I don't like those plum tomatoes.
Yummy in my tummy.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 11:43, Reply)

What side? I haven't watched it for ages... I've missed it.
I'm scoffing breakfast (only toast) coz I've just been invited out for lunch. Hooray for food!
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 11:44, Reply)

I'm trying to fill out my profile on couchsurfing. I hate having to write about myself. I always end up sounding like a hyperactive, over enthusiastic mongtard.
How is everyone else?
Ohhhh It's snowing!
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 12:02, Reply)

Improving, thanks! I think a nap might be in order this afternoon though.
Are you couchsurfing across Canada? If you've never seen Niagara Falls, I'd highly recommend it. Simply awesome.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 12:13, Reply)

Possibly, I don't have any plans so keeping my options open.
Niagara's my first stop! I'm getting the train there from New York. It's all quite exciting really.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 12:18, Reply)

that Niagara, for me, was life-changing. I've only once ever been so in awe as I was that day.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 12:30, Reply)

Afternoon / morning / evening, depending on time zones.
I'm off to watch the footy shortly. Just topping up the levels from last night.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 12:33, Reply)

I am now on a train using my iPhone with the onboard wifi.
As usual, the bash was a collection of oddballs sitting round a table. While many of the b3ta legends didn't make it, I got to meet some of the up and coming legends. The small-is turnout (about 7) meant we could all be part of the same conversation. Only took 3 pics but will post them when back. Am still a bit hungover, but wandering around York seems to have helped.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 12:48, Reply)

Go ahead and write whatever you want and don't give a fuck about what everyone else thinks. BTW what is couchsurfing?
Anyway. The trainjourney from NY to Niagara will give you an introduction to North-American trainjourneys which are a lot better than the rubbish we get over here.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 13:09, Reply)

It's a social networking site. If I don't give a fuck what everyone else thinks and write whatever I want, people will think I'm a twat and won't want to meet me. :(
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 13:27, Reply)

You write what you want here, don't you? I don't think you're a twat.
Not sure about meeting you, though. I heard you bite.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 13:49, Reply)

If you be yourself, you get to filter out the uninteresting people. Or are you just looking for a place to stay and not caring about what the host is like?
Edit: what No3L said.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 13:55, Reply)

saying hello to all food service people and sledge maniacs.
vampyrecat: I worked as a bar-back, bus-boy (cleaning off tables and empties) and finally a waitress for years as I went to college. the money was good. but some people are cunts, aren't they.
"I want a diet coke. With lemon and ice on the side in a separate glass." I heard this many times. Once a girl accused me of spitting in her drink - she was jealous that her date had smiled at me. "You aren't getting a tip, you fucking bitch!" shouted at me in the midst of dinner. All my other tables were aghast.
My last night waitressing I took off my apron, slashed it up with scissors and went to the corner and burned the fucking thing in a garbage can.
For the record: people should always tip. Always. If you can't afford it, stay home! Grr.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 13:58, Reply)

My train is due in soon. I will be meeting my dad for lunch and then heading off to my flat. Chat laters...
Edit: greetings cackers.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 14:02, Reply)

enjoy lunch and post those pics. I'm here wishing for proper bacon.
(houseboy! fetch!)
I don't know how you can deal with the iPhone. mine is now a big stupid iPod. am all CrackBerry.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 14:05, Reply)

I only bite if asked.
@Spakka, I do care what the host is like, there's just a lot of what I would consider unnecessary questions and I hate having to do the whole selling myself thing. I come across as a knobber.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 14:32, Reply)

OMIGODITSSNOWING! (ok, so I get exited at snow? So what?)
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 14:33, Reply)

It is damn cold out there! Anyone wake up to frozen milk in their fridge this morning?
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 14:34, Reply)

Gots me a new totem. Actually I love bees, they are almost as interesting as B3tards in their ways social.
Was time to make a donation. Lucky that apus was a choice!
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 14:42, Reply)

Gaz me if you plan to venture south into Amerika, I am sorta north. I hear you about the pain of questionnaires. Ugh.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 14:44, Reply)

I once dated the guy who's ex girlfriend helped set up couch surfing. I did it for a while myself while I was trekking round the states and it was lots of fun.
For you I would write
Creative one of a kind ladytype, seeks suitably comfortable couch and good conversation from her host. Hair metal fans and lovers of fabulous cake preferred.
Or some shit like that.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 15:07, Reply)

You lovely lady. That's made me all smiley!
I may have to rewrite what I've put.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 15:29, Reply)

must start unloading all the books from my cases so the movers can lug the furniture upstairs. they are supposed to get here by 4pm. my apt is pretty much animal house. time to get started.
to UK: enjoy the snow. may it fluff away any hangover nasties.
to Aus: gaz me if you'd like any tips on food service survival. some cunt once tried to tickle me under my arms while I had a large bucket of ice on my shoulder. he was sorted. sometimes bitchy servers can make the most money!
duty calls...
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 15:49, Reply)

I'm a bit pissed.
Football in the afternoon does that to you.
Sorely tempted to catch a few Zs on the couch, but I won't sleep tonight if I do that.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 17:13, Reply)

Although if you'd said that to me this morning I'd have given you a dirty look.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 17:33, Reply)

can't stop skiving, interwebbing, Jameson, and Team America. such a wastrel.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 17:42, Reply)

film over. pre-game SuperBowl, Cardinals/Larry Fitzgerald, and loading books to go upstairs. Damn all these reference tomes. My dictionaries, Riverside ed. Chaucer. Second time I've hauled all of this in 6 weeks. Oy vey.
I will check in periodically. Mista, where's them photos?
peace, B3tards.
yr internet weirdo, cackalackers.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2009, 18:23, Reply)
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