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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I like breasts.
.......just saying.

And what's quick reply?
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 17:58, 46 replies, latest was 15 years ago)
it's this

(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 18:17, Reply)
Ahhhhh! I actually like this.

(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 18:22, Reply)
and I concur
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 18:18, Reply)
You must have done cross stitch before...
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 18:25, Reply)
I have dabbled with embroidery in my yoof.
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 18:28, Reply)
I am about to attempt some.
Wookiee is rather negative about my chance of success, especially as my thread card was missing and there appears to be no burnt orange.
It looks impossible :(
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 18:41, Reply)
What are you embroidering?

(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 19:10, Reply)
Damn your ninja edit!
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 19:11, Reply)
I'm getting to grips with typing on a laptop.

(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 19:15, Reply)
You should see my instant messaging on this netbook...
I may as well just sit and honk like a goose instead of typing
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 19:15, Reply)
Oooo! I like that.
Gooosy girl.
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 19:20, Reply)

(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 19:28, Reply)
I am making a book mark.
I have decided to just make it up.
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 19:12, Reply)
Go you!
I used to do lots of patchwork stuff.
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 19:15, Reply)
Ooo, me too!
I once made Dutch-ex # 1 a patchwork quilt based on Escher's tessallated lizards. Now I never seem to have the time or inclination. I'm still intending to hem the living room curtains that I bought 5 years ago.
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 20:06, Reply)
I did one based on Piet-Mondrian's Boogiewoogie Broadway.
I was on the dole when I did most of mine.
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 20:17, Reply)
You should make one out of your knickers of Jeff Bridge's face
and send it to him.
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 20:46, Reply)
ooooo! good idea.
If that doesn't get him to notice me then nothing will.
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 21:05, Reply)
i spent today felting
with my friend

then we contemplated drop spinning, but didn't have a potato
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 21:22, Reply)
Rock and roll!
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 21:27, Reply)
I'm claiming that since they commercialised everything 'alternative' the only real alternative is making stuff yourself. That, or we're a pair of 30ish women spending saturdays talking about wool
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 21:30, Reply)
Oh, damn my old eyes, that's not what you said at all.
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 21:40, Reply)
Your're one sick puppy.

(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 21:42, Reply)
to be fair on B3TA there was more chance of it being felching

(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 21:50, Reply)
I was going to do a strikethough of that
but it's kind of moot now!
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 21:59, Reply)
i get irritated by birds who have them half hanging out
or have a t-shirt with summat written across the baps who say,

does my swede in.
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 18:30, Reply)
Ooh, nothing like a nice deep v-neck
to show the wares!
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 18:36, Reply)
mine are always out, sod it
it distracts the eye from the 19 stone arse and ginger hair
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 18:40, Reply)
Also makes a large chest look smaller. *Goks*
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 18:41, Reply)
i like fat boyfriends
if they dont start off fat i feed them up. this makes me look smaller.
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 18:44, Reply)
My mother goes "what you got them on show for???"
and I say "I'm making then look smaller. Besides your polo neck makes yours look even bigger, you tart!"
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 18:47, Reply)
oh man I totally got my tattoo under my breast

(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 18:53, Reply)
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 19:11, Reply)
no im totally joking
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 19:29, Reply)
I'm soooo getting my surface peircing soon. Just need to check the place I go to does them.

Microdermal at the base of the neck.
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 19:36, Reply)
oh er
I'll see what I can do

I thought about getting a surface piercing before but it just skeeves me out a bit, I saw a girl at a restaurant with one between her collarbones but it was just one, no like a barbell.
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 20:06, Reply)
That's a microdermal.

(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 20:18, Reply)
I had no idea
this apparently has a lot of info....AND videos!
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 20:22, Reply)
Check out ......

The internet bible of tattoos and peircings.
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 20:24, Reply)
it told me I had already looked at 80 pictures and I needed a membership to continue
I'd like to get another piercing....dang it BGB, now I'm thinking about getting one, it's ALL your fault
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 20:41, Reply)
: )
Join the dark side.
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 20:44, Reply)
I've had loads, the only one I have right now is an industrial
I'm thinking a monroe
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 20:46, Reply)
I like industrials.
And Monroes look pretty. Go for it. I'll post pics of mine when I get it done.
(, Sat 13 Mar 2010, 21:07, Reply)
Apparently big boobs are on the increase.
(, Sun 14 Mar 2010, 8:30, Reply)
Prayer DOES work.
(, Sun 14 Mar 2010, 11:43, Reply)
breasts are great.

(, Sun 14 Mar 2010, 20:15, Reply)

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