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This is a question Question of the Week suggestions

Each week we ask a question. The idea is to generate material that's:

* interesting to read, i.e. we won't get bored of reading the answers after about 10 of them
* not been asked on this site before
* fun to answer

What would you like to ask? (We've left this question open - so feel free to drop in ideas anytime.)

(, Wed 14 Jan 2004, 13:01)
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what's the best thing you've ever done with your nipples?

(, Mon 23 Aug 2004, 18:25, Reply)
what's your worst sexual injury?

(, Mon 23 Aug 2004, 18:23, Reply)
Who has been the biggest
w**ker you've worked with and why?
(, Mon 23 Aug 2004, 17:02, Reply)
May require research from parents
What do your parents REALLY, TRUELY and HONESTLY believe that you do when you go out/go to uni/leave town? Not what they worry about you doing, or hope you're doing, but what deep down, they really think you do. (My dad thinks I'm a cocaine addict and my mum thinks I drink a lot)
(, Sun 22 Aug 2004, 15:13, Reply)
what was your most expensive mistake?
molecular markers are very expensive. Even more so when you add one extra base in each sequence by mistake. £3500 - ouch. Still waiting to hear about my future...
(, Fri 20 Aug 2004, 17:37, Reply)
best vom
best question, combines drunkenness and toilet humour together their a bit like love and carriages
(, Thu 19 Aug 2004, 21:39, Reply)
is nothing ever finished on time? And so why do we need deadlines after all?

in a Family Guy kinda voice: think about it... :-P
(, Thu 19 Aug 2004, 18:17, Reply)
Why do we need to sleep?
(, Wed 18 Aug 2004, 6:48, Reply)
Oh god - what do you want THIS time ?
... is what I always say when one of those people who stand on street corners with clip boards and pen in hand approach with an evil gleam in their mad eyes. Well, actually, I've never said that, because last time this happened I stepped in front of a bus(1) to avoid talking to them. In hindsight it would have been better if *they* had stepped in front of a bus.
(1) Didn't really happen but it makes it sound more exciting, no?

People with clip boards? Most people tell them to twunt off, but what do they *WANT* ?
(, Wed 18 Aug 2004, 4:10, Reply)
What is the strangest insult you've ever received?
for example: someone once yelled at me "shift my wank" from a second story window after I'd been giving him shit about his dodgy guitar practice.
(, Wed 18 Aug 2004, 3:45, Reply)
Worst alcohol related stories
ever go on a week long bender? I know I have
(, Wed 18 Aug 2004, 3:39, Reply)
which one was better
the book or the movie? and why

hmm, maybe to simple, but I tried... 'night 'night now
(, Wed 18 Aug 2004, 2:45, Reply)
Relative and /or wedding receptions from hell
Uncle bob, pissed, with his shirt off, on the stage, microphone in hand, as posh in laws cringe......jesus wept
(, Tue 17 Aug 2004, 9:27, Reply)
If you had the opportunity to be a superhero,
who would you be? What powers would you have, and where would they spring forth from? What costume and name would you have, if any? Would you have any cool gear, or would your superpowers suffice? I don't know, but I am damn sure that I'd have a batcave! Hell yeah!
(, Mon 16 Aug 2004, 21:48, Reply)
have you ever ruined any parties?
i know i have.
(, Mon 16 Aug 2004, 14:13, Reply)
hm.. i would say:
"what is the best way to hold a duck like a duck?"
(, Mon 16 Aug 2004, 10:04, Reply)
Why are you reading this?
Don't you have better things to do? I know I don't.
That's a good question. Or is it?
(, Mon 16 Aug 2004, 7:55, Reply)
Why is it that when someone is sick..
there are always carrots in it?
(, Sat 14 Aug 2004, 20:16, Reply)
i think
which celeb would you like to harpoon and why?
(hehehe die britney)
(, Sat 14 Aug 2004, 11:39, Reply)
Will there ever be another question of the week?
Might as well change it to question of the fortnight!
(, Thu 12 Aug 2004, 11:28, Reply)
Were you a bully at highschool? On who and why?

Did you get bully'd on at highschool? By who and why?
(, Thu 12 Aug 2004, 9:57, Reply)
Here a few to ponder over
1) Whats the strangest question you've ever been asked?
2) Whats the meaning of existance?
3) Who let the dog's out?
4) How many roads must a man walk down before he is called a man?
5) If you had your own website (assuming you dont already) what would you call it?
6) If a train leaves a station at 12am and travels with 20 passengers at a rate of 60mph and another train going the same way leaves at 2:15am carrying 15 passengers at 50mph, at what time will the crash be reported on the news?
(, Wed 11 Aug 2004, 19:08, Reply)
What's your favourite wanking technique?
Probably been said already.

edit: fixed grammar.
(, Wed 11 Aug 2004, 17:38, Reply)
mineral water has been dripping from springs for millions of years, why does it go out of date in the next year?
(, Tue 10 Aug 2004, 1:21, Reply)
What are you ashamed to have on your computer?

What is the one thing no-one you know knows about you?
(, Sun 8 Aug 2004, 21:52, Reply)
Are you a bummer tied to a tree?
Its the modern day witch hunt.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2004, 19:35, Reply)
what's your favourite geeky joke?

(, Sun 8 Aug 2004, 10:32, Reply)
porn and music didn't exist would the internet be a black hole of nothingness sucking in all that dared question it's pulling power?
(, Sun 8 Aug 2004, 4:02, Reply)
we should
ask for which celebrities/dead people/politicians we would like to to turn into varying species of animals.
(, Sat 7 Aug 2004, 16:14, Reply)
Chav removal
Think Chav - not scared of the police but very scared of social services. How many ways can you find to be concerned that these poor children need a helpful social worker? how many locals can you find who agree?

Home alone? oh dear, no parental supervision? deary deary me, You need to protect these poor innocents. Fill your boots
(, Fri 6 Aug 2004, 16:36, Reply)

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