What new bit of language are you hearing at the moment? We want to hear words and phrases, with definitions and where it's being used. We're interested in marketing speak, stuff from kids in playgrounds etc.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 14:00)
This question is now closed.

pwnd= owned= i totally beat you
werd= word= i agree/yes/hello/whatever you want it to mean
ka-blammo= cool
dickin refriculous= frickin rediculous
mastoned= shanked
(all of the above are ones I use)
"shut up, person of alternative lifestyle"= "shut up fag"= "shut up moron/dumbass/etc."
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 3:59, Reply)

it means "boobs"
As in "my chi-chis are bigger than that in real life"
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 3:46, Reply)

Yo = You
Duuude = Man
Wazzzzup = What's Up
Check It = Get Ready
Sick = Cool/Nasty
Gay = Dumb/Stupid/Offending/Gay
All Get Used At My School Amongst Us 5th Graders! I Use Them But Still Think That They're Stupid!
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 2:01, Reply)

definately up there.
I'm a master at that one.
*sneaks off*
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 1:54, Reply)

"Dude, that's so tesco value"
"Korma? that's a surrey curry"
"What a bunch of sex offenders/pests*"
*delete where appropriate.
Nob nostril
go to gayness
you invented gayness
you wet the bed
"creating a four legged freak" the act of intercourse.
"billy bunter" = punter
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 1:24, Reply)

I took to saying Phlegm instead of Fuck for a while.
Drongo, was exported to peterborough from austrailia.
I also rip some words off from 2000 ad, Like funt or Funtwipe. Soth and some other made up curses are good for confusing people.
Oh and do Asian people in towns other than bradford or peterborough use Cha-Cha to describe each other?
Context of 'Me and My Cha-Chas are going to town'
I am not sure if it is slang or a Punjabi/Urdu word.
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 1:07, Reply)

Even i'm not sure what it means. It's just an interesting form of abuse.
I also use "In your ear" which is another form of abuse. It's a bit more polite than saying cock in ear!
I'll be off then!
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 0:45, Reply)

recently i've taken to saying, "that's going in my suicide note."
i guess it sort of means, "hey, you hurt my feelings, jerk!"
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 0:44, Reply)

our table football captain came up with the phrase that he was "dicking all over him".
We now use it generally for winning by a long margin.
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 0:41, Reply)

for less experienced.
Twas a response to a question pointed toward manglement regarding the new way that junior doctors will be trained.
Student: So, we'll be less experienced then?
Manglement: Well - you'll be 'differently experienced'...
Cue a lot of laughter.
Manglement: Sorry - I don't understand why you're all laughing at that...
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 0:21, Reply)

is fond of saying 'Sweet Jesus riding Horseback in Wessex!'.
But I should probably save that for the non-sequiturs survey next week.
"Quenting" (pr. "kwenting") - it's an older way of saying "Cunting", and it's gram-proofed: quentan means "to quench" as well.
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 0:19, Reply)

My mate Ben (although from somewhere Northern) called people a "cod-eye" or occasionally "eye of the cod" which replaced plonker/wazzock for a while in various corners of Bristol University between 2000 and 2002. Very strange.
Cod-eye indeed.
What ever happened to wazzocks?
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 23:55, Reply)

who when ever you got an answer right or somthing she would shout AAAAAAAACCCCCCEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! which always caused every one to burst out laughing.
ohh and she also said when ever any thing was slightly hard TRICKY!!!!! wich had simalar results, these words soon became common tong in our group
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 23:27, Reply)

spouted from my mouth during a rather w*nky lecture, followed by "I think the answer is a big resounding......no" said incredibly dead pan. this is now everyday stuff.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 23:16, Reply)

were sat on the sofa calling celine dion, and she said "sleen"
2 months later after deciding it would mean good I walked along the street and heard genuine bona fide rude boys saying "nawwwww man its sleen"
woo for tom in da hood!
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 23:11, Reply)

oh, and to ask someone for a piece of paper, the children often say, "cut me off a slice."
and also, "chang," after raymond chang (the man who wrote the text we use for AP chemistry), can be used in pretty much any fashion. my favorite is "go chang yourself!"
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 22:52, Reply)

Say it. It sounds foul.
e.g. "You filthy cunner"
It means nothing and has refernece nowhere. It was someone's surname (Irish I remember) and it got used once in anger...once an never again. It sounds a bit like 'Cunt', has 'Cunni Lingus' qualities and there's a touch of 'bugger' in there too.
Try it. Say it with arrogance and people will be very offended.
Youth speak?
'To get lean' and 'Getting lean' means to partake in the inhilation of cannabis products.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 22:52, Reply)

"Thats what she said" Said after pretty much anything. eg "Where did I put the TV remote?" "Thats what she said." Stemmed from "thats what your mum said last night" but we're too lazy to say that.
Extends nicely:
guy 1: I'm bored
guy 2: Thats what she said
guy 1: And then she died
guy 2: But I still had my wicked way with her
etc etc
"Comfortable" instead of stoned.
"Lashed" instead of pissed. Not new, but on a comeback.
"Wrecked off the pills/cowies" or "On a wicked E buzz" whenever you're taking the piss out of townies.
And say "that's fair" whenever anything is remotely acceptable.
Awww and "wicked criac" "good craic" "bad craic." depending on what the craic is. ("Whats the craic?" "It's about 2 inches long and hairy")
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 22:51, Reply)

A fair few of which are of my invention...
"Yeah, you'd think so..."
"Why are you still talking?"
"How about you shut the fuck up"
Those three stop people talking pretty quickly...
"I'd buy that for a dollar!" (actually from Robocop)
"Reduced!" (from Rise Of Nations)
These are used in relation to games... Like, when you've just kicked someone's ass in C&C or Worms, you just trashed them... Or you shout "Trasha-rasha-rasha-rash-him!" to encourage someone to trash...
Oh, and "yeah, I had a huge pork on/it gave me a huge boner"... when something is good...
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 22:50, Reply)

Everything is propper, eg that's propper good
Mac = shite
bare = lots
innit = isn't it
tut = crap
chocolate = useless (as in chocolate teapot)
it's a bit dj = cheap and nasty (noize boy speak)
blaze = joint or to smoke a joint
muts nut = good
bit of a lara = a person who shags to improve their position in a social group / profession
bit of a dave = an alcoholic
bit of charlie = coke head
bit of a em = stoner
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 22:46, Reply)

especially while i'm in parking lots, i like to link together strings of words including "anal," "whore," "wart," "dingus," and "cock," all linked together by the word "dildo."
for instance, if a school bus backs out of a spot without looking, while i'm going past, i'll yell something like, "anal my dingle winkus dildo mother suck-ass dildo bitch!" which means, basically, "i hate you!"
also, to "headgut" someone is to ram your head into their stomach. it's just something my friend does...
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 22:39, Reply)

Um a lot is Weebl & Bob-esque, natch, with the 'lo' eg Lo Tom, and 'mmmm' as in mmmmm pie, mmmmm ladies etc.
A very local one is 'nish lowie.' Meaning 'no money' but used for almost anything now. Best shouted at mates in pubs eg "Lowie?" "Ner, nish lowie!"
The charvers (townies) started saying "nu" instead of hello a few years ago, and it's kind of stuck. It sounds awful but its so fun to say eg "Nu mate!"
Me and one mate say "lol" and "meh" out loud aswell, thank god its not just us. Same with "rolf" (roll on floor laughing misspelled.)
See also "gay," "ooooooh kittens" (after seeing that cute site) "ooooh hedgehogs" (after that other cute site!) and "ooooh [anything else you see]"
All pretty northern stuff, near Newcastle.
haha "feck" like Father Ted aswell.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 22:38, Reply)

"Grandma" (meaning dangerous, i.e. 'Careful man, she looks grandma!') a lot, and probably stole it from somewhere. I've no idea where though.
"Nollocks" (definitely stolen from Viz, a polite form for use in conversations such as these - 'Don't talk fuckin nollocks, vicar, of course you'll have some more tea!')
"Twonk" (idiot)
"Scoop" (as in a scoop of beer in pint format)
and finally...
"SOD syndrome" (Speak Of the Devil)
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 22:38, Reply)

"you tit"
"you cock"
"you mingulous mong"
and whenever someone says something, for example : Im going to ring the police!
someone would say " REALLY! ACTUAL POLICE! "
"yes. actual police."
"oh goody, dont want none of those fake police"
or something. Im tired.
another great one at the moment amongst the inline skaters is merely an interjection during a missed trick ie: skater comes up to rail, misses, slips down stairs going "BLEEEEUUUUUUOOOOOOORRRRRRGGH"
or something. oh well.
Quim is a good one.
and so is willy.
willy is a big and clever word.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 22:24, Reply)

None of them have managed to get into mainstream circulation, as far as I know, but one that I do use myself is "cumberbarrier". That is one of those metal fences along the sides of roads in really annoying places, that you have to go a really long way around to get to somewhere on the other side of the road.
Also a "queuecumber" is one of the "car seat belts on poles" fences that you get in banks, at the tills in department stores etc..
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 22:18, Reply)

..as a kind of a joke, because our thirteen year old middle brother is dangerously hooked on CS, thus using lots of time, which could be used to woo-yay in b3ta. I am from Finland, so l33t therefore gets quite a interesting and an awkward accent. I personally use the word "gay", or the Finnish alternative: "homo/homoa", when something sucks, and the expressions: "ultrak00l/cyberiä", when something is in order.
A typical swear-one-liner would be "Voihan vadelma", which translates simply as: "Oh raspberry". The word "Juippi" (slacker/wanker) is also frequently used.
Also, when a rampage shall occur I shout out: "Jumalauta, mitä riehujia!" (could be translated as: "Goddman, what barmies!")
Now you can spend your afternoon trying to pronounce these. Sorry for the long post, but always when I was going to send this, I suddenly remembered a another popular saying and had to include it too...
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 22:17, Reply)

when I was (briefly) in the Army we made up a word...
"HAMMO" (Half Arsed Mickey Mouse Operation)
..to describe someone who was generally a bit, um, slow.
Meanwhile, having spent probably all my life casually calling people a 'berk', I recently found out what it actually means... it's rhyming slang for the filthiest word you can think of. (You're a right BERKELEY HUNT, you are). Nice.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 22:14, Reply)

you call greasy, gawky, pimply, smelly guys "critters".
Ex: "You think any of the guys here are hot?"
"Nah, they're all critters".
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 22:03, Reply)

from the anime society (almost every time im on b3ta so everyday)., when where in the middle of talking or have nothing to say we just say (in hill billy grannie style) "it Vash the stampeade!"
heheheh kills bad feelings like THAT!
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 21:49, Reply)
This question is now closed.