What new bit of language are you hearing at the moment? We want to hear words and phrases, with definitions and where it's being used. We're interested in marketing speak, stuff from kids in playgrounds etc.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 14:00)
This question is now closed.

that kids are now using scoper instead of spastic since the spastics society have changed their name to scope.
Ingenious little tykes...
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 10:29, Reply)

bus - omnibus
tv - television set
yeah - absospiffinglutely
xmas - Christmas
speaking of Christmas - been anywhere recently Mapper?
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 10:22, Reply)

Think you've got that last one a bit pete tong.
Anyway a few business/publishing ones:
"drilling down" - basically researching a new product, based on a niche part of an existing range.
"actionable" - something that you can action.
"action" - do
"upskilling" - training
"leverage" - use
"facilitate" - well it used to mean help or assist. Seems to just be a way of saying 'get stuff done' now.
And so on. One of the joys of working for an ill-educated salesboy is that you get to hear this shit all day.
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 10:17, Reply)

...not so new but heavily underused. Also 'custard', which is another great combination of 2 profanities.
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 10:15, Reply)

fucktard - fairly obvious
monkey boy - not an uber geek, but someone who is so shit they may as well not have the opposable thumbs they were born with.
Suck my hairy eggs - no
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 10:10, Reply)

It's still my favourite word. Whats yours?
(Am I showing my age here?)
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 10:08, Reply)

i'm so amused by the way all these nar dans talk, every sentence contains the word dan atleast once...
"Nar dan you want beef?"
confused i reply...
"my name isn't dan its amy and no i dont want any beef because i'ma vegetarian"
that showed that fucker. i HATE THEM! they need an atitude adjustment.
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 9:48, Reply)

"She could eat an apple through a tennis racket!"
Normally used to describe a lady with very unfortunate teeth.
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 9:45, Reply)

Dog's Cock!!
I love this one.
David Blaine = Dog's Cock!
Flat Tyre = Dog's Cock!
Someone pulls out on you = Dog's Cock!!
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 9:44, Reply)

What me and the 'boys' say about ugly women
She's got a face like a bucket of smashed crabs.
She's got a face like a clumsy bee keeper
She's got a face like a rat catchers mallet
She's got a face like a blind cobblers thumb
And if shes got a massive fanny we say...
Shes got a fanny like a hippos yawn.
Also we use, swinging, minging, gopping, hanging for ugly chicks.
Umm i see a repetition here...ugly chicks...D'oh
Also slang for...
bad/gone wrong - uber dark/darkside/dark
cool/ace - safe/fucking A/wicked
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 9:40, Reply)

Check out the "Nutford Speak" page. I wpould have linked directly, but I can't actually access this website because my internet has TO MUCH bandwidth.
Also, for anyone who's ever heard the term "Berk", meaning fool, idiot, dullard, etc. it comes from the Victorian London rhyming slang "Berkshire Hunt", which rhymes with, as one of my teachers at school used to say, "bank manager".
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 9:24, Reply)

- a foolish person. Origin: Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 9:18, Reply)

...The youths today referring to disabled people as 'Scopers'. The irony is that The Spastic Society changed its name to Scope after the Jimmy-Deacon-Spacker furore of the 1970s.
The other is the term 'No Stars' applied to an idiotic person and comparing him to a McDonalds worker who has no stars, not even the personal hygiene one.
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 9:13, Reply)

I just heard it on TV and it made me giggle like a schoolgirl.
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 9:01, Reply)

I was in my local (which I used to run) yesterday and I was talking to one of the staff TinTin and his dad cam in at just the right time to see him drop a glass onto the floor which bounced several times and then, just as we all thought it was going to survive, rolled to a gentle stop in the middle of the floor before disintegrating. This was so impressive we all expected a burning wooden cart wheel to come rolling out of the debris.
Anyway, TinTin's dad propmptly turned round in the middle of the pub and shouted "Aw Paul, you district nurse". It would appear that where he is from (Yorkshire somewhere) or at least in his family that the worst possible swear word you can say is DISTRICT NURSE!!!!
Also, the word Riggwelter (a beer made by the Black Sheep Brewery in Yorkshire) is a local dialect word for a sheep laying on it's back with all 4 legs in the air. See quote from Black Sheep website:
Riggwelter: from the Old Norse: rigg-back and velte – to overturn. When a sheep is on its back and cannot get up without help, local Yorkshire dialect says it is rigged or riggwelted.
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 8:10, Reply)

derivative of "closed" pronounced "cloozed" and usually said really fast, sometimes in conjunction with "nu!" (no).
some uses -
"nu nu nu nu nu clused" = no, absolutely not, end of discussion.
in response to a proposition to drink more = "no, i'm drunk enough" or "no, i'm about ready to go to bed"
can also refer to the state of being cut off from the bar, whether voluntarily or no, eg.
"he was overly rowdy last night, so he's clused for a week" or "nah, i'm not feeling well so i'm clused tonight. tomorrow i'll give 'er though."
that reminds me, give 'er (or just giv'r)! if you haven't seen "fubar" go rent it. again, several meanings...
1) drink a lot, as in "whoa, you look like hell this morning." "yeah, i really gave 'er last night."
2) something like "okay, i'm ready" or "go ahead"
3) common thing to say before doing shots somewhat like a toast
4) work really hard
woo for alcoholic kid's camp staff...
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 8:00, Reply)

Fandangle - Not a clue what it means, but it sounds fun.
Owned - To "Own" someone/thing - to be considrably better than it.
Pwned - Same, with P instead of O
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 7:37, Reply)

hatein' it= to not like something
twat rocket= tampon
"denis"= combo of dumb+penis as in a dumb well hung guy you use for sex
wiggly wang=cock
cunny bun= vag.
narf= to vomit through one's nose
that's all i can think of for now
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 7:31, Reply)

also suck ass mule is a good all around descriptive i think its from a John Wayne movie but i altered it to suck egg mule when i was a youngin
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 7:12, Reply)

well i may not be a youngin in school or nuthin but im hip to the new lingo and i think fo shizzy my nizzy and the like are the best new slang and catchy at that that have come out of this great collective mind we have
fo shizzy my nizzy - for real my brotha
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 7:07, Reply)

Out here in Aus, the natives (and by that I mean anyone with an ocker accent) seem to think far less about swearing than they do in the UK, so far as I can tell the only word that is considered a swear word is the "c" word. "Fuck" may be frowned on a little but you can generally get away with that to all but your 80 year old auntie.Other than that, everything else seems to be fair game. In fact, I was stunned when watching a vodaphone ad out here on prime-time tv:
"Heres the new vodaphone deal. No contract, no line rental, no blah blah" and so on for several lines, then right at the end, "in fact there's no bollocks!" . Took me 5 attempts at watching that ad, before I was sure my ears weren't deceiving me.
Other than that, I can't think of many others, I've been trying to get Woo-yay into the local vernacular, but only had limited success, and that was in an online game.
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 6:49, Reply)

favourites are:
super cool: obvious meaning
felcher: someone who sucks jizz from a bung hole
so unfairness, as in:
"hey matey, you can't go to the circus"
reply: "that's so unfairness"
jiminy crickets as a supplement for 'wow'
"you just won the lottery"
"jiminy crickets"
uterus: to imply girliness
"i'm not coming to the pub, i'm tired"
"ow, my uterus hurts... just come you snaff"
snaff also implies girliness
snow leopard: a raving homo
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 6:21, Reply)

420 is used to say its time to smoke pot. Aka.
Stoner 1: what time is it?
Stoner 2: Dude, it's 420! Light up!
Also, my personal favorite. not exactly new.
It's all good = everything is fine
Person 1: Sorry, didn't mean to bump into you.
Me: It's all good.
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 6:19, Reply)

Smoke The Bone (as in - do you smoke the bone -asked if a friend is being "gay/retarded")
Badly Packed Kebab (female genitilia)
Pinger - MDMA cap.(I got some pingers, hes pinging...)
Dance Commander (electric six again - used to indicate someone is pinging off their tits and dancing like a demon)
Cheeky - Q-"anyone want a beer?" A-"just a cheeky one"
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 5:41, Reply)

I moved away to university at the begining of the school year, and I still have a lot of slang from my hometown that I still use. Confuses the heck out of people.
Chate: Stupid, beneath my notice.
"Basketweaving 101 is such a chate class."
Geeve (or Gieve.. no idea how to spell this): to listen to reason.
Person 1: I want the pink one
Person 2: But the blue one is better looking, less expensive, and goes "beep" when you poke it.
Person 1: Okay, I geeve (buys the blue one)
Ricer: One of those guys who buys a really cheap import car, then adds neon lights, a rediculous spoiler, and a sound system that can be heard on the opposite side of the Atlantic, all in an attempt to look cool.
"That guy with the big 'Honda' stickers on his Honda is such a Ricer."
Finger flicking: it's not a saying, but a gesture. You relax the muscles in your hand and flick your wrist really quickly next to your head. Your fingers then hit together and make a snapping sound. This is usually acompanied by saying "Oooooohhhh!!!!!!" This means something along the lines of "You're the man."
Person 1: I had sex with many beautiful women last night.
Person 2: Ooooooohhh!!!!! (flicks fingers)
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 5:17, Reply)

There are some others that my guy friends like to say. For example, whenever someone says something stupid the, offending comment is usually met with " I think I hate you." Another thing said in similar context is "Cockshoulder" which basically means leaning against the person's shoulder with one's man part..
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 5:12, Reply)

Came up with a few around a BBQ one night. All terms of abuse,
Urine Gourd
Meat Hole
When I turned and called my friend a "Feces Purse" he replyed with a great one, spat out in anger...
"Flappy Slap Bags"
I think thats a winner.
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 4:37, Reply)

"Not so much..." is going around. It's also been heard in Denver, Colorado and Fredericton, New Brunswick.
WEAK! is also gaining popularity here.
Examples: Dude, that was WEAK!
Response: Hmm... Not so much...
( , Mon 2 Feb 2004, 4:33, Reply)
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