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This is a question The Soundtrack of your Life

Che Grimsdale writes: Now that Simon Cowell's stolen Everybody Hurts, tell us about songs that mean something to you - good, bad, funny or tragic, appropriate or totally inappropriate songs that were playing at key times.

(, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 13:30)
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spent about an hour going down on the mrs
while celine dion played in the background. drove my flat mates nuts. but probably better than the time i fell asleep with "perfect day" on my cd player set to repeat! (fell asleep / left to go to the pub / came back the next day - same thing really!)
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 23:39, Reply)
Craft's Xenophobia.
An absolutely amazing song to listen to when you feel like you want to snap someone in half...
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 21:38, Reply)
A ring ding ding...
I had a mind bendingly good orgasm to the frog song once because at that point I was in no position to be changing the station on the radio. I must be one of the few people in the world, if not the only one, with happy memories of that song.

A ring ding ding ding.....
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 20:42, Reply)
"Sexy Chick" reminds me of the time I took a claw-hammer to David Guetta's head in the hope of spilling his smug, joyless, mediocre French brains onto the pavement.
The realisation it was only a dream did not diminish the satisfaction I felt on finishing the job.
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 20:01, Reply)
A Riga stag weekend
Sat in a strip club, watching some bored girls grind themselves against a pole for the 5th time, getting slowly and expensively drunk.... the tepid europop stops

next tune.... Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting

a very odd moment. i left on the first bar of portishead's glory box - i wasnt having that spoiled

(later that evening the groom's brother had a private dance, set to the song he'd had as first dance at his wedding.)
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 19:21, Reply)
Repost from a while back:
Wet fucking Wet fucking Wet.

Got married to a lunatic (in a nice way) Polish girl a few years back, who turned into a bit of a Psycho.
Got married in the little registrars office in York, all very exiting, few friends and family etc.
Now, with a registry wedding, you don't get a rehearsal, so we turned up about 20 mins before the sevice and they talked us through what we should do, when to enter the room etc.
The lovely lady asked us if we'd like a bit of music in the background as we walked up the isle, and me, thinking it would be nice not to walk up in silence, said aye.
The registrar instructed us to stand outside the door, and wait for everyone to be seated, and then walk in when we heard the music.
So, me and the looney are standing outside, when all we hear is:

"I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes..."

I very was fucking apopletic with rage, but there was nothing I could do about it.
I got married to the strains of Wet fucking Wet fucking Wet, singing the theme from Fucking Four Weddings and a Cunting Funeral.

Should've know that the marriage was doomed from then on.
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 16:46, 2 replies)
I came over a bit fast and the furious the other day when some burk in a chaved up nova started revving hard at some traffic lights in Liverpool. At the exact same time as I left him in my dust (my car goes quicker than it looks) MC Hammer came on the radio: "Can't touch this, bur bur bur bur. bur bur. bur." Excellent.
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 15:33, 3 replies)
Anathema - J'ai Fait Une Promesse
A beautiful acoustic, female-vocalled track from an extremely heavy doom metal album.
Always makes me cry, without fail. I have no idea why, and don't really mind that.
Sometimes it's just to feel moved.
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 15:25, 4 replies)
repost: Come Sail Your Ships Around Me.
In this post, I told the story of how I gained the notice of Alice, and noted that I eventually went out with her. This post is about how we actually became an item.

One glorious day I went on a date with Alice. Or at least sort of. Me and Alice and a couple of other people were going to see Nick Cave, but the others dropped by the wayside. Backsliders and hypocrites unwilling to answer the call of Saint Nick, and yet I silently thanked rather than cursed them, and when the day came it was just the two of us.

Could you have but seen the magnificence of me that day! Clad in four shades of black, my hair a very Icarus ascending to the heavens, and as if servants went before me throwing rose petals, a pleasant scent of hair products attended all. Mephistopheles in denim, ready to tempt who he will, and no doubt these things in my stomach are no butterflies but sleek and scintillant incubbi.

I arrived early. Actually three hours early, so anxious was I to not be late. So there was no-one there but people setting up, and this one guy drinking at the bar...

No way. Fuck, I think it is.

"Excuse me...are you Mick Harvey?"

He turned to me, and replied

"Yes, I am."

Even then I didn't know whether it was really him, or just some random fan having a lend of me. He pretty much looked like every other male that was going to be there:

(although in our minds we looked more like this:)

"I...I really loved 'The Adversary'. That was pretty much my favourite song for a while."

At the mention of his lesser-known solo career he bid me sit down (no mean feat in my jeans) and talk to him. Soon we got on to my meeting Alice and the whole situation.

"Are you gunna ask her to be your girlfriend?" he asked when I'd finished.
"Oh, yeah...I mean, not today. Soon, when it's..."
"No!" he slammed his hands on to the bar, and I jumped.

"No! You've got to ask her today. Today or you won't ask her at all. You'll wait and wait for the right time, and there'll always be some reason not to, and then you never will, and she'll go out with Some. One. Else!" the last emphasised with more crashing of hands.

"No, I will, I really.." I said weakly, for it was as my heart was a bell, and those hands the clapper that struck it truly, bringing forth the note that was within me.

"No, you won't. You say you will but you won't. Listen.." and here he leant forward, and his voice lowered.

"Listen...you know what groupies are?"

I nodded.

"We get groupies man. Everywhere, just...beautiful girls. And, it's not...it's not the same thing..."

He stopped, and turned away from me. Did he softly say the word 'Deanna', or has my imagination added that in?

Again his eyes looked into mine, and he held my suit-coated arms.

"I want you to promise me, promise me now, that you'll ask her today."

"O..OK, OK, I promise" I said, actually a bit scared of him, and more than ever wondering if this was really Mick Harvey, or if this was a drunk who had been pretending to be the bass player from AC/DC last week.

"Good man. Good man. I've gotta go and get ready, but yeah, good to meet you apeloverage."

And with that he left.

My brain awhirl, I simply sat for an unknown time, until both relief and new fear came in the form of Alice herself.

I considered casually mentioning that "yeah, I was just talking to Mick Harvey actually. Cool guy", but said nothing. Almost literally nothing. I wasn't that good at talking to girls at the best of times, and this was the worst of times.

The support band passed by like the last bus, and then it was time.

And the guy I was talking wasn't one of the band.

I actually grinned, so great was my relief. If he wasn't Mick Harvey, then I didn't have to follow his advice, which was no doubt part of the jape, trying to get me to make an ass of myself. Or so I told myself.

Some time later, and "all right, this is the last one! This is called the Ship Song!" But wait! The guitarist (Blixa Bargeld) made 'hang on' motions to Nick.

"Hello...er, I am Blixa Bargeld."

"And...er, Mick Harvey was not able to play today, because he fell ill. But he has a note here, which he wants me to read."

"'I met someone before the gig today called apeloverage. And he promised me that he was going to do something. But I don't think he's going to.'"

Oh no. Alice looked at me, and I looked at my oncoming doom.

"'So, I'm going to do it for him. Alice Liddell, apeloverage really likes you, and he wants to know if you would be his girlfriend.'"

And she did.
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 15:18, 6 replies)

At the risk of sounding melodramatic, my life hasn't exactly been made of glitter and sparkly fairydust. It's actually been pretty damn shit for the last several years, but from lurking I know loads of you have had it worse, so I'll keep my mouth shut on that count for now.

And while the entire Break The Cycle album by Staind gets an honorable mention for helping me channel all the crap I was dealing with into writing through being on loop for hours upon hours, simultaneously annoying the holy hell out of my neighbours, the song I'd like to nominate is Laurel Canyon by Free Dominguez.

I believe it can still be found on her myspace, link below. (I'd do a fancy link thing but I don't know what sort of format these boards use, apologies.)


This song has done the impossible for me, cheered me up when I thought the whole world was against me and nothing would ever be right again. Even now, when I listen to it, I get this sort of bittersweet happiness, not because of the song itself but because I remember how far away those feelings used to be...

Damn. I didn't want my first post to be anywhere near this pathetic. Ah well. Better luck next time?
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 14:58, Reply)
Hawkwind - Silver Machine
Still my favourite band of all time, and this is the song that goes on whenever there's something inside me I can't express - an emotion I can't name or describe, but I know if I don't get it out, it will burn me like acid. I dance around with no trace of self-consciousness, I sing at the top of my voice, and it opens the pathways for the worst of whatever's inside me to get away. It has never failed to make me feel better afterwards.


They've done hundreds of other songs, but this, for me, is the ultimate one. Loud, fast, weird, trippy, and I can't hear the opening chords without the hair prickling on the back of my neck. The song itself isn't linked to any significant moment in my life the way some of the stories here have described, but there was one incident that sticks in my mind.

They were playing at the Liquid Rooms in Edinburgh a few years ago, so I trotted along to see them, and ended up at the very front. They launched into this one, and I saw this huge smile on Dave Brock's face. Now he must have played this song literally thousands of times in the several decades since they wrote it, and he still had this absolutely beatific smile on his face as he wired into it. It came across as a combination of "This is so much fun!" and "I still can't quite believe this is my job!".

Now this may just be that over the years he has consumed his entire body-weight in drugs, several times over, but I don't think so. The smile didn't just light up his face, it lit up his entire body. I can't hear the song now without thinking of that smile, and the echo of it lingers within me well after the song has ended.

Better than Prozac any day of the week.
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 14:27, Reply)
romantic ramones?
kurious oranj has just reminded me...

at 18, i had my first toy-boy experience - he was 17. being 1980, 'what i like about you' by the romantics was a popular tune and it became 'our song'. some months later, i was thrilled when his sister's husband bought us some tickets to see the ramones. on the way home, the not very bright boyfriend said "i wonder why they didn't play 'what i like about you'?" and then wondered why we all near peed ourselves laughing.

on a side note, the 'our song' with my one serious long-term partner was 'tainted love'. doomed from the start?
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 12:41, Reply)
The Cure.
I got my first wank (from someone else) while "Friday I'm in love" was playing on the radio. I can't hear that song without remembering it.

Length? Seemed to make her happy.
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 12:31, Reply)
There will be a few from me . . .
As there are some songs that remind me of important times in my life . . .

Not many of them are recent, as I seem to grimace at most of what I hear on popular radio (yeah, yeah, I'm old)

1. "Shining Down" - Lupe Fiasco
This song made me sit up a bit - I don't normally like the style, but I heard it on a radio station that prides itself on being "different," though it's not really (JJJ). Makes me think of the drive home
2. "Paralyzer" - Finger Eleven
I thought this song was a parody fro a while, then it seemed to receive some mainstream airplay. Heard whilst operating with a relatively cool boss, and used to relax in theatre
3. "The Nosebleed Section" - Hilltop Hoods
I heard of these guys whilst in NZ for some exams. This song makes me smile when I want to give the guy in the white van with no indicator the finger.
4. "Getting Away With It" - Sean Quinn and Guss Cullen
Another JJJ special. Also a nice tune to operate to.

1. "Bring Yourself Home To Me" - Jackson Code (and the entire album "The Things You Need")
Reminds me of the summer holidays just after Year 12 - I had nothing going on, nowhere to be, I was free . . .
2. "Low" - Cracker
First year Uni - attractive Arts Post-grad student too shy to ask me out, gave me this single,and told me it was the song he lived his life to. In retrospect, this is quite concerning . . .
3. "Every You, Every Me" - Placebo.
To my one-time friend at Uni, who became my short-time (2 week) boyfriend, but who made the next 2 years a shit of a time, by not wanting me, but not letting go.
3. "Golden Brown" - The Stranglers.
This song has always made me feel tingly as soon as I hear the opening chords, for as long as I can remember - and it's been around almost as long as me. Pity it's about heroin :)
4. "In Your Eyes" - Peter Gabriel
5. "Dream on" - Aerosmith
6. "Anna my Love" - Harvey Andrews
Three songs special for Legless and I. The first is the song he sent me when we first got together. I had never heard the lyrics, much less the song, but this is how my Legless saw me. The Harvey Andrews song is played when I'm on-call :)
7. "Nightswimming" - REM
I have been a big fan of REM for a long time. I own all their music, including the obscure import discs, special editions, etc.
This song comes from the first CD I ever bought - "Automatic for the People," when I finished high school.

I must admit, though - I got some new stuff to listen through, thanks to this QOTW . . .
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 11:38, 2 replies)
'Punctured bicycle, on a hillside desolate...'

Reminds me of losing myself cycling for hours in the countryside in Worcestershire growing up.

'A dreaded sunny day, so let's go where we're happy
and I'll meet you at the cemetery gates,
Keats and Yeats are on your side, but Wilde is on mine...'

Hanging around in town with mates when we were too young to go boozing. Yes, we sometimes read poetry... we were very pretentious.

'There's a club if you want to go?
You might meet somebody there who really loves you...
So you go, and you stand on your own, and you leave on your own
You go home and you cry and you want to die'

Describes many evenings in my teenage years, I think....

'If a ten-tonne truck kills the both of us,
To die by your side, the pleasure and the privilege is mine'

Falling in love for the first time.

'We cannot cling to those old dreams anymore,
No we cannot cling to those dreams
It wasn't like the old days anymore,
No it wasn't like those days...'

Finishing Uni, struggling to get a decent job, and finding myself sitting around in my parent's house again, feeling like I'd gone back to being teenager again.

'Frankly Mr Shankly this position I've held
It pays my way and it corrodes my soul
I want to leave, you will not miss me,
I want to go down in musical history.'

I'm thinking quite seriously about quitting my job at the company I've been at for 5 years. I can imagine this sort of conversation in my near future (apart from the 'musical history' bit).
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 11:29, 2 replies)
More Yellow Birds by Sparklehorse
- I was getting into the whole album, and particularly that song) when things with my first serious girlfriend started to go properly wrong
- When me and my Dad went to visit my Grandma in the Old People's home a few weeks before she died and took her out for a drive to go shopping, we'd hooked up my iPod to the stereo on shuffle (we've got similar tastes), and it was the only song of that came on which she liked. 'There's nice and pretty, isn' it... leave that on.'
- A friend from home was into that album too, and we put it on once in his car driving on the motorway through North Birmingham at night in a rainstorm. It was a very atmospheric moment, stuck vividly in my memory. He died two years back.


- Very beautiful, wistful song
- Bring back vivid memories
- Can't listen to it without remembering one relationship which went wrong, and two people close to me who've died in the past few years

I don't listen to it much any more, as I blub every time.
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 10:53, Reply)
As I work in the film industry...
I have a friend, John, who does animatronics. You know, the radio-controlled mechanical puppets they used to use for doing monsters before CGI came along and replaced them all (sorry John!).

Anyhoo a marathon drinking session resulted in the following agreement, sealed by drunken handshake.

If I die before I'm 35 John will rig me up (non-invasively) so that at my funeral I will sit up straight out of my coffin and perform the dance moves to the opening bars of Thriller before disappearing out of sight behind the curtain.

Click 'I like this' if you think I should go through with it. Also click 'I like this' if you think I shouldn't because it'll probably give my dear old dad a heart attack.
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 10:33, 4 replies)
This specific version of Moonlight Shadow.
Don't get me wrong, the original video to Mike Oldfield's version is awesome - this is still Mike Oldfried with Maggie Reilly.
After mum died, and I finally got my green card one month later, I went home to England for a couple of weeks.
"Pappa" as my brother and I call him....he's not our real dad, but we wish he was...he was with mum 4 years but a long time friend prior to that..
Pappa and I were watching Dr. Who one night, and it was the final episode with Rose in it (I only watch it sporadically on BBC Amercia, so not sure of the specifics).

And then, while going through some oldies but goodies last year via the medium of youtube, I came across this


Pappa. You're not my "real" dad, but you were a better man to my mum than she ever had. We wish to fuck you were our real dad. When I talk about my dads, there's
"Pappa Ray"
"Pappa Bob"

In that order. You're first and foremost. You did more for our mum than anyone else.

I love you.
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 10:28, 3 replies)
For some reason I well up when I hear certain pieces of music. Not through sadness, it's more tears of happiness as I'm usually grinning like a loon at the same time I'm wiping my eyes.

I DJ a little and more than once I've been playing through a set and had people ask if I was alright because I've gone all watery eyed when cueing up a particularly great tune. I don't know what it is it's like some of the emotional wires in my brain are crossed somewhere. It's never the same tune and different songs will get me at different times.

There is one song however that gets me every time, without fail. I don't have any particular emotional attachment to this song and I can't remember anything particularly significant happening to me when I first heard it.

It's the end theme from Super Mario World on the SNES: www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNcIAC30mWI

I have a little tear running down my cheek now. I think there's something wrong with me.
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 10:21, Reply)
This beautiful song is for someone I know who made a mistake.
Chicane, No ordinary morning.


Stick with it as the lyrics start after a while.
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 9:11, Reply)
Incubus, A crow left to the murder
Still playing on my mp3 player, when I was laying face down in the rain in the middle of Dorchester high street at four in the morning.

I had just crashed my longboard at *ludicrous* speed on the way back from work and was in pretty bad shape.

All there was in the world was pain, rain, and that song.
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 8:20, Reply)
One for the qotw massive
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 8:14, 1 reply)
A Song For My Ex

During my bitter divorce I got a copy of this song from Davros And Tourettes and played it in my local pub when my ex-wife was in. She never forgave me.


On another note, this song was the offical Tour Bus song on the last Prodigy tour......

(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 7:52, 4 replies)
Mum's cremation: Disco Inferno
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 5:56, Reply)
this is poignant now...
Remember the Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam song Moon Shadow? The lyrics are about a guy freaking out about losing his faculties, but finding some cop-out silver lining to each event. If he loses his eyes he won't have to cry, or if he loses his hands, he won't have to work, that sort of thing. Well, that's me that is. This really isn't a terrible 'poor me' post (OK, maybe a bit but that can't be helped) so hang in there for a minute or two.

I used to make a living - indeed, have a great life - as a performing guitarist. Sort of flamenco-fusion style stuff which I did through the '90's mainly with a band and/or guitar partner, and we travelled about the globe a bit with it. Creating, performing and recording music, especially of the instrumental variety, is a hugely emotional thing to do. So in a sense apart from maybe sex and argument it makes up the whole of your world of feelings. Things changed, we all moved apart, I got working in other areas, but always had playing guitar as my own satisfaction and release. I was a pretty handy classical guitarist too, and I could usually bring myself to tears with a particularly good rendition of certain pieces.

Then I got this freakin' disease. I have a progressive and degenerative disorder (won't bother y'all with the medical details) that is taking my faculties from me a bit at a time. It will also most likely - but not certainly - be the death of me sometime in the next handful of years. My hands were among the first things to go. I can type - poorly now and using two fingers only, which is good because I can barely speak understandably. Or sing, which is no loss to the world, believe me. Can't eat or drink (get fed by a tube), eyes are problematic, body stiffening up and underweight (take that big girls!)all sorts. Poor me stuff over now, thanks. So you can see how 'Moon Shadow' makes me laugh a bit.

But that's not the thing. The thing is, that without being able to express myself musically, my life as a listener (ears work fine - yay!) has grown enormously. So now, I am more moved by music than ever before. sure, much of it's predictable stuff; off the top of my head The Flower Duet from the opera Lakshme, The Pearl Fisherman duet, some Evanescence stuff (Amy Lee and I share a birthday 12 years apart), obviously lots of flamenco and classical guitar, and these days many varieties of the human voice. Just instant tears.

And yet, in the midst of all that, there are the darndest things, which get me every time. A little happy riff in a Marta Topferova song, this 4 bars of bassline in Fell In Love With a Boy by Joss Stone (yeah, I mean wtf?) and certain guitar solos of Dave Gilmour's for example. Some really unexpected stuff. Why is that do you think?

Well, that's me these days. Got to admit, I'm a better and happier muso for all of it, even if I can't play no more.

Honestly, Joss Stone?
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 3:46, Reply)
Chicago & Bucketheads...
...was playing the disco track "Street Player" by Chicago in my DJ days and saw this stunning girl. There was something about her that seemed so wonderfully familiar although I had never met her before.
Have been with her for 27 years now and we loved it when the Bucketheads 'The Bomb' track that sampled 'Street Player' came out.
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 2:09, Reply)
Susan Cadogan - 'Hurt So Good'...
...had my first kiss to this record at Elmhurst disco Aylesbury.
Sure got the taste of Aylesbury out of my mouth...
(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 1:56, Reply)
As mentioned in a previous QOTW answer
I went through a bit of a nasty phase of depressively drinking myself into a stupor night upon night upon night for around a year. Throughout all of that period, I would repetitively listen to one album over and over - that album being Radiohead's 'in rainbows'.

And of that album, there is one particular track that I kept putting on repeat. Whenever I hear it now, I am transported back to one particular night, in that room, at that desk, in front of my PC with my headphones on at full volume. I can taste the cherry vodka and feel the self loathing and desperation.

And yet... the end of the song would give me hope for... something. Something intangible. Something that might make it better. Something that, if I could find the essence of it within myself and believe it, might change everything.

Strange I couldn't figure it out - as 'All I Need' literally says (well, cries out): "It's alright".

(, Sat 30 Jan 2010, 0:02, Reply)
all my friends - lcd soundsystem
you spend the first five years trying to get with the plan, and the next five years trying to be with your friends again. you're talking 45 turns just as fast as you can, yeah, i know it gets tired, but it's better when we pretend.

it comes apart - the way it does in bad films, except the part where the moral kicks in. though, when we're running out of the drugs and the conversation's grinding away, i wouldn't trade one stupid decision for another five years of life.


and, with a face like a dad and a laughable stand, you can sleep on the plane or review what you said. when you're drunk and the kids look impossibly tanned, you think over and over: hey, i'm finally dead!

when the trip and the plan come apart in your hands, you can turn it on yourself, you ridiculous clown. you forget what you meant, when you read what you said and, yeah, we knew you were tired, but then where are your friends tonight?
(, Fri 29 Jan 2010, 23:24, 2 replies)

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