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This is a question Spoilt Brats

Mr Newton sighs, "ever known anyone so spoilt you would love to strangle? I lived with a Paris Hilton-a-like who complained about everything, stomped her feet and whinged till she got her way. There was a happy ending though: she had to drop out of uni due to becoming pregnant after a one night stand..."

Who's the spoiltest person you've met? Has karma come to bite them yet? Or did you in fact end up strangling them? Uncle B3ta (and the serious crimes squad) wants to know.

(, Thu 9 Oct 2008, 14:11)
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This guy I once knew...
had to be the most spoilt little fucktard in the entire universe. We used to hang around with him when we were about 9 or 10, mainly because his single mum (anyone else spotted a pattern forming ?) had bought him this enormous go-kart thing that she used to let him hare around in at breakneck speeds without any concern for anyone else, god forbid if anyone complained, her "special one" could do no wrong.
He eventually pissed off to quite an exclusive boarding school at about 11, and by all accounts despite the fact that this school took him on some of the most fantastic field trips imaginable, and they even let him sit in on governors meetings (btw he was indignant when they wouldn't let him have a vote ! ) he still threw regular strops about how they didn't recognise his potential !
He also managed to knock-up one of the local girls, and even though all the teachers knew it was all brushed under the carpet.Even the local mayor had taken a shine to him. Then one day, completely out of the blue, he flipped and went on a rampage with a sword and killed most of the kids and teachers.

God that kid was a tit.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2008, 19:41, 23 replies)
if that really happened
i'm really shocked.and i shrug off news about earthquakes.
a sword?wouldn't mummy buy him a gun?
(, Fri 10 Oct 2008, 20:06, closed)
She wouldn't get him one because
they were "so uncivilised"
(, Fri 10 Oct 2008, 20:14, closed)
this is
very subtle. i like.

(wasn't the girl quite well known?)
(, Fri 10 Oct 2008, 20:18, closed)
I still don't get it... am i missing something?
(, Sun 12 Oct 2008, 13:07, closed)
Varth Dader.
(, Mon 13 Oct 2008, 22:50, closed)
Actually had to read that one twice. Well done...
(, Fri 10 Oct 2008, 20:32, closed)
to be fair
he did have pretty bad asthma.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2008, 21:07, closed)
Ker... Lick
Had to read it again to get that one,
(, Fri 10 Oct 2008, 21:09, closed)
Very good.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2008, 22:08, closed)
I think I heard this one
A long, long time ago...
(, Fri 10 Oct 2008, 22:41, closed)
Well played
Good sir. Click.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2008, 23:01, closed)

Dammit dammit dammit!
(, Fri 10 Oct 2008, 23:16, closed)
Nice one.
Golfclap and a click for you!
(, Sat 11 Oct 2008, 6:21, closed)
Nawty kid.
I do hope he was forcefully disciplined later on.
(, Sat 11 Oct 2008, 12:50, closed)
Oh, God.
That took me a few minutes.
(, Sat 11 Oct 2008, 13:20, closed)
That took
me about three reads.
(, Sat 11 Oct 2008, 20:11, closed)
I still don't get it!

edit: Oh, duh.
(, Sun 12 Oct 2008, 4:52, closed)
Two reads
Fucking well done.
(, Sun 12 Oct 2008, 22:47, closed)
Took me more than a couple tries, but then again I am a bit out of the loop. Well played.
(, Mon 13 Oct 2008, 8:02, closed)
well done

btw, I blame the mum. Shouldn't have gotten banged up in the first place, the silly bint.
(, Mon 13 Oct 2008, 8:18, closed)
Does that make you Jar Jar? He he. Clickety!
(, Tue 14 Oct 2008, 9:58, closed)
took a while...

Very good!
(, Tue 14 Oct 2008, 11:30, closed)
Heh heh heh - Goood, Gooood!
(, Tue 14 Oct 2008, 15:03, closed)

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