Nigella Pussycat says: Tell us about utter twats doing remarkably twatty things. Or have you ever done something really twattish to a friend, loved one or pet? In summary: Twats
( , Thu 12 Apr 2012, 13:30)
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OK, it's an easy target. Everyone knows that teenage boys are twats for at least most of the time. Those of us who have been teenage boys know this more acutely than we'd like to admit.
But there's one thing in particular about teenage boys that's remarkably twattish, and seems to be comparatively recent.
Hands in the trousers.
There are times when you find yourself with nothing to carry, and your arms hanging listlessly by your side like... oh, like asparagus on the reduced-to-clear rack; and this is one of the reasons why pockets are great things. They give you somewhere to put your hands when you've nothing in them.
So why in the name of Jesus Radioactive Christ and all his glow-in-the-dark disciples does it strike a significant portion of the acned youth of this isle that the best thing to do with their hands would be to thrust them down the front of their trousers? It's bad enough that the jeans-wearing demographic thinks it acceptable to have a waistline sagging somewhere south of their buttocks; but the trackies-wearing demographic has decided that there's just too much dignity in that. So it's down the front of the trousers the hands go.
In public.
In shops.
They presumably do things like shake hands, and inspect goods for sale (even if it's only so they know what they're about to steal) - which means that they do so with hands that have recently been far too close to comfort to their doubtless repulsive genitalia. And, let's face it: the trackies demographic is not the demographic most likely to bother the shower gel.
If it's true that there's only six degrees of separation between any two people anywhere on the planet, this suggests that there can be only one or two degrees of separation between anything that anyone does, and the ballsack of one of nature's spottier specimens.
Just think about it. Look at the things in your fruitbowl, or the change in your pocket. Would you want to fill your house with items recovered from the vicinity of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant? Unlikely. And yet we cannot help but to fill our dwellings with items that may well be much more heavily contaminated, even if only indirectly, with grot from the groin of a sunken-eyed 17-year-old. (Although, come to think of it, fruit might be one of the few things that doesn't really get their attention.)
Think about it, and try not to shudder.
They are, I fear, irredeemable in their twattishness.
( , Tue 17 Apr 2012, 21:16, 28 replies)

that noticed this then. dirty little bastards
( , Tue 17 Apr 2012, 22:03, closed)

At least they're probably sterile. *Shudders*
( , Tue 17 Apr 2012, 22:04, closed)

And, let's face it: the trackies demographic is not the demographic most likely to bother the shower gel.
I think you're wrong - their dick & balls are probably fairly well appointed (anointed?) with shower gel!
( , Tue 17 Apr 2012, 22:19, closed)

That's the best you've got?
That sound is the Minor Leagues calling you back.
( , Wed 18 Apr 2012, 9:12, closed)

( , Wed 18 Apr 2012, 10:05, closed)

why many /talkers have such a low esteem of you.
( , Wed 18 Apr 2012, 11:22, closed)

( , Wed 18 Apr 2012, 11:31, closed)

I suspect they use it as a fly-by-wire guidance system - where it points, they follow.
( , Tue 17 Apr 2012, 22:21, closed)

Twats of the highest order for so many reasons, including the one you have outlined. I swear they dont start to come right until their mid 20s.
( , Tue 17 Apr 2012, 22:42, closed)

Just wait until one of them makes eye contact with you, flick your gaze down and then back up and say, slightly breathily "Oooh, nice pants"! Licking your lips suggestively could also be useful.
I did this only yesterday - ended up with an entire table all to myself in a busy fast food joint.
( , Tue 17 Apr 2012, 22:54, closed)

So I kept my distance from everyone.
Adults and teenagers aren't supposed to mix and it's only lur strange society which means that they do.
( , Wed 18 Apr 2012, 0:22, closed)

John Lennon: I'm neither; I'm a Mocker.
( , Wed 18 Apr 2012, 3:45, closed)

The post, not the subject. The subject makes me want to live in a sterilised bubble and scrub myself raw with brillo pads, starting with my tongue. Euw.
Edit: "in the name of Jesus Radioactive Christ" was worthy of a click of it's own.
( , Wed 18 Apr 2012, 8:54, closed)

Magnificent. If I were a nicer person, I might even buy you a pint for that phrase alone.
But I won't.
( , Wed 18 Apr 2012, 9:56, closed)

And continued to do so, even after the conversation that began with him saying "So my girlfriend gave me genital warts..."
And then he'd play my guitar, the dirty fucker, and wonder why I freaked out.
( , Wed 18 Apr 2012, 10:03, closed)

to the cost cutting measures instigated to save cloth in the second world war. the actual waist of a pair of trousers dropped to where they are now, instituting a style crisis.
properly waisted trousers (with a high waist - see cary grant in north by northwest for a good example of fitted suit trousers) fit better and flatter the figure while making suits fit more elegantly.
and also make it a damn site harder for little scrotes to feel thier balls while walking down putney effing high street.
( , Wed 18 Apr 2012, 10:54, closed)

Oh, and the daily participation in anal rape.
( , Wed 18 Apr 2012, 11:01, closed)

Like I'm going to take his word for it - he the one who managed to catch them in the first fucking place
( , Wed 18 Apr 2012, 11:32, closed)

If they want to feel their groin all day they should cut holes in their pockets like the rest of us.
( , Wed 18 Apr 2012, 20:41, closed)
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