I once paid a small fortune to a solicitor in a legal case. She got lost on the way to court, turned up late with the wrong papers and started an argument with the judge, who told her to "shut up, for the love of God". A stunning investment.
Thanks to golddust for the suggestion
( , Thu 30 Sep 2010, 12:45)
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given that i am just about to walk the 6 miles home, the useless workshy skiving cunts.........................
( , Mon 4 Oct 2010, 19:11, 32 replies)

I had to get into London for some important college-related stuff and the fuckers make me go overground- half of the over ground oyster things aren't right or even there so I somehow ended up paying extra...
( , Mon 4 Oct 2010, 19:38, closed)

most of Andalucia decided that was a good enough reason for a days holiday, gotta love the Spanish work ethic.
( , Mon 4 Oct 2010, 20:09, closed)

you twat.
( , Mon 4 Oct 2010, 21:42, closed)

This is why we have a partnership council at work - so the management and the workforce can sit down and actually discuss the likely consequences of planned changes.
( , Mon 4 Oct 2010, 21:56, closed)

that's exactly what i said. 10/10 for you.
now explain why anyone deserves a guaranteed job in the current climate when about 1.3M have lost theirs through no fault of their own. just make sure i can hear you over the sound of your needles busily knitknitknitting all that homewoven yoghurt, won't you?
actually woodside has said it perfectly. twats on 6 figure salaries claiming to represent the working man so they can justify their 6 figure salaries. that's the problem.
( , Mon 4 Oct 2010, 22:14, closed)

I'm not entirely sure that supporting worker's rights marks me down as a muesli knitter (I'm a geordie decorator, so pretty much the opposite). On the other hand, I am entirely sure that you've missed Woodside's point. Played.
( , Tue 5 Oct 2010, 9:02, closed)

Can be interpreted however you want to read them and that's how I chose to do it. There are better ways to support worker's rights than to inconvenience millions of other people who are just trying to do their own jobs. That was my point. If you dispute it, I'm not sure I can even see yours never mind agree with it.
( , Tue 5 Oct 2010, 9:10, closed)

sorry I misinterpreted "useless workshy skiving cunts". It's all quite clear to me now.
( , Tue 5 Oct 2010, 20:12, closed)

at face value. hoorah.
( , Tue 5 Oct 2010, 23:33, closed)

It'll do you good. Consider yourself lucky you don't live in Sheffield, which is made entirely of hills.
( , Mon 4 Oct 2010, 21:43, closed)

Though it's better than living in Paris. Suffered a few strikes when I was there. Getting up at 5 for a job in the suburbs was bad enough, but finding out when you arrive there that the students haven't bothered to show up was the icing on the cake. Where cake = turd, and icing = softer turd.
( , Mon 4 Oct 2010, 21:45, closed)

it's about a few of them not wanting to work on platforms instead of in a ticket office that sells hardly any tickets because everyone uses the automated machines/online these days. christ, you know what i did when i decided i didn't like my job being open-plan?
i got a new one. i didn't let my clients down by not turning up to work every couple of months!
( , Mon 4 Oct 2010, 22:18, closed)

With salaries starting at £40k and plenty of holiday? How many private sector jobs don't pay that well?
( , Mon 4 Oct 2010, 23:01, closed)

and yeah right, 40k plus unlimited available overtime and great holidays to push and pull a few levers and then forget which side of the train the platform is on and open the doors on the wrong side once in a while??? (it's ok though, a miracle will make sure noone dies and bob crow will then call a strike to save your job because that isn't gross incompetence, oh no.)
bollocks to that, millions of people earn far less for working much harder hours, whatever "class" of job they do!
I should add that I was fucked off because the bits of london I needed were fucked, but loads of tube staff did turn up to work - I reckon they must also be fed up with bob crow and his lot by now too. It's achieved nothing but made the public think, christ they earn a lot for doing a little, they should shut up.
( , Tue 5 Oct 2010, 7:51, closed)

people should be rewarded for how much skill, responsibility or actual physical labour a job takes not just that they've got a belligerent union boss.
( , Tue 5 Oct 2010, 12:49, closed)

physically demanding or uncomfortable work.
( , Tue 5 Oct 2010, 18:56, closed)

Hope you changed your shoes!
No buses go your way then?
What also pisses me off is that they manage to fuck up two days with a 24 hour strike (ie straddle over midnight, for those not used to the antics of the RMT (Right Mingy Tossers)) and we have to deal with it. Wankers.
( , Tue 5 Oct 2010, 9:15, closed)

so it was a good excuse to walk home in them anyway.
the whole thing is just so infuriating... half the union didn't even bother to vote on this one, loads of the staff turned up to work, it's just bob crow posturing to prove what a big man he is. meanwhile he costs the economy a fortune and makes people's lives miserable. urgh.
( , Tue 5 Oct 2010, 9:48, closed)

There were a few more muppets on the roads, but I got in quicker than the tube normally does.
Get yourself a bicycle. Just don't run the red lights, that's bad form.
( , Tue 5 Oct 2010, 10:07, closed)

There are folks out there who would pay more attention to things being bad form than things being illegal.
A couple of illustrative examples you may or may not agree with:
Speeding - illegal. Speeding outside a school - bad form.
Lots of substances - illegal. Heroin and crack - bad form.
But yes, it's illegal too.
( , Tue 5 Oct 2010, 11:43, closed)

...moving to Devon 5 years ago, where it's lovely and relaxed, plenty of easy going people and I earn more than I did in London anyway :-)
Simple solution, don't like the London traffic/transport issues don't live/work there. Devon, never been happier :-)
( , Tue 5 Oct 2010, 11:12, closed)

bit.ly/bDbsp3 (possibly NSFW (if your work doesn't like drawings of cocks) retweet from jonnyb).
( , Tue 5 Oct 2010, 11:23, closed)

If the pay and conditions really are SOOO bad that they need to strike every 3 and 1/2 minutes then surely the best solution is just to quit, en-mass, properly fuck things up and then find another job that does have better pay and conditions.
Or maybe, it actually isn't so bad that they want to jack it all in....
EDIT - as some rambling commuter was loudly huffing yesterday, what would happen if they decide to do this during the Olympics?
( , Tue 5 Oct 2010, 11:33, closed)

The staff kept all the trains running to time, but refused to issue, check or collect tickets. Everyone got to go on the trains free with no disruption, costing about $1.5m to the train firm, and many more people fell onto the side of the train staff. Can't see Bob Cunt advocating something like that, though.
( , Tue 5 Oct 2010, 12:28, closed)

They know how easily they can fuck you up because they know there isn't an alternative option. You can't drive into town and the buses take double the time if not more.
When the country is financially fucked and most people are having to survive with no bonus or pay rise doing this just pisses off the people you want on your side.
( , Tue 5 Oct 2010, 13:18, closed)
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