There's got to be more to your working day than loafing around the internet, says tfi049113. How do you fill those long, empty desperate hours?
( , Thu 8 Jan 2009, 12:18)
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Do this in employers businesses when I left or was leaving, but have now started doing it in the company I work for. I shit in the toilet cistern rather than the bowl for no other reason except it amuses me.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 9:40, 48 replies)

I think that's known as "Top-Decking".
And is also a recognised indicator of being a terrible cunt.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 10:10, closed)

I simply cannot figure out the logistics of performing such a feat nor the motivation for doing so.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 10:12, closed)

if the cistern is not too far above the bowl of the toilet, and the lid is easily accessible, one could remove it, and placing one's feet carefully over the top lid of the bowl, squat over the exposed cistern.
As for the motivation...I'm as confused as you are...
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 10:19, closed)

I was imagining one of those cisterns mounted high on the wall... oops. But still, wtf?
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 10:23, closed)

So was I. *laughs*
Still, what a childish thing to do. Not funny.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 10:37, closed)

I wonder if he ever left work voluntarily, or got sacked regularly, and then visited the loo on his way out the building.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 10:47, closed)

Perhaps sacked for being mental...and a monumental cunt?
This is just a guess, mind...
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 10:58, closed)

that he wasn't working in B&Q or something. Imagine finding that in the bathroom display section!
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 11:38, closed)

Though if anyone deserves to have a surprise lion bar lurking in their shop, it's Ikea.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 11:52, closed)

That this sort of thing has occured enough times that stores have to take precautions against members of the public shitting in display toilets!
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 12:02, closed)

and fuck you . Do you think its the employer that would clean this if it was true
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 10:36, closed)

seen as at our business someone "hand delivered" a shit and wrapped it nicely in tissue like a small toilet paper hot dog and carefully left it NEXT to the bin. Dirty fucker.
Made me laugh out loud though.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 10:48, closed)

Way to shove more work on people already doing a shit job on minimum wage
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 10:39, closed)

thought this was a boredom in work QOTW, not what twattish things did you do when you left a previous job thread?
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 10:41, closed)

What happens?
When the next person flushes the toilet does shit come out? Or does it stay in cistern limbo forevermore?
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 10:45, closed)

I once filled up a toilet cistern in uni with crystals of potassium permanganate (purple dye crystals) which stained the water and toilet a purpley brown colour for weeks. But poo? Eugh!
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 10:49, closed)

You Sir, are a cunt.
EDIT:- edited because I may have tarred everyone with a very broad brush.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 10:54, closed)

Im sure the cleaner working minimum wage, having to come into the office at some god-awful time of night/morning, really appreciated having to clean this up... I mean, come on! Have some respect!
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 11:04, closed)

For I like nothing better than to while away the last moments of a QotW contemplating what a wankish flangestain you must be to think that what you do is funny.
Even making up a post like this is spackish in the extreme...did you think everybody would reply 'ooh Lolz! - what a great bloke!'?
If you made this up, then you're a cunt, if you didn't, then you're a cunt.
Either way...well, you do the maths.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 11:16, closed)

I think he needs a note leaving in the cistern for the next time he visits, telling him he's a cunt.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 11:17, closed)

That's fucking ace!
I'm doing that before I go home tonight.
You lot have no sense of fun...
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 11:24, closed)

And then there's acting like a cunt. It's possible to do both at once, but it's a fine line, and you see, this is just cunty, because some poor minimum wage bastard has to fish it out of the cistern. If you're gonna get revenge on an employer, make damn sure you're getting at the person who deserves it and not some other poor bastard employee
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 11:45, closed)

yeah i I do that, and I like to rape and mutilate small children, its fucking wicked you should try it
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 11:33, closed)

I only like mutilating them really but apparently if you don't rape them as well you will never get into Heaven, thats what my priest told me anyway
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 11:44, closed)

your priest used to teach at my school! Coincidence eh...
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 11:53, closed)

I heard it doesn't work.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 11:53, closed)

If this tale is true or false it was merely entered on here for amusement, sorry if it doesnt involve Simon Weston or fuck knows what else but jees, get a fucking grip.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 11:53, closed)

Quelle surprise.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 11:55, closed)

And if you are the minimum wage staff that would and has cleaned up much worse then fuck them, your entitled to do it.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 11:57, closed)

I don't want to alarm you, but I think you might be an idiot.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 12:01, closed)

But, you know, I thought you might not know yet. Lovely attitude you have to cleaners and such too :) well done on that!
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 12:04, closed)

And take it in the way it was intended, just a bit of fun. Im aware its not big or clever and cuntish, but it was only posted as a laugh.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 12:06, closed)

I think everyone is chilled out. However the consensus is that it's a cuntish thing to do and only winds up fucking over people worse off. No-ones shouting about it though, not that I can see.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 12:08, closed)

If you are the minimum wage staff in a shit hole job, you are the person more likely to do this, if it was ever done.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 12:11, closed)

Tall tales of bullshit which are neither funny nor believable are strong in this one...apparently he had a mild heart attack once and was released from hospital the same day...
Hi robney *waves*
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 12:14, closed)

involve the b3tans as they'll not be interested in your Billy Bullshit stories....
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 12:29, closed)
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