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# B3ta Radio - Now on Bit Torrent
Joel from Rathergood came on B3ta Radio and sang a few songs a week back.

I've got a bit torrent up of the MP3 of the show.

Please give it a go - I'm trying to find a viable way of letting people hear the radio show who currently can't.

If you haven't used bit torrent before then you'll need install this.

Once the app is installed you can click the link below. It will download a 57MB mp3 file much like an ordinary internet file download.


And thanks to Mark from www.torrents.co.uk/ for sorting out the hosting stuff
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:43, archived)
# how big is it?
(before i use up all my BW)
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:44, archived)
# it's 57MB
but that shouldn't matter should it?

Just start the torrent and carry on with your other stuff.
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:45, archived)
# i'm on a shared dialup connection
it wouldn't get downloaded till about thursday ;)

i'll get later when everyone else is out
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:47, archived)
# my mother is on shared dial up.
mind you she only gets about 2k/s when theres one computer on.

even getting a small (150k) shockwave animation takes about a minute!

should go back to spectrum tape its probably faster, and more reliable!
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:54, archived)
# I know the newsletter became b3taTV (brilliant btw)
but what happened to the challege last week who won and where is the info?
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:48, archived)
# it'll be announced in fridays issue
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:49, archived)
# Huzzah!
well at least I now know... I'm easily pleased - oooohh look a birdie!

The download rate on the bittorrent program download is extremely slow, it must be their server as I'm on broadband and usually 2.2mb downloads in less than a minute or so.
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:50, archived)
# Homer J Simpson
comedy genius.
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:53, archived)
# Yes and I've just reloaded my Simpsons Hit&Run game
- a brilliant game totally hilarious
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:55, archived)
# bittorrent doesn't run on a server
it's served by other users with the bittorrent program open, the more people who have the file and the bittorrent program open the faster the download goes. Which means that new files get transfered relatively slowly as not many people have the file. I find it's best to wait a few days before downloading the files as the speed will be much faster.

(, Fri 9 Apr 2004, 13:44, archived)
# it's all weird characters
do i have to download something.
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:45, archived)
# yes
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:46, archived)
# can't be arsed.
i'll just listen on the web as i usually do.
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:51, archived)
# it's a bit torrent
best bet's azureus or shareaza

(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:46, archived)
# aye,
azureus is my personal favorite.
(, Tue 13 Apr 2004, 13:28, archived)
# have you thought of
putting B3ta.tv into that Glastonbury film fesstival thingy ?
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:46, archived)
# hee hee testy. sounds like teste.....
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:46, archived)
# shame
it won't work behind router/firewall
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:47, archived)
# Try an online

Q: As a new bit torrent user how long should I leave the torrent running after I have completed donwloading?
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:49, archived)
# don't work if you are stuck behind
MS Proxy 2 or ISA Server
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:51, archived)
# it's fair play to drop out
when your upload is equal or above your download.

anything more is friendly.

anything less is leechy.
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:51, archived)
# there's a share ratio in some clients... a share ratio of 1 is
the minimum you should realistically be doing. people with bandwidth to spare should go for karma points and just leave it running as long as possible
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:52, archived)
# You mean the people that wouldn't be able to listen to the radio show live
don't you?
yup - it's the same thing - not much of an alternative... grumble grumble whinge
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:50, archived)
# argh!
we can't win.

Unless we had a huge budget to just pay for fuck off bandwidth.
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 15:03, archived)
# Yeah more people should donate
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 15:09, archived)
# It's a 128kbs MP3, yeah?
I might be able to get some people to offer a 64kbps rebroadcast of the stream, or maybe a lower quality one - perfectly adequate for speech.

Would that be useful?
(, Wed 7 Apr 2004, 17:23, archived)
# you can switch ports in azureus to get around firewall blocking
i believe
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:51, archived)
# ah
groovy.will give it a look so.
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 15:08, archived)
# bt firewall problems
it should work find behind a router/firewall

to get best results you should open ports 6881-6889
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 15:22, archived)
# how
do i do that then?
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 17:03, archived)
# Dude
type in 'cmd' minus the marks - OK - type 'ipconfig' again without the marks. That'll tell your IP.

This sometimes makes BitTorrent go more woosome, sometimes you just can't tell. BitTorrent is definitely the way to go for something like this though, so everyone else should stop whining ;)
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 17:23, archived)
# it's connectewd ok,
but i'm getting 0k/sec ...
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:49, archived)
# As I type
I am on 48.
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:50, archived)
# if you don't want bittorrent to consume all of your available bandwidth
get shadow's experimental bittorrent client
haven't got a link though
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 14:54, archived)
# Re: BitTorrent, speeds, the best client, firewalls...
The best client is ABC: pingpong-abc.sourceforge.net

You must download a client before you can use the .torrent file.

Your download speed is governed by how fast you upload.

Port/firewall-wise, ports 6889 to 6900 are used; if you are having issues connecting, open/forward them.

Enjoy :)
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 15:14, archived)
# damn bit torrent
i would love to take a listen, but try as i made (which must not be that hard) my computer won't intsall bit torrent.
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 15:57, archived)
# anyone techy in your office
you can ask?
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 15:59, archived)
# seriously mate
some guys here have only got a 56k line - through no fault of their own. I guess its ok for this radio thing, but i missed out on the newsletter this week because i dont have a decent enough connection.You need to think about your audience a bit!
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 17:24, archived)
# Stream
Why doesnt b3ta stream the file with shoutcast ?
All you need is winamp and the plugin, loop the file at a 56k friendly bitrate and thats it.
the plugin is there. www.shoutcast.com/download/serve.phtml
Then people will just have to find you in the list of stations on www.shoutcast.com
Wouldnt that be nice ?
You could also broadcast b3ta tv through winamp tv channels, wouldn't that be also nice ?

(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 18:02, archived)
# That would be lovely
- how about a say ~30kbps mp3? that would cut the download in 20ths
(, Wed 7 Apr 2004, 6:04, archived)
# Perfect.
Torrents are a great way of sharing things, and I'd love to be able to listen to the radio show on a regular basis. I'm unfortunately an Amerib3tan (and a lurker, at that.), but it's "rather good" to be able to hear something I normally wouldn't be able to. And of course, I'll keep the window open for any other b3tans who need a download. Not using my bandwidth for much anyway, and it's uploading at a steady 20k/s, might as well do my share.
/excessive rambling
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 19:43, archived)
# what he said
woo Amerib3tans!
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 21:03, archived)
# Bittorrent is the way forward
I have noticed that download speeds are alot faster when you are on linux and not windows. The slowest i have ever had on linux is 50KBS but i am on 1meg/s plus that wasent on this mp3.

Anyhow i think its a great way of getting it across the only problem is i cant seem to use the skip feature in windows media player/winamp it just carries on playing the file whereever it last was but the track counter can say 150mins.

O well, great show.
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 21:45, archived)
# Would love to hear this but ...
would prefer it over e-donkey if anyone can share please
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 23:15, archived)
# woohoo
dl'd in 15 mins, joy
(, Tue 6 Apr 2004, 23:42, archived)
# beetcha!
... 8 mins 56 seconds (final speed at 109kB/s!!!)

Will leave running for everyone for next 6 hours or so...
(, Wed 7 Apr 2004, 0:40, archived)
# I feel cheap ..
coming out of lurkdome just to say this, but why don`t you use peercast to broadcast the radio show?

(, Wed 7 Apr 2004, 4:54, archived)
# .. and now replying to my own posts
I took the liberty of relaying b3ta radio and the TV pilot onto peercast:

(, Wed 7 Apr 2004, 13:25, archived)
# It's going quite slowly,
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep uploading after your download is finished, DO NOT just shut BT after yours is finished, the only way to get quick dl speeds is if everyone seeds the file once they've downloaded it. Thanks.
(, Wed 7 Apr 2004, 12:47, archived)
# giant bee for 50 mins
wel just git the mp3 and its just the giant bee song over and over lol

is this some sort of ironic joke ?

ah nvm ill just watch the tv show :D
(, Wed 7 Apr 2004, 14:08, archived)
# using Winamp per chance?
.. in which case it doesn`t skip through the MP3 properly because its variable bitrate.

Listen to it without fast forwarding ;-)

(, Wed 7 Apr 2004, 14:40, archived)
# wibbly
thats crazy...
u learn somethin new every day hehe

thank you very much
(, Wed 7 Apr 2004, 15:23, archived)
# b3ta radio
This is awesome and it would be great for those of us who hardly ever get a chance to listen if this could become a regular thing.

btw - First Post (yay!)
(, Thu 8 Apr 2004, 19:43, archived)
# Getting better....
Just downloading b3ta radio now and getting about 42kbs on broadband. Will keep Bit Torrent running on my system so more users can download it.

Got 15 minutes left till I can hear it though!!!!
(, Sat 10 Apr 2004, 22:02, archived)
# yay, download at 64 kbps, upload at 0!
i'm a lucky bugger!
(, Sun 11 Apr 2004, 17:20, archived)
# 80 for me
Good God...
(, Mon 12 Apr 2004, 17:32, archived)