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[challenge entry] :/

From the Stop Aids challenge. See all 246 entries (closed)

(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:33, archived)
*vomits* argh its coming through the windows!

there are many colours in the homorainbow...
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:35, archived)
# quick!!
go and grab me some rump steak!!
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:36, archived)
# urgh its making me heave....
urgh - if it keeps up i'm gonna get my spraying mask outta the garage... cor - wtf is someone/something doing out there?
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:38, archived)
# if you want to get used to horrendous smells come and work in a hosital!
oh, the things i've smelt!
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:40, archived)
# there was one up the road from me...
it closed because of health and safety reasons.... on a good day you could smell it from my house... so many tramps still walk upto the old hostel and go "oh bugger" - the next one is about 25mile away
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:41, archived)
# Don't be afraid
to let your colour shiiiiiiiine.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:37, archived)
# this post is like a hunter thompson novel

(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:37, archived)
# wtf is going on?
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:38, archived)
# i wish i knew, then i'd ask em to stop....
just the smell of 1000 arses wafting down the road
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:39, archived)
# wow, biblical
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:41, archived)
# i have a cunning plan!
*sniffs the fresh air contained in this bottle of cherryococococola*
*chokes* waaah my eyes, the bubbles went up my nose :( but at least everything smells like cherries now (for a bit)
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:43, archived)
# I'm getting increasingly fucked off with people
doing the "AIDS is a gay thing" joke - fuck off.

The simple fact is that there are more straight teens catching and passing on AIDS than young gay men because young gay men learned years ago to wear a condom.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:36, archived)
# erm i thought you had a girlfriend?

(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:37, archived)
# Yes, he does
So people with girlfriends shouldn't defend gays against misconceptions?
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:40, archived)
# i just sayin
aint got nothing against gays, aids n gays is sterothypical, nowadays its all the dirty junkies
calm down dear, its only a comerical the internets
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:46, archived)
# I hate this retarded image competition
People are just using it as a reason to gaybash. It may just be "the internets" but that doesn't stop the cunts crawling out of the woodwork to have their stab.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:50, archived)
# i happen to agree with you on this one...
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:56, archived)
# Everybody gets bashed on b3ta
i find it strange that people like your good self allow themselves to be offended by silly picture posts, whatever the content may be.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:59, archived)
# The competition
is actually "design a safe sex campaign" - which could have good/interesting ideas.

"Make a joke about AIDS" would be a rubbish challenge.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 14:03, archived)
# you are right of course.
I took the anti drug one seriously and quite enjoyed it i must admit...
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 14:08, archived)
# I have a fiancee actually
So what? Short-sighted bigotry is a problem for everyone.

Women can get AIDS.
Straight men can get AIDS.
You can catch AIDS from a really hot woman
It is not a 'Gay Plague' regardless of what some utter cunts would like you to believe.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:44, archived)
# I have to use reading glasses
for my bigotry
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:47, archived)
# keep ya wig on
edit : 'grats on the fiacnee bit
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:48, archived)
# What if someone came in here with a machine gun and shot you to pieces - anyone yawning would get YOUR blood in THEIR mouth
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:49, archived)
# And I'm lucky enough not to have HIV or AIDS
as I wore a condom whether I was with a guy or a girl
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:54, archived)
# I know.
It was a BrassEye quote.

I agree with everything you say, by the way. It's just fairly obvious. I mean, I'm not thick.

Not in that way, at least.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 14:10, archived)
# i think the point is
for anyone to have to say 'anyone can get aids' misses the point.

(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 14:19, archived)
# i think this is
Bad aids, hes talking about good aids.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 14:18, archived)
# Oh yes.
I stand corrected. Ignore me.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 14:20, archived)
# the fact is this compo will run for a week
you will get pissed of with every other post
a few posts will be clever and a huge proportion will be cheap shots at gays and i should imagine africans.
you have a choice, either sit there and fume or take the week off.

preaching to, i hope, the converted will get you nowhere, i tried a couple of times and now i just don't comment on stuff i don't like.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:54, archived)
# Yeh, they dont get te AIDS no more ...
Theyre all too fucked on Crystal Meths
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:38, archived)
# What?
*All* gay people. Even Alan Bennett?
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:49, archived)
# its not a nice compo...
the simple facts as you put them are way too scary and I dont want to know really...
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:41, archived)
# you are right of course!
but this is b3ta, with all its trench humour goodness. facts never get in the way of a gag.
redress the balance.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:41, archived)
# ^^ This.
This kind of blatant homophobia is discusting.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:42, archived)
# oh behave yourself
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:48, archived)
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:38, archived)
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:38, archived)
# I cry hax and lies,
any button making machine would break its own hinges in protest before making such an item.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:45, archived)