but...I've seen two others on the interwebs who have done the same but I didn't quite like the colours they used and I wanted the pleasure of making it myself.
Took bloody ages - a week of research 3 weeks drawing it 2 weeks finding a good enough printer service and then a few days weathering the final canvas...
I give you the map of time from Time Bandits:

The whole thing is as spot on as I could make it... Now I'm sorely tempted to either do the treasure map from Goonies or the map from POTC At Worlds End...
I would put up a better pic but the connection I'm on is messing about somehow...
EDIT: for anyone who might happen upon this post now it's been up for a while there will be a higher res post going up later on or something due to the high demand for it. TBH I'm so suprised by the response to this cheers ya all!
EDIT2: for a higher rez image and small sample of the original print file (had to be shrunk a little is even a small section is HUGE) see here:
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:11,
Took bloody ages - a week of research 3 weeks drawing it 2 weeks finding a good enough printer service and then a few days weathering the final canvas...
I give you the map of time from Time Bandits:

The whole thing is as spot on as I could make it... Now I'm sorely tempted to either do the treasure map from Goonies or the map from POTC At Worlds End...
I would put up a better pic but the connection I'm on is messing about somehow...
EDIT: for anyone who might happen upon this post now it's been up for a while there will be a higher res post going up later on or something due to the high demand for it. TBH I'm so suprised by the response to this cheers ya all!
EDIT2: for a higher rez image and small sample of the original print file (had to be shrunk a little is even a small section is HUGE) see here:

You for the motherfucky win.
If you do the map from the Goonies I would really like to buy it.
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:11,
If you do the map from the Goonies I would really like to buy it.

well that's gonna be a difficult one, as I may have to do it by hand... There was no probs printing on canvas, but on parchment?
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:14,

probably involving tea-bagging.
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:24,

You don't. I thought I did, but now I feel ill...
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:37,

Have a look here for some Goonie Map goodness...
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:18,

and a bacon sarnie with the other.
I will NEVER be able to make that decision.
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:33,
I will NEVER be able to make that decision.

due to my weakening over the coffee ban ;)
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:41,

and i'm on my 4th cup. i'll suffer, but it's worth it, dammit.
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:44,

fine football analysis. try not to be too blinded by hatred there.
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:30,

but really, well done on going down to england and showing the world what kind of bigoted animals your supporters really are.
thank you.
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:34,
thank you.

doesn't mean I've got a whippet and a flat cap.
I'm just saying.
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:35,
I'm just saying.

they rioted down there...they where fighting just outside my work up here.
90% thick knuckle dragging idiots..
10% nice normal people

no, wait. celtic fans are the good guys.
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:48,

that the biggest step towards banishing bigotry from scottish football would be if people stopped jumping on everything the other side did, saying "look, they're worse than us." When both sides can admit they have a problem that needs to be dealt with, instead of constantly pointing out the other's problems, then that will be true progress. It requires objective thinking however, and that is far beyond most bigot's abilities.
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Mon 19 May 2008, 12:11,

I was there. I went to the match, enjoyed the atmosphere. I didn't hear any bigotted songs in the stadium. If I had, I wouldn't have joined in.
I'm not sure I understand the sentence "well done on going down to england and showing up your team and country for the bigoted animals your supporters really are." it doesn't make sense.
Your reference to me as showing up my team and country by acting like a bigotted animal is indicative of a very blinkered view. I watched my team getting beaten by a better team. I was devastated. But I didn't, my dad didn't and the thousands of Rangers fans I saw after the game, didn't break windows or fight police. I walked to victoria from the stadium and didn't see any violence. I saw one police van with the sirens on.
I'm deeply ashamed to be associated through my club with what happened in manchester, no matter how few were involved and no matter what the reasons were. However, the assumption that all rangers fans are the same, when a bunch of jakey cunt neds smash up some windows, makes me just as sick. Feel free to get your opinions from the press though, instead of actually knowing anything. Prejudice requires less thinking.
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:46,
I'm not sure I understand the sentence "well done on going down to england and showing up your team and country for the bigoted animals your supporters really are." it doesn't make sense.
Your reference to me as showing up my team and country by acting like a bigotted animal is indicative of a very blinkered view. I watched my team getting beaten by a better team. I was devastated. But I didn't, my dad didn't and the thousands of Rangers fans I saw after the game, didn't break windows or fight police. I walked to victoria from the stadium and didn't see any violence. I saw one police van with the sirens on.
I'm deeply ashamed to be associated through my club with what happened in manchester, no matter how few were involved and no matter what the reasons were. However, the assumption that all rangers fans are the same, when a bunch of jakey cunt neds smash up some windows, makes me just as sick. Feel free to get your opinions from the press though, instead of actually knowing anything. Prejudice requires less thinking.

so you must have missed the police bloke slapped about just outside the station because was told to closed it.
eye witness testimony from one of my mates..also a Rangers supporter.
this is just one of the stories I've been told by rangers supporters..most of them are not good.
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:56,
eye witness testimony from one of my mates..also a Rangers supporter.
this is just one of the stories I've been told by rangers supporters..most of them are not good.

I didn't see any violence. The only incident I think I saw was the riot van turning up to fish some guy out of a canal.
I'm not excusing any of it. It's a disgrace. But don't give me that tired shite that the majority of Rangers fans go in for the bigotted stuff. The loud violent minority tarnishes the reputation of the good majority.
As for the hatred, if you could admit that a team that up until the 14th of may still had the opportunity to win 4 trophies didn't simply achieve that through luck, then I'd believe that you weren't blinded by hate. I supported celtic when they reached the uefa final, and was disappointed when they lost. I supported a scottish club as the representatives of our country in europe. Add that to the fact that I've never been religious and never been in a fight over anything and it makes your accusation look rather bigotted itself.
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Mon 19 May 2008, 12:06,
I'm not excusing any of it. It's a disgrace. But don't give me that tired shite that the majority of Rangers fans go in for the bigotted stuff. The loud violent minority tarnishes the reputation of the good majority.
As for the hatred, if you could admit that a team that up until the 14th of may still had the opportunity to win 4 trophies didn't simply achieve that through luck, then I'd believe that you weren't blinded by hate. I supported celtic when they reached the uefa final, and was disappointed when they lost. I supported a scottish club as the representatives of our country in europe. Add that to the fact that I've never been religious and never been in a fight over anything and it makes your accusation look rather bigotted itself.

then we are in agreement. I hope you understand my rantiness, I'm on the raw defensive.
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Mon 19 May 2008, 12:13,

could i have half chips, half cunt?
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:34,

Of course you do. Chips, mayonnaise, the works.
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:39,

ten out of ten for effort
although without the explanation I would have said it was the BBC testcard as viewed on an oscilloscope...but on a teatowel
now I can see how wrong I was
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:13,
although without the explanation I would have said it was the BBC testcard as viewed on an oscilloscope...but on a teatowel
now I can see how wrong I was

CFB as soon as your connection is sorted plzkthxbai :)
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:14,

...but isn't there a map on the DVD? Couldn't u just print that out...?
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:27,

but its badly "damaged", badly scanned, and missing a lot of detail (namely the clocks and the text is mostly too blurry)
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:30,

I just realised what a cunty thing to say that was.
I am genuinely awe-ed
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:41,
I am genuinely awe-ed

is fucking brilliant, and I want one
Got to be my favourite film ever :D
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Mon 19 May 2008, 11:52,
Got to be my favourite film ever :D

edit: and I sooo want one!
*gets the cheesy song from the closing credits of Time Bandits stuck in his head*
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Mon 19 May 2008, 12:33,
*gets the cheesy song from the closing credits of Time Bandits stuck in his head*

how awesome is that?
Got any more higher res pics?
And how fucking awesome would it be to sell them as tea-towels?!
Aquire the rights and DO IT NOW!!!
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Mon 19 May 2008, 13:22,
Got any more higher res pics?
And how fucking awesome would it be to sell them as tea-towels?!
Aquire the rights and DO IT NOW!!!

when I get back in this evening, and have unhampered access to the interwebs again (bloody company firewalls etc etc), I shall upload a higher res photo, and maybe a sample of the actual image I had to draw :)
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Mon 19 May 2008, 14:02,