Blackpool was very cool thanks - I spent the entire weekend wasted and disgraced myself in front of MANY magicians!
How was your gig?
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:36,
How was your gig?

I remained completely sober and disgraced myself infront of MANY jugglers ;-)
(Although prolly not as many as you did with magiciany types iyswim)
I've got my first ever paid standup comedy gig tomorrow night though... erp!
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:39,
(Although prolly not as many as you did with magiciany types iyswim)
I've got my first ever paid standup comedy gig tomorrow night though... erp!

Stand up is the scariest thing I have ever done.
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:40,

And I'm doing it in chippenham... audience full of scary builder types!
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:42,

but fucked it up, cos im stupid.
tell us a joke.
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:43,
tell us a joke.

gig always goes slightly wrong. You wait til the inevitable 4th or 5th gig when everything is perfect but hardly anyone comes. Then the next gig you play is in front of nearly a thousand people and you're back to problems again. it's brill.
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:48,

define "hardly anyone"....
I jumped on my wah pedal too hard to turn it off, and botted it off my pedal board, which pulled all my leads out, and im the only guitarist, so it sounded shite for like 30 seconds whilst i got my shit together.
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:55,
I jumped on my wah pedal too hard to turn it off, and botted it off my pedal board, which pulled all my leads out, and im the only guitarist, so it sounded shite for like 30 seconds whilst i got my shit together.

brilliant. I had blood all over me at our last gig. I got all excited in the last song and jumped and banged my head really hard on a metal girder above the stage. finished the song tho. just.
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:59,

from over vigorous headbanging....
i bust a string on an improvised funky jam too, and then played the next song with five strings. and my mic wasnt on for the entire gig, so i couldnt do backing vocals...
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 14:02,
i bust a string on an improvised funky jam too, and then played the next song with five strings. and my mic wasnt on for the entire gig, so i couldnt do backing vocals...

glad to know that doesn't just happen to me then. we should get a collaborative b3ta metal band going. give a tempo, and a key, and then build up from there. I think.
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 14:05,

im already working on a b3ta track with koit entitled "brimful of mindpiss" but a metal b3ta band would rock!
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 14:15,

used to be an International Dj and lead singer in a band.
USed to crap meself before I went on but as soon as you got started it's over like a flash and the adrenalin rush after is great
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:49,
USed to crap meself before I went on but as soon as you got started it's over like a flash and the adrenalin rush after is great

...but she does read b3ta. She likes the kitty pictures.
[edit]so be nice. [/edit]
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:49,
[edit]so be nice. [/edit]

when you insult the audience. Trust me
disclaimer: I'm so wrong about this.
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:57,
disclaimer: I'm so wrong about this.

Then I sat down again. Blood ran to my feet and everything...
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:42,

all the jugglers i've ever known have normally been too pissed to notice (or too busy taking the piss to notice)
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:49,

milk 20 minutes out of that one trick have you...
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:56,

doing the same thing with a rubber band and milking it for longer was pretty shameful. :-)
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:58,

I'd like to.
Although I've managed to fill a long gap between renegade acts talking about He-Man.
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:58,
Although I've managed to fill a long gap between renegade acts talking about He-Man.

I wonder if I can combine the two...
No doubt I'll do it at the BJC at some point - You still up for travelling into london on the friday night?
I doubt I'll want to drive it, but a party on the train could be fun!
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 14:00,
No doubt I'll do it at the BJC at some point - You still up for travelling into london on the friday night?
I doubt I'll want to drive it, but a party on the train could be fun!

see below.
We could do, it'd be a laugh, alhough getting back might be a pain.
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 14:02,
We could do, it'd be a laugh, alhough getting back might be a pain.

back to three bridges every hour throughout the night. I guess I could drive to three bridges and we can get the train from there...
I just don't really fancy trying to park in london
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 14:05,
I just don't really fancy trying to park in london

some kind of park and ride option may well work. And having had a deeper look, I thin the bash is quite near Charing X station, and it looks like there's a train from there to Brighton at 23:45, which sounds a bit more civilised than what I said below
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 14:08,

Although how near to Brighton station is the BJC site?
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 14:10,
Although how near to Brighton station is the BJC site?

a ten minute train ride. The trains sound kind of local, so I'm guessing that's not all that far by taxi if needed, but I'm making this all up as I go along.
edit - but this is all detail. I reckon with the three bridges (Is that by Crawley?) idea, it sounds like we shall go to the ball. Somehow.
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 14:12,
edit - but this is all detail. I reckon with the three bridges (Is that by Crawley?) idea, it sounds like we shall go to the ball. Somehow.

well I think I'm going to say
"Yes, I'm up for making the trip... somehow" and am willing to drive for a park n ride solution
I'll let somoen else sort out the details of which trains/stations we need
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 14:16,
"Yes, I'm up for making the trip... somehow" and am willing to drive for a park n ride solution
I'll let somoen else sort out the details of which trains/stations we need

sounds like enough of a plan for me. We can work out the actual details of it as and when we need to I reckon!
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 14:20,

Unless a nice b3tan has some parking space that could be used.
We could go up there earlier if needs be.
Of course that's if you ewant to drive, if you don't don't worry.
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 14:09,
We could go up there earlier if needs be.
Of course that's if you ewant to drive, if you don't don't worry.

a geek night's out in London too... could be good fun.
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 14:15,

then we can meet all the B3tans as well.
Bless 'em.
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 14:16,
Bless 'em.

not disgraceful ! throwing up your chip supper in coke vending machine (whilst on stilts) is disgraceful.
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:51,

If you're ever working on the Gloucester area, let me know.
I've always wanted to do stand-up, but people like Thor tell me that I shouldn't. I've even read the Jay Sankey book in preperation.
Speaking of Gloucester... any more for any more?

( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:44,
I've always wanted to do stand-up, but people like Thor tell me that I shouldn't. I've even read the Jay Sankey book in preperation.
Speaking of Gloucester... any more for any more?

I've ever seen the Chelltenham do advertised without this one immediately after it!
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:50,

Is too stupid to work out when to post it by himself.
Oh, hi buddy ;o)
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:51,
Oh, hi buddy ;o)

And it'll be loads better than the leeds bash!
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 13:54,

Barnesey was saying that you and he were thinking of heading up to LOndon on the Friday night of BJC to go to the B3ta Bash that night.
Is there any chance I and my ensteamed friend Mr P. can grab a lifty...if you're going.
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 14:00,
Is there any chance I and my ensteamed friend Mr P. can grab a lifty...if you're going.

The meeting is on, so I'll be around the Shepards Bush area, we need to arrange a meeting point.
Mind you I have no Idea what time I'll be there for.
Maybe we should arrange a place and everybody could meet there till I turn up then go on from there.
( ,
Tue 4 Mar 2003, 14:07,
Mind you I have no Idea what time I'll be there for.
Maybe we should arrange a place and everybody could meet there till I turn up then go on from there.