(twigSave 6 Music,
Tue 24 Feb 2009, 19:31,
she am amazin
and should replace evil new Carol on Countdown
(twigSave 6 Music,
Tue 24 Feb 2009, 19:15,
i have yet
to see the new Carole get a single maths round right, unless the contestant got there first. I don't watch Countdown that often though, so maybe she just had a lot of bad days.
(Seventhis somewhat subdued,
Tue 24 Feb 2009, 19:21,
(twigSave 6 Music,
Tue 24 Feb 2009, 19:27,
Like all the new Richards!
Two Des's and now a sports bloke!!
(MstandotI suppose I should post more often.,
Tue 24 Feb 2009, 19:29,
did you know Paul Merton applied when Whitely shuffled off? He'd have been brilliant, but was miffed to lose out to Lynam so won't do it now edit: sneaky-hope-no-one-noticed-edit
(twigSave 6 Music,
Tue 24 Feb 2009, 19:31,
Ahh it makes sense now!
Well they wouldn't want to dig him up would they!! (Merton not Richard)
(MstandotI suppose I should post more often.,
Tue 24 Feb 2009, 19:34,
I don't think it would have been a good move for Merton though.
the show was higher profile (sort of) when Whitely went...its decended into banality because of the bad presenters, a good presenter like Merton would have kept it at the top
(twigSave 6 Music,
Tue 24 Feb 2009, 19:44,
TWIG! TWIG! You have returned! *squashes*
(FlowerpotNo longer has the vapours thanks to DTH,
Tue 24 Feb 2009, 20:01,
Bush tucker trial
(Peach MotorbikeI hate the cut of your jib,
Tue 24 Feb 2009, 19:17,
Not seen the show
but I do like intellectuals. Except excessively smug intellectuals. Sorry, Stephen Fry.
(Duke Otterbyyou pre-verts,
Tue 24 Feb 2009, 19:30,
Mary Mary Quite Contrary
Shave that minge It's far too hairy.
I dated a nerdy girl who wore glasses and had long dark hair like this lass. She had the hairiest minge I've ever seen.
(Jamie and his magic batYou can bump n' grind, it is good for your mind,
Tue 24 Feb 2009, 19:25,
Mary Hinge you say?
(riverghostservicing your mum since,
Tue 24 Feb 2009, 19:26,
You can just tell by looking at some people
that they are hairy
(Duke Otterbyyou pre-verts,
Tue 24 Feb 2009, 19:27,
The hair is a good indicator.
(riverghostservicing your mum since,
Tue 24 Feb 2009, 19:41,
- Meetings all day....
- Gets home... - No Tea! - Logs onto b3ta... - Text on Image.... and a quick scroll through shows everyone is nicking my "Why is it always raining..." comment!
* I now get 10p every time someone uses "Why is it always ..... in you images"!
(Wobbly BlokeHello, did I miss anything on,
Tue 24 Feb 2009, 19:29,
Why am I looking at an image of your dog?:P
(riverghostservicing your mum since,
Tue 24 Feb 2009, 19:49,
Because you fancy it!
(Wobbly BlokeHello, did I miss anything on,
Tue 24 Feb 2009, 19:50,
It never put out.
(riverghostservicing your mum since,
Tue 24 Feb 2009, 20:04,