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Steelrat The thief of bad gags. ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:06,
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Ttssattsr ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:09,
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It's ok. none of the passengers were british
ClanSoul ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:13,
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5 were
Maximinimus you stick around I'll make it worth your while ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:14,
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Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 12:05,
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except 5 of them were
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:14,
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except I was quoting Cockweasle who said that about three times yesterday
ClanSoul ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:19,
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At the time it wasn't known that there was any British on-board
Duke Otterby you pre-verts ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:20,
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And yet I was still quoting Cockweasle.
ClanSoul ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:22,
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At the time it wasn't known that Cockweasle was on the main board
Shada ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:24,
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At the time is was known that Cockweasle, like the rest of us, didn't know that there were any British on-board
Duke Otterby you pre-verts ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:28,
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how many scots were on board?
k3b/-\b Peace man. ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:38,
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sounds like there were originally no brits on board... then they decided to join mid-flight that's my theory anyway...
Harold Angryperson you'll never be the man your mother is ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:45,
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This does seem to be the case!
ClanSoul ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:47,
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That may explain why the plane suddenly experienced 'difficulties'
...having the cabin opened several thousand feet up could possibly create some problems.
Jessie © needs pirate name suggestions ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:50,
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It's ok. none of the passengers were british
ClanSoul ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:51,
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I can quote Cockweasle too
Bela Lugosi's Dad ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:59,
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I saw that.
Trelly's comment below one of them is "^This" which I quite liked
ClanSoul ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 12:07,
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5 of them are
k3b/-\b Peace man. ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:19,
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Be earlier next time.
ClanSoul ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:21,
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you missed my subtle humour
k3b/-\b Peace man. ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:35,
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You seem to have missed mine.
ClanSoul ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:46,
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5 were.
Ttssattsr ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:20,
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Yeah, other than 5 of them.
Ttssattsr ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:20,
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But 5 were.
Ttssattsr ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:20,
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5 of them were British you insensitive, unfeeling jerk.
Ttssattsr ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:21,
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ClanSoul ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:21,
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top hole.
k3b/-\b Peace man. ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:36,
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except the 5 that were
ClanSoul ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:21,
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apart from the 5 that were
Joe Scaramanga with a G-double-O-D vibration ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:22,
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ClanSoul ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:23,
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5 were
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:24,
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223 weren't
theoriginalsteve <this space intentionally left blank> ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:25,
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Why is it always so important to learn how many of the casualties are british/dutch at all? Are their deaths more tragic? 60-odd Brazilians etc. not bad enough?
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:33,
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it matters to the press
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:34,
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No. It matters to the public.
It's called a 'public interest angle', you create interest by emphasising a personal link, usually nationality.
Jessie © needs pirate name suggestions ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:37,
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I suddenly realise that people might be looking if it is their relatives on that plane
which would make it important to state the nationalities, I guess.
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:40,
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They have sky news on in the canteen here
The 'presenter' was video interviewing a British ex-diplomat to North Korea about nuclear testing the other day when all of a sudden, 'I'm sorry I'm going to have to put you on hold (!?!) while we go live to watch David Milliband' (talking about expenses). Brilliant jouralism right there. Hello lovely btw!
Geoff the Clownfish You know Myra, some people might think you're cute ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:47,
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The priorities of our media constantly astound me
It probably sounds a bit overdramatic to say 'and saddens', but it's true. Much as I'm aware how lucky I am to be British (and I really believe I am, there are a few priviliged areas of the world that get so many things open to us that are just considered basic rights) more and more I just want to step away from this country, it just makes me sad, and angry, and frustrated. Sorry, I'm shutting up now actually.
Jessie © needs pirate name suggestions ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 12:00,
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I guess in a perfect world, it only matters to the press if it matters to the public.
The press shouldn't prioritise our sense of importance like this.
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:38,
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exactly. who gives a fuck about the dutch?
k3b/-\b Peace man. ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:39,
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I don't
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:41,
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Odd that no one's pointed this out yet
but 5 were
The Coast Of Yemen ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:27,
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but were they really British?
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:28,
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Yeah, I bet they were a bit dusky...or Welsh
feel wrong...feel so wrong
Colonel Dracula Two manky hookers and a racist dwarf ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:30,
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I'll feel your wrong in a minute if you're not careful
Geoff the Clownfish You know Myra, some people might think you're cute ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:32,
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Promises promises!
ooo get me
Colonel Dracula Two manky hookers and a racist dwarf ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:33,
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they don't let the Welsh on planes
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:33,
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Yeah, cos they fill the overhead compartments with leeks
crazy bastards
Colonel Dracula Two manky hookers and a racist dwarf ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:35,
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nah it's cos they tend to open the emergency door to pop out for a smoke
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:36,
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I expected better of you
Hang about, I thought you were a Welsh
Geoff the Clownfish You know Myra, some people might think you're cute ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:35,
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I am
I am being ironic and inflammatory possibly for comedic effects. It may not be working. I have just recovered from 18 hours of vomiting
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:37,
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I can see wales from my office window
give us a wave
Colonel Dracula Two manky hookers and a racist dwarf ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:41,
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tempting, but I am in Swindon
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:42,
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As the Lightning seeds once sang
"Oh lucky you"
Colonel Dracula Two manky hookers and a racist dwarf ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:57,
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**waves and flashes boobs**
cakeburglar still bored with Freebase ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:47,
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Excellent, here is the view from my window. Can you see yourself?
Colonel Dracula Two manky hookers and a racist dwarf ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:56,
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Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 12:01,
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there it is
Colonel Dracula Two manky hookers and a racist dwarf ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 12:04,
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yes i can
i'm just two hundred miles away over that far mountain :
cakeburglar still bored with Freebase ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 12:28,
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So good to meet you and the missus, was giggling all night.
Jessie © needs pirate name suggestions ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:38,
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Geoff the Clownfish You know Myra, some people might think you're cute ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:49,
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i know
apparently all that singing interferes with their instruments :( thankfully i travel by dragon so its not a problem
cakeburglar still bored with Freebase ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:40,
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1980 - SOMEONE died
Geoff the Clownfish You know Myra, some people might think you're cute ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:29,
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Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:29,
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Oh fuck that was weird.
Ttssattsr ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:30,
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a lot of people like that sort of thing
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:31,
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This one time I accidentally but then I had to stop.
Ttssattsr ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:32,
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The whole thing?
ClanSoul ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:45,
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Ttssattsr ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:30,
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but were they really British?
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:30,
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nobody has confirmed
whether they own a Staffordshire Bull Terrier or which cricket team they support
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:32,
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Haha, In 1982 there was the incident with pigeon
Victor Meldrew ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:32,
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hahaha :)
Duke Otterby you pre-verts ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:33,
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ClanSoul ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:46,
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There are lights in the sky
Duke Otterby you pre-verts ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:14,
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That's not an A330.
/sort of person who gets annoyed at that sort of thing blog
The Coast Of Yemen ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:16,
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Heh, that was the first thing I thought when I saw this
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:18,
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Mighty Nibus who dares gins | @nibus ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:23,
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Oh dear
it was the only pic i could find with a Dharma Initiative logo on the loading truck.. Nerd plane spotters .. .. !
Steelrat The thief of bad gags. ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:25,
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you mean there is some meaning to the pic?
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:30,
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Just finished them:
Jahled Three shades of black ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:22,
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Top work
Lots of lovely people in those photos and far too many that I didn't meet :(
Maximinimus you stick around I'll make it worth your while ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:25,
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Though I fear your skills are wasted on us b3tans
emvee cruor deo cruoris ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:34,
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I seem to have avoided all cameras that day
good pics there mister
Geoff the Clownfish You know Myra, some people might think you're cute ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:52,
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God, gorgeous sir
Though that one of me has just almost made me cry. That said, if you would let me have a copy of the one with Dixon, Prof and me on I would be very grateful :)
Jessie © needs pirate name suggestions ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 12:44,
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Why does it have a Dharma Logo for 'The arrow' ?
Needs more Hydra for the runway /lost pedant
Victor Meldrew ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:26,
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it needs more Hydra -Marvel supervillain, and enemy of the Avengers ? if you say so !
Steelrat The thief of bad gags. ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:29,
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What lies in the shadow of the statue?
emvee cruor deo cruoris ,
Tue 2 Jun 2009, 11:40,
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