I had total fail at drawing salt on the rim of the glass. Any ideas?
(Seventhis somewhat subdued,
Fri 29 Jan 2010, 14:31,
Ooo you little ninja ;)
(barryheadwoundMul-ti-pass? Multipass!,
Fri 29 Jan 2010, 14:32,
And maybe pale blue pixels dotted on the rim representing salt?
(barryheadwoundMul-ti-pass? Multipass!,
Fri 29 Jan 2010, 14:33,
i think this is the best option. There is actually a path drawn for the salt, but it's white on white. I tried grey, but it just looked wrong and I couldn't figure out how to make an outline in photoshop7.
(Seventhis somewhat subdued,
Fri 29 Jan 2010, 14:47,
Cheers - damn typos.
That's what I get for hurrying!
(Seventhis somewhat subdued,
Fri 29 Jan 2010, 14:37,
Take the Buckfast and Vodka and mix in a large bowl. Then pour the mixture into 2 separate bottles. Add at least 1 packet of skittles per bottle and top off with two table spoons of sugar. Cap the bottle and shake until all the skittles have dissolved!
sounds f**kin' lethal
(prodigy69broke b3ta and made everyone leave,
Fri 29 Jan 2010, 14:36,
(prodigy69broke b3ta and made everyone leave,
Fri 29 Jan 2010, 14:59,
At Uni I used to make flavoured vodka by saving up Jolly Ranchers of specific flavours and then dissolving them in the vodka. Watermelon FTW as I recall...
(barryheadwoundMul-ti-pass? Multipass!,
Fri 29 Jan 2010, 14:40,
(prodigy69broke b3ta and made everyone leave,
Fri 29 Jan 2010, 14:59,
When I was at college, we used to make shots of Sirop and ice-cold vodka. Nice sugar/alcohol buzz.
One of the bars around me does skittles vodka. They separate the skittles into colours and use them to flavour/colour the vodka.
(Seventhis somewhat subdued,
Fri 29 Jan 2010, 14:41,
(prodigy69broke b3ta and made everyone leave,
Fri 29 Jan 2010, 15:09,
haha on some website just google buckfast cocktails :D
(prodigy69broke b3ta and made everyone leave,
Fri 29 Jan 2010, 15:00,
Ha. This would lead to that scene in Fear and Loathing, where Gonzo is in the bath, demanding that the radio be thrown in at the right point in the song...