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# etch-a-stetches
I didn't know people still used these things - they were evil and made me feel inadequate....


(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 10:40, archived)
# new imac - for all your curling needs
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 10:17, archived)
# Every home
should have one of these

Although I've heard people have
had problems getting refills....
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:52, archived)
# Yay
I want one!
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 10:30, archived)
# Not for me, thanks anyway
Get back to work, skiver
(, Wed 9 Jan 2002, 7:16, archived)
# penguin psychology
penguin have a range of books called penguin psychology, but they arent actually about penguin psychology, i think the trading standards office should be told
(, Wed 9 Jan 2002, 7:37, archived)
# You could...
Cross The A-Team with the C-5:

(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:37, archived)
# sob...
george peppard.. how I will miss his grinning visage. I think we should perhaps honor his memory with a George Peppard tribute.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:52, archived)
# ol' dead george
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 10:09, archived)
# Fatney Spears
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:11, archived)
# spears?
Is the right side post chrimbo excessivness?
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:20, archived)
# well ....
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:28, archived)
# Hooray!
Something I made is on the front page!
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:43, archived)
# well done you
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:50, archived)
# Umm..
I was reading back a bit, and while I'm glad I got such a long thread from my tongue-gif thing, a few things came to mind:
1.) I'm only 20, despite my manly charms
2.) By school I meant university, where I'm a Junior
3.) To Miss Nacho: it's quite natural to be attracted to a sexy bitch such as myself ('sides, I saw the b3ta lunch-time drink photos, and you're not too unaesthetic yourself), so dontcha go worrying yourself by calling yourself and old lech or anything and finally:
4.) I like puppies
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:13, archived)
# By the way...
did I mention that I'm not old?

See, cute and adorable, just as 20 year-olds should be
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:15, archived)
# .
you are quite full of yourself, aren't you?
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:16, archived)
# Yup..
have you seen my site? It'll prove that statement of yours:
(Kimbo, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:18, archived)
# Oh to be young and full of it.
Just you wait 'til you're old - things'll change then..
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:48, archived)
# Oh yeah..
"just" an American???
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:16, archived)
# saints alive - are we
running a dating agency for puppy fanciers with puppy fat here? What's going on?
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:47, archived)
# Hello pep
Did you see that lovely picture AndyK didfor you yesterday? He wants you to see it...
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:53, archived)
# hello!
I was ill yesterday - goddamn food poisoning from a chinese takeaway. Nope - didn't see the pic - what was it? I feel a bit tense now...
(incidentally - I've got one O level - just to make you feel better. But the rest are GCSE's. - took one early, the oh-so-useful... music. And then took it again to avoid P.E, so now I've got it twice. Nothing like showing off. Look where it got me).
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 10:01, archived)
# Found it!

You're the rabbit
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 10:14, archived)
# oh blimey...
I hope Pep forgives me for that...
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 10:16, archived)
# heavens above....
which one is me? I feel so proud...
ahem. Grrr.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 10:31, archived)
# Evil
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 10:09, archived)
# Yes
I am evil. Very.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 10:16, archived)
# Does anyone else
think it's a good idea to cross Time Team with the A-team?
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:39, archived)
# jep
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:40, archived)
# Bit dicey...
They'd just end up trying to make a turnip cannon out of the ruins of a saxon church, then Colonel Decker from The English Heritage Society would get involved and it would all just be too complicated.
On the other hand it can't be any worse than Hollyoaks so why not?
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:52, archived)
# That
sounds like must-see TV. Covert archeology, improvising tools out of a perfectly good tractor...

Actually no, it's shite. Unless C5 call me back in the next five minutes I'll go back to writing about flippers.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:00, archived)
# I'm afraid it's already been done.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:46, archived)
# that is perhaps one of the most surreal films i have ever seen
It mentally scarred me forever. Especially that big evil black monster thing. And them hanging in those cages at the end.

(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 10:15, archived)
# you're kidding!

Mentally scarred? HA! That was the most terrific film of the day! Well aside from perhaps Brazil. I guess that Baron Munchausen, Yellowbeard, and Erik the Viking fall into these categories as well.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 11:28, archived)
# The iMacs will kill us all...
Computers take over the world in a wave of sci-fi clichés...

(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:38, archived)
# that
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:40, archived)
# I have to agree, that is fantastic.
Super doopah.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:15, archived)
# it took
me quite a while to see the change in that pic. It fits so well... well done, sir.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:17, archived)
# Stop it
you're making me blush...
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:29, archived)
# Want 203 Fake Words?
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:29, archived)
# thanx 4 the tip m8.
ill try that sum time, gud 2 hear about candyfloss makers. i want 1 now
im in school bored, so reply
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:17, archived)
# get on with yer work
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:51, archived)
# Wheeeeee....

Sorry... couldn't resist...
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:16, archived)
# candy floss
Cal just bought a candy floss maker - C'mon! Make it get here NOW!
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:13, archived)
# don't eat too much,
or you'll end up like froggie here
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:16, archived)
# it still amazes me
that Cal has any teeth at all. He is a sweets eating machine, i swear.
Maybe that what it takes to be a good tecchie kid?
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:39, archived)
# eat kitty
yay, it worx
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:11, archived)
# boo
No it dont
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:13, archived)
# I'm afraid it didn't...
Geocities won't let you post. Try tripod.co.uk instead.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:13, archived)
# it works
just click on reply adn then hit back and it works.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:15, archived)
# nope... fraid not...
Geocities will only let you view images if the referrer is from their site. If it's from anywhere else, it won't work. You can fool it by changing the file to a .txt file but it's a bit of a long-winded way around.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:18, archived)
# theres
A handy guide, Here
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:16, archived)
# that's quite the most evil thing
i have ever seen.

put it in that offensive flash anim thing!
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:33, archived)
# Anyone watch Cyderdelic last night on BBC2
Once I'd stopped laughing, I downloaded their 'smash up the government' track so I could laugh all today as well.

mp3 930k
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:06, archived)
# yep
and i liked it too. There's a helluvalot of spoof docu's going on at the moment, no? Have you seen that history thing aswell, it was about the Vikings this weekend. Odd thing is it makes trailers for serious programmes look ridiculous.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:10, archived)
# Ah - We Are History, no?
The episode where he reconstructs the Viking invasion fleet in Ikea and assembles a viking warship from flat-pack furniture.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:14, archived)
# yep that one
I kinda watch it with a look of horror on my face. I don't know if I like it or think its rubbish.
I did like it when he said something like "Can we find some virgins?!" to the response "In Newcastle?"
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:43, archived)
# I only live a few minutes
from where they were filming that at the Byker Wall, so it was doubly funny for me; the IKEA stuff was spot on :)
One of the funniest things last night was Blimey - nice to hear John Peel say 'cunt'!
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:19, archived)
# I thought It was pretty poo
But Big Train was so funny I wee'd blood. Especially the first sketch about the bloke meeting his mum.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:11, archived)
# are you using
big train and funny in the same sentence? I tried hard to enjoy it, but found myself crying real tears of anger. As soon as that french traffic light sketch came on I almost had to switch off. It just went on, and on, and on, and on.

I'm afraid that big train is a big turd :/
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:50, archived)
# OK
I admit the last sketch was shite, but all the rest were funny.
Has anyone seen that Bruiser on Play UK late at night, thats quite good
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 10:07, archived)
# i need your help
today i started a project.
a foul project.
a project so evil, it should be given to paul daniels.

it is...
..to create the worlds most offensive flash-music video.

so, what really offends you people. i mean REALLY offends you?
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 7:42, archived)
# umm, i'm not sure how helpful this is, but...
- cheese strings
- people with "attitude"
- excessive use of the word "baby" in a song (unless it's a reference to baby eating, in which case it's fine)
- popup ads (surely the irritation these cause is only negative advertising?)
- musical ringtones
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 7:54, archived)
# the 'usability professional' I sat next to on the train this morning.
So obviously worked in the web, it hurt to look at him. Reading Create Online, wearing brown nylon trousers, a yellow shirt and a parker. Thick black rimmed glasses. If all of the above didn't shout 'IRRITATING CLICHÉ' enough, it was the bag he was holding with 'usability proffesional' embroidered on it, that gave his profession of choice away. I dunno. Just made me frown.
But hey, I'm over it now.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:04, archived)
# Fiver says
he hangs out in Hoxton.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:18, archived)
# City Thamslink.
that's where he got off. I nearly dragged him back - I thought he shoulda hung on at least till farringdon/Clerkenwell. Foolish man.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:25, archived)
# He obviously
doesn't realise his destiny.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:53, archived)
# This :
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 7:57, archived)
# Now THERE'S a candidate
for a face monkey if ever I saw one!
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 10:24, archived)
# Things that offend me
at the moment:

Advertising executives, tax, garages, people who run over ducks with lawnmowers, english licencing laws.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 7:58, archived)
# mine
-excessive exclamation marks
-kids who own pit bulls on string
-jim davidson
-michael moore
-trendy bars
-petty clients
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 7:58, archived)
# What offends me?
TV ads where people kiss babies' arses. A lot.
Jamie Oliver's idiot face gurning at me from every flat surface in the country.
Old people still having sex.
Old people taking ages to put their shopping away in front of me at the Tesco checkout.
(A combination of the previous two would be up there too.)
And photos of recently deceased/injured people like those at rotten.com (man blows head off with shotgun, man loses most of face in motorcycle accident, etc.)

(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:19, archived)
# Carlos
Are you really me? You got the order right too. Except you missed out people who ring me up at tea-time trying to sell me crap.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:27, archived)
# TheWife: Me? You?
Seems somewhat unlikely that I'm you. I'd have noticed, wouldn't I?

I have visions of the nation's pederasts all sat at home, watching three-hour videos filled entirely with 30-second baby-porn arse-fondle stomach-churn footage disguised as palatable TV just coz Hugh Sodding Laurie does the voice.


Time for a sit down, I think (perhaps with the ubiquitous nicecupoftea?).
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:51, archived)
# Kissing babies bottoms is so wrong
I havenever, ever kissed anywhere near my kids bottoms. Have you seen what comes out of them. Yeuch.
You are so right. And it is time for tea!
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:59, archived)
# Annoying me at the moment are:

words that start with e (eBusiness, eAI).
the rude boys who through chicken bones into my front garden.
British weather.
South West Trains
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 8:54, archived)
# i am annoyed by
-mods on a power trip ( dont worry, not on these boards :) )
-electrocute the monkey banners
-tripod/geocities/angelfire etc (free web space but no external links to files)
-People always asking how to post pictures, even when on the same page is the answer
-The lack of food in my house
-unfunny comedies
-sex ebits (newsletter) (don't ask)
-50 sircam virus emails flooding into my inbox every day, then having to dl them all.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 9:55, archived)
# ahh
princess love goat
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 7:09, archived)
# That's no Princess
I think breaking the goat's legs just so Ester Rantzen could snog it was a tad harsh. Good to see a couple of bouncers there to make sure it doesn't get out of hand, though.
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 10:18, archived)
# Found this
didnt need to do anything to it
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 7:08, archived)
# They can leap too...
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 7:15, archived)
# and hunt men who climb up canary wharf
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 7:35, archived)
# and make
pop records

(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 7:51, archived)
# phwoar
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 6:56, archived)
# this guy
is just crying out to be put on some decks.

wicky-wicky-wicky-WAA WAAA!
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 6:57, archived)
# Who the hell
dug up Tommy Cooper?
(, Tue 8 Jan 2002, 7:06, archived)

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