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» Jan 2011 «


I'm organising a gig in memory of Jessie, featuring a few local bands (including both of mine), and some other bands from further afield, including The Haiku, who everyone at last year's Derby bash enjoyed hugely.

The venue's sorted, I'm working on some cheap room rates for people at either the local Jury's Inn or a small B&B round the corner. Only thing that's not finalised is the lineup, but so far it's looking like:

Low Down Dogz - classic rock covers
Blyth Curse
The Haiku
Matt Stevens
Le Chat Noir

There might be a couple of short acoustic sets too...

Don't rely on this though: as I said, it's subject to change.

Admission's going to be £5, for that there'll be at least 7 bands. All the profit's going to be split between charities that Jess supported; so far I'm thinking it'll be the NSPCC, Colwyn Bay RSPCA (where we got our dog), and the Big Cat Trust in Welwyn (home of Nina the Snow Leopard).

There's a facebook event here, and I've created a group on there as well.
(, Sat 6 Nov 2010, 12:21, Reply)
knackers, i can't make it.

if you set up a paypal type thing for the charities, i'll bung in the ticket price

(, Sun 7 Nov 2010, 20:07, Reply)
Well bugger...

I was thinking about doing a justgiving page - I'll keep you posted, sir :)

(, Mon 8 Nov 2010, 18:00, Reply)
Been meaning to let you know this for ages...

There's a Donate button on the site now, you can line PayPal's pockets send us some money that way if you want to :)

(, Thu 13 Jan 2011, 23:22, Reply)
Need a shit Master of Ceremonies?

I can wear a nice suit and come across as utterly grotesque at the same time.

(, Tue 9 Nov 2010, 0:04, Reply)
How very League of Gentlemen of you :)

(, Tue 9 Nov 2010, 1:42, Reply)
I'll take that as a no, then.

Fortunately, I've just been asked to present BBC Sports Personality of the Year, so I'll do that instead.

(, Sun 14 Nov 2010, 2:24, Reply)
In your dreams, trampy

That's MY gig, shouting at folk. I've got a HAT.

Love you,


(, Thu 23 Dec 2010, 18:14, Reply)
You should see the hat I've got lined up for your bash.

Needless to say, it's got a chinstrap to deter covetous thieves/opportunists, and I shall have to move to and from the venue with it in a carrier bag, or risk being frisked for potential terror offences.

(, Fri 31 Dec 2010, 5:15, Reply)
The Scaramangas will try their damnedest, sir

EDIT: Confirmed!

(, Fri 19 Nov 2010, 15:26, Reply)
Woo and indeed yay!

(, Wed 24 Nov 2010, 20:37, Reply)
I hope to be there indeedy I do!

*mucho love*

(, Tue 23 Nov 2010, 14:17, Reply)
Need an MC?

Reasonable rates. Free top hat and perving provided. No salty vagabond mariners involved.

(, Thu 23 Dec 2010, 18:14, Reply)
Will do my best to make this

And may have some crash space at Chez Maxi, about 10 miles outside of Derby

(, Tue 28 Dec 2010, 18:32, Reply)
I might actually be able to make this.

Can't say for sure yet, but I might.

(, Tue 4 Jan 2011, 21:01, Reply)
*crosses everything*

(, Fri 7 Jan 2011, 0:14, Reply)
Well, paint me orange and call me Gladys.

I'm there.

(, Tue 25 Jan 2011, 22:32, Reply)

(, Sat 29 Jan 2011, 10:40, Reply)
It sounds like a great night

sadly I'm teaching that week so won't be in the UK. Have fun!

(, Fri 7 Jan 2011, 7:34, Reply)

(, Sat 15 Jan 2011, 15:07, Reply)
Shit, I can't make it.

I'll try my damnedest to do some re-arranging! x

(, Sat 8 Jan 2011, 13:54, Reply)
Nooooooooo, you should come, it shall be epic!

(, Mon 10 Jan 2011, 14:20, Reply)
I shall be there!


(, Thu 13 Jan 2011, 14:26, Reply)
excellent sir

I shall hope to be on door duty when I get to stamp your hand

(, Fri 14 Jan 2011, 2:35, Reply)
Sorry sir... no stamps :/

Instead we have lovely purple wristbands :)

(, Sat 15 Jan 2011, 15:05, Reply)
Damn, can't make it.

I hope it goes well matey and I'll hit the donate page when I get paid.

(, Fri 21 Jan 2011, 14:40, Reply)

What shall I wear? WHAT SHALL I WEAR?

I don't have anything purple. Well, not that I can get out in public anyway.


(, Sat 22 Jan 2011, 12:46, Reply)
Purple, eh?

I have a purple garment. I shall wear that.

(, Tue 25 Jan 2011, 22:33, Reply)
Will be there


(, Tue 25 Jan 2011, 19:07, Reply)
Anyone coming from Oxford and want a lift?

Gaz me and we can arrange.

(, Wed 26 Jan 2011, 12:51, Reply)
I mentioned this on /board just now, thought I should say it here as well:

I'm driving from Dundee on Saturday morning, if anyone who wants to go lives on the way and is looking for transport, gaz me.

I can only offer a lift on the way down, because I'm going to visit friends and family for a couple of days on the way back, but it's better than nothing.

(, Fri 28 Jan 2011, 0:15, Reply)
Have fun guys

Still can't mkae it cos it's by birthday do.
But I will raise a glass during the evening for Jessie/Nina.
Gonna miss you all!!
Rock on!!

(, Sat 29 Jan 2011, 13:38, Reply)

» Jan 2011 «