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» Oct 2005 «

After the indisputable success that was International Talk Like a Pirate Day, comes,...
International Talk Like a Yorkshireman Day!
So Flat Caps and Whippets at the ready and get your Ebay Gum courtesy of Fatpotanga and join in the revelry!
Eh Up lads!
Fri 21 Oct 2005, 1:00
b3ta Board and anywhere else you like!
Going: Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop!, JPaddy, mrlogic, Pachey, Cheeky Boy!, in vino veritas, Northern Lovely, mns, TopUpTheTea, bilbobarneybobs, David Fishwick Minibus Sales, Vintage, The Great Architect, Sir T. Skellington, mountainloz, Labmonkey, mcdoof, DandyLion, Captn Hood-Butter, Mstandot, awallafashagba (21 people).
( , Tue 20 Sep 2005, 13:19,
b3ta Board and anywhere else you like!
Going: Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop!, JPaddy, mrlogic, Pachey, Cheeky Boy!, in vino veritas, Northern Lovely, mns, TopUpTheTea, bilbobarneybobs, David Fishwick Minibus Sales, Vintage, The Great Architect, Sir T. Skellington, mountainloz, Labmonkey, mcdoof, DandyLion, Captn Hood-Butter, Mstandot, awallafashagba (21 people).

Bur ah warn theur - ah'm twaddle a' orl dis Yorksha call!
( , Sun 25 Sep 2005, 20:35, Reply)

I for one shall be talking like a yak.
( , Wed 5 Oct 2005, 19:04, Reply)

there's nowt in't world better than talkin' yorksheer like.
( , Tue 11 Oct 2005, 11:25, Reply)

'n 'appen ahl fetch cleggy, compoa 'n tutheur guy tooa. May even gerr thoreur 'ird tooa if ah can finn' doris stokes.
( , Thu 13 Oct 2005, 16:37, Reply)

EDIT: (i speak enough yorkshire a day already to bother typing it here.)
( , Sun 16 Oct 2005, 15:15, Reply)

Ayup orl id li' ta add 'a' ah'm usin t' Yorksha translata 'eear - wooa yay.
( , Thu 20 Oct 2005, 15:59, Reply)
» Oct 2005 «