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» Aug 2005 «

If anyone is at Leeds Festival this year, and you encounter a person wearing a furtive b3ta t-shirt, say "Hello - saw your message" and I too shall say hello and pass you along a beer if you're near the camp i'm at at night. And possibly other substances too (by this I mean cider, of course). I'm camping with a load of others, but the more people involved in the piss-ups- the merrier.
I'm there the full weekend, so I hope to see lots of people liking the music and festivities.
Leeds Festival Weekend
Leeds Festival
Going: Deslandres, Malchick, Throweron, brooza, Chutney_Pie, YazzyTee, brian maiden, sporks, Cleisthenes, Randy Gland, Yo mamma, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, spam pie, Geoff Leopard, Mr_Pop, Quatermass and teh Shit, Sam, wooly, lazy_alias (19 people).

Yes then!
Are you folks "going down" on the Thursday?
Oh and Deslandres, I am but one train station away from you, home of squirrels (only red ones mind, none of that grey shite)
( , Fri 19 Aug 2005, 19:21, Reply)

hey brilliant- a formby person! I'll be getting the train early morning (very early - 5:43 to be precise) from southport station so i can get an early bus from liverpool to leeds fest on thursday. If you'll be up that early then we shall meet up and say hello :o) if not, contact me by my e-mail addy - [email protected] (i'll probably get a load of spam for this, but oh well) and we shall organise something.
speak soon hopefully mate.
( , Fri 19 Aug 2005, 20:22, Reply)

I'm going by car on Thursday morning I believe, so not sure what time I'll be traveling up. We'll have to sort something out though. Any idea what campsite colour to go for? I've never been before so will gratefully accept any pointers
( , Sat 20 Aug 2005, 16:32, Reply)

.... You are indeed a saucy bitch! We will have to meet up mid week and get leeds travel arrangements sorted!
( , Mon 22 Aug 2005, 12:17, Reply)

Excellent lurkage Mr Taylor, Lynette would be so proud...
I've just realised I've got fuck all ready and will probably have about 6 hours to do it in. Here's to working too much and planning too little!
( , Wed 24 Aug 2005, 0:05, Reply)

just as long as your'e not too near the bogs - it's really not a good move to be near the bogs.
( , Mon 22 Aug 2005, 17:22, Reply)

Friday only for me.
I don't really care for any of the bands other than Maiden
( , Sat 20 Aug 2005, 0:08, Reply)

i'll probably be in the midst of the largest pit during iron maiden - will be awesome.
( , Sat 20 Aug 2005, 1:34, Reply)

Im there for the Maiden!
Red campsite is best. Its half way between the arena and the bogs. Far enough not to smell the bogs or get pissed off by the fun fair.
Good, a clucking luuurrrveee the Leeds.
Is it wrong to ask if any laydees want fezzie sex?
( , Sun 21 Aug 2005, 14:09, Reply)

If you see a really tall ginger fellow with bad teath and tattoos, kick him in the shuttlecocks.
Its not me and I think that would be really amusing to watch.
( , Sun 21 Aug 2005, 14:16, Reply)

Yesh yesh i shall be in attendance.
If you see a tramp like young chap with long brown hair and a neatly trimmed beard and a black t-shirt with bright green writing saying "attention seeker" you must instantly run upto him, hug him, and then give him all your beer/stash/money immediatly
( , Sat 20 Aug 2005, 10:30, Reply)

because I'm skint, but I'll do anything for beer. See you there!
( , Sat 20 Aug 2005, 13:37, Reply)

i'll probably be in the red camp too - I'll be wearing my furtive, "Don't Panic" HHG t-shirt, or a zippy t-shirt - say hello !
( , Sun 21 Aug 2005, 22:36, Reply)

O.K. Everyone - a roll call for the people going to leeds on any of the 3 days - I shall be waiting outside the gates to the stages after the last gig on all three nights - and stay until 10:45.
I'll be at the nearest food point outside the gates, probably eating a burger :o)
Hope to see you there.
Oh, and bring beer - lots of beer.
( , Mon 22 Aug 2005, 17:21, Reply)

I'm not going to see them whoever they are (as you really can't beat the Foo Fighters) but who is going to be replacing The Transplants as headliners to the Punk Stage this year ? - i've heard they've pulled out due to illness.
( , Mon 22 Aug 2005, 17:30, Reply)

Sounds like a plan mate. All this festival lark is new to me. 22 and still a festie virgin, unbelievable!
So I'll be on the lookout for a guy with a furtive on his chest. You'll probably find me with a green "Easy like sunday morning" t-shirt on or a blue "I like my women like I like my coffee" with "ground up and in the freezer" on the back. The third day's t-shirt will be a bit of a wildcard so stay sharp...
This meeting up lark will all depend on how mashed I am by 10 o' clock however.
( , Wed 24 Aug 2005, 0:18, Reply)

Red or yellow, not sure which. I'm thinking that green would be too far away, if we can get a nice speck on red we're laughing.
( , Wed 24 Aug 2005, 19:28, Reply)

i too shall be there. very mashed as usual i would presume, hahaha should be mundo fun; laters
oh and id reccomend that people go and see a band called dogs, they fucking rock.
( , Tue 23 Aug 2005, 0:33, Reply)

Can you all try not to blow up butane cans near my tent. Last year I thought we were under attack from the Americans and ran out armed with a tent peg and half eaten chicken leg.
( , Tue 23 Aug 2005, 16:15, Reply)

in the red site, and i'll be wearing my furtive shirt on the thursday evening. The i.d. thing is a very good idea - i'll wear my old tesco's badge - replacing my real name with either "Deslandres" or "Cock Badger"
( , Wed 24 Aug 2005, 17:30, Reply)

I'll be wearing brown chords with a top with a van on it, a Vic Bikers Pub top or a red one with the Cheat from strongbad!
( , Wed 24 Aug 2005, 19:04, Reply)

Fucking brilliant Idea, I have one that I stole from the cinema I worked in. It'll have either "Tandino" or "Dance commmander" written on it.
( , Wed 24 Aug 2005, 19:32, Reply)

What a fucking weekend!
I still have the shakes and will do for the next couple of days no doubt. Foo fighters were immense, as were almost all the bands I saw. I'm burnt, cut and bruised but kind of clean after a few showers. I've not had a shit for 4 days and have probably eaten about 4 burgers/bacon butties and drank god knows how much booze.
I saw someone with a furtive t shirt on and shouted but the guy just looked at me strangely. I was wankered though so what I thought sounded like "furtive" could've sounded like "you're a knobhead and me being from Liverpool means i'm going to break into your tent, steal your cash and wank in your pillow case whilst shitting in your sleeping bag."
So a strange look may have been deserved in theory. Anyhow, I'm hoping you all had plenty of fun and are all recovering well. Whoop woo woo woo woo whoop.
Nobody like us, everybody hates us, Americans. Thank you nofx.
/disjointed alcoholic rant
( , Mon 29 Aug 2005, 13:20, Reply)

are much the U.K !
NOFX Rocked my socks off !
( , Mon 29 Aug 2005, 15:44, Reply)

just got back. jesus, it was amazing. didnt see any furtive shirts, i didnt have one either, so im getting one now.
did anyone see angel kev? or geordie steve?!
"get your rat out!"
see you all next year!
( , Mon 29 Aug 2005, 14:34, Reply)

me and Malchik met up and had a b3ta flag (with a crudely gaffa taped cock on it) for the main stage on staurday - but no-one saw us ! I saw someone wearing a hoody saying "I like my women how I like my coffee" as you said you'd be wearing tandino - but when I asked them if they were from b3ta, they stared at me and walked away. Oh dear. Anyone see the riot this year also ? Mental stuff to be sure. BOLLOCKS !!!!!!
( , Mon 29 Aug 2005, 15:41, Reply)

We saw you. We were going to say something, but you looked wierd. Kinda scrubby.
( , Tue 30 Aug 2005, 17:18, Reply)

Which Cnut stole our Lancashire flag. Lovely red rose on the side of our tend but some titspanner nicked it.
Was it you?
( , Tue 30 Aug 2005, 17:19, Reply)

i think.... not sure what that means, but hey ! its all good. And no, that wouldn't be us, we had a Switzerland flag.
( , Tue 30 Aug 2005, 18:02, Reply)

I think it got more screen time than the coral. I was going to sign up here, but then got pissed and forgot. Was with some non-b3ta mates anyway who probably wouldn't have understood. The riot was ace, loved the guys war drumming on the bins for like 4 hours. Did you get yourselves some free beer?
( , Tue 30 Aug 2005, 18:14, Reply)

We left on the Sunday night after the Foos and as we were leaving, there was barely anyone in our lane going away from the festival, but we drove past a fleet of riot vans, at least 15-20 going towards the fest followed by a load of standard police cars. We were pretty glad we'd left early. Anything really bad happen?
( , Wed 31 Aug 2005, 15:34, Reply)

The riot was ace. We had shit loads of free beer.Nothing cheers me more than seeing Communism in action.
Love it.
I got hit by a fat irish cnut with a riot shield a fewtimes.
( , Wed 31 Aug 2005, 16:31, Reply)

I took a picture of a Che flag on the Sunday, not sure who it belonged to but there were many nice people loitering around it.
( , Thu 1 Sep 2005, 19:31, Reply)

I went out and got pissed the night before I packed so I didn't even remember my women/coffee T-shirt or my Tandino badge. I was in a black Lonsdale hoody for the majority of my time there with a khaki style fishing hat and sunglasses, even at night.
I don't remember seeing a b3ta flag, but i was pretty wankered by about 10 every morning. Spent pretty much all our time at either the radio 1 stage or the main stage with occasional trips to the bar or aftershock tent for bronco action, all good fun. Also if anyone remembers seeing a huge George Cross gazebo up towards the top of the red hill, that's where we were camped, we had a catapult too with waterbombs aplenty. Sorry if any of you got hit!
( , Wed 31 Aug 2005, 15:28, Reply)

its so strange, but I do miss them, no matter how disgusting that is.
I also miss the drunken shouting. My flatmate has hit me on more than one occassion telling me to stop yelling "Bollocks!" and "Arse Biscuits!"
The memories.
Roll on Leeds 2006!
( , Thu 1 Sep 2005, 18:46, Reply)

I miss all the general friendly carefree vibe that was going on throughout the whole festival. I also miss the girls I was with too, don't tell my gf though. Ho Hum.
( , Thu 1 Sep 2005, 19:33, Reply)

I miss the girl who claimed she was " gansta" so we passed ehr oiur rather deadly spliff. Shed smoked one toke before...
My boots smelt the next day of puke. My mate shagged her to, complete with puke breath.
I have a pic of her if youd like to see, the harlot.
( , Fri 2 Sep 2005, 18:00, Reply)

i saw the flag and got rather excited but i havent been on the site for so long, i did nt realise you guys where there! you have no idea who i am obv, but still...
who else saw the invader zim flag? oh, and the scummy bastards who stole my sweden flag...ill be back to get ya! it was the only thing i didnt want to get stole/burnt and some people were wandering round my tent yelling SWEDEN! SWEDEN at around 3 on friday morning! i only presume it was them...
NOFX were SOOOOOOOOOO good and so where futureheads and foo fighters. disappointment of the festival - bloc party. now = poo.
also, never saw any pop=up pirates this year...
( , Fri 9 Sep 2005, 12:47, Reply)
» Aug 2005 «